shuangshan resistance war

《shuangshan resistance war》

red theme movie
shuangshan resistance war
  • Release:
    Jan 26, 2024
  • Genre:
  • Director: Hong Wei
  • Synopsis:
    In the southeast of Qiaotou Market Town, Feidong County, there is a position called Shuangshan. In early 1938, it was the battlefield of the first battle of the Japanese army's att ...

《shuangshan resistance war》 Summ

In the southeast of Qiaotou Market Town, Feidong County, there is a position called Shuangshan. In early 1938, it was the battlefield of the first battle of the Japanese army's attack on the Hefei area.In this earth-shattering battle to defend Shuangshan, the Chinese army with less than 100 troops fought a fierce battle with 1,100 Japanese troops.Taking advantage of the terrain, they held on to Shuangshan for a day and a night, inflicting heavy losses on the Japanese army.

The movie - Shuangshan Resistance War - is based on this defense war, recreating that heroic history with vivid images and plots.In the 105-minute duration, the film tells the story of the Japanese invasion of the Jianghuai River during the Anti-Japanese War. Zhou Shanwen, commander of a certain company of the Kuomintang, and Xu Daqiang, commander of a certain company of the New Fourth Army, were ordered to hold on to Shuangshan and block the Japanese invaders from advancing westward.

《shuangshan resistance war》Stills

《shuangshan resistance war》Related Info

Zhou Shanwen and Xu Daqiang, the soldiers of these two companies, faced enemies several times their own. They did not retreat, but stood firm on Shuangshan.They used their flesh and blood to build a steel Great Wall to block the Japanese attack.They used practical actions to demonstrate the heroic spirit of Chinese soldiers who feared death and fought bloody battles to the end.

This was a battle with great disparity in strength, but the Chinese soldiers did not give up because of this.They took advantage of the terrain and cleverly arranged fortifications, repelling Japanese attacks time and time again.They used rudimentary weapons and equipment to fight against the modern Japanese military weapons, writing one war legend after another.

In the shuangshan resistance war, the Chinese soldiers showed tenacious perseverance and unyielding spirit.They were not intimidated by their enemies or defeated by difficulties.They used their lives and blood to defend the territorial integrity of the motherland and the dignity of the nation.

Today, the shuangshan resistance war has become a historical memory, but the names and spirits of those heroes will always be engraved in people's hearts.They are the pride of Chinese soldiers and the pride of the Chinese nation.Their heroic deeds will be praised forever, inspiring generations of people to work hard for the prosperity of the motherland.

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