《The Princess Royal》 Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe join hands in the fateful cycle

  • Auth:Big Stuffy Head
  • Jul 01, 2024

The currently being aired - The Princess Royal - can be said to have become one of the most popular film and television dramas currently. Its excitement is not only visible on the screen, but also spreads to the center of the audience, forming a wide resonance.Next, the editor will talk about - The Princess Royal - Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe join hands in the fateful cycle.

Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe’s first ride

The new game restarts and interprets two entanglements

Li Rong (played by Zhao Jinmai) and Pei Wenxuan (played by Zhang Linghe), two happy enemies who once died due to political differences and emotional misunderstandings, now meet again after restarting their lives together, and they are constantly bickering and gaming in a new game of life., eliminating misunderstandings bit by bit, breaking the emotional ice time and time again, and finally learned how to love and learn to believe in love.

The several sultry and lingering kiss scenes in the trailer are full of tug-of-war, whether it's Li Rong tenderly holding Pei Wenxuan's face for a kiss on the bed, or Pei Wenxuan affectionately clasping Li Rong's hand for a kiss on the bed, they are all exciting.The audience exclaimed that they had found the most suitable Yan Ba ​​couple in the summer season; the interesting lines of dialogue in this drama made people laugh. Why should you pretend to be innocent when you are old? Don't think about old cows eating young ones.Lines such as "Crossed “" are full of the familiarity and naturalness between Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan, an old couple; "Your Highness the Princess, I am determined to marry", "I am willing to dedicate the joy of the world to repay your kindness" and other very domineering and affectionate characters.The lines convey the three-dimensional vividness of the character.

The main cast appears

Li Rong

”My way, I walk it myself“

It’s her life-changing declaration to restart her life.

《The Princess Royal》 Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe join hands in the fateful cycle

Pei Wenxuan

”Everyone is fair, as long as Pei is here for one day,

A poor family will not be ruined“

This is the position and bottom line he has stood firm to twice.

《The Princess Royal》 Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe join hands in the fateful cycle

Su Rongqing

”I can chase the sun and moon when I miss you, and I hope for peach blossoms in the coming year“

It’s his forbearing love that he keeps giving up

《The Princess Royal》 Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe join hands in the fateful cycle

Li Chuan

”People only have the right to choose if they become strong“

It is his firm belief in controlling his destiny

《The Princess Royal》 Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe join hands in the fateful cycle


”I never regret anything I do“

It’s her code of conduct that sticks to her own

《The Princess Royal》 Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe join hands in the fateful cycle

Su Ronghua

”My position is what I feel is right or wrong“

It’s his cool and casual way of doing things.

《The Princess Royal》 Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe join hands in the fateful cycle

Qin Zhenzhen/Xunchuan

”The world is vast for women, and there is another way to live%

It’s the vast life beneath her mask

《The Princess Royal》 Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe join hands in the fateful cycle

An exciting game between two powerful characters

The eldest princess Li Rong, played by Zhao Jinmai, is graceful and courageous. She learns how to open her heart and love and trust others in relationships. This is very different from the girl-type roles she has played in the past. In addition, Li Rong's role spans 20 years.With the age difference, I believe that Zhao Jinmai, who is young but has a long acting career, will bring a great sense of contrast and freshness to the audience.

Pei Wenxuan, played by Zhang Linghe, is resourceful and upright. He firmly stands in the humble position in the court, but is true and pure in his emotions. He is the most affectionate and gentle ideal type in the world. The biggest difference between Pei Wenxuan and the powerful ministers played by Zhang Linghe is thatHe is more eloquent, and I believe that the several scenes in the series where he talks with court officials will shock the audience.

The above is the detailed analysis and answers brought to you by the editor about - The Princess Royal - Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe join hands in the fateful cycle.If you are also interested in other film and television works or surrounding information, please continue to pay attention to the follow-up content of the line course. We will bring you the latest and most comprehensive information in a timely manner.

The Princess Royal

The Princess Royal

Total 40 Episodes Jun 26, 2024 C-Drama Period Actor: Zhao Jinmai Zhang Linghe

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