“xinqiu”Internet meme explanation

  • Auth:Holy Son
  • Nov 16, 2023

“What does letter ball mean?Is it a curse word?” Internet meme explanations are new meme words that often appear in major barrage videos recently. Many netizens who don’t understand it said they were confused. In order to answer their doubts, our website has compiled the following content.

“What does letter ball mean?Is it a curse word?”Explanation of internet memes

“xinqiu”Internet meme explanation

What does “fontein” mean?This is a question that many people who are new to Henan will be curious about.Those who have been in contact with Henan people for a long time will understand that “囟球” means fool, silly person.However, even among Henan people, there are many people who don’t know the correct way to write “蛟球”.It turns out that the word “囟” is used as an adjective, which means silly.The word “ball” is originally written as “㞗”, which is a slang term for genitals.Often used in conjunction with other words, such as “二㞗”, “去㞗”, “㞗Like”, etc.The meaning of the word “㞗” as a dirty word has weakened, so it is often written as “ball”.Therefore, the two words “囟”“㞗” are used together to describe silly appearance, and the tone has been weakened, so it is often used as “囟 Ball”, which is equivalent to “ foolish hat”.This word is rarely used as a curse now. It has become a joking name between brothers and partners, and is also used as a pet name for flirting between couples.I hope that after everyone understands the etymology of “Fontball”, you can use it more appropriately.

The above is about “xinqiu. What does it mean?Is it a curse word?”All the explanations of Internet memes. If you want to know more information about Internet pop culture, please pay attention to the line class.

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