《Barbie》 Summ

In a pink paradise far away from reality, all Barbie and Ken live a carefree life.There are no worries here, no heavy issues in life, let alone the shadow of aging and death.During the day, the sun shines on the golden beach. Barbies are wearing bikinis, dancing with the wind, playing volleyball, and laughing one after another.As night fell, they swayed to the music in the big house, forgetting the passage of time.

In this paradise, Barbies can experience a variety of careers, from president to physicist, and even Nobel Prize winner in literature, everything seems within reach.However, under this perfect appearance, there is an unknown secret.

One of them, Barbie, let's call her “Ella”, began to feel different about herself.She found that she was starting to breathe a sigh of relief. The stiletto feet that were once specially designed for high heels turned into flat feet. She even accidentally burned the toast when cooking.These small changes make Ella question her own existence.

Ella is eager to find out the truth. She wants to know why she suddenly became imperfect.So, she decided to leave this pink paradise and enter the real world to find the answer.

The challenges of the real world are far beyond Ella's imagination.Here, appearance anxiety is like an invisible shackle, binding everyone.The problem of gender inequality can be seen everywhere. Women face various unfair treatments in the workplace and in life.Ella began to realize that the pink paradise she lived in was actually a huge bubble that covered up the imperfections and challenges of the real world.

However, it is these imperfections and challenges that make Ella stronger and more mature.She learned how to face appearance anxiety, how to fight for her rights, and how to find her own value in an imperfect world.



2023-07-21 Eur-Am Comedy/Fntsy Actor: Ryan Gosling Margot Robbie