《The aunt's mother broke the legs of her rebellious sons after she was reborn》Plot introduction

  • Auth:Little Diu
  • Oct 11, 2024

《The aunt is reborn and breaks the legs of her unfaithful sons》This is a rebirth-type sadistic drama. The editor brings you the star list and plot of the short drama about the aunt is reborn and breaks the legs of her unfaithful sons. If you like to watch it,Friends who are fans of Shuangwen's heroine's counterattack, don't miss it, come and watch it together!

《The aunt's mother broke the legs of her rebellious sons after she was reborn》Plot introduction

Starring list

《The aunt's mother breaks the legs of her unfaithful sons after she is reborn》The starring roles in the short play are Liu Ning and Lin Ruixue.

Plot synopsis

In her previous life, she worked hard for her stepson and stepdaughter, but she didn't expect to be killed by her scumbag husband and his stepson and stepdaughter. In her new life, she decided to completely destroy the scumbag's family...

This short drama tells the story of Xie Jinyun, who worked hard for his stepson and stepdaughter in his previous life, but was eventually killed by his scumbag husband and stepson and stepdaughter. After resurrecting his life, he decided to completely destroy the scumbag's family and no longer educate the ungrateful people.If the rebellious sons and daughters dare to mess with her, she will break their legs on the spot.

In the play, after her rebirth, the aunt first exposed the evil deeds of her traitorous sons, and gradually disintegrated their power through wisdom and strategy.The plot is full of struggles and reversals, and ends with the aunt's successful revenge and the reintegration of the family, demonstrating the protagonist's wisdom and determination.

The above is all the information related to the plot introduction - the aunt's mother breaks the legs of her traitors after being reborn.If you want to learn more about the plot of the show, the backgrounds, development, and relationships of the characters, we highly recommend you pay attention to the line lessons.Through our website, you can learn about every detail of the play and observe the personality, characteristics and even emotional changes of each character.We will include as many elements and information as possible to meet your needs, allowing you to better understand and experience the beauty of the show.

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