《The House That Never Dies Ⅱ“Niu Menghe/He Fei”Intro

The actor playing Niu Menghe/He Fei in the show《The House That Never Dies Ⅱ》is‘Niu Menghe/He Fei’- Mei Ting

Mei Ting

In the long history of the Republic of China, the hostesses of the general's palace often played multiple roles - they were symbols of power and victims of emotion.Today, we will tell the legendary story of a mistress of a general's palace during the Republic of China. She and her concubine Ji Cuilan competed for a man's love, but ended up getting caught up in the unsolved case of a dead baby that caused a sensation in the capital. Her love gave rise to hatred, and her fate was ill-fated.

The hostess's name is Zhang Waner. She comes from a scholarly family and has received a good education since she was a child.She is both beautiful and intelligent, and is a leader in the capital's social circle.However, her fate changed drastically because of a political marriage.She married Zhang Zhisheng, a powerful young marshal at the time, and became the mistress of the general's mansion.

The marriage between Zhang Waner and Zhang Zhisheng was sweet at first.The young marshal loved her very much, and the two had a deep love for her.However, as time goes by, more and more women surround Zhang Zhisheng, and among them his concubine Ji Cuilan is the most favored.Ji Cuilan is young, beautiful and thoughtful, and quickly wins the favor of Zhang Zhisheng.Zhang Waner felt an unprecedented threat, and the overt and covert struggle between her and Ji Cuilan intensified.

At this time, a sensational case of a dead baby occurred in the capital.Overnight, the bodies of several babies appeared in the city, attracting widespread attention from society.Zhang Waner was accidentally involved in this case, and she was accused of being inextricably linked to the case.Ji Cuilan took the opportunity to add insult to injury and instigated Zhang Zhengsheng's suspicion of Zhang Waner.Although Zhang Zhisheng loved Zhang Waner deeply, under the pressure of public opinion and Ji Cuilan's instigation, he began to have doubts about Zhang Waner.

Zhang Waner was in a desperate situation. She felt helpless and desperate like never before.All the beauty and happiness she once had was gone in an instant.She began to reflect on her past and realized that she had lost herself in the process of fighting for love and fell into a whirlpool of power.She decided to use her own way to uncover the truth about the corpse baby case to prove her innocence.

However, things did not go as smoothly as Zhang Waner imagined.During the investigation, she not only faced obstruction and frame-up from Ji Cuilan, but also faced misunderstandings and prejudices from the outside world.She was alone and in danger, but she didn't give up.She firmly believes in her innocence and justice and is determined to uncover the truth.

In the end, after experiencing a series of thrilling adventures and struggles, Zhang Waner successfully uncovered the truth about the unsolved case of the corpse baby and proved her innocence.However, she did not gain happiness and peace.In the process of uncovering the truth, she was unfortunately plotted by Ji Cuilan, and eventually died tragically from her injuries.Her fate is so tragic that it makes people sigh.

The House That Never Dies Ⅱ

The House That Never Dies Ⅱ

2017-07-06 China Myst/Thrill Actor: Geng Le Wu Junmei Mei Ting Gintong Chung Zhang Zhilin