《I want to go against the wind》Broadcast time

  • Auth:Enchanting Ice
  • Oct 30, 2023

Since the broadcast of "I'm Going Against the Wind", it has attracted widespread attention and discussion on all major social platforms.Whether on Douyin, Weibo, or other social platforms such as Bilibili, people are sharing videos, plot content, and various impressions about the show.Today, the editor will focus on the broadcast time of "I'm Going Against the Wind" and talk to the audience.

《I want to go against the wind》Broadcast time

The play will be broadcast online on October 30.The TV series is adapted from Wei Zai's novel of the same name - I Want to Go Against the Wind - and tells the story of the revival of a national brand under the impact of the e-commerce economy.

《I want to go against the wind》Broadcast time

Xu Si and Jiang Hu faced a difficult situation. Their business concepts and goals were completely different, but when faced with the survival of the “Tengyue” brand, they decided to put aside their differences temporarily and work together to save this once glorious enterprise.

Xu Si knew that “Tengyue” had a special meaning in the hearts of Jianghu, and he was full of confidence in this brand.He decided to devote all his resources and energy to achieving this goal.He re-examined the company's business model and market positioning, while also conducting an in-depth study of competitors.He proposed a series of radical reform plans in order to revive “Tengyue”'s glory.

However, Jianghu did not fully agree with Xu Si's reform plan.She insisted that “Tengyue” should maintain its tradition and uniqueness instead of blindly pursuing market share and profits.This intensified the differences between Xu Si and Jiang Hu again, and they began to quarrel and confront each other frequently.

However, they all know that if they cannot unite and work together, then the revival of “Tengyue” will be impossible.They realize that they need to find a balance where their ideas and perspectives come together.They began in-depth discussions and negotiations, trying to find a solution acceptable to both parties.

After a long period of debate and hard work, Xu Si and Jiang Hu finally reached an agreement.They decided to retain the traditional elements of Tengyue while also introducing some modern design and marketing strategies to meet the needs of the market.They also decided to strengthen cooperation with the supply chain to improve product quality and production efficiency.

With the joint efforts of Xu Si and Jiang Hu, “Tengyue” gradually restored its past glory.They successfully re-established the brand's image and attracted more consumer attention.Sales gradually increased and the company's profits began to rebound.

The successful revival of “Tengyue” is not only the victory of Xu Si and Jianghu, but also the result of the joint efforts of all employees and partners.Through unity and cooperation, they overcame numerous difficulties and successfully saved this enterprise that was once on the verge of bankruptcy.

Xu Si and Jiang Hu also gradually established a deep friendship and trust in the process.They learned to listen to each other, respect each other's expertise, and work together towards the same goal.They are not just business partners, they have become important supporters in each other's lives.

The above is all about 《 I'm Going Against the Wind 》 airtime.However, there may be more exciting plot points in the plot, as well as some parts that are not easy for the audience to understand.In order for the audience to fully understand the storyline, we strongly recommend that you continue to pay attention to the line lessons.

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