《Escape from the madhouse》Airtime

《Escape from the madhouse》Will be at 2024-1-27 broadcast,《Escape from the madhouse》 Wiil be Screened in theaters.

In the bustling city, courier brother Bao Jian (played by Zhao Yingjun) leads an ordinary life.However, a sudden accident made him begin to suspect that he was trapped in a time loop.Whenever a new day begins, he always returns home and repeats the events of the previous day.This unexplainable phenomenon made him miserable. He tried to explain it to others, but was misunderstood as insane and was eventually imprisoned in a lunatic asylum.

In the lunatic asylum, Bao Jian met various mental patients, including Dao Scarqiang (played by Yu Yang) and other characters.Their bizarre experiences deeply touched Bao Jian, and he began to reflect on his life and values.He realizes that even in the time loop, he cannot give up the pursuit of true love and the meaning of life.

As time goes by, Bao Jian gradually adapts to the life of the time loop.Using his ability to predict the future, he began to try to drive luxury cars, pick up beautiful women, and even achieve a counterattack that made him rich.In the process, he met a female writer (played by Shi Ce) and fell madly in love with her.The relationship between Bao Jian and the female writer gradually warmed up. They healed each other and became dependent on each other.

However, the good times did not last long.In a time loop, Bao Jian and the female writer accidentally got involved in an illegal transaction and gang fight.In this life-and-death battle, they must rely on each other's wisdom and courage to escape.In this process, Bao Jian realized the true meaning of life: cherish the present, face the future bravely, and use love and courage to create a beautiful life.

In the end, Bao Jian and the female writer successfully escaped the gang's pursuit and regained mutual trust and love.They spent this fantastic time loop together and gained more precious life experiences and insights.

Escape from the madhouse

Escape from the madhouse

2024-01-27 China Comedy/Fntsy