
《Origin》Will be at 2023-9-6 broadcast,《Origin》 Wiil be Screened in theaters.

This unspoken system shaped America and documents how life today is defined by hierarchies of human division.It will be released in North America on January 19.

The movie 《Origin》 tells a story about human hierarchy.In this story, humans are divided into different hierarchies. These hierarchies not only shape the structure and rules of society, but also affect everyone's life and destiny.

The trailer showcases various aspects of human hierarchy, including differences in wealth, power, status, and identity.These differences not only lead to social inequality and injustice, but also give rise to various conflicts and contradictions.

However, the film does not stop at describing the superficial aspects of hierarchy, but delves into its underlying roots and influences.By depicting the lives and experiences of characters of different hierarchies, the film demonstrates the complexity and diversity of human nature, while also revealing the destruction and distortion of human nature by the hierarchical system.

《Origin》 is not only a profound social theme movie, but also a journey of exploration of human nature.By telling a story about the human hierarchy, it guides the audience to think about human society and human nature itself, and inspires people to pursue social justice and human nature.



2023-09-06 Eur-Am Plot