Recently, “《I'm not a bad girl》Episode 17 plot introduction” has attracted a lot of attention. This work has already gained a lot of popularity and popularity during the promotion period.After the broadcast, the performance of this drama made the audience happy and satisfied, and truly fulfilled everyone's expectations.Today, I will tell you about the information about the plot of the episode 17, and I hope it can satisfy everyone's curiosity.
Missed the return time on the date, Su Yancheng took Bai Xiaoduo home for the night, and the next day, Su Yancheng's mother went home and caught a regular visit.Su's mother did not blame her, but Bai Xiaoduo felt a hint of inferiority caused by the huge family's economic disparity.
Bai Xiaoduo and Su Yancheng met Xiao Yang and Lin Xiaomiao. They showed their love in front of them. Although Su Yancheng did not reveal it, he did not understand why Bai Xiaoduo and him were in love with him, and even kept his good friends hidden. Bai Xiaoduo explained that he wanted to wait for her to prepare.After the announcement was made again, Su Yancheng had to give up.Yu Chi found Bai Xiaoduo and helped her chase Yu Shubo.Several operations made Su Yancheng feel a little disappointed, and always felt that he was neglected by Bai Xiaoduo.
The above is our comprehensive introduction to the plot introduction of the episode 17 of the episode. If you want to have an in-depth understanding of this work, including plot development, character personality analysis, and plot interpretation.We welcome you to continue to visit our line classes, and we will provide more detailed and comprehensive analysis and commentary.
《I'm not a bad girl》original novel
Nov 22, 2023《I'm not a bad girl》Plot introduction
Nov 22, 2023Website Disclaimer: The content of “《I'm not a bad girl》Episode 17 Episode 17 Plot introduction” on this site is provided by user "InfinityImpresario" and is for display purposes only. Copyright belongs to the original author. If your rights have been infringed, please contact us, and we will remove it as soon as possible.
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