Xu Mengjie

Xu MengjieMainland Chinese actress, singer

  • China Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province
  • female 166cm

Xu MengjieBio

Xu Mengjie, a girl with countless dreams and efforts behind her name.She was born in Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province on June 19, 1994. With her love for music and performance, she gradually emerged as a popular female singer and actress in mainland China.

In 2015, Xu Mengjie joined the Bee Girls and officially started her acting career.In the Bee Girls, she won the love of many fans with her outstanding performance.In June 2017, she even won the first place in the first popularity ranking contest of Bee Girls, proving her influence and popularity in the team.

However, Xu Mengjie was not satisfied with her achievements in the Bee Girls team.In April 2018, she participated in Tencent Video's girl group competition program - Produce 101 - as a trainee.In the fierce competition, with her outstanding performance and solid strength, she finally successfully entered the Rocket Girls 101 group with a score of 11th and made her debut as a member of the group.In Rocket Girls 101, she not only participated in the singing of many popular songs, such as - Calorie -, - Build a Plane -, etc., she also won many awards with team members, including Tencent Video Starlight Festival- Group of the Year - and - Rising Star of the Year -, Asian New Song Chart - Most Popular Group of the Year, and Chinese Song Music Festival - Most Popular Band and Group of the Year - and other honors.

In June 2020, Rocket Girls 101 officially disbanded, and Xu Mengjie began her personal development path.Her acting career is equally remarkable, not only continuing to shine in the music field, but also gradually getting involved in the film and television field.In January 2021, she won the Boutique Style Cloud Festival - Pioneer Artist of the Year - award, which is an affirmation of her personal talent.In the same year, she also established Beijing Rainbow Sugar Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. to further expand her business territory.

In terms of film and television, Xu Mengjie also showed good acting skills.In June 2021, she released her first album《11》, and also starred in the youth TV series-The Secret of Darkness-, playing the heroine Ding Xian.Her performance was natural and authentic and won unanimous praise from the audience.On September 28, 2022, she was selected into the first batch of the 2022 Hengdian Film and Television Festival and the 9th Wenrong Award-Young Actor Support Program, which is enough to prove her strength and potential in the entertainment industry.

In 2023, Xu Mengjie continued to work hard in the film and television field and was selected into the 2023 Movie Channel-Stars and Seas-Young Actors Preferred Program List.In December of the same year, the web drama "Unpleasant Courage" starring her was officially completed, and her performance in the drama is highly anticipated.On February 2, 2024, Xu Mengjie was invited to participate in the China Central Radio and Television Station's 2024 Online Spring Festival Gala, and performed "Sunny and Cheerful Big Boy", showing her versatility.On February 14, the short play she co-produced with actor Li Chuan - New Year's Day - premiered, once again demonstrating her strength in acting.


Xu MengjieWorks

Xu MengjieRoles

TV/Film Role Release