American TV series《The Sympathizer》Full episodes 1-7 (including ending)

  • Auth:Enchanting Snow
  • May 11, 2024

《The Sympathizer》 After it was broadcast, many viewers wanted to know more details about the plot development and the direction of the characters as soon as possible, because they had already developed a strong interest in this storyline and character creation.So today, the editor will mainly talk with you about the plot of episodes 1-7 (including the ending) of the American TV series - The Sympathizer.

The American TV series - The Sympathizer - is adapted from Nguyen Thanh Viet's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel of the same name. It is a spy thriller and cross-cultural satire.It follows the struggles of a Franco-Vietnamese Viet Cong spy in the final days of the Vietnam War and his new life as a refugee in Los Angeles, where he learns that his career as a spy is not over.

American TV series《The Sympathizer》Full episodes 1-7 (including ending)

American TV series《The Sympathizer》Episode 1 plot

In the United States, this war was called the Vietnam War, and in Vietnam, it was called the American War.

At the beginning of the story, we see a map of Vietnam with the boundaries between North and South Vietnam clearly marked.The background of the Vietnam War is complex.The North Vietnamese army he led defeated the French and Chinese who had colonized Vietnam for a long time, while the American and Chinese took over from the French and Chinese to support the South Vietnamese army.

The anti-war theme runs throughout, and this is expressed profoundly in one sentence: “All wars are fought twice.The first time was on the battlefield, and the second time was in people's memories.”

The camera takes us to a wooden prison, where the current captain sits.A communist soldier ordered him: “ Start over - remember, re-educate, revolution, rewrite.”They wanted to reform his thinking because he was not a true communist.

The story takes place in the winter of 1975.The Captain is waiting for CIA agent Claude outside a movie theater where Death Wish is showing.They walked into the movie theater together, but what was happening was not a fictional drama, but a real interrogation.The subject of the interrogation was a communist spy who was said to be in possession of top-secret documents on Vietnamese counterintelligence agents.

Under the guidance of Claude, the captain gradually came into contact with and integrated into American culture and way of life.He is biracial, bilingual, and received a college education in the United States.Now, he is a captain in Vietnam's counterintelligence force and the general's right-hand man.

Shockingly, the suspected spy is the Captain himself - a communist spy lurking in the southern counterintelligence police force.She is a loyal comrade who refuses to betray the Captain even though she knows he is the source of her pain.

Southern counterintelligence managed to eavesdrop on her conversation.The captain is ordered to track her down and arrest her, albeit reluctantly.She even encouraged him to attack her in order to avoid suspicion.

Now, counterintelligence agents and CIA representative Claude are in the interrogation room, waiting to find clues in her excrement.Claude even starts telling toilet jokes, much to the captain's dismay.

The captain's thoughts drifted back to three days ago, when he was with his friends Bang Heman.Bang's father was killed, so he can't understand the communists' motives.Mann and Captain are latent spies working for the communist cause, but the three of them are “blood brothers” and have deep feelings.Bang is married and has a child, and the Captain is the child's godfather.

On the balcony, Mann tells the captain that they need to get the complete personnel list of the secret police.Once the city is taken back, everyone involved will be “re-educated”, which means Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City) is about to fall.This could be the painful memory the Captain experienced at the beginning of the episode, despite Man assuring him that he doesn't need to be re-educated.

At the cinema, the woman was arrested and asked about her contacts.She replied firmly: “My contact?His name is "Yue" and his surname is "Nan".”These patriotic words moved the captain to tears.

Two months later, fighting broke out in Saigon.Claude visits the general's residence in a tense atmosphere, but despite the impending war, he appears optimistic.The general had begun preparations for evacuation, and he anxiously asked Claude to arrange a plane to the United States.

Claude arranged a 92-seat plane for him, but the general responded in horror: “92 seats?My own extended family includes 54 people.”This highlights the general's concern for his own interests, in stark contrast to the miserable plight of ordinary people.

The captain is responsible for selecting agents who can travel with him to the United States.He deliberately selected those who appeared to be capable but were in fact incompetent, with the intention that after taking over Saigon, the truly dangerous people would be punished as they should.He also secured three valuable seats for his friend Bang and his family.

A few days later, on a quiet night, the three of them sat together and thought about the wonderful life in the United States.However, Mann and the captain had already made plans to stay in Vietnam.That night, Mann revealed a shocking decision to the captain. He planned to accompany the general to the United States in order to provide the government with key information from an intelligence perspective.Although the captain was reluctant to give up, he ultimately acquiesced to Man's decision for the sake of the overall situation.

Eventually, the general's family and selected agents embarked on a journey to a U.S. Air Force base.They rode buses and trudged through the war-torn streets.After arriving at the base, they anxiously awaited the moment they were taken to the plane.However, the general still complained about the lack of seats, and the American soldiers responded indifferently: “ Sit butt-to-butt, since Vietnamese people’s butts are not big anyway.”

At the critical moment when everyone was about to board the plane, they were suddenly attacked by fierce artillery fire.The bus shook under the gunfire and eventually flipped to the ground.People scrambled out of their cars in panic, and the captain and Bang's family ran as fast as they could toward the plane.However, tragedy happened at this moment - Bang's wife and child were shot and killed, leaving the captain and others in grief.

The camera returns to the captain in prison again, recalling the painful experience with tears in his eyes.At this moment, an American pop song he had grown up listening to sounded in the cell.He climbed to the small iron window and hummed softly to the melody of the song, as if looking for some spiritual comfort.

American TV series《The Sympathizer》Episode 2 plot

The majestic general of North Vietnam specially summoned the unknown captain who had been trapped in the re-education camp and ordered him to continue reading the unfinished story.Time passes, and back to the war-torn Vietnam, Bang hugs the body of his deceased wife, while the captain holds the child who died in his arms. The two fled in a hurry under the fierce attack.After going through hardships and dangers, they finally boarded the escape plane, but the pain of bereavement still lingered in their hearts and they could not let go.

Bang is now like a zombie. He keeps silent and has lost all motivation in life.In view of this, the captain had to personally take care of his daily life, even bathing and using the toilet for him.They now live in the suburbs of Los Angeles, but the captain has never forgotten his hometown and secretly used corn starch to pass information to Mann in Vietnam.Mann is now an officer, and the captain reveals to him that the general's power is declining and he may no longer be the threat he once was.

Flashback to five weeks ago, we witnessed the difficult life of generals, captains and other Vietnamese compatriots in refugee camps.Sanitary conditions there were poor, food was scarce, people were increasingly dissatisfied with the general, and attacks even occurred.This convinced the general that someone must be secretly inciting him to subvert his position.To this end, he ordered the captain to find the hidden spy.

In order to distance himself from the general, the captain turns to a university professor for help, hoping that he can help fund his and Bang's lives.The captain visited the professor and showed him the offices of the Department of Oriental Studies.There, the captain met Miss Mori, who had a shrewd personality.

The professor then expressed his inner pain as a former colonizer and imperialist, while also addressing calls for the department to be renamed Asian American Chinese Studies.He warmly invited the captain to his party and gave him a suit.More importantly, the professor asked the captain to make a list of his Eastern and Western characteristics.

During an interview, the captain's witty answers won Miss Mori's praise.In another encounter, Bang handed the captain a letter from Professor Hammer.At the party the next day, the captain followed the professor's request and introduced his list of dualities to everyone.He behaved appropriately without belittling his Asian heritage, but the professor lost interest in him.

As time passed, the relationship between the captain and Miss Mori gradually heated up, which made Bang feel uncomfortable.Meanwhile, the General's family found a new home in Los Angeles.However, here, the general's status is no longer prominent, and he has become a frustrated man addicted to alcohol and tobacco.The only obsession in his heart is to find the spy who betrayed him.In order to make ends meet, the general even opened a liquor store called Huangqi Liquor%.However, on opening day, a graffiti on the wall only heightened his paranoia about spies.The poor captain had to take it upon himself to remove the graffiti.

One day, the captain met an old classmate.This classmate bluntly pointed out that “yellow” does not have much positive meaning in American culture and has even been compared to filth.He also took issue with the general's store name.Faced with this, the general gave an impassioned speech, reiterating the importance of finding and eliminating spies.After the speech, patriotic cheers erupted.Afterwards, the general and Claude began to question everyone one by one, trying to find out any clues about the spies.

In order to avoid suspicion, the captain mistakenly pointed the finger at a former military officer.His reasoning was that the officer still had ties to their home country and even purchased peanut brittle from there as merchandise.The General and Claude became suspicious and began to examine the candies carefully.Finally, the general summoned the captain and put pressure on him to get to the bottom of the spies.Because the family of this suspected officer lived a quite comfortable life in Vietnam, while the families of other officers suffered from the hardships of re-education camps.

Faced with this thorny problem, the captain asked Bang to help him deal with the suspected spy suspicion of the officer.The episode ends with a letter from the captain to Mann.In the letter, the captain asked Mann whether he should take extreme measures to end the general's life.

American TV series《The Sympathizer》Episode 3 plot

With a heavy mission in mind, Captain Bang religiously visited the majestic general, aiming to find out his opinion on the upcoming assassination operation against the major.The general spoke firmly and clearly asked the captain to complete the mission satisfactorily and give a clear explanation.

On the way home, the captain unexpectedly discovered that Bang was not an ordinary paratrooper, but belonged to a mysterious and dangerous assassination organization.They secretly followed the major, but the captain fell into a deep entanglement, because the major was not only innocent, but he also recently gave birth to twins, which is really a great blessing in life.The two had discussed carrying out an assassination plan in a secret place like the parking lot, but unexpectedly the major's mother suddenly appeared and interrupted their plot.They accompanied her politely and shared each other's joys and sorrows.During the pleasant conversation, she warmly invited the captain and Bang to attend the celebration held by the major for her 80th birthday, and thoughtfully suggested that the captain bring a female companion to add to the festive atmosphere.

Therefore, the captain cordially invited Miss Mori to participate in the grand event.In the process, they also happened to meet Claude, who cleverly disguised himself as a homosexual and walked leisurely with his dog.Claude puts pressure on Captain in subtle ways, hoping that he can calm the general's oversensitivity and paranoia about espionage activities. After all, he is still an indispensable and important figure in the CIA.He solemnly warned the captain to remain silent, because this is the American way of doing things.

Affected by this, Captain Banghe continued to secretly observe the major's movements.They discovered that the major seemed to be involved in a suspicious business. However, when the captain questioned him face to face, the major frankly revealed the truth about his export trade - he was actually reselling expired American candies back to Vietnam.In the process, he always maintained a firm belief in the American dream, which makes people awe-inspiring.

On the day of the celebration, Captain and Miss Mori attended the banquet hand in hand.Ms. Mori was quite surprised by the extravagance of this refugee gathering.The general's daughter dressed in a Western dress and performed a moving song. Although the general expressed some dissatisfaction with this, the scene was still lively.The general once again solemnly told the captain to complete the assigned assassination mission.

Soon after, Congressman Ned Godwin arrived as the guest of honor.In his speech, he passionately expressed his support for Chinese Americans and gave the major's mother a replica of the American knife he had used in the Vietnam War as a congratulatory gift.However, this unintentional act caused an uproar because in Vietnamese culture, giving away knives is considered a bad omen - and they will cut off the relationship.This detail reveals Godwin's ignorance and disregard for Vietnamese culture.Later, when the general introduced the captain to the congressmen, he said lightly:“ He is a mixed race.”

In order to gain a deeper understanding of the major's business operations, the captain asked him personally for advice.The major showed the entire process without reservation - they purchased recently expired candies, carefully packaged them, and with the help of a man, shipped them to Vietnam in the name of donating North Korean school supplies.From the Major's enthusiasm for the July 4th fireworks event, the Captain got the idea and decided to carry out the assassination plan at night when the fireworks were noisy, because then the noise would cover up the sound of gunfire.

However, facing the upcoming assassination mission, the captain's heart is still full of struggle.Together with Bon, he lurked near the major's residence, waiting for the right moment.Bang gives the Captain some advice on how to carry out the assassination.Finally, the captain plucked up the courage, grabbed the major, pointed a gun at him, and took him to a predetermined parking lot.However, the major was not an easy target, and Bang had to personally assist the captain.After a fierce fight, they finally succeeded in ending the major's life and then left quietly.The general expressed satisfaction with their results and ordered the captain to prepare for him the major's eulogy.

The story returns to reality, where the communist officer asks the captain to tell a bizarre story about eggs.Our thoughts are once again drawn back to 18 months ago.At that point, Claude makes an urgent call to the Captain, asking him to get crucial information from the Watch about the mastermind behind the double bomb attack.During the conversation with the communists, under Claude's close surveillance, the captain cleverly disguised himself as a comrade and successfully won the trust of the other party.Ironically, however, the communists asked for boiled eggs the next morning and swallowed them in their shells.As a result, he accidentally died due to choking, adding a touch of absurdity and irony to this thrilling spy war.

At the same time, another solemn ceremony was taking place.At the major's funeral, the general read out the eulogy with great sadness, every word embodying grief and respect for the deceased.However, in this solemn occasion, Claude's appearance brought a strange atmosphere.He quietly told the captain that they accidentally discovered an encrypted conversation in one of the major's candy boxes, which actually involved doubts about the captain's identity.

It turned out that the major had suspected that the captain was a spy lurking around him.This news was like a bolt from the blue, causing the captain to fall into deep contemplation.He recalled his interaction with the major. Those seemingly ordinary interactions actually hid such deep secrets.What shocked him even more was that the encrypted message was accidentally put in by himself when he was helping the major.

Claude took the captain to a hotel, where a unique party was being held.Pretentious filmmaker Nico Damianos is casting for his new film, The Vietnam War.Professor Hammer and Ned Godwin were also present, making the party even more star-studded.

When the captain was flipping through the script, he inadvertently recalled his childhood past.Those days when I was rejected by my children and my mother's gentle comfort reappeared like yesterday.His mother once told him that he was not a “mixed race”, but a perfect fusion of two cultures.This sentence was like a beacon, illuminating his confused soul.

However, as the plot progresses, the captain's guilt for killing the major begins to gradually erode his heart.His nostalgia for his hometown and confusion about the present are all reflected in this sense of guilt.He began to wonder whether he had made the wrong choice and whether he should continue on this dangerous and unknown path.

American TV series《The Sympathizer》Episode 4 plot

The Captain meets with renowned filmmaker Nick Damianos to discuss a film project he is planning based on the Vietnam War.The captain actively advocated giving the Vietnamese people more voice and space for expression in the film. However, these suggestions seemed insignificant in Nick's grand film concept and failed to attract enough attention and attention from him.

However, after experiencing an imaginary conversation with Mann, Mann's encouragement made the captain determined to join the filming of the film as a Vietnam consultant to ensure that the film could maintain its % authenticity.

The filming location is located in the picturesque Napa Valley, seventeen weeks away from the captain's departure point.Unexpectedly, during the journey, the captain accidentally discovered the general's daughter Lana hiding in the trunk of his car.Unable to leave her alone on the dangerous highway, the captain had no choice but to take her along.

When the two arrived at the filming location, a high-profile pop icon joined the cast, which undoubtedly brought Lana great joy.The opening ceremony kicked off with laughter and enthusiastic media coverage. Afterwards, the production designer showed the captain the carefully created shooting scene.In order to restore the customs and customs of Vietnam, they specially introduced various plants and animals to make the whole scene come to life, which made the captain feel surprised and nostalgic.

During filming, they came upon a cemetery scene.On this special occasion, the captain revealed the news that his mother had passed away in the United States, and requested that her name be engraved on one of the tombstones to express his grief.

However, the filming process was not smooth sailing.The entire filming came to a standstill when a mainland extra refused to speak Vietnamese as required.In view of Nick's high pursuit of film authenticity, he decisively decided to find real Vietnamese extras to replace him.At this critical moment, the captain acted quickly and successfully contacted several Vietnamese refugees to come to help.

As filming resumed, Captain cleverly arranged some anti-American lines for the Vietnamese characters to enhance the film's dramatic tension.However, in another scene, extras refused to play Vietcong characters, leading to a communication breakdown.But as long as they perform well, Nick doesn't mind.

Soon after, Bang also joined the filming team and died heroically in various ways in the film, showing extremely high professionalism and professionalism.With Bang joining the cast, Lana also got more filming opportunities and participated in the filming of several additional scenes.At the same time, her relationship with Jamie grew closer.

At one point, the Captain paid a special visit to Nick and had in-depth consultations on the Vietnamese character's lines in the torture scene.In this scene, the Viet Cong need to brutally torture an Asian American character.However, Nick didn't take it seriously and insisted on filming according to his own vision.

As the captain was leaving the set, he was shocked to discover that the actor playing the Asian-American character was starving himself to prepare for the role.When he later watched the torture scenes being filmed, the captain couldn't help but recall the tragic experiences of lesbians who had suffered at the hands of the CIA and Vietnamese counterintelligence.

That night, Nick had a sudden inspiration and designed a brand new scene for the movie - a rape scene full of violence and violation.Shockingly, the scene is named after the Captain's mother and was inspired by a real event.The captain was furious when he learned this detail and approached Nick to protest fiercely.However, Nick was stubborn and insisted on filming the scene.During the dispute between the two parties, Nick actually fired the captain.

The captain felt anxious and helpless at this time because he was worried that an actor who played Captain Shams in the movie might confuse reality with performance.The Asian-American actor is known for blending reality with performance, and a little crazy.The captain's concerns came to a head when the actor described how Captain Shams punched his partner and even broke his nose to get an authentic reaction from his scene partner.He was afraid the actor would actually rape Lana on screen.

Therefore, the captain was on constant alert during the filming of the rape scene.When things started to get heated, he decisively gave another actor the early signal to step in and save Lana's character.However, this move clearly angered Nick.To make matters worse, the two actors actually broke each other's noses during their intense performance, making the scene impossible to reshoot.

Later, Nick's improvised ending scene begins when the Captain pays homage to his mother's fake grave.The entire village and filming location were bombed and turned into rubble.The captain sitting in the re-education camp was deeply troubled by these memories and immersed in memories of the past.

The time in the United States became more and more unbearable for the captain. Whenever he heard an American pop song, he could not help but sing their revolutionary songs, expressing his longing for his hometown and the past years through singing.Remember.

American TV series《The Sympathizer》Episode 5 plot

9:00 am on May 13, 2024 (Beijing time)

American TV series《The Sympathizer》Episode 6 plot

9:00 am on May 20, 2024 (Beijing time)

American TV series《The Sympathizer》Episode 7 plot

9:00 am on May 27, 2024 (Beijing time)

The editor has introduced to you all the plots of episodes 1-7 (including the ending) of the American drama - The Sympathizer. If you still want to know more about this film and television drama, I look forward to your attention andSupport, we will bring you more exciting content in the future.

The Sympathizer

The Sympathizer

Total 7 Episodes Apr 14, 2024 Us Myst/Hist

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