Wang Ziqi

Wang ZiqiMainland Chinese actor

  • China Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province
  • male 185cm

Wang ZiqiBio

Wang Ziqi, a young actor born in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province on February 25, 1996, is making a name for himself in the film and television circles of mainland China with his outstanding acting skills and deeply rooted performance style.A graduate of the Beijing Film Academy, he has left unforgettable performances in many popular TV series since entering the entertainment industry in 2018.

Wang Ziqi's acting career began in 2018, when he starred in his first TV series - Happiness is Near -.This work not only marked his official entry into the entertainment industry, but also showed his versatile side.In addition to his wonderful acting skills, he also sang the songs in the play - Friendly Cameo - and - Maybe I Love You -, touching the hearts of the audience with his singing and acting skills.

As time went by, Wang Ziqi's acting skills gradually received more recognition and attention.In 2021, he starred in the costume detective comedy-Yu Ci Xiaowu Zuo-and the urban romance drama-It's Just a Marriage Relationship-.After these two works were broadcast one after another, Wang Ziqi's name began to spread among the audience, and his acting skills were recognized by more people.

By 2023, Wang Ziqi has reached another peak in his acting career.He starred in the urban romance drama - The Love You Give Me - which was a hit, and his role in the drama - Mr. Dad - was deeply loved by the audience.In the same year, he also starred in the military drama "Winter and the Lion", demonstrating his ability to control different roles.

On September 19 this year, Wang Ziqi once again appeared in the audience's field of vision. He starred in the heart-warming firefighting drama "He Came from the Fire".The broadcast of this drama once again proved Wang Ziqi's versatile talents and constantly improving acting skills in the entertainment industry.

From a rising star on the screen to a versatile actor, Wang Ziqi used his own hard work and talent to write his own wonderful chapter.Whether it is a costume detective, urban love or military theme, he is able to master the role with ease and bring deep touches to the audience.

Wang Ziqi’s success is not accidental, but the result of his continuous efforts and persistence.Through continuous learning and practice, he continuously improves his acting skills and performance levels, presenting vivid characters one after another to the audience.His performance style is changeable and he can flexibly switch between different emotional states, allowing the audience to deeply feel the inner world of his characters.

In addition to his outstanding performance on the screen, Wang Ziqi has also won the love of many fans for his humble and low-key character and positive attitude.He has always maintained his love and awe for performing arts, and constantly pursues higher artistic realms and better performance effects.


Wang ZiqiWorks

Wang ZiqiRoles

TV/Film Role Release