Jiang Wu

Jiang WuMainland Chinese actor, director

  • China Tangshan, Hebei
  • male 180cm

Jiang WuBio

In the Chinese film and television industry, there is an actor who has won the love and respect of the audience with his profound acting skills and unique artistic style. He is Jiang Wu.Originally named Jiang Xiaobing, he was born in Yutian County, Tangshan City, Hebei Province on November 4, 1967. Jiang Wu has contributed to the development of Chinese films and TV series with his talented performances.

Jiang Wu's acting career started in 1992. He won the Changchun Silver Cup Award at the China Changchun International Film Festival for his outstanding performance in the movie Mr. Ge.This honor not only opened the door to his acting career, but also established his status in the Chinese film industry.Since then, Jiang Wu's acting talent has been more widely recognized. He has appeared in many movies and TV series, bringing countless classic roles to the audience.

In 1999, Jiang Wu became widely known for his role as Er Ming in the movie "Bathing".This film brought him four awards including the Best Actor Award at the 7th Beijing University Student Film Festival and the Best Supporting Actor Award at the 5th China Changchun Film Festival.In the same year, he also won the Best Actor Award at the 19th Hawaii International Film Festival for his movie - Brave New World, which is enough to prove his influence in the international film industry.

In terms of TV dramas, Jiang Wu has also achieved impressive results.With his superb performances in dramas such as "The Empty Mirror" and "Farewell to Vancouver", he won the 4th TV Festival - Double Top Ten - Top Ten Actor Award.These honors are not only an affirmation of his acting talent, but also recognition of his continuous pursuit of artistic excellence.

With the continuous development of his acting career, Jiang Wu gradually expanded his artistic field.In 2007, he was nominated for the Best Supporting Actor at the 26th China Film Golden Rooster Award for his movie "5 Bullets", which marked that he had reached a high level in film acting.In 2009, he won the Best Actor Award at the 6th China-US Film Festival and the Best Actor Award at the 2nd British Vientiane International Chinese Film Festival for his movie - My Brothers of the Tang Dynasty. These honors further consolidatedhis status in the international film industry.

In addition to acting, Jiang Wu also tried his hand at directing and producing.In 2016, he directed his debut film-Fa Xiao Er-, which received a good response from both the industry and the audience.As a director, Jiang Wu integrates his performance experience and unique understanding of art into his works, demonstrating his comprehensive artistic talent.

Jiang Wu not only made brilliant achievements in his acting career, he also actively participated in charity activities and social affairs.He has served as the image ambassador of the Straits International Micro Film Festival and has used his influence to contribute to public welfare and social progress.


Jiang WuWorks

Jiang WuRoles

TV/Film Role Release