Korean drama《allost lover》

《allost lover》 uses Korea in the 17th century as the stage to tell the story of the suffering and love experienced by a pair of allost lovers during the random war in Bingzi in 1636.Lee Chang Hyun (played by Namgoong Min) declares that he is an unmarried man, but he has experienced two failed marriages. He is full of confidence in everything.But when Lee Chang-hyun met Yoo Gil-chae (played by Ahn Eun-jin) by chance, he fell in love like lightning without knowing it.As for Yoo Ji-chae, she is a pampered lady and a social queen from a famous family. She can capture the hearts of all men, but she is always confused about who she really loves.When Liu Jicai met Li Changxian, the love between the two began...