《Operation Moscow》Introduction to the ending of the real incident

  • Auth:Hungry Wolf
  • Oct 26, 2023

As a TV series with a high level of attention, "Operation Moscow" has a lot of fans since the filming started. This broadcast has made many fans and friends extremely excited. At the same time, they are very excited about "Operation Moscow".-The introduction to the ending of the real incident is also very curious, and I can’t wait to know - Operation Moscow - the introduction to the ending of the real incident, so let the editor talk to you in detail.

《Operation Moscow》The film is adapted from real events. It attracted widespread attention in the early 1990s and has been adapted into film and television dramas many times.Four days after the film was released in China, the box office has exceeded 200 million. Many of the action scenes in the film are quite hot, but there are also some scenes of female characters being violated that have caused controversy. In fact, in real history, the crimes that happened on that train are far more serious thanThe movie is even more chilling.

Zhao Jinhua: (male and female robber, gang leader) was sentenced to death.

Zhu Xingjin: (male and female robber, gang leader) was sentenced to death.

Miao Binglin: (Gang leader) was sentenced to death.

Newton: (The gang leader) was sentenced to death.

Jia Xiaoming: (Rape case perpetrator) The court found Jia Xiaoming guilty of robbery and sentenced him to life imprisonment, deprived of political rights for life, and confiscation of all personal property; guilty of rape, sentenced him to 15 years in prison and deprived of political rights for three years.The two crimes were punished concurrently, and it was decided to carry out life imprisonment, deprivation of political rights for life, and confiscation of all personal property.

Zong Liyong: (pseudonym Li Yong, Lin Yonghai) The court found Shao Xun guilty of robbery, but he took the initiative to return compensation and had a good attitude of pleading guilty. He could be given a lighter punishment and sentenced to fifteen years in prison.

Shao Xun: For robbery, he was sentenced to 15 years in prison, deprived of political rights for three years, and confiscated personal property of RMB 88,480.

After trial, more than 60 defendants were sentenced, 31 of whom were sentenced to life imprisonment or more (including the death penalty), and 14 were sentenced to more than ten years in prison. The gang leaders Newton, Miao Binglin, Zhao Jinhua,Zhu Xingjin and others were sentenced to death.

The Sino-Russian International Train Robbery refers to a series of car hijackings on international trains between China and Russia in the early 1990s.The most serious one was the robbery of the 3/4 international train from Beijing to Moscow on May 26, 1993.This case is often misunderstood and simply regarded as the Sino-Russian International Train Robbery. In fact, it is just the most representative example of many robberies.During the four-day trip in Russia, the train was robbed by multiple groups of robbers for five rounds in total.

The K3/4 train from Beijing to Ulaanbaatar and Moscow passes through China, Mongolia and Russia. It has been running since 1960. It is the first foreign-related train launched after the founding of the People's Republic of China. It departs from Erenhot and has a total distance of 7818 kilometers..After Gorbachev visited China in 1989, Sino-Soviet relations gradually normalized. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia, which lacked light industrial products, had a large demand for Chinese goods, stimulating the development of Sino-Russian border trade.

At that time, due to the lack of shipping channels, the K3/4 international train from Beijing to Moscow became the most important cargo channel.The originally deserted K3/4 international train has almost become a special train for Sino-Soviet trade.A trip to Russia will turn you into a million-dollar household. The huge temptation has caused a large number of international bad guys to board this international train.

This train departed from Beijing Railway Station, and most of them were businessmen in Beijing. Most of them did not have a legitimate job, or they were workers who had been released from prison.During the long 6 days and 6 nights, these lonely and intolerable villains began to get familiar with each other in the car, starting from - lone rangers - to mobs - to gangs -.

These gangsters with gambling debts soon discovered a loophole in the international train:

In accordance with the border agreement, Chinese police officers got off the Erenhot train when it left the country.The Mongolian police do not go on duty in their vehicles, and they do not care much about the internal affairs of the Chinese people.During the 6 days and 6 nights from China to Moscow, there were no police on duty!In addition to Beijing gangsters, there were also some Fujian and Shanghai gangsters on the train, as well as Zhejiang snakeheads who organized smuggling abroad.

Male and female thieves really existed in history

Beijing gangsters targeted southern gangsters and Zhejiang snakeheads. They first committed petty thefts on trains and later developed into robberies.Starting in 1993, armed with gas guns and machetes, they robbed, raped, and bloodbathed international trains.Eventually, it developed into four major robbery gangs headed by Newton, Miao Binglin, Zhao Jinhua, and Zhu Xingjin.

《Operation Moscow》 In the movie, a group of Mao monks played by Zhang Benyu, Zhao Na played by Yuxian, Zhenzhen played by Man Yongshan, and Miao Ziwen played by Gu Jiacheng all committed robberies as lovers. In real events, there were male and female thieves.

Zhao Jinhua and Zhu Xingjin were in the same group. The male and female robbers were called Second Sister Zhao and Third Brother Zhu by people on the road.Zhao Jinhua is a Northeastern woman who started out as an ordinary dealer. Later she found that train robbery was more profitable than selling goods, so she joined Zhu Xingjin's gang, and finally became Zhu Xingjin's mistress and another of the robbers.leader.

Zhao Jinhua's success is not just due to her beauty, she also has some skills.She knows the importance of human relationships and once spent $3,000 to bail out another robber leader, Miao Binglin, from the Russian police.

《Operation Moscow》Introduction to the ending of the real incident

The main gang in the China-Russia train robbery

From then on, she became popular among the robbers.As long as people from other gangs see a pack of Jade brand cigarettes placed on the box table, they will know that this is Zhao Jinhua's favorite, and no one dares to snatch it from her.

Zhao Jinhua's mistress, Zhu Xingjin, was also a bad guy. He made hundreds of thousands in the early days, but ended up addicted to gambling and lost all his money. Zhu Xingjin couldn't return to the country, so he made a living by robbing fellow countrymen, and gradually developed his own influence on the K3 train.

Newton was originally born into a wealthy Beijing family. After becoming a treacherous man, he was robbed of money several times. Just like Shao Xun, he was forced to join crime.Newton, who was originally gentle and gentle, gradually lost his conscience after committing several crimes and became more and more unscrupulous.He had also been taken care of by Zhao Jinhua.According to the recollection of an arrested robber, Zhao Jinhua once helped Newton tell him which box operator had the oil and water scraper, and also taught him how to use a gun.Newton used a revolver-type gas gun, while Zhao Jinhua used a May 4th pistol.She also reminded Newton: - Your gun is not good, you have to use a real gun.“

Miao Binglin was the first among the four to start the robbery.He was originally a wanted criminal, and he fled to the international train to create this crazy path to wealth.Except for Zhao Jinhua, the other three were born in Beijing.K3 train robbers are also mainly from Beijing.

”China-Russia International Train Robbery“Major Case

”March 10 gang rape case“.On March 10, 1993, Ms. Gao, a female trade union cadre from a certain unit in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, visited Moscow.During the six-day and six-night journey, this Jiangnan woman was gang-raped three times by 10 robbers without anyone helping her.It was later discovered that the main culprit was Jia Xiaoming, a gangster from Beijing.

”April 26 gang rape case“.On April 26, 1993, a female reporter who was on leave from her job in a southern province was kidnapped and gang-raped by a group of Chinese robbers as soon as she left the Moscow station.

”The massive robbery and rape case on May 26“.From May 26 to 31, 1993, after the K3 international train from Beijing to Moscow left the country, it was robbed by four robbery gangs.Four groups of robbers, armed with gas guns, daggers and electric batons, robbed more than 20 Chinese tourists of their passports and money, raped and gang-raped three women, and wounded and stabbed many others.The amount of money robbed amounted to more than 7,000 US dollars, as well as hundreds of thousands of rubles and a large amount of RMB, gold jewelry and other properties.

The media often refer to it as the "China-Russia Train Robbery". It was the most complicated case and the most devastating among the many robberies that year. It was also one of the top ten major crimes in China.Before committing the crime, they pretended to be tourists and chatted with the passengers to determine who had the money and who was carrying what goods. After checking in, they contacted their accomplices, colluded with each other, and then split up to commit the crime.

”Although they commit crimes in a gang, whoever gets the money gets it. After the gang breaks up, they will join other gangs to continue committing crimes.“Director Ai Anjun of the Beijing Railway Public Security Bureau mentioned in his memories.

According to public information, after the train left the Chinese border, the Chinese police got off the train in accordance with regulations, but the Russian and Mongolian sides did not deploy police forces on the train.The gangsters who robbed trains were often armed with deadly weapons and robbed one compartment after another.Male passengers who refused to hand over their belongings were beaten, forcibly searched, and their luggage searched, while female passengers were asked to strip naked and hand over the money hidden in their underwear.To deal with passengers who resisted or those who jumped out of the window to escape, the gangsters armed themselves with weapons and even stopped the train, got off the train and chased them.

According to the memories of passengers at the time, because most of the people on the train were Chinese who came to Russia to prospect for gold, the gangsters would be wary at first, but later on, they would show no mercy at all, and even acquaintances would be robbed.Especially during the China-Russia train robbery, train passengers were repeatedly robbed, and the money, jewelry, and materials carried by the passengers were looted and drained.

The international impact at that time was extremely bad, and many passengers did not dare to take this train again.After joint investigation by China and Russia, from February to June 1993, four major criminal gangs committed more than 100 crimes on international trains and in Moscow, robbing millions of yuan worth of property.

In October 1993, the Chinese police smashed several criminal gangs and arrested more than 70 suspects. A few still escaped and fled to Europe.Four major gangs and other scattered robbers, totaling more than 60 people, were tried and sentenced after trial.

Among them, 31 were sentenced to life imprisonment or more (including the death penalty), and 14 were sentenced to more than ten years in prison.In October of the same year, Interpol issued a red notice for one of the group's most wanted members, Zong Liyong.In April 1994, all four crime bosses were sentenced to death.

Those train robbers who have been on the run for more than ten years

In the Sino-Russian train robbery, some criminals were on the run for more than ten years, but in the end Skynet was able to recover and not miss any details.

On June 25, 2011, during the Internet Clearance Operation conducted by the Guilin police, 52-year-old Jia Xiaoming came into the police's sight dramatically.Based on reports from citizens, the police discovered that a middle-aged man living on Ludi Road, Diecai District, Guilin City, hangs out in chess and card rooms and game machine rooms all year round. He does not work normally and behaves very suspiciously.The police controlled him on the spot in a game arcade where he frequented.

Subsequently, through online comparison, the police confirmed that the man was Jia Xiaoming, a fugitive suspect who had been wanted online by the Ministry of Public Security for 18 years and participated in the 1993 China-Russia train robbery.

When questioned by the police when he was arrested, Jia Xiaoming always insisted that he was a native of Guilin, but he could not tell the date of birth on his ID card.In the end, the local police asked a question using Guilin's unique pronunciation, which completely exposed the bewildered Jia Xiaoming.

《Operation Moscow》Introduction to the ending of the real incident

Jia Xiaoming was captured after many years on the run

Jia Xiaoming, a native of Beijing, went to Tongxian County to join the workforce after graduating from high school. After returning to the city in 1978, he was assigned to work in a factory.In 1979, Jia Xiaoming was sentenced to two years in a labor camp for pickpocketing.After finishing the labor camp, he never had a regular job.Later, he started a self-employed business in Dongdan area, mainly selling clothing.During this period, he married a woman who was more than 10 years younger than himself and had a son.

In 1990, Jia Xiaoming discovered that many people around him began to take international trains to sell clothes to Russia and made a lot of money. He was so excited that he joined the team that went to Russia to pan for gold.In 1991, Jia Xiaoming paid someone to apply for a passport to Hungary in the name of studying abroad. Before going abroad, he and his wife went through divorce procedures.

“At that time, I always bought leather jackets from Muxiyuan, and I could make a net profit of more than 10,000 yuan in one trip!”After being arrested, Jia Xiaoming showed a proud smile when he talked about his experience as a traitor.

He claimed that he returned to Beijing in 1992 because his passport expired. Since he had relatives in Guilin, he decided to go to Guilin temporarily for development.“After I stayed in Guilin for a while, I also heard from my parents that the public security department came to look for me at home. At that time, I thought it must be because I was discovered stealing a Russian wallet.”Jia Xiaoming said.

“Seclusion”In Guilin, Jia Xiaoming no longer used his own name. Since he did not dare to find a job, he used more than 20,000 yuan in cash he brought from home to start a small business and opened an account in the name of his cousin to trade stocks.“I have opened a restaurant and worked in a shampoo shop, both of which were very successful and made a lot of money.”Jia Xiaoming said.

A few years ago, while playing cards in a chess and card room, he met a woman 13 years younger than him and soon they lived together.After being captured, Jia Xiaoming insisted that he had never participated in a train robbery - there was no such thing on the train at that time, and I had never heard of it, really -.

In 2012, the Beijing Railway Transport Intermediate Court issued a first-instance verdict against Jia Xiaoming, the former international train serial robbery and rape convict who had been on the run for 18 years.The court found Jia Xiaoming guilty of robbery and sentenced him to life imprisonment, deprived of political rights for life, and confiscation of all personal property; guilty of rape, sentenced him to 15 years in prison and deprived of political rights for three years.The two crimes were punished concurrently, and it was decided to carry out life imprisonment, deprivation of political rights for life, and confiscation of all personal property.

On the afternoon of July 22, 2011, at the departure area of ​​Terminal 3 of the Capital Airport, a man kept looking around in the waiting queue.When going through the exit formalities, the man hesitated and handed his passport to the border policeman Xiao Wang. This action made the border policeman vigilant.Xiao Wang discovered that the man's passport name was - Li Yong -, but the name filled in on the exit card was - Zong Liyong -.When the name was queried in the system, the computer displayed - wanted person by the Ministry of Public Security -.

According to reports, the duty room had quietly arranged a control area at that time to prevent the man from escaping.The policeman asked, "What's your name?"Who is Zong Liyong?“Hearing the words Zong Liyong, the man immediately shouted loudly and said emotionally that he was an Australian and the police had no right to detain him.

《Operation Moscow》Introduction to the ending of the real incident

Photos of Zong Liyong's wanted status in his early years

Among the items Zong Liyong carried with him was a calendar. He told the border police that this was to remember the days. He had been on the run for so long and was counting the days.

Zong Liyong was once very famous. He had a nickname - Dongcheng Laoqi - and he was very powerful among the Beijing gangsters who went to Moscow.18 years ago, with a dream of getting rich, he applied for a passport and went to Moscow in the name of studying abroad to start a business.

After the robbery, Zong Liyong went on the run and traveled almost all over Europe. He changed his name to Li Yong and sneaked back to China in 2006.Zong Liyong was afraid that his whereabouts would be exposed, so he did not dare to find a job and had been relying on gambling to make a living.

On the day he was captured, he planned to go to Macau to gamble, but when going through the exit procedures, he accidentally filled in his real name on the exit card.

On August 28, 2011, a public welfare event was held at Wuxiang Plaza in Qingxiu District, Nanning City, Guangxi to donate education to poor students.Lin Yonghai, a well-known local philanthropist and multi-millionaire businessman, was invited to the event.In this charity event, Lin Yonghai will donate generously as always, and the scene is filled with deep warmth.

Suddenly, several plainclothes men with Beijing accents quietly entered the event. After showing their police ID in front of Lin Yonghai, they said:

”After 18 years, we finally found you, come with us.”

A few days later, Lin Yonghai's true identity was revealed to the public, shocking the whole country.This Lin Yonghai is Shao Xun, another fugitive involved in the Sino-Russian train robbery.

On February 9, 2012, the Beijing Railway Transport Intermediate Court publicly sentenced Shao Xun, the suspect in the Sino-Russian train robbery case.The court found Shao Xun guilty of robbery, but he took the initiative to return the compensation and had a good attitude of pleading guilty. He could be given a lighter punishment and sentenced him to fifteen years in prison.

The above is all about the introduction of the ending of the real incident - Operation Moscow.The story after the film may show more exciting scenes and plots, and there may also be some plot parts that the audience does not understand well, but don’t worry, everyone is welcome to pay attention to our line class, and we will continue to bring you moreWhat a wonderful plot introduction, plot analysis and other content.

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