《South Wind Knows My Moods》Introduction to the ending of Fu Yunshen and Zhu Jiu

  • Auth:Holy Son
  • Sep 12, 2023

In 《South Wind Knows My Moods》, the storyline has ups and downs, and each character has their own unique personality traits. Not only that, the actors' outstanding acting skills are also a highlight, and the audience can't help but resonate with it.Today we are going to talk about《South Wind Knows My Moods》an introduction to the ending of Fu Yunshen and Zhu Jiu.

《South Wind Knows My Moods》Fu Yunshen ended up with Zhu Jiu.

《South Wind Knows My Moods》Introduction to the ending of Fu Yunshen and Zhu Jiu

《South Wind Knows My Moods》Excerpt from the ending of the novel

How long will I love you, just like the stars above your head.

I will need you as long as the years need the seasons.

When Fu Yunshen was pushed into the operating room, all the letters Zhu Jiu wrote to him and the pot of mint she gave him were brought into the operating room at his strong request.

The most tender moments in his life were all in those memories.

If he wants to leave, he wants to leave behind the bad things and take only the good things with him.

At the same time, Zhu Jiu, who was far away in the Iraqi border camp, was handing over the letter he had written the previous night to the messenger.

After delivering the letter, she packed her luggage. In the morning, she and her companions took an off-road vehicle and set off for Aleppo, Syria.

Outside the operating room.

Jiang Shuning was sitting on a chair, looking very anxious. Her face was pale and her eyes were thick with dark circles.

Last night, when she heard Director Li say that this operation was more complicated and more risky than previous operations, her heart kept thinking about it and she didn't sleep all night.

Zhou Zhizhi, who was sitting next to her, also looked very unhappy. He had also been up all night. She clasped her hands and stared at the light above the operating room.

She reached out and held Jiang Shuning's hand. The two looked at each other and saw worry and anxiety in each other's eyes.

But at this moment, there is nothing they can do except pray and wait.

Jiang Shuning has experienced this kind of feeling countless times. In the past, every time Fu Yunshen underwent surgery, she had to endure this kind of tremendous suffering.

A few hours later, the door to the operating room opened and Director Li walked out. He took off his mask, glasses, and took a long breath.

“It's okay.”

He said, reaching out to wipe the sweat from his forehead. This operation really cost him a lot of effort, but fortunately, the result was good.

The two women waiting in the corridor breathed a sigh of relief.

Between life and death, sometimes it is really very close.

And different results bring people the difference from heaven to hell.

Zhou Zhizhi hugged Jiang Shuning and cried. He cried and laughed again, smiled and cried again.

The nurse pushed the sleeping Fu Yunshen out. When he passed by her, she did not pounce on him like Jiang Shuning did. Instead, she quietly took two steps back and watched him walk away from her with blurred eyes.

——As long as he is safe and well and comes out of the operating room well, from then on, I will let go, no longer love him, no longer approach him, no longer pester him.

When his life or death was uncertain in the operating room, she made this promise to God.

From then on, she would keep this promise until she grew old and died.

When he received Zhu Jiu's twelfth letter, Fu Yunshen had been in the hospital for nearly twenty days.

Postoperative care and maintenance are extremely important. This time, Director Li insisted on taking him to the hospital, and he had no objection to this.

Before his surgery, he made arrangements for the company. He transferred all his shares to Jiang Shuning and resigned from his position as vice president.


A letter is like a meeting.

Yesterday, I was actually drunk. A colleague had a birthday, and none of us had any work arrangements, so we all had a lively dinner at dinner.

In fact, my drinking ability is getting better and better, but what we drank was a local strong liquor. Not only me, but also many male colleagues were tipsy. Only Ji Silang, a ten thousand year old alcoholic, was fine at all. HeI probably don’t know what it feels like to be drunk in this life.

I know, people are kind of trying to get drunk on purpose.

Because just the day before, we learned the extremely sad news that one of our colleagues was killed when his plane was attacked over Ukraine while flying to Australia to attend a medical conference.

Yun Shen, I have always been calm, cool, and optimistic in front of my colleagues and patients.

But many times, I really feel very broken. When the outside world talks about Syria, they always see some cold statistics, how many people died, how many casualties, how many people were forced to flee their homes and become displaced, but we are allEvery day I witnessed these deaths, these injuries, these sufferings that never seemed to end.

I know that not only me, but also many of my colleagues, international volunteers and local doctors are suffering from these psychological pressures.

A local female colleague told me that when she goes to bed at night, when she closes her eyes, she always recalls the painful appearance of the patient lying on the operating table, those broken limbs, blood, and broken bodies... This young female doctorShe is only in her early twenties and just graduated from medical school last year. She said that she may have performed more surgeries and received more patients this year than she has in her entire life.

She told me that when the war was over, she might not work in medicine again.

But now, she will persist and must persist.

We are all the same. No matter how much fear, fear, discomfort, or great psychological pressure, we must persevere.

Because we are doctors.

Due to the deterioration of the security situation, we were forced to stop medical work in Tikirt in northeastern Iraq. The entire camp was evacuated, and most of our colleagues returned to the nearby mobile clinic on standby. Si Lang, I, a nurse, and a support staff were dispatched there.Reinforcements are being sent to the Aleppo region of Syria, where the medical situation is dire and surgeons are particularly needed.

We are leaving tomorrow and may not be able to write to you for a long time.

Don't worry about me, I'll talk to you and you'll feel better.

Miss you.

Best wishes.

Zhu Jiu

The date at the end of her letter happened to be the night before his surgery.

When he saw in the letter that she wrote that the security situation there had deteriorated, he frowned slightly and suddenly felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

He was sitting by the window, and the window was open. The dusk wind blew in from the outside. While he was dazed, the letter he spread out in his hand gently blew up and fell to the ground.

He raised his head and looked out the window, and before he knew it, it was the beginning of autumn again, and a cool breeze blew up, blowing the yellow leaves.

The nurse knocked on the door and came in. After making routine inquiries, she saw him sitting by the open window. She took the thin cardigan sweater from the bed and put it on him, and straightened the blanket hanging down on his legs.

“Mr. Fu, the weather is starting to get colder. You must be careful not to catch a cold!”

The nurse girl warned softly.


He smiled back.

The nurse exited the ward, went down to the nurse's room on the third floor, sat across from Zhou Zhizhi's desk, and said, "Sister Zhizhi, I just visited Mr. Fu. He is fine."“

After a pause, she said: He is reading a letter. It is a handwritten letter. There are still people writing handwritten letters these days. It is so sentimental!”

Zhou Zhizhi nodded, said thank you, and handed her a small box of chocolates.

“Thank you, this is my job.”

The little nurse girl happily took the chocolate.

After the little girl left, Zhou Zhizhi covered the medical record book, lay on the table, and stared in a daze.

She remembered what the little girl asked her before leaving, Sister Zhizhi, why don't you go see Mr. Fu in person?

This is not the first time a nurse has asked her this. In the past few days, the nurses on duty in the inpatient department, as long as they are assigned to Fu Yunshen's ward, have received her request to help her check on his condition and convey the truth to her.Listen to her.

Sometimes, even though she was assigned a shift, she would ask her colleagues to switch areas of responsibility.

Jiang Shuning also asked her why Yun Shen didn't see her to see him after he woke up.

She was silent for a moment, then changed the subject.

The promise in her heart is more important than her life.

What's more, it was a promise related to his life and death.

Compared to the pain of no longer being near him or seeing him again, it really is nothing.

Many times she worked the night shift. Late at night, after he fell asleep, she walked outside his ward and looked in through the narrow glass on the door. She couldn't actually see him, but she always felt that she had seen him.

Then, she leaned against the wall outside his ward, stood quietly for a while, and then left quietly.

She can stop seeing him, stop expressing love to him, and stop entangled with him, but the relationship that started when she was a child, after more than 20 years, has become more and more fragrant like aging wine, and has been rooted in her forever.In her heart, in her blood.

It will be hard to forget in this lifetime.

And he, sleeping in his dream, will never know that, separated by a wall, a woman's restrained love and thoughts that turn over and over again.

As the night progressed, he did not sleep soundly. He was dreaming. In his dream, there was a rumbling explosion, thick smoke rising from the sky, and large numbers of people escaping hastily under the dark night... Then the scene changed,He saw a familiar longing face in the ruins, under large swaths of blood...

He suddenly sat up from the bed, his hazy eyes full of panic.

He panted slightly and reached out to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

After his breathing calmed down a bit, he took the phone, turned it on, and dialed Leo's number.

After he dialed for the third time, Leo picked up the phone and said: If I remember correctly, it should be late at night in China now, right?“

He did not exchange greetings with him and said straight to the point:” Please help me find out the phone number of the camp where Zhu Jiu is currently located. I want to call her. If it is not convenient to call her, just give me the address and I will write to her.“

Leo was silent for a while and asked him: ” Why do you suddenly want to call or send a letter?“

Why did you suddenly change your mind?

Because of this nightmare just now.

It was also because, at the last moment when he was lying on the operating table and falling into coma due to anesthesia, he told himself that if he could open his eyes again, he would go to her and he would never push her away again.

She once said that life is so short, and accidents happen every day in this world. If you love each other, you shouldn't miss it all.

His worries and stubbornness, on the thin line between life and death, suddenly came to light.

He wanted to be with her and spent the rest of his life, no matter whether it was long or short, he was firmly prepared.

He originally wanted to contact her after he was discharged from the hospital, but the terrible nightmare he had made the uneasiness in his heart more intense when he read the letter.

He had to make sure she was okay.

Finally, Leo said that he would inquire, but after waiting for ten days, he never heard from him, and there was always no answer when he called. He left a message asking Leo to call him back, but there was no reply.

Until the fifteenth day, Leo suddenly appeared in front of him.

Fu Yunshen had been discharged from the hospital at that time, and he was very surprised when he saw his aunt at home leading Leo into his room.

He asked: ”Why did you come suddenly?

Also, I keep calling you, but you don’t answer or call me back. What’s going on?“

Leo sat down opposite him, with a serious look on his face, and said: ”Yunshen, be mentally prepared, what I am going to say next will make you very uncomfortable.“

He covered his face and took a deep breath before continuing: ”In fact, as early as half a month ago, when you called me, Mint had already lost contact with her organization for half a month. Four people, including her,A volunteer from Doctors Without Borders was held hostage by militants when entering the Aleppo area, and his life or death is unknown.

Mint was rescued three days ago and the other three were killed.

She suffered serious injuries and is currently being treated in a hospital in Istanbul.“

Fu Yunshen looked at Leo. It took him a long time to slowly digest his short words.

Then, he stood up with a swish.

Leo grabbed him: ”Where are you going?“

”Go to her...Go to her...“ His voice trembled slightly.

”You sit down.“

Leo pushed him onto the sofa, ”I came to you to take you over to see her.“

”Why did you just tell me?


He yelled at Leo.

Leo said: ”I told you earlier, what could you have done?“

If Zhu Jiu hadn't been rescued, if she had been unfortunately killed like her colleagues, he would not have told Fu Yunshen the news.

Now, Zhu Jiu has been severely injured physically. What's more serious is that her mental condition is very poor. After the operation, she woke up and was silent, didn't eat, and couldn't sleep.

Seeing Fu Yunshen's painful look, Leo said: Cheer up, Mint needs you, and now, maybe you are the only one who can make her speak.”

When Jiang Shuning learned that Fu Yunshen was going to Istanbul, she strongly objected: "You are currently recovering, how can you travel a long distance!"%

Leo said: "Auntie, I have been Yunshen's attending doctor. I know his physical condition very well. I also communicated in detail with Doctor Li who performed the surgery on him. He said that Yunshen's physical condition is not bad.

Aunt, please don't worry, I will take good care of him."

Fu Yunshen only lowered his head to check the documents and belongings he was supposed to bring. Looking at his expression, Jiang Shuning knew that she couldn't keep him.

She turned and left.

Forget it, let him be.

Just two days ago, when she saw that he looked and was in good spirits, she suggested that he return to the company to work again, but he refused.

He said, Mom, before I entered the operating room, I even made arrangements for my death. I was really prepared to never wake up again. My ability to survive is due to luck and my old age.God's gift.

The moment I opened my eyes and saw the light, I told myself that in the rest of my life, I would only live for myself and follow my own heart.

Mom, I am lucky enough to survive this time. No one knows how long I will live in the future.

So, please respect me, even just this once, please respect my wishes, okay?

As she listened to his calm words, she suddenly remembered herself sitting anxiously, worried, and waiting outside the operating room more than a month ago. She sighed and left silently.

Fu Yunshen and Leo transferred from Beijing to Istanbul, Turkey that night.

They arrived in Istanbul at around five o'clock the next morning. Leo saw Fu Yunshen looking tired and asked him: “Do you need to go to the hotel to rest first?”

He shook his head: “I'm fine, no need.”

A pre-booked driver was waiting outside the airport and drove them directly to the hospital.

September is the best season in Turkey. The driver was very enthusiastic and kept introducing them to the scenery of the city outside the window.

This was not Leo's first time here, and he was a little tired, but he still listened politely and chatted with the driver from time to time.

But Fu Yunshen just closed his eyes and rested his mind without saying a word.

As the car drove through the streets in the early morning, Leo looked out the window and suddenly felt a little dazed, as if he had gone back to a few years ago when Zhu Jiu disappeared in the Sahara Desert. He and Fu Yunshen traveled through the long yellow sand, struggling to find her.

He glanced sideways at Fu Yunshen, who had his eyes closed. His expression was a little bad, but the anxiety and uneasiness he had before had subsided much.

He sincerely hoped that he and Zhu Jiu could be together well after so many years of going around in circles.

The hospital was very quiet in the early morning. When he walked outside the door of Zhu Jiu's ward, Leo stopped and said, "I'll go to the rest area first and see Mint later."“

Fu Yunshen nodded.

He gently pushed open the ward door. There was no light in the room. In the dim morning light, he saw her sitting by the window.

She was wearing a hospital gown and a black sweater. She sat with her back to the door and looked out the window. The window was open and there was a slight breeze blowing in.

I don’t know if she got up very early or if she didn’t sleep all night.

He guessed it was the latter.

He stood by the door, staring at her back.

She lost a lot of weight.

There was a hint of sourness in his heart, and more of a feeling of distress.

He walked towards her, his crutch tapping the ground lightly, but she seemed not to hear him, still sitting quietly without looking back or reacting at all.

He walked to her side, squatted down slowly, and looked up at her. Although he had imagined that she was in bad shape now, he was still shocked when he saw her appearance at the moment. Her face was pale, her eye sockets were sunken, and her eyes were distracted.There was no sparkle in his eyes, as if he was not interested in anything outside.

She reminded him of himself who had just woken up from a car accident.

What terrible things happened to her during the month she was held hostage?

Her right wrist had just been operated on, and was wrapped in thick bandages, plastered, and hung around her neck.

He reached out his hand tremblingly, gently covering her other uninjured hand and holding it tightly.

”Zhu Jiu......“

She ignored it.

”Zhu Jiu.%

he shouted again.

It wasn't until he shouted for the fifth time that she finally had a reaction. She blinked slowly, slowly, then slowly raised her head and looked towards him.

Her eyes focused for a while before finally landing on his face.

She looked at him, looking at him, the expression on her pale and calm face finally relaxed a little.

She moved the corners of her mouth, but found that she could not speak. She looked at him, and a trace of mist slowly appeared in her eyes. Then the mist gathered more and more, and finally turned into tears, which fell in large drops..

“Yun Shen...” Her voice was hoarse, and she cried as she said: “Silang, he...Silang, he...”

She burst into tears.

He reached out and hugged her tightly. Her tears were like floodgates bursting. She had been holding back and suppressing them for too long, and finally found an outlet.

She cried in his arms for a long time until she fell asleep from exhaustion.

He sat like that on the floor and held her for a long time until the nurse arrived and then moved her to the bed.

“She finally fell asleep.”

The nurse breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he and Leo went to see her attending doctor, and the doctor also breathed a sigh of relief: “It's great, she can talk, cry, and sleep.

Before this, our psychiatrist tried many methods but could not get her to talk.”

The doctor also talked about Zhu Jiu's physical injuries: “ Some minor injuries, but nothing serious.

The most serious injury was to her right wrist, which damaged the nerves and was delivered too late.

I know that she is also a surgeon. It is a pity that after this, I am afraid that she will no longer be able to pick up the scalpel, nor can she lift heavy objects.”

The story of the play is also exciting, and the acting skills of the two protagonists are excellent. It can be regarded as a high-quality work in recent times. The above is the entire introduction to the ending of "South Wind Knows My Moods" by Fu Yunshen and Zhu Jiu.If you are interested, remember to watch it, and remember to follow our line class.

South Wind Knows My Moods

South Wind Knows My Moods

Total 39 Episodes C-Drama Urban/Rom Actor: Li Xinze Fu Xinbo Zhang Yuxi Cheng Yi

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