《May Snow》movie plot introduction

  • Auth:Enchanting Ice
  • Oct 26, 2023

《May Snow》 is currently on the air. The actors' acting skills and looks are also available online. It's suitable for everyone to watch in their spare time.There is also a lot of discussion about the plot introduction of the movie "May Snow" in the play. Today, the editor will take you to take a look at some content about the "May Snow" movie plot introduction.

《Snow in May》The narrative of the film begins in the 1950s. Guangzhou Cantonese opera actors and their %Pu Changchun Troupe traveled to Southeast Asia and took root in Malaysia. The story begins with the rise and fall of the troupe, the family regrets of the Nyonya descendants, and the death of Dato’s father-in-law.In rural legends, the turmoil throughout the country's independence carries with it half a century of scenes and flavors, creating a grassroots story belonging to the local Chinese in Malaysia.

《May Snow》movie plot introduction

The story is based on the May 13 Incident in Malaysia. After Malaysia’s third general election on May 13, 1969, the streets exuded a sense of chill. Just as Aying and her mother went to the Kuala Lumpur community to appreciate the June Snow, her father Wengui and her brotherGuan Yao went to watch the movie "The Heartless Man". Unexpectedly, there was a sudden riot in the party, and the government ordered martial law. Blood was spattered indiscriminately on innocent Chinese people. His father and brother lost contact with each other... On the same day 49 years later, Aying went to findWhen the corpses of their father and brother came to Yishan Tomb, they met Dou E, the former leader of the theater troupe. The two of them looked back at that period of historical memory Silenceand powerlessness.

《May Snow》co-starred by Wan Fang, Zheng Renshuo, Singaporean actor Yu Hongrong, and Malaysian actors Chua Bo Zhu, Chen Lixing and Wang Jun.Director Zhang Ji'an has been planning this movie for 17 years to truly record the racial violence in Kuala Lumpur. The ending shot panned over the lonely graves of the victims of the 513 incident. This scene even made the audience burst into tears.

《Snow in May》will be released on November 17, 2023.

The above provides all the latest information related to the plot introduction of the movie "May Snow". This information will have an important impact on the subsequent development of the plot. You will not want to miss any details.If you are willing to pay attention to all kinds of film and television entertainment information, then please pay attention to the line class, and you will gain a richer plot experience.

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