The one that was released recently - A tail shaped 10“ weekend father and daughter - was a sensation and attracted a large number of audience attention.After watching this drama, people are deeply infected by its plot.Therefore, this TV series has also triggered widespread discussion, and many people want to understand the content in the series more deeply. Therefore, the editor - A tail shaped 10” weekend father and daughter - Episode 6 plot introduction and meticulous summaryI took a look at the content to meet the needs of the audience.
At Asahikawa Design Center in Asahikawa City, Hokkaido, the father (Ichisei Oshiro) and his daughter (Mai Fukagawa) meet.In the pavilion where more than a thousand pieces of furniture and crafts were exhibited, they found a chair called ” hug chair “ that allows people to embrace each other.
The highest award was won in the ”International Furniture Design Competition Asahikawa 2024%.The father and daughter touched and sat on the chair themselves to communicate with each other.Then they discovered a sofa that could be sat on the floor, and as they sat on it, they began to discuss their favorite movies.During the conversation, they discovered common grounds that they had never known each other before...
The above is all about 《 A tail shaped 10% weekend father and daughter》the plot introduction of Episode 6.If you want to understand and explore the plot of this film and television series, the story behind the production, the character actors, etc. in more detail, we can provide you with more information and intelligence.Please be sure to follow our line classes to get more relevant information.
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