Shark man legend of human love

《Shark man legend of human love》

Promoting peaceful coexistence between man and nature can achieve ecological sustainable development
Shark man legend of human love
  • Reg:
  • Film Duration:
  • Release:
    Jan 22, 2024
  • Genre:
  • Director: Jin Yang
  • Synopsis:
    Frequent serial murders occurred in Yunyin Town, and the people were panicked for a while, so they decided to hold a river god sacrificial ceremony to seek peace.Physician Tao Ran ...

《Shark man legend of human love》 Summ

Frequent serial murders occurred in Yunyin Town, and the people were panicked for a while, so they decided to hold a river god sacrificial ceremony to seek peace.Physician Tao Ran was ordered to assist in investigating a series of murders. While continuing to investigate the case with his apprentice, he accidentally rescued the little fox Huazhi who witnessed the crime and got acquainted with the alcoholic sorcerer Uncle Xiao.Several people worked together to solve the case, and an embroidery workshop attracted their attention. The truth gradually emerged. The frequent occurrences of strange things are inextricably linked to the River God Sacrifice Ceremony.

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