“Outlaw Zhang San”Internet memes explained

  • Auth:Hungry Wolf
  • Sep 01, 2023

“Outlaw Madman Zhang San” Internet meme explanation that frequently appeared in major barrage videos recently has become a new popular vocabulary. This is an emerging cultural term in the Internet trend. However, many netizens feel at a loss about it.At a loss, in order to answer their doubts, our website has compiled the following content.

“Outlaw Zhang San”Internet meme explanation

“Outlaw Zhang San”Internet memes explained

Outlaw Zhang San is a pioneer who judges the law by human standards.This meme originates from Luo Xiang, a teacher at the School of Criminal Justice of China University of Political Science and Law, and has recently caused a sensation on Bilibili.As a teacher of Houda Law Examination, a national free legal education sharing platform, Luo Xiang’s online teaching videos were uploaded by many Bilibili users and quickly spread on this platform.In the video, Luo Xiang often uses the fictitious name "Zhang San" as an example to explain the problem, which triggers a source of ridicule for users of Station B.Over time, the name Zhang San became so ironic that he became a representative of illegal behavior in terms of criminal law.Every day, Zhang San's illegal behavior will bring you some tips for going to jail, which makes him synonymous with "outlaw gangster".

The memes "Three late but late" and "Three three late come" also come from teacher Luo Xiang's videos.The original meaning of these phrases is that although Zhang San is late, he will definitely arrive.They are originally popular words on the Internet, and there have been many synonyms, such as Jiao Chi Dan Dao, Kong Chi Dan Dao, etc.In Zhang San's case, however, these words take on a whole new meaning.They symbolize Zhang San's persistence and disregard for breaking the law and have almost become his personal trademark.

Teacher Luo Xiang's influence has soared along with Zhang San's popularity, which makes users at station B happily keep company with Zhang San and carry out teasing activities.But we need to be clear that this is just an entertainment technique and does not mean that we should imitate Zhang San’s illegal behavior.The law is the cornerstone of social order and justice, and each of us should respect and abide by the law.

Behind Zhang San’s memes, we should see the desire for legal education and society’s demand for the popularization of law.Houda Law Examination has become a national free legal education sharing platform, providing the general public with opportunities to learn law.This also shows the extent of people's thirst for legal knowledge.

Through Teacher Luo Xiang’s teaching videos, people can have a deeper understanding of criminal law and present an interesting way of learning.Although Zhang San has become the object of ridicule, this does not affect our learning and understanding of legal knowledge.

We should welcome this attempt to provide people with legal education and maintain respect for and compliance with the law.Through good-natured humor, we can learn the law more easily and promote the popularization and improvement of legal knowledge in society.

The above is all about the explanation of the Internet memes about “Outlaw Zhang San”. If you want to know more information about Internet pop culture, please pay attention to the line class.

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