《Fearless》Who won the Wei Tongren case?

  • Auth:Charm
  • Nov 14, 2023

Recently, a much-anticipated film and television work appeared in the audience's sight, called - Fearless - it received a lot of attention and praise during the promotion stage, making people full of expectations, and it has not been let down since its launch.The audience was disappointed.Especially recently, people have been very interested in who won the Wei Tongren case - fearlessly - and want to know more relevant information.

《Fearless》, Chen Shuo set up a game and successfully won the lawsuit against Lao Han.In court, Chen Shuo and Han Zhitong had a heated debate, with both sides refusing to give in.Chen Shuo deliberately delayed the case, causing the case to be heard only in the afternoon.However, during the lunch break, Han Zhitong and Tian Ping accompanied Qiao Lianfeng out of the court and happened to meet Chen Shuo and Wei Tongren.

《Fearless》Who won the Wei Tongren case?

Wei Tongren deliberately angered Qiao Lianfeng, accusing her of wanting to monopolize his family property, and framed her for aborting his two children.Qiao Lianfeng was angered and violently abused Wei Tongren, and finally knocked him to the ground and beat him severely.This scene was witnessed by the presiding judge, and the trial continued in the afternoon.

In the afternoon, Wei Tongren was injured and accused Qiao Lianfeng of sending people to threaten and intimidate his mother.Chen Shuo took out the surveillance video of the community as evidence, causing an uproar at the scene.The judge declared the equity transfer agreement between Qiao Lianfeng and Wei Tongren invalid in court, allowing Wei Tongren to successfully get back his property.Qiao Lianfeng was so angry that she gritted her teeth.

That's all there is to know about 《 fearlessly 》 who won the Wei Tongren case.If you want to learn more about this film and television series, you may wish to pay attention to our website.We will continue to bring you exciting content related to this film and television series.

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