Gan Wangxing

Gan WangxingMainland Chinese actor, singer

  • China Liling City, Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province
  • male 183cm

Gan WangxingBio

Gan Wangxing, a young man whose name contains endless starlight, was born on July 17, 2000 in Liling City, Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province.He is not only a popular male singer in mainland China, but also a film and television actor. He is versatile and graduated from Central South University of Forestry and Technology in 2022.This energetic young man is carving his own path in the entertainment industry with his unique charm.

Gan Wangxing's bright star journey begins in 2021.That year, he participated in the Tencent Video International Youth Cultural Exchange Men's Group growth variety show-Creation Camp 2021--.On this stage, he showed his musical talent and stage charm, attracting the attention of countless audiences.On October 27 of the same year, he participated in Tencent Video's cross-border sports competition variety show - Supernova Games Season 4 -, once again demonstrating his versatility.

In terms of film and television, Gan Wangxing has also achieved good results.On November 4, 2021, the short film "The Door" starring him was released online, allowing the audience to see the potential of his acting skills and unique performance style.Since then, Gan Wangxing has participated in many film and television works.On February 10, 2022, the costume love web drama in which he participated - The Drama Heroine Peach Blossoms - was launched, and his role in the drama is highly anticipated.In July of the same year, the online drama starring Gan Wangxing - The Little Crazy Doctor - was launched in Hengdian. This drama has people looking forward to his wonderful performance.

Gan Wangxing completed a magnificent transformation from singer to actor in a short period of time.He used his own efforts and talents to constantly challenge himself and break through himself, becoming a dazzling new star in the entertainment industry.His success is not only the result of his personal efforts, but also the result of his love for music and persistent pursuit of performance.

Gan Wangxing's future is full of infinite possibilities.He will continue to explore and innovate on the road of music, conveying his emotions and thoughts through singing.At the same time, he will continue to shine in the film and television field and prove his strength with his acting skills.We believe that in the near future, Gan Wangxing will achieve more brilliant achievements in the entertainment industry.
