Wei Xiang

Wei XiangMainland Chinese actor

  • China Mianyang City, Sichuan Province
  • male 178cm

Wei XiangBio

Wei Xiang, a name, a legend.On October 22, 1979, he was born in an ordinary family in Mianyang City, Sichuan Province.Although his family was not wealthy, his parents always believed in the power of art and supported him in pursuing his dreams.With their encouragement, Wei Xiang embarked on the road of acting.

In 2001, Wei Xiang was successfully admitted to the Beijing Film Academy and began systematic acting studies.After graduation, he signed a contract with Happy Twist and officially started his career as a comedian.With his excellent acting skills and unique comedy talent, Wei Xiang gradually distinguished himself on the stage.

In 2013, he appeared on the stage of the CCTV Lantern Festival Gala and performed a sketch - Lantern Festival - with many comedy celebrities.This performance allowed more people to know this humorous young man.After that, Wei Xiang's acting career flourished.

In 2016, he participated in the movie "The Legend of Jigong: The Living Buddha Enthrones the Throne" starring Guo Degang, in which he played the role of Guang Liang.In the same year, he participated as an assistant in the second season of "Happy Comedian" and once again showed his comedy charm.Whether it is the delicate character portrayal or the humorous performance style, they all left a deep impression on the audience.

In the following years, Wei Xiang's acting career reached a higher level.In 2017, he once again appeared on the stage of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, performing a sketch - one son-in-law and half a son - with actors such as Jia Ling.In 2018, he played Coach Ma in the comedy film - The Richest Man in Xihong City, bringing joy to the audience together with actors such as Shen Teng and Allen.

In addition to his wonderful performances on stage and screen, Wei Xiang is also actively involved in public welfare undertakings.He knows that his success is hard-won, so he hopes to help more young people with dreams realize their ideals through his own efforts.


Wei XiangWorks

Wei XiangRoles

TV/Film Role Release