《Five Elements Family》Introduction to the plot of the complete series and its episodes

  • Auth:Hungry Wolf
  • Apr 03, 2024

The reversals and twists in the plot of the currently popular "Five Elements Family" make it impossible to predict the subsequent plot development, which has become one of the most attractive features of the show.Whether it is in terms of appearance, acting skills or plot, the play can quickly and accurately attract people's attention.Today we specially provide some personal answers to the audience's doubts about the plot introduction of "Five Elements Family" in the whole series.

《Five Elements Family》 Episode 1 plot introduction

《Five Elements Family》Introduction to the plot of the complete series and its episodes

Plot introduction to The Family of Five Elements Episode 1: Huo Xiaoxie steals tribute, and Three-Finger Liu is kidnapped

Since the beginning of the First Emperor, folklore has spread that the Holy King Cauldron has sealed mysterious power. With this power, one can summon the martial arts and dominate the world.The Holy King Cauldron has always been under the care of the Five Elements Family, but the cauldron disappeared during the war.Twenty years later, in Fengtian City, the jade bead suddenly appeared in the tripod, and the Five Elements family was eager to get the jade bead.

Fourth Master Zhang is a wealthy aristocrat in Fengtian City, but the common people know that he secretly colludes with Japan and resells national treasures. For this reason, students in Fengtian City continue to carry out demonstrations to oppose Master Zhang’s disgraceful behavior, but Fourth Master Zhang is very powerful., often throwing protesting students into jail.

In order to celebrate the birthday of his adoptive father, Liu Xiaoxie, Huo Xiaoxie took several of his brothers to the street to buy pastries. They were short of money and stared at the pastries in the window in a daze. Huo Xiaoxie said that he had a way to find something with a fresher taste.While they were discussing the pastries, the water tanker at Fourth Master Zhang's house passed by. Huo Xiaoxie deliberately caused a dispute among his brothers and stopped the water tanker. He took the opportunity to get under the water tanker and sneak into Zhang's house.

Fourth Master Zhang is preparing to arrange an auction, intending to give the female body jade that can activate the Jade Bead to Japan. Police Commissioner Zheng Zedao went to Zhang's house in advance to check the security system. Fourth Master Zhang seemed unwilling to involve the police station, so Zheng ZedaoPlaying chess with him, he also instructed his butler, Mr. Zhou, to call an antique dealer. He suspected that the antique dealer had taken a fake and smashed the antique with chess pieces to make Zheng Zedao understand the consequences of blocking his business.

Huo Xiaoxie found the Zhang Mansion Ancestral Hall, picked a few snacks on the altar table and put them in his pocket. Suddenly he heard footsteps and hurriedly hid under the altar table. He only heard someone like him taking the snacks on the altar table and eating secretly. He was confused., the curtain on the altar table was lifted, and a delicate woman discovered herself.The woman's name was Shui Yao'er. The two questioned each other about their intention to steal the tribute. A passing servant heard something moving in the room, so they had to hide under the altar table together.

The servants found nothing unusual and left the ancestral hall. Huo Xiaoxie and Shui Yao'er got out of the altar table and found that the thing on the table was covered with a curtain. The most important thing now was to leave the Zhang Mansion first. Huo Xiaoxie tookHolding the cakes and preparing to climb out of the dog hole, he was bumped into by Shui Yao'er. Shui Yao'er shouted to catch the thief, and Huo Xiaoxie was chased by the servants of the Zhang family. Several junior brothers who were supporting him also fled together.After finally getting rid of Zhang's entanglement, he was caught by Zheng Zedao who seemed to be prepared in advance.

Huo Xiaoxie was a regular visitor to the prison, but there was a big guy who was Mr. Zhang's spy and someone he couldn't mess with in prison. Huo Xiaoxie couldn't stand it, so he teased the big guy. After being held down, he was beaten severely.Zheng Zedao asked the warden to sell him a favor and release Huo Xiaoxie and the students. The warden agreed. Soon Zheng Zedao rescued Huo Xiaoxie from the big man and proposed an exchange. He would help him get the girl at the Zhang Mansion auction the next day.In order to prevent the national treasure from falling into the hands of the Japanese, Zhang Mansion was tightly defended, and Zheng Zedao simply gave the Zhang Mansion map to Huo Xiaoxie.

Huo Xiaoxie and several fellow apprentices returned to Sanzhiliu's courtyard. They saw that the door was locked and Sanzhiliu was hesitant in speaking. It was very different from usual. Several people broke in through the window and found that Sanzhiliu had been blackmailed by the heroine.The three-fingered whip tied his hands and feet, and the black three-fingered whip coerced the three-fingered Liu to resume his old career and sneaked into Zhang's house to steal treasures. The three-fingered Liu said that he had washed his hands in the golden basin. The black three-fingered whip had nothing to do. Suddenly he saw the snack box brought back by Huo Xiaoxie.He asked Huo Xiaoxie to help him find the female body jade, and then he would release the three-finger Liu.

《Five Elements Family》Episode 2 plot introduction

《Five Elements Family》Introduction to the plot of the complete series and its episodes

The Family of Five Elements Episode 2 plot synopsis: The Zhang Mansion auctions a female body jade, Huo Xiaoxie steals the jade fetus pearl

The Zhang Mansion was preparing to transport the female body jade away at night. When a group of servants were busy carrying it, they were scolded by the foreman for their clumsiness. The foreman wanted to use a whip to teach the servants a lesson. Suddenly, a man held his arm, and the whip in his hand instantly burned like a flame. SomeoneSeeing that it was the work of the Five Elements Fire Family, the scene fell into chaos. After a while, the Water King also rushed to the scene, and everyone came towards the Female Body Jade.

When Huo Xiaoxie arrived at the gate of Zhang Mansion, he was warned by a mysterious hunchbacked man to be careful. Before he could ask more questions, the hunchbacked man had already disappeared.Several members of the Huo family walked into the courtyard of the Zhang Mansion and hurriedly avoided seeing Hei Sanbian. Hei Sanbian laughed at them for being as cowardly as the head of the Huo family, but today they were determined to get the female body jade. If the Huo family wanted to succeed, they would have to defeat them.Himself, take the body to see the head of the Huo family.

Fourth Master Zhang organized an auction, intending to use the female body jade to lure out the Five Elements Family, and then capture them all in one fell swoop.Oda, the president of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce, arrived soon. Zheng Zedao then led a team of police officers to meet with Butler Zhou, preparing to enter the Zhang Mansion to carry out security work. However, Butler Zhou told Zheng Zedao that all the men led by Oda were at his disposal, and they were in charge of Zhang Mansion.As for internal security, as for the police officers led by Zheng Zedao, they can just patrol outside Zhang Mansion.

Butler Zhou reported to Mr. Zhang that all the Five Elements families had arrived. Mr. Zhang announced that the auction could begin. When Butler Zhou was introducing the location of the female body jade, Huo Xiaoxie had already entered the courtyard. When he walked towards the Guanyin Temple again, Huo XiaoxieXie was stopped by Shui Yao'er. Shui Yao'er threw a leaf aside, and the leaf was immediately chopped into pieces. Shui Yao'er told Huo Xiaoxie that there were many traps in the Zhang Mansion at night, and he would be shattered into pieces if he was not careful, but he knew the traps.If you want to get the female body jade, you can go on your own.

The two found a mechanism. After entering the secret room, Shui Yao'er used divination to find the Bagua array. However, there was no female body jade in the secret room, only a bronze mirror. Huo Xiaoxie grabbed the mirror first, and Shui Yao'erHe told Huo Xiaoxie that the bronze mirror was a relic of his mother and was not valuable, so he hoped it would be returned to him.

The two left the secret room and sneaked into the roof of the Guanyin Temple. Sure enough, there was a sculpture covered with a curtain. A moment later, the hunchbacked man quietly walked into the room and covered the statue with a silk scarf on his back, and the statue became invisible.Butler Zhou went to the room to retrieve the female body jade, but found that the treasure was missing. He noticed that the scene was strange. Butler Zhou quickly used magic to find the female body jade and the person who stole it, and recognized that the method used was the Tujia secret technique of moving the mountain beetle.

Butler Zhou pulled out his sword, and the man's body was split in half, but his head quickly protruded from the other half of the body. Hei Sanbian recognized it as a Tujia skinned ghost.After the skinned ghost was caught, Butler Zhou asked for the female body jade. Mr. Zhang explained that the treasure of the female body jade was in the belly, which was a jade fetus bead, and then took it out.

When the bidding was going on at the scene, Huo Xiaoxie deliberately created chaos and stole the jade bead, and then hijacked Oda and left the scene. Fourth Master Zhang rushed back to the scene and asked Yufeng Shen to take back the jade bead. Several members of the Huo family came forward to cover it, and Huo XiaoxieXie and Hei Sanbian retreated to the corner. Several brothers had already planted explosives. After the corner was blown open, the two quickly fled. Housekeeper Zhou was about to chase them, but was deliberately blocked by Zheng Zedao who was patrolling outside the door.

The two sides struggled for a while, but under pressure from the Japanese army, Zheng Zedao had no choice but to let go. Housekeeper Zhou and Gou Jian led their teams to chase Huo Xiaoxie respectively. In order to cover Huo Xiaoxie, the two brothers were captured by hook soldiers, and Huo Xiaoxie had to continue to escape..

《Five Elements Family》Episode 3 plot introduction

《Five Elements Family》Introduction to the plot of the complete series and its episodes

Plot introduction to The Family of Five Elements Episode 3: Huo Xiaoxie swallows the Jade Bead and designs to save his brothers

The captain of the Japanese Black Tigers continued to pursue the two brothers Huo Xiaoxie. Lao Guan provided cover to let Huo Xiaoxie take the first step. The body that had been shot could not continue to run away. Huo Xiaoxie asked to let Lao Guan go, otherwise he would kill YuThe fetal beads exploded. The Japanese army saw that Huo Xiaoxie attached great importance to friendship, so they played the emotional card. Lao Guan knew that Huo Xiaoxie would never abandon him, but the lives of the other two brothers were uncertain. In order to let Huo Xiaoxie save the other two as soon as possible.Lao Guan grabbed the explosives and rushed towards the Japanese army.

Huo Xiaoxie also wanted to retrieve Lao Guan's body, but Zheng Zedao took advantage of the thick smoke to kidnap Huo Xiaoxie and took him to the police station. By the way, he asked about the jade fetus bead. Huo Xiaoxie asked why everyone wanted it.Jade beads.Zheng Zedao said that only the jade beads can find the Holy King Cauldron. The Holy King Cauldron was originally controlled by the Five Elements Family. After the warlords broke up, the Holy King Cauldron disappeared. There are clues to the Holy King Cauldron in the jade beads. Zheng Zedao promised to help rescue the deflated monkey.Run with the waves.

Butler Zhou investigated the identity of the person who took away the Jade Bead. Huo Xiaoxie was Sanzhi Liu's disciple. The woman sneaked into the house as a maid a month ago. There must have been some effort. Fourth Master Zhang could understand that the Jade Bead was stolen.But the disappearance of the Linglong Mirror shows that the other party has other intentions. The Linglong Mirror is the only thought left for Jiaoer.Fourth Master Zhang ordered Huo Xiaoxie and the female thief to be found, and then solved them together.

Shui Yao'er sneaked into the police station, found Huo Xiaoxie, and asked where the Linglong Mirror was hidden. Huo Xiaoxie proposed to exchange opinions, and Shui Yao'er would help him rescue Dahou and Lang Deben, and then return the Linglong Mirror.Huo Xiaoxie continued to go to the street to inquire about the whereabouts of the two junior brothers. Several adopted children said that they had not heard any news. Suddenly someone sent a message, and Dahou and Lang Deben were tied up in front of the Zhang Mansion for public display.

Huo Xiaoxie hurried to Zhang Mansion, but before he could get there, he was intercepted by Sanzhi Liu, who had secretly escaped the kidnapping of Black Sanbian. Sanzhi Liu asked Huo Xiaoxie not to take risks, and learned that the jade fetus bead had been kidnapped by Huo Xiaoxie.After swallowing Xie into his belly, Three-Finger Liu suggested that Huo Xiaoxie hide first. If Zhang Mansion cannot find Huo Xiaoxie, he will definitely look for him. When the time comes, it will be up to him and Zhang Mansion to find a way to rescue the deflated monkey Lang Deben.

The president of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce came to the Zhang family and suspected that Mr. Zhang had ulterior motives for announcing the news in advance to attract the attention of the Five Elements. Mr. Zhang told the Japanese that only the Five Elements family could decipher the secret of the Holy King Cauldron hidden in the jade bead, so it was not as good asIt was stolen by the Five Elements Family. It can be cracked secretly and then destroyed by the Five Elements Family, but it requires the assistance of the Japanese Black Tigers.

Huo Xiaoxie and Shui Yao'er took advantage of the darkness and ran to Sanzhi Liu's house. Lao Guan's body was placed in the room. Huo Xiaoxie couldn't help feeling sad for a while. Sanzhi Liu told Huo Xiaoxie that the Zhang Mansion had informed him that Zi ShiIn the back mountain, the other two apprentices were exchanged. Huo Xiaoxie did not want his master to take risks, so he drugged the sacrificial wine. Sanzhi Liu drank the wine and fell dizzy on the bed. Huo Xiaoxie and Shui Yao'er hurried to the back mountain..

As expected, Butler Zhou had already been waiting in the back mountain with the tied hands and feet of Yinhou and Lang Deben. Huo Xiaoxie proposed to let them go first, and then lead Butler Zhou to find the jade fetus bead. Butler Zhou ordered that the two be handed over to Huo Xiaoxie.When Xiao Xie and the two were brought to his side, Huo Xiaoxie suddenly took out a dagger from the explosive and stabbed the two of them. Shui Yao'er came to rescue him. When he was about to lose his strength, Sanzhi Liu rushed to the scene again, and Guan Jiao with ZhouTurns out, it turned out that being knocked out was just an illusion. Three-finger Liu knew Huo Xiaoxie's temperament and would never agree to take the risk with him.

《Five Elements Family》Episode 4 plot introduction

《Five Elements Family》Introduction to the plot of the complete series and its episodes

Plot introduction to The Family of Five Elements Episode 4: Shui Yao'er saves Xiao Xie from the fire, and the Mu family obtains the Jade Bead

Huo Xiaoxie soon couldn't withstand Yufeng Shenping's bombardment. When he was about to be unable to withstand it, Three-finger Liu stepped forward to check the situation and was stabbed by a secret arrow from Butler Zhou. Zheng Zedao led the team to the back mountain and took the SheriffAn arrest warrant was signed to arrest Housekeeper Zhou for abusing private business. Housekeeper Zhou quickly evacuated. Huo Xiaoxie left with Three Finger Liu. Dahou and Lang Deben were sent to the hospital for rescue.

Three-finger Liu was already dying. Shui Yao'er took out a pill and gave it to Three-finger Liu. Three-finger Liu recovered a little and asked Huo Xiaoxie to find water. Three-finger Liu and Shui Yao'er talked alone and asked if it was okay to take the pill for himself.Shui Yao'er admitted Shui Yao'er, which was equivalent to indirectly acknowledging his identity. Three-finger Liu told Shui Yao'er that Huo Xiaoxie had a different fire bloodline, and the Five Elements family would recruit new ones every twenty years, so they must bring them with them when the time comes.Huo Xiaoxie participated, and after completing the task, he lost his breath.

Fourth Master Zhang ordered an all-out annihilation of the Five Elements Family. Zheng Zedao found Huo Xiaoxie and asked him to hide as soon as possible. Shui Yao'er accompanied him. After a conversation, Zheng Zedao found out that Shui Yao'er was the daughter of the Shui family that his father had told him to visit.

Huo Xiaoxie was about to bury the three-finger Liu first, and then leave Fengtian. On the way, his body suddenly felt extremely cold. Shui Yao'er tied Huo Xiaoxie's bloodline with a knot to prevent the poisonous gas from spreading. Then he found the three brothers of the Yan family and asked for help in hiding Huo Xiaoxie.Xiao Xie, I will help find the jade fetus bead when the time comes.

Huo Xiaoxie accidentally said that there was a portrait of Shui Yao'er in the Linglong Mirror. Shui Yao'er heard from the fortune teller that everyone he saw in the Linglong Mirror was a destined person in this life, so he asked the Yan brothers to treat Huo Xiaoxie kindly., a few people continued on their way, Huo Xiaoxie's poisonous gas surged up, and he fainted on the road.Shui Yaoer asked the three brothers of the Yan family to lure Fourth Master Zhang away, and took Huo Xiaoxie to the Mu family for help.

Yan Jingtian asked the two brothers to ride on the same horse along the riverside road, and they would switch positions back and forth from time to time to create traces of a man and a woman passing by on horseback. As expected, Yufeng Shenping fell into the trap and chased along the river for a long time with no results.After finding out the clues, he reported it to Mr. Zhang, and the search team dispersed.

Shui Yao'er rushed to the inn with Huo Xiaoxie. Lin Wan, the daughter of the Mu family, used her superb medical skills to help Huo Xiaoxie take out the jade fetus bead, and then put it away herself to resist the life-saving grace. Shui Yao'er didn't care about the jade fetus.Lin Wan saw Shui Yao'er's thoughts towards Huo Xiaoxie and said that when she just got the jade fetus bead for Huo Xiaoxie, she found that there was a strange fire in his body, but the evil fire,This person is likely to have a bad fate in the future, so Shui Yao'er is advised to think carefully.Shui Yao'er also explained that the jade fetus bead was obtained from the Zhang Mansion. Now the Zhang Mansion is searching with all its strength. Carrying it with him may bring disaster to his life. Lin Wan hurriedly hid the jade fetus bead and asked Shui Yao'er to help her clean it up.The luggage was packed and the carriage was set up overnight to leave the post station.

After Huo Xiaoxie woke up, Shui Yao'er followed Lin Wan's instructions and took Huo Xiaoxie to bask in the sun to resist the cold evil. He also prepared a lot of meat dishes for Huo Xiaoxie to replenish his body. Shui Yao'er was good at cooking and was in the Five Elements Family.spread widely.

When Yan Jingtian rushed to the inn, Shui Yao'er was teaching Huo Xiaoxie how to practice. He didn't dare to say that the jade fetus bead had been taken away by Lin Wan. Huo Xiaoxie said that if he wanted to take out the jade fetus bead, he must teach himself Fire Mianzhang. Yan Jingtian couldn't resist.After the two of them begged in turn, they had no choice but to agree.Just when they were about to start learning kung fu, the two brothers from the Huo family told Yan Jingtian that Fourth Master Zhang had arrived at the foot of the mountain and would soon surround the inn. Shui Yao'er suggested that it would be better to capture all of Fourth Master Zhang's men.

《Five Elements Family》Episode 5 plot introduction

《Five Elements Family》Introduction to the plot of the complete series and its episodes

Plot introduction to The Family of Five Elements Episode 5: Zheng Zedao rescues Lin Wan, Huo Xiaoxie lives in the hacker stack

After Fourth Master Zhang went up the mountain, Shui Yao'er and Huo Xiaoxie prepared an ambush in advance. As soon as Hook Key led the team into the room, they stepped on a trap. The room was blown open, and the Yufeng Divine Catcher was also killed. Butler Zhou rushed to the scene.It was confirmed that the explosion site contained ingredients of Shuijia Qilin Dan.

After Lin Wan left the city, she walked to a post house in the suburbs and stopped for tea and rest. A traveler next to her suddenly fainted and fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth. Lin Wan hurriedly stepped forward to treat the patient. While giving the patient an acupuncture, Fourth Master ZhangPassing by with the rest of the team, he saw that Lin Wan was using Mu family tactics, so he ordered his arrest. Zheng Zedao happened to be resting aside, and when he learned that Lin Wan was a descendant of the Mu family, he took action to stop Mr. Zhang, saying that his team was nearby.He could be arrested at any time in the name of colluding with the Japanese invaders. Fourth Master Zhang did not want to get entangled too much, so he had to leave first.

Zheng Zedao was just bluffing, and actually did not lead a team at all. Lin Wan asked why he was willing to stand up for him. Zheng Zedao said that his family had a deep connection with the Five Elements Family. In order to prevent Fourth Master Zhang from coming back, Zheng Zedao asked Lin Wan to leave first and lure Yufeng Shenqi away..

Huo Xiaoxie followed Yan Jingtian to learn Huo Mianzhan and made rapid progress. In order to avoid Yan Jingtian's suspicion, he deliberately pretended to be inexperienced and delayed Yan Jingtian's request for the jade fetus bead. Huo Xiaoxie asked about the new members of the Five Elements Family. Shui Yao'er said that this year, MuThe two fire families jointly come up with the question, and they will find ways to help get the Blackstone Fire Token.

Fourth Master Zhang is about to rush to the inn run by shopkeeper Qian outside the Five Elements Family area. He will send a letter to Boss Qian in advance to clear the place and pay attention to the movements of Huo Xiaoxie and his party.Yan Jingtian, Huo Xiaoxie rushed to the inn first and asked to stay.

Shopkeeper Qian had just killed a few passers-by and was busy washing away the blood stains on the floor. Yan Jingtian felt strange as soon as he entered the door. There were more than a dozen horses parked in front of the door, but there were no customers in the store. Only shopkeeper Qian and the chef ran the hall. Shopkeeper QianHe explained that he dealt in wild game and often went out hunting, so he had a few extra horses.

When several people were having dinner in the evening, Shui Yao'er suddenly mentioned that he didn't want to go home. Huo Xiaoxie reminded Shui Yao'er to cherish the time when his parents were still alive. He had been living on the streets since he was a child. Fortunately, his master took him in. He envied those who have parents who love him. Yan JingtianWarn Huo Xiaoxie to learn kung fu as soon as possible and give him the jade fetus bead as soon as possible.

Hei Sanbian also stayed at the same inn. Huo Xiaoxie remembered that the deaths of his master and his brothers were all caused by Hei Sanbian. He was so angry that he fought with Hei Sanbian. Although his skill was not as good as Hei Sanbian, he improved.Obviously, Yan Jingtian reconciled, and the two sides stopped. Hei Sanbian has always felt guilty for the death of Huo Xiaoxie's fellow sect member. Yan Jingtian said that after teaching Huo Xiaoxie kung fu, he could get the jade fetus bead and give it to his master. Hei Sanbian confessed that he was fighting for it.Yu Tiizhu also wanted to meet the leader of the Huo family.

In the evening, Shopkeeper Qian was going to kill Huo Xiaoxie and his party, and asked the chef to let go of several people and horses. Huo Xiaoxie and Shui Yao'er found out, stopped the chef in time and found out what Shopkeeper Qian was doing. Several people immediately captured Shopkeeper Qian, and LinWan went to the same inn to stay and saw Yan Jingtian. The two looked at each other angrily. Shui Yaoer explained that it was due to the feud between the two families.

Since there were very few rooms in the inn, Huo Xiaoxie and Shui Yao'er crowded into the same room at night. Huo Xiaoxie saw Shui Yao'er's thoughts about him and liked Shui Yao'er, but she was the daughter of the King of Water and he was just a gangster.He was not qualified to approach Shui Yao'er at all. Due to his inferiority complex, Huo Xiaoxie still did not dare to respond despite Shui Yao'er's repeated questioning.

《Five Elements Family》 Episode 6 plot introduction

《Five Elements Family》Introduction to the plot of the complete series and its episodes

Plot introduction to The Family of Five Elements Episode 6: Huo Xiaoxie is trapped in the Tujia formation and is surrounded by danger

Huo Xiaoxie and Shui Yaoer woke up in the morning and walked out of the room. They found Shopkeeper Qian lying on the ground with a pool of blood around him, as if he had died. When they were questioning who killed Shopkeeper Qian, the three brothers of the Yan family and HeiSanbian also got up one after another, and suddenly the room began to shake. After a while, everyone was shaken and temporarily passed out.

Huo Xiaoxie woke up first and found that he and Shui Yao'er were suspended in mid-air. Shui Yao'er jumped to the ground first, pretending to catch up with Huo Xiaoxie. Huo Xiaoxie jumped down with confidence, but fell heavily to the ground. The second child of the Yan familyA wooden stake pierced the heart when the room was shaking. Lin Wan rushed to help diagnose, but it was too late. Except for the second son of the Yan family, the others were not injured.

Huo Xiaoxie found that everyone was chained, but the chains were longer and had room for movement. Shopkeeper Qian’s body was missing. Yan Jingtian healed his wounds with the Black Three Whip Internal Skills. Yan Shouyi, the second eldest son of the Yan family, found a machete and continued to use it.Smashing the iron chain did not help at all. Lin Wan said that the iron chain seemed to be forged from a century-old black iron, and the keyhole also had a special mechanism. According to what he had heard in the past, he should have fallen into the huge pit of the Tujia Formation to kill the elephant.Thirty years ago, Yufeng Shenping besieged the Five Elements Family and robbed the Holy King Cauldron. Originally, he had no chance of winning. Unexpectedly, there was a traitor in the Tujia, that is, a subterranean rat who was proficient in mechanisms. With his help, Yufeng Shenping gained the upper hand. At that time, ZhangThe fourth master was in charge of Yufeng Shenqi, so the underground rats probably took refuge with fourth master Zhang a long time ago, and the Tujia family gradually disappeared.

Not far from the secret room, Shopkeeper Qian was leading the chef to observe the activities in the secret room through a telescope. It turned out that Shopkeeper Qian faked his death just to lure everyone into the hall so that they could all be controlled by the agency.Seeing that several people were still unharmed, shopkeeper Qian asked the chef to prepare wine and food, and the three of them sat in the distance and slowly watched the show.

Immediately afterwards, the central control hub of the iron chain began to rotate and spread out in the shape of a lotus. Each petal was a sharp iron piece. Everyone's iron chain began to gradually tighten. Huo Xiaoxie pulled hard on the chain of Black Three Whip, thinkingTo avenge his master, Yan Jingtian discovered that everyone's chains were interconnected and hurriedly stopped Huo Xiaoxie.

When one move didn't work, shopkeeper Qian began to send poisonous gas into the secret room, and everyone became dizzy. Yan Shouyi asked Lin Wan for jade beads. Black Three Whips mistook Yan Jingtian for the head of the Huo family, and asked why he abandoned him. Shui Yao'er's mind was filled with confusion.It was Huo Xiaoxie's safety. Lin Wan saw that everyone was in confusion and hurriedly stabbed everyone with silver needles. Huo Xiaoxie suggested that everyone pretend to faint to see who was behind the mechanism.

Shopkeeper Qian saw that everyone except Huo Xiaoxie had fainted, so he walked into the secret room to watch the fun. Huo Xiaoxie suddenly controlled shopkeeper Qian, and the others immediately stood up to help. Yan Shouyi was stabbed, and seeing no hope of survival, he simply pulledShopkeeper Qian threw himself into the Iron Lotus Center together, and the two of them were instantly crushed, which was regarded as revenge for their senior brother.

After Yan Shouyi's death, Lin Wan's iron chain was opened, and he hurriedly escaped from the secret room to find the location of the control mechanism. Zheng Zedao had been observing for a long time, and suddenly met Lin Wan. The two entered the control center together, turned on the gear switch, and Iron Lotus finallyStopped turning.The chains of several people were also opened one after another.

Huo Xiaoxie and his party quietly left the secret room and met up with Lin Wan to return to Wangjiabao. Shui Yao'er was suddenly choked by Fourth Master Zhao who appeared out of nowhere. Fourth Master Zhao questioned Shui Yao'er about the cause of her mother's death. Huo Xiaoxie was determined toWhile saving Shui Yao'er, he remembered his master's tragic death and became angry, so he couldn't help but use the Fire Cotton Slash to strike at Fourth Master Zhao.

《Five Elements Family》Episode 7 plot introduction

《Five Elements Family》Introduction to the plot of the complete series and its episodes

Plot introduction to The Family of Five Elements Episode 7: Huo Xiaoxie goes to Wangjiabao to investigate the murder case

Zheng Zedao secretly left the inn and was attacked from behind by Butler Zhou. His attendant Lin Ying was unfortunately killed. Zheng Zedao was subsequently controlled. Fourth Master Zhao enlisted Zheng Zedao to help him destroy the Five Elements Family, otherwise he would kill them. Zheng Zedao thought that he could use Fourth Master Zhao to do somethingSome things that are impossible to achieve are agreed to.

After Huo Xiaoxie hit Huo Mianzhan, his physical strength was weak. Lin Wan helped regulate his breath. Huo Xiaoxie asked about Zheng Zedao's situation. Shui Yao'er suggested recuperating first and making other plans after his physical strength recovered.Yan Jingtian took Hei Sanbian to hide in a ruined temple. After Hei Sanbian gradually regained consciousness, he asked Yan Jingtian if he liked him. Yan Jingtian said that he had only respect for Hei Sanbian. Hei Sanbian was deeply devoted to the Fire King, so he would fight to protect him.

Huo Xiaoxie recovered quickly, and Shui Yaoer couldn't help but ask Lin Wan what kind of kung fu he taught Huo Xiaoxie. Lin Wan replied that it was the Mu family's big wood technique.Shui Yao'er immediately overturned the jealousy, thinking that Lin Wan used the skill of undermining the box to compete with her for Huo Xiaoxie. Lin Wan once again explained that since the Five Elements family gradually weakened, each family only improved on its own kung fu, and no oneA person can control the five elements, even if he encounters a strong enemy, there is nothing he can do. Huo Xiaoxie is talented and is a good candidate. Therefore, teaching Mu Family Kung Fu can sort out the evil fire in Huo Xiaoxie's body, but the second half of the martial arts is stillIt's up to Huo Xiaoxie to understand it himself.

On the way back to Wangjiapu, Shui Yao'er asked Huo Xiaoxie to steal the jade fetus bead in exchange for the Black Stone Fire Token. The two of them planned to steal the jade fetus bead in Lin Wan's bag. Lin Wan returned to Mu King and found outAfter being plotted by Shui Yao'er, King Mu said that there was no need to care about it, everything had its own destiny. The evil fire bloodline and the jade fetus bead appeared at the same time.

Shui Yao'er placed Huo Xiaoxie in the Da Dao Inn where he was participating in the Five Elements Reception. Zheng Zedao secretly escaped from Master Zhang and came to Wangjiabao with serious injuries. It turned out that Zheng Zedao and Shui Yao'er had a marriage contract for a long time. In recent years, the Zheng family has been in decline., Zheng's father asked him to seek refuge with the Water King so that he could find opportunities to revive the family in the future. Zheng Zedao fainted in front of the Shui family and was discovered by Lin Wan. Lin Wan treated him and brought him to the Water King to meet him.

The Water King received Zheng Zedao and asked him to recuperate at his house first so that he could participate in the Three Fire Gates. After Lin Wan gave Zheng Zedao a prescription, she asked about Shui Yao'er's whereabouts. Only then did the Water King know that his daughter had returned to Wangjiapu..

A murder occurred at the Avenue Inn. A man sneak attacked a player participating in the Blackstone Fire Order and was subdued on the spot. The two exchanged a few moves and the man was killed in the end. After Huo Xiaoxie heard about it, he hurried to the scene and found that the man was a member of Yufeng Shenjing., I had met him before.After Yan Jingtian heard about it, he felt that because he was busy preparing for the three levels of Huomen, Huo Xiaoxie was very happy to let Huo Xiaoxie investigate the murder case and asked Jin Pan, the man who subdued Yufeng Shenjing, to be his assistant.

There was dye on the soles of the dead Wind God Catcher's shoes, so Huo Xiaoxie was about to visit a nearby dyeing shop. The two checked the dyeing shop and found nothing unusual. When they were about to leave, Sanshe, the steward of the Water Palace, suddenly stopped Huo Xiaoxie and warned him not to covet the water.Miss Wang Fu.

Yan Jingtian reported to Fire King Yan Lie what he saw and heard during this trip, and finally asked Fire King why he had been avoiding Black Three Whips. Fire King explained that he and Black Three Whips had loved each other, and later the master passed the throne to him, and he promised the master that he would never have a family in this life, and would devote himself to everything.Committed to Huo Family Kung Fu, but Black Three Whips couldn't accept it. When the two were talking, Black Three Whips had already found the door. The Fire King hurriedly hid, leaving Yan Jingtian and Black Three Whips to deal with.

Shui Yao'er was taken care of by the three snakes. The Water King blamed Shui Yao'er for secretly leaving Wangjiapu. Shui Yao'er explained that he was looking for the Linglong Mirror, but the mirror was not in his hand. The three snakes handed over the mirror. It turned out that Huo Xiaoxie had already stolen Linglong's mirror.The mirror was returned, and the King of Water told Shui Yao'er not to be entangled with Huo Xiaoxie anymore, but to abide by his mother's marriage contract and marry Zheng Zedao.

《Five Elements Family》Episode 8 plot introduction

《Five Elements Family》Introduction to the plot of the complete series and its episodes

The Five Elements Family Episode 8 plot introduction: Huo Xiaoxie neglects Shui Yao'er

Zheng Zedao was recovering from his injuries at the Water King's Mansion. The Water King was interested in helping Zheng Zedao win the first prize in the three gates of the Fire Gate and bring Zheng Zedao and Shui Yao'er together. Zheng Zedao was very happy.On the other hand, Lin Wan, who had been taking care of Zheng Zedao, felt disappointed when she learned about this.

Lin Wan was unhappy after leaving Prince Shui's Mansion. Zheng Zedao followed behind him and asked Lin Wan to help him explain something to Huo Xiaoxie. Lin Wan was embarrassed to refuse.

There was another murder case in Wangjiapu. The deceased had a strange knife wound and was injured by a rare weapon. Huo Xiaoxie and Jin Pan analyzed that the Huo family had sealed off Wangjiapu, so the murderer could not have gone far. The wound was on the chest of the deceased.It means that he was unprepared when he was killed, and he should have died under the knife of an acquaintance. He suddenly remembered that when he was rushing to Wangjiapu, he passed by an inn. The owner used a rare object to pour wine. Later, he saw this person in Wangjiapu. Now that he thinks about it, the wound of the deceasedIt seemed that he was stabbed by the object that poured the wine.

The three snakes were always observing Shui Yao'er's movements. Zheng Zedao talked to Shui Yao'er about his upcoming marriage. Shui Yao'er directly said that he would not marry Zheng Zedao even if he died. When he returned to the room, Zheng Zedao began to be jealous of Huo Xiaoxie, and then went to Da Dao Inn.Xiang Huo Xiaoxie explained that he and Shui Yao'er had a long-standing engagement.

Huo Xiaoxie knew that Shui Yao'er didn't like Zheng Zedao, and Zheng Zedao told him the most important reason. Shui Yao'er was born with a heart-splitting syndrome. His parents had been searching for many years before they found him who could counteract this disease and had the blood of water and fire. So,Make a marriage contract early in order to completely cure Shui Yao'er after the marriage.Huo Xiaoxie still couldn't believe it, Lin Wan came forward to confirm, and Huo Xiaoxie could only accept his fate.

Huo Xiaoxie found the suspected tea stall owner and pretended to leak the information and controlled Fourth Master Zhang. The tea stall owner disappeared the next day. Shui Yaoer designed to avoid the surveillance of the three snakes and sneaked out of Shui Wang Mansion to find Huo Xiaoxie.Unexpectedly, he was kidnapped by Mr. Zhao on the way.

The three snakes went to Huo Xiaoxie and asked if they had seen Shui Yao'er. Only then did Huo Xiaoxie find out that Shui Yao'er was missing. Zheng Zedao guessed that it must be Mr. Zhao who did it, so he went to the outskirts to ask Mr. Zhao for someone. The tea stall owner had alreadyExplain the situation to Fourth Master Zhao in one step.Mr. Zhao said that Shui Yao'er was not in danger, and he could also help Zheng Zedao hero save the beauty. However, after successfully winning Shui Yao'er, Zheng Zedao had to help him kill the Water King.

Of course Zheng Zedao did not agree. Fourth Master Zhao threatened to blame the tea stall owner's crime on Zheng Zedao. When the time came, he would not be able to argue. Zheng Zedao could only agree. On the way back to Wangjiapu, he met the three snakes and signaled the three snakes to inform the Five Elements Family and go find them themselves.Huo Xiaoxie.

After the two parties rushed to the suburbs, they quickly rescued Shui Yao'er, but they didn't know that it was all a drama arranged by Mr. Zhao in advance. Shui Yao'er was very excited when he saw Huo Xiaoxie, but Huo Xiaoxie had a cold face. He didn't want toIf Shui Yao'er had any nostalgia for him, it would only harm Shui Yao'er. Seeing Huo Xiaoxie ruthlessly letting go of Shui Yao'er's hand, Zheng Zedao secretly rejoiced.

《Five Elements Family》 Episode 9 plot introduction

《Five Elements Family》Introduction to the plot of the complete series and its episodes

The Five Elements Family Episode 9 Synopsis: Huo Xiaoxie prevents Shui Yaoer from getting married

Zheng Zedao took the medicine Lin Wan prescribed for Shui Yao'er and went to the drug store to ask the doctor to prescribe Dahan medicine, and then asked the three snakes to make the medicine to take care of Shui Yao'er.

Huo Xiaoxie and Shui Yao'er separated, struggling internally, and could only drink to relieve their sorrow.Yan Jingtian obeyed Yan Lie's order and went to Prince Mu's Mansion to discuss the examination questions. Prince Mu said that this year's three gates of the Fire Gate were different from previous years and were located in the ancestral land of the Five Elements family. Yan Jingtian asked for careful consideration.King Mu replied that the Five Elements Family moved to Wangjiabao for this day. Now that the Jade Bead is in hand, the world only knows that the Jade Bead has clues to the Holy King Cauldron, but they do not know that the Holy King Cauldron is hidden in the ancestral home of the Five Elements Family.The fetal bead is the key to opening the last door.

Yan Jingtian still doubts that it is unreasonable to let a group of young people understand the Holy King Cauldron. King Mu said that these are not things that people can control. The Holy King Cauldron will choose its own master, and it depends on everyone's destiny.

The three stages of the Fire Gate officially began. The first stage was to find the Qingyun Inn. Huo Xiaoxie and the other contestants had already figured out the terrain of Wangjiabao. There was no inn named Qingyun at all. Jin Pan knew in advance that Wangjiabao was the ancestral home of the Five Elements family. The so-calledQingyun Ladder is the entrance to the ancestral land, not what it says on the surface. According to Jin Pan's guidance, the two found a Bagua mausoleum. Huo Xiaoxie continued to find the entrance to the mausoleum based on the hexagrams taught by Three Finger Liu. The other candidates did notThe clues were all picked up after Huo Xiaoxie, including Zheng Zedao.

The search became more and more desolate, and when we arrived at a remote courtyard, everyone felt extremely eerie. Suddenly, many men in black appeared from the roof, and the contestants began to compete with each other. Because the men in black used hidden darts, several contestants died unfortunately., Zheng Zedao and Miss Ruoyun arrived in time and drove away the man in black.

Everyone began to accuse Huo Xiaoxie of deliberately providing false clues. Huo Xiaoxie was hard to defend. Zheng Zedao once again came forward to prove Huo Xiaoxie's true intention. Lin Wan also arrived in time to explain that someone had moved the position of the symbol, which led to the tragedy.

Huo Xiaoxie blamed himself, but to no avail. The three snakes told Water King that after taking the prescription prepared by Lin Wan, Shui Yaoer suddenly became colder and fainted. When Water King was in a panic, Zheng Zedao arrived at the right moment.In Shui Yao'er's room, he asked to get married as soon as possible. Water King also believed that only getting married could cure Shui Yao'er now. He was grateful to Zheng Zedao and had no idea that the whole thing was deliberately designed by Zheng Zedao.

Lin Wan looked through the Five Elements book and learned that there was water and fire blood in the Holy King Cauldron. Suddenly someone sent an invitation. Lin Wan learned that Zheng Zedao was going to marry Shui Yao'er the next day. She was filled with grief and anger, but for Shui Yao'er's life, she could onlyAfter being able to endure the pain and give up her love, Shui Yao'er visited Shui Yao'er, who asked him to send a message to Huo Xiaoxie.

Lin Wan conveyed Shui Yao'er's meaning and told Huo Xiaoxie a secret. There was water and fire blood in the Holy King Cauldron. If the Holy King Cauldron was found, Shui Yao'er could also be married.

On the day of the wedding, Huo Xiaoxie suddenly broke into Shui Wang's Mansion and promised Shui Wang that he would find the Holy King Cauldron and cure Shui Yao'er by then. Shui Yao'er agreed that if he could not marry Huo Xiaoxie, he would not be able to live for a day.Not going down.

《Five Elements Family》Episode 10 plot introduction

《Five Elements Family》Introduction to the plot of the complete series and its episodes

Huo Xiaoxie took Shui Yao'er away from Shui Wang's Mansion, and hid in a secluded courtyard to prevent Shui Yao'er from being traced. Huo Xiaoxie planned to concentrate on preparing the three levels of the Fire Gate so that Shui Yao'er could be cured.Zheng Zedao was robbed of his bride at the wedding. He felt that he had become the most ridiculous person in the world and began to give up on himself.Lin Wan went to the street alone to drink alcohol at night. Lin Wan knew that Zheng Zedao was depressed, so he did not need to take comfort too seriously. As time went by, a lot of pain would be diluted. The two had known each other for a while, and she found that Zheng Zedao was an ambitious young man with ideals and ambitions.Zheng Zedao felt relieved. He didn't expect that there was someone in the world who really understood him.The Water King asked the wife in the exquisite mirror whether it was right to let his daughter find love.Mr. Zhao thought that Zheng Zedao had ruined his plan. After learning that Huo Xiaoxie had taken Shui Yao'er to escape from the marriage, Housekeeper Zhou came up with a plan to pretend to kidnap Shui Yao'er, and asked Zheng Zedao to guide Shui Yao'er to come forward, and then take action.The three snakes soon received a letter and learned that Shui Yao'er had been kidnapped. Water King took Zheng Zedao to the designated place. As expected, they were ambushed by Mr. Zhao. The two were evenly matched and it was difficult to tell the winner. Mr. Zhao asked his junior sister Jiao'er about the situation.The cause of death was that the master had already proposed Jiaoer to marry him. Water King appeared halfway and changed his mind. Water King said that his wife was poisoned by Mr. Zhao after he became pregnant. He could easily get it if he found Mr. Zhao.There was an antidote, but his wife was unwilling to ask for help, so she reluctantly gave birth to a daughter and died soon after.Zheng Zedao could only join forces with Water King. When Zhao Siye suddenly swung his sword at Water King, Zheng Zedao was standing in front of him. Water King pushed him away, and he was stabbed by the sword.Zheng Zedao panicked, knowing that the Five Elements Family would arrive soon. When the time came, he would not be able to explain himself, so he lied to Fourth Master Zhao that he knew the secret of the Holy King Cauldron, pulled him aside, and killed Fourth Master Zhao with the dagger hidden in his sleeve.Butler Zhou was afraid of fighting against the Five Elements Family, so he led his people to evacuate quickly.When Shui Yao'er arrived, Water King had already died. In the mourning hall, the three snakes took out the suicide note left by Water King. Shui Yao'er understood that the Shui family was his father's lifelong effort, and he must shoulder the heavy responsibility and take good care of his body.He was the first, so he told Zheng Zedao that they would get married after his father was buried.Huo Xiaoxie went to the Shuiwang Mansion to worship. Shui Yaoer ordered the three snakes to drive Huo Xiaoxie away, and asked Lin Wan to tell Huo Xiaoxie to leave Wangjiapu. Jin Pan told Huo Xiaoxie that the most important thing now was to find the Holy King Cauldron before seeing him again.After arriving at Shui Yao'er, the two concentrated on participating in the competition and soon found the Five Elements Ancestral Land.Yan Jingtian asked Huo Xiaoxie about the current situation in the Water King's Mansion. Huo Xiaoxie was worried that although Fourth Master Zhang was dead, the Black Dragon Society behind him would never give up. Yan Jingtian said that he had his own way to deal with it, and then announced the rules of the competition, the first testEveryone’s understanding of the five elements. The second level requires luck. There is a tomb beast in front of the ancestral land with four scales on its body, which means that only four people can enter the next level. The Fire King and the Wood King have used the Jade Fetus Bead to open the ancestral land.After entering Guanzhong, they will announce their next plan. Although the rules are cruel, everyone wants to get the Holy King Cauldron, and no one announces their withdrawal.After announcing the rules, a fat chef distributed food to everyone and said that he would be responsible for the food supply of the contestants for the next two days. After several people finished eating the food, they only felt dizzy. After a while, everyone fainted.past.

《Five Elements Family》Episode 11 plot introduction

《Five Elements Family》Introduction to the plot of the complete series and its episodes

Regarding the murderer who stunned everyone, they all guessed that it was Pang Haowei who was responsible for distributing food. The big ghost dragon had his throat cut to death. Zheng Zedao asked the contestants who used knives as weapons at the scene. Sick Yangzi replied that there were many knife wielders, but the wounds were particularly thin., indicating that the murderer used a special blade.Some people also suspected that it was Hua Niangzi who was good at using psychedelic techniques. Hua Niangzi explained that she had just woken up and had no time to commit the crime.So he started looking for Pang Haowei, walked out of the secret room and went down a few steps, and saw Pang Haowei lying on the ground. Everyone woke him up. Pang Haowei confirmed his innocence. No one has entered the cave for hundreds of years, which means that the murderer isOne of the many players, Bing Yangzi, suggested that they split up and hunt for treasures respectively, but Zheng Zedao believed that no one could leave the team until the murderer was found.Later, the finger pointed at Bingyangzi. Although Bingyangzi had suspicions, they could not confirm it, so several people tied him up. Huo Xiaoxie suspected that someone deliberately provoked trouble and threw out some useless clues, causing several people to kill each other..After Bingyangzi was tied up in the hall, when Panghaowei was delivering food, Bingyangzi proposed to exchange a clue and then let Panghaowei untie him.After Bingyangzi was untied, Hua Niangzi hallucinated Fat Haowei and seduced her with sex. Fat Haowei revealed the truth that she was not from the Huo family. A moment later, when everyone found Fat Haowei again, he was already dead.There were thin marks on the neck, which seemed to be consistent with the cause of death of the big ghost dragon.Yan Jingtian found Lin Wan and explained that he wanted to eliminate the remaining members of Mr. Zhao, so he joined forces with Black Third Whip to find the hiding place of Butler Zhou. Butler Zhou was outnumbered. Before he died, he said that he had notified the Black Dragon Society and that the Black Dragon Society would be there early the next morning.To Wangjiapu.The next suspicion was on Ruoyun, because Pang Haowei wrote down Ruoyun's name before he died. Ruoyun seemed to have difficulties. Seeing that everyone was pointing the finger at him, he explained that he did not obtain the Black Stone Fire Token through formal channels., but he would never kill anyone. Some people asked how he used it. Ruoyun replied that for the Black Stone Fire Order, he was betrothed to the head of Luoyun Peak who was in his 60s. Jin Pan was very disappointed. He originally had a good impression of Ruoyun.Now it seemed like there was absolutely no hope for him.During the night break, Zheng Zedao asked Huo Xiaoxie to lead a group of people to settle down first while he patrolled around. Jin Pan expressed his opinion to Huo Xiaoxie and felt that Zheng Zedao was too fake. They were obviously love rivals, but they fell for Huo Xiaoxie again and again.Guaranteed, with a hypocritical look, Huo Xiaoxie explained that Zheng Zeshi is his good brother who has known him since Fengtian and cannot be doubted.When Huo Xiaoxie woke up, he seemed to see a red light. He followed the direction of the red light and found a scale. Ruoyun also gained something. Liangba and two other people paired up and forced Ruoyun to hand over the scale. Ruoyun did not agree, and JinPan also joined Ruoyun, but the two couldn't beat Liangba. Seeing that Jin Pan was exhausted, Ruoyun handed over the scales.After Liangba got the scales, he was ready to wait for the next step in the hall. After a while, Sanqifeng took away the scales again, and Liangba had no choice but to return to the cave.Red Clown suddenly proposed to join Liang Ba's group. He originally teamed up with Yan Chong, but Yan Chong was only pursuing Hua Niang. When they were discussing, they felt a black shadow flash across. Liang Ba and Red Clown stepped forward to check.Monster footprints were found, and while they were thinking about it, the two of them were also hijacked by a force. When Huo Xiaoxie and Zheng Zedao found the bodies of the two, they saw the same knife marks.

《Five Elements Family》Episode Plot Introduction of Episode 12

《Five Elements Family》Introduction to the plot of the complete series and its episodes

Huo Xiaoxie and Jin Pan continued to search for the will-o’-wisp, and after three hours they found another scale. Hua Niangzi and Yanchong wanted to take away Jin Pan’s scale. The two sides fought for it, but it was hard to tell the winner. Huo Xiaoxie stopped them., once again asked about the murderer of his companion. Hua Niangzi hated being suspected by others for no reason, so she simply chose to quit. Yan Chong and Hua Niangzi had a mutual agreement, and they left together.Only four people were still insisting. Huo Xiaoxie suddenly suggested that the murderer was one of the corpses. Several people rushed to the cave and found Liangba washing his hands. It turned out that Huo Xiaoxie had put grease on the rock wall in advance, and along the ghost fireThose who are looking for it will inevitably get it on their hands. Liangba found the scales and was worried about being snatched away, so he started killing his opponents. Huo Xiaoxie scolded him for violating the rules. Zheng Zedao stepped forward and broke Liangba's neck.Take the scales as your own.Huo Xiaoxie felt unacceptable for what Zheng Zedao did, but there was not much time left. Zheng Zedao said that those who have serious problems do not stick to trivial matters, and then put the scales into the brazier and suddenly disappeared. The other three people also threw the scales, and soonQuickly move to another space.It was similar to the situation when he just entered the ancestral hall, but there were two more white bones on the steps, wearing the clothes of the Wood King and the Fire King. Ruoyun analyzed that the Wood King and the Fire King must have used all their energy to summon the Holy King Cauldron, and then the stepsThe last sparkling cauldron rose into the sky. After rotating several times, a divine beast came out of the cauldron with a fierce and stern expression. Four people stood under the stage. The divine beast walked down the steps and instantly swallowed Huo Xiaoxie and Huo Xiaoxie with its halo.Zheng Zedao.The two of them held their breaths, unable to speak. Ruoyun could not see the secret. Jin Pan said that the Holy King Cauldron would choose its own master, so there was no need to care. They might as well leave temporarily and wait for good news about Huo Xiaoxie.The Black Dragon Club Kida led a Japanese female warrior Uno Chiyo to Wangjiapu, and challenged Uno Chiyo to the ring. He claimed that if no one defeated Uno Chiyo, the Five Elements family would all kowtow when they saw the Black Dragon Club. Yan Jingtian and Hei Sanbian were waiting for the Fire Gate.As a result of the three levels, I suddenly learned that the Japanese were provocative and had no choice but to step in on behalf of the Huo family.Yan Jingtian was ready to accept the challenge, but Hei Sanbian suddenly stopped him. Yan Jingtian knew that he had little chance of winning, and told Hei Sanbian that if there was an afterlife, he would marry Hei Sanbian. Hei Sanbian finally waited for Yan Jingtian's sincere confession, and the two of them went into battle at the same time.But both died under the sword of Uno Chiyo.Huo Xiaoxie enters the fantasy world through the aura of the mythical beast, and meets his other self who can't suppress the evil fire. He must make a choice whether to turn justice into benevolence.Zheng Zedao also saw himself as a child, but now he was contrary to his original intention. Zheng Zedao believed that he was not worthy of the Holy King Cauldron, so he chose to walk out of the illusion and returned to Wangjiabao to prepare for a duel with Uno Chiyo.Huo Xiaoxie started a fierce struggle with his heart. After a while, Shui Yao'er's illusion appeared again, telling Huo Xiaoxie that if he stabbed his heart, he would get the Holy King Cauldron. Huo Xiaoxie did not obey his selfish desires and stabbed himself instead., then returned to reality and gained the ability of the Holy King Cauldron.Zheng Zedao was stabbed by Uno Chiyo, and Huo Xiaoxie suddenly appeared when he was unable to do anything. He used a fire sponge to attack Uno Chiyo. Uno Chiyo's internal organs were severely impacted, causing him to be unable to stand. Kida left with Uno Chiyo in despair, and ShuiYao'er was very happy to see that Huo Xiaoxie had obtained the power of the Holy King Cauldron. Zheng Zedao also changed his ways and was pleased for Huo Xiaoxie.

About - The Family of Five Elements - That's it for the full episode plot introduction. Our goal is to provide the most comprehensive entertainment information to the majority of movie fans, so that you can enjoy the unique charm of movies and TV in your busy life.Thank you for supporting our line classes!

Five Kings of Thieves

Five Kings of Thieves

Total 12 Episodes Mar 23, 2024 C-Drama Urban Actor: Wang Dalu Ren Min Zhao Huahua Wang Xiuzhu Tan Xiaofan Wang Ruolin

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