Wang Hongyi

Wang HongyiMainland Chinese actor

  • China Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province
  • male 183cm

Wang HongyiBio

In the embrace of Hangzhou, a famous historical and cultural city, a boy named Wang Hongyi was born on March 24, 1999.He graduated from Zhejiang University of Technology. Not only was he successful in his studies, he also shone in the entertainment industry and gradually became a high-profile new star in the film and television industry in mainland China.

Wang Hongyi's acting career started in 2021.In this year, he starred in the urban love drama - Moonlight Variations. With his excellent acting skills and in-depth understanding of the character, he successfully attracted the audience's attention and successfully entered the entertainment industry.In the same year, he even starred in the costume TV series Mo Ran, showing his superb acting skills and unique charm in the field of costume dramas.

Entering 2022, Wang Hongyi's acting career continues to advance rapidly.The TV series in which he participated - Let's Try the World - was aired and once again won unanimous praise from the audience.His performance style is changeable, whether it is a modern urban drama or a costume drama, he can handle it with ease, showing his versatility as an actor.

By 2023, Wang Hongyi has reached a new peak in his career.He starred in the costume romance drama - You Qing Shu - and the costume myth drama - Sauvignon Blanc - which were aired one after another. These two dramas not only achieved high ratings, but also gained good reputation.Wang Hongyi's performance in the play has also been highly praised by the audience and industry insiders.In the same year, he also starred in the ancient costume martial arts drama - Jin Yong's Martial Arts World -, once again proving his ability to control works of different themes and styles.


Wang HongyiWorks

Wang HongyiRoles