Movie《Kim's Video Store》Plot Introduction

  • Auth:Little Butterfly
  • Mar 21, 2024

What's the movie《Kim's Video Store》about?What are the main plots?If you want to know these contents, you might as well read the introduction of this article. I hope that through the content of the article, you can better understand the contents of Jin's Video Store.

Movie《Kim's Video Store》Plot Introduction

The movie - King's Video Store - focuses on a legendary video store known as the Mecca for Movie Fans, where the Coen brothers were also regulars.However, after the video store closed, the photographer discovered that its 55,000 DVD collection was missing, triggering a frenzied search and rescue operation.

Movie《Kim's Video Store》Plot Introduction

Playing with the forms and tropes of various film genres, the filmmakers set out to find a legendary video collection lost in Sicily, containing 55,000 films.

《Kim's Video Store》tells the untold story behind a video rental store in New York.A young Korean man with a dream opened a video store by chance and provided more than 55,000 DVDs for rent to people who love movies.However, these precious DVDs were accidentally involved in a political conspiracy and ended up being piled up in an abandoned warehouse in Sicily.In order to save these movies, the director rushed to Sicily, found inspiration from the movies he had watched, and planned a “movie rescue plan”.

Many classic figures who have left their names in film history appear on the poster, such as Chaplin, Hitchcock, Godard, Jackie Chan, Ingmar Bergman, Agnès Varda, Jim Jarmusch, etc.In the name of a movie, an action to restore movie freedom was secretly staged in Sicily.

“The movie is not fictional, but real.”This is what documentary directors David Redmond and Ashley Sabin said in the film. Another sentence about the essence of movies is: “Movies are witnesses of existence.”This kind of real existence exists in two dimensions. One is the meaning of the movie itself. Although it is a creation or even a fiction, its spiritual core is an interpretation of human existence.The world of the movie is also a reflection of the real world; the other is about the displacement process of % Jin's video store and the final rescue plan. All of these really happened, and they also constitute the reflection of the existence of the movie.One interpretation.In any case, in David's view, movies are his enlightenment and influence his life. Movies are his spiritual sustenance. Saving Jin's video store is his deeper feelings.

The above is all the relevant content about the plot introduction of the movie - Jin's Video Store - compiled by the editor.In the subsequent plot and character relationships, there may be some things that the audience does not understand.Therefore, please pay attention to our line lessons. We will continue to update more rich and exciting content to help the audience better understand the development of the plot.

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