Lu Hong

Lu HongMainland Chinese actor

  • China Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province
  • male 185cm

Lu HongBio

Lu Hong, born on January 11, 1991 in Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province, has shown a strong interest in acting since he was a child.In 2011, he successfully entered the entertainment industry by playing the role of Forte in the costume romance drama My Fair Princess.

After entering the entertainment industry, Lu Hong continued to challenge himself and tried different types of roles.In 2012, he starred in the period emotional drama - The Famous Wife - which showed his acting skills in emotional dramas.In 2013, he gained more attention with the youth inspirational drama - Genius Meets Muggles - which also proved that he can handle different types of roles.

In the next few years, Lu Hong continued to work hard on his acting career.In 2016, he starred in the CCTV legal popularization program - Medical Bachelor Training Youth -, showing his acting skills in legal themes.In 2018, he starred in the costume fantasy movie - The New Legend of White Snake: Princess Longji - which was released, once again proving his acting skills and ability to shape characters.

In 2019, the costume suspense drama "Under the Brocade" starring Lu Hong was broadcast. The drama was warmly welcomed and highly praised by the audience.The character he played in the play was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and made an important contribution to the success of the play.

Entering 2021, Lu Hong continues to work hard, starring in the costume detective drama《Liu Yong's Case》and the costume myth drama《The New Legend of the White Snake》.The popularity of these two dramas once again proved his strength in acting and wide market influence.

In 2022, the western adventure movie "The Lost Realm of Manas" starring Lu Hong was released. This movie aroused enthusiastic attention and discussion from the audience.In the same year, he also starred in the suspenseful criminal investigation drama - Kurotsuchi Wuyan -, once again demonstrating his acting skills in criminal investigation dramas.

As a powerful actor, Lu Hong has gained widespread recognition and attention in the entertainment industry with his hard work and talent.From costume romance dramas to period emotional dramas, to youth inspirational dramas and costume suspense dramas, he continues to challenge himself and try different types of roles.His acting skills and ability to shape characters have been highly praised and recognized by audiences and industry insiders.


Lu HongWorks

Lu HongRoles

TV/Film Role Release