《H. P. Lovecraft's the Old Ones》Airtime

《H. P. Lovecraft's the Old Ones》Will be at 2024-1-13 broadcast,《H. P. Lovecraft's the Old Ones》 Wiil be Screened in theaters.

On a quiet night in 1930, Russel Marsh finally got rid of the shackles that bound his soul - the Great Old One Dagon.His 93-year parasitic life left him physically and mentally exhausted, and also burdened him with a heavy burden of sin.

Marsh was once an ordinary lawyer, but due to an accidental exposure to forbidden knowledge, he was possessed by Dagon and lost control of his body.Under Dagon's control, he committed countless crimes, which were like heavy chains, tightly binding him to the dark past.

Now free, Marsh is determined to make up for his mistakes and longs to find a way back in time to correct the mistakes he made.He knew that only in this way could he get rid of the guilt in his heart and the shadow left by Dagon.

Thus, Marsh began his journey of redemption.He travels through the city's streets, looking for clues that might help him travel back in time.He met various mysterious figures and heard countless legends and secrets.However, every hope is accompanied by disappointment, and he can never find the way to the past.

Just when Marsh was about to give up, a dusty ancient book caught his attention.The book records a mysterious ritual called “Key of Time”, which is said to be able to open the door to time and space and return to the past.Despite warnings in the book that this power is extremely dangerous, Marsh still decided to try it.

After months of preparation and hard work, Marsh finally completed the ceremony in an abandoned temple.When he finished reciting the last spell, a dazzling light rose from the center of the temple, forming a rotating vortex of time and space.Marsh stepped into it without hesitation and disappeared into the light.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that he had returned to that night in 1930 - when he had just been possessed by Dagon.This time, he resolutely rejected Dagon's temptation and regained control of his body and destiny.

Marsh began to actively prevent crimes that would otherwise occur. He used his wisdom and courage to resolve crises time and time again and protect innocent people from harm.His actions attracted widespread attention from society, and people praised him as a hero.

However, changing history is not a simple matter.Marsh's actions aroused Dagon's anger, and he continued to send minions to try to stop Marsh's plan.But Marsh did not back down. He insisted on his beliefs and launched a fierce struggle against Dagon's forces.

In repeated confrontations, Marsh gradually understood Dagon's strengths and weaknesses.He used this knowledge to finally defeat Dagon in a decisive battle, completely eliminating his parasitic relationship with him.

As Dagon disappeared, Marsh also felt his body begin to weaken.He knew that this was because he had consumed too much life force in the time and space vortex.However, he did not regret his choice.Because he knows that he has brought hope and light to the world.

In his final moments, Marsh sat in his favorite study, holding an open book in his hands.His eyes were deep and calm, as if he were staring into the distant future.Although his body is about to pass away, his spirit will always live in the hearts of those who were able to change their destiny because of him.

H. P. Lovecraft's the Old Ones

H. P. Lovecraft's the Old Ones

2024-01-13 Eur-Am Horror