
《careful》Will be at 2024-3-25 broadcast,《careful》 Wiil be Screened in theaters.

In the rolling tide of society, studying, going to a prestigious school, going to a big city, and finding a high-paying job seem to have become a default and unobjectionable life trajectory.Many people have been indoctrinated with this idea since birth: studying is for a high-paying job in the future, to make more money, and to live a so-called %successful life.However, is this concept of using money as the standard of measurement really all of our ideals?

There was a very ordinary college graduate named Xiao Yang.After graduation, he worked in a large company and earned a good salary, but he always felt that something was missing in his life.He didn't like his job and wasn't satisfied with his living situation, and his relationship with his parents became strained because of money issues.

By chance, he met a man whose family was broken up and depressed due to money problems.At first, Xiao Yang was full of misunderstandings and prejudices against this man, thinking that he was in his current predicament because of greed and laziness.However, as time passed, Xiao Yang began to slowly understand this man's inner world and began to reflect on his own views on money and life.

In this process, Xiao Yang gradually understood that money is not the only criterion for measuring whether a person has ideals and success.He began to think, what should the real ideal be?Should you sacrifice your happiness and health in pursuit of money, or should you bravely pursue your dreams in pursuit of inner satisfaction and growth?

By helping the man start his life again, Xiao Yang also found his own direction in life.He quit his job and started working on something he truly loved.Although his income is not as high as before, he feels that his life has become more fulfilling and meaningful.

This story tells us that money is not the only criterion for measuring whether a person has ideals and success.We should bravely pursue our dreams and pursue inner satisfaction and growth.At the same time, we should also reflect on society’s excessive pursuit of money and success, and re-examine our own values ​​and life goals.

In reality, there are many deeds of advanced figures and moral models that can inspire us.They may not have huge wealth, but through unremitting efforts and pursuit, they have realized their life value and made positive contributions to society.Their stories tell us that real success lies not only in money and status, but also in inner satisfaction and contribution to society.



2024-03-25 China Action