Movie《Endless Journey》Introduction to the prototype of real events

  • Auth:Holy Son
  • Dec 12, 2023

Recently, many works that are highly anticipated by the audience have been aired, and Endless Journey is undoubtedly one of them.From the promotion to the official broadcast, this drama has attracted much attention and gained good popularity. After the broadcast, the introduction of the real-life event prototype of the movie - Endless Journey is definitely what everyone wants to know most, so today the editorLet me tell you this in detail.

The movie - Endless Journey - is adapted from documentary literature - Please tell the director that the mission of Endless Journey has been completed - (Author: Deep Blue).

Movie《Endless Journey》Introduction to the prototype of real events

《Please tell the director that the Endless Journey mission has been completed》Original text

One afternoon in September 2013, in a residential complex in a prefecture-level city in Guizhou Province, a middle-aged water deliveryman had a conflict with an owner who was passing by a water station for no reason.Unexpectedly, the waterman quickly put the male owner to the ground, and the owner struggled desperately.

The fight between the two quickly attracted the attention of surrounding residents, and someone called the police. After the police arrived, they took the plumber and the injured owner to the police station for questioning and disposal.

At the police station, the water deliveryman quickly confessed his illegal behavior of assaulting others, but then the police continued to collect evidence from the injured owner for a full 20 hours.

In the end, the water deliveryman was acquitted, but the injured owner was criminally detained after completing DNA collection and comparison.

One day later, our city police sent people to the area and picked up the waterman and the injured owner.At this point, “ of the 2002 August 22 vicious burglary-turned-robbery and rape-causing-serious-injury cases in our city were finally announced to have been solved, and all suspects were arrested and brought to justice.

At the beginning of 2014, the verdict was announced in the ”8·22 case. The “owner” who was pushed to the ground by the water deliveryman was finally sentenced to a suspended death sentence, and the nearly 50-year-old water deliveryman finally ended his four-year wandering life..

Faced with the police's attempts to stay, he smiled and shook his head, then packed his bags and boarded the train heading north.

“If nothing happens in the future, don’t contact me.”Before departure, the water delivery man said to the policeman who was seeing him off, but he turned around and added: “Please tell Director Yang that the Endless Journey mission has been completed.”

The water deliveryman’s real name is Cheng Bing. He was once the captain of the Endless Journey Criminal Investigation Detachment of our city’s Public Security Bureau. In August 2002, he was sentenced to eight years in prison for intentional injury causing death and dereliction of duty. His sentence was commuted in March 2009.Get out of jail.In September 2013, he assisted the public security organs in capturing Wang Eryong, the criminal suspect in the 2002 8:22 case.

It was a year later that I saw this resume.That day, Cheng Bing’s colleague Lao Zhang was sitting in the duty room of the police station. He lit a cigarette and told me the story of Captain Cheng.

“On August 22, 2002, I was on duty at the Criminal Police Detachment Endless Journey, and received a call saying that a girl in my jurisdiction had an accident at home.”Lao Zhang recalled.

Captain Cheng led the police team that day. After everyone rushed to the scene of the crime, the scene inside made everyone present feel angry: a 17-year-old girl was lying naked on the bedroom floor with an obvious wound on her head., blood flowed all over the floor along with the brain tissue.After the 120 doctors who arrived later put the girl into the ambulance, the technical team police continued to investigate the crime scene.

According to the girl's parents, the two went out to visit relatives that day, but the girl said she was feeling unwell and wanted to stay in bed, so she did not go with them.The couple played cards at a relative's house until early in the morning and did not return home. After not wanting to go home, they discovered that something had happened to their daughter at home.

The crime scene was located on the fourth floor of a residential building in a remote location in the community. After investigation, the technical police found that there were two suspects in total. They cooperated with each other to climb the anti-theft net and air-conditioning unit from the first floor to the fourth floor and then opened the screen window to enter.Indoor.

Later, it was confirmed by the victim's family that all the belongings in their home were looted that night, with an economic loss of about 60,000 yuan. What distressed them the most was their daughter. After the hospital's full treatment, the girl saved her life, but her brain was severely damaged.Become a vegetable.

This is a typical case of burglary-turned-robbery and rape causing serious injury. Judging from the method of burglary, it should be committed by a habitual criminal.

“When Captain Cheng was listening to the case report in the brigade conference room, something was wrong.His face was livid, his eyes were staring, and he kept clutching the cigarette box in his hand. The pack of cigarettes was clenched into knots in his hands. Talking to people was like quarreling..."

Everyone on the scene could see Captain Cheng's anger. At that time, Captain Cheng also had a 10-year-old daughter at home, who he doted on like the apple of his eye. Perhaps the tragic situation of the murdered girl reminded him of his own daughter - that kind of anger was born out ofself-alarm

Cha, also comes from the father.

At that time, Captain Cheng issued a military order to Deputy Director Yang, who was in charge of criminal investigation, to solve the case within 5 days.Deputy Director Yang was worried about the lack of time and wanted to extend the time, but Captain Cheng insisted that it only took 5 days. If the case could not be solved within the time limit, he would voluntarily resign from the position of captain and go to the dog farm (police dog base) to raise dogs.

“Captain Cheng issued the military order in this way because he knew it well!”Lao Zhang sighed.

Captain Cheng became a police officer after graduating from a provincial public school at the age of 21. He started as a police officer based on household registration and police section. By 2002, he was already in his 16th year as a police officer and had accumulated a lot of experience in handling cases.That time, based on the suspect's method of climbing through the window and breaking into the house, he determined that it was a theft gang from Sichuan.

“In those days, there were many theft gangs running around in our city, and gangs in various places had their own methods. Gangs in Henan liked to 'slip through doors', gangs in Guizhou were good at picking locks, and those who used to 'climb through windows' to break into houses were basically from Sichuan.of.”

The forensic doctor extracted sperm spots from the victim girl's body and collected fingerprints from the balcony window frame.After comparison and verification, the person identified in the fingerprint comparison was Wang Dayong, a criminal suspect from Sichuan who had a history of theft and was cracked down by the public security organs. The person identified in the DNA comparison was Wang Dayong's younger brother Wang Eryong.

Wang Dayong, 32 years old at the time, had been sentenced for the crime of theft; his brother Wang Eryong was also a habitual theft offender. The two brothers had worked as air-conditioning installers and were good at climbing through windows and breaking into houses.

The Public Security Bureau immediately issued a wanted warrant for brother Wang Dayong. Just two days later, news came from the brothers' unit that the brothers continued to commit crimes. Wang Dayong was captured at the scene - that day he and Wang Eryong also tried to do something to the hostess after climbing through the window to steal.Unexpectedly, the husband and brother of the hostess suddenly came home. In the chaos, Wang Eryong escaped. The victim's relatives caught Wang Dayong, beat him up and called 110.

“When Wang Dayong was brought to Endless Journey, he had been beaten beyond recognition by the victim's family. We looked at the photo for a long time before we were sure it was him.”Lao Zhang said.

The public security organs have long required civilized law enforcement, but when faced with Wang Dayong in front of them, none of the police officers present could keep the bottom line, especially Captain Cheng, who gave Wang Dayong a "meeting gift" with an old punch.

“At that time, there were no interrogation rooms with simultaneous audio and video recordings, and the interrogations of suspects were all conducted in the police office.”Lao Zhang continued.

That day, Lao Zhang was assigned by Captain Cheng to be on duty in the duty room next to the office and did not personally participate in the interrogation of Wang Dayong.But from the screams and curses coming from next door, he knew that his colleagues were trying to trick Wang Dayong.

“I went to the next door on the way to deliver materials. Wang Dayong was "carrying a sword" on the window. A policeman next to him held an electric baton in his hand and asked his brother Wang Eryong where he had gone. He didn't tell...”

Lao Zhang said that he didn't know if he was lucky that night - Wang Dayong later died, and all the Endless Journey police officers who participated in the interrogation of Wang Dayong were punished. The least severe one was transferred from the public security agency. He was the only one who did not participate in the torture to extract a confession.After Endless Journey was cancelled, he was transferred to the police station.

“It's a shame that you didn't participate, so Endless Journey is the only fruit left...” I said to him with mixed emotions.

But Lao Zhang sighed: In this case, the suspects have not yet been arrested. The brothers who handled the case have gone in first. The policemen are all people with families and families. No one has any personal grudge against Wang Dayong. But once he died, the wholeEndless Journey has been reimbursed. I have been with Endless Journey since I started working. The team is gone. Although I am still a police officer, I always feel like an outcast...“

Wang Dayong died at 23:10 that night when he was interrogated. Lao Zhang said that he remembered that time clearly.

”Wang Dayong said he wanted to go to the toilet and was taken out of the office. After going to the toilet, he sat on the sofa in the hall. He was sweating profusely and shaking all over. His expression was very painful. I have seen uncooperative suspects being "taken away" before., but I have never seen one so heavy. I reminded them to be gentle, but the colleague also looked angry and said that three mop poles were broken, but Wang Dayong refused to speak and even made sarcastic remarks in front of the police...%

The policemen originally planned to ask Wang Dayong to slow down for a while, and then continue to deal with him. Unexpectedly, Wang Dayong, who was sitting on the sofa, not only failed to slow down, but instead began to shake more and more violently. Later, it gradually turned into convulsions, and he jumped from the sofa.slid onto the floor.

Upon seeing this, the two policemen dragged Wang Dayong to the sofa and scolded him, "Don't be pretentious." But soon, Wang Dayong slipped to the ground again and began to foam at the mouth.

The Endless Journey policeman quickly reported to Captain Cheng. Captain Cheng came to Wang Dayong and took a look. He felt something was wrong and asked the policeman to lay Wang Dayong flat on the ground and quickly notify someone from the hospital.

Unfortunately, Wang Dayong could not wait until the doctor arrived.A few minutes later, he screamed a few times, twitched violently, and then lost his breath.

“ Later, a forensic examination organized by the procuratorate revealed that Wang Dayong died of severe craniocerebral injury and liver and kidney failure... ” Lao Zhang said.

“They greeted Wang Dayong's head?”I feel a little incredible.

Lao Zhang smiled helplessly and said that he didn't know either, but he probably wasn't.Because in that era, the police were very skilled in their tactics, and no one would follow suit.The most likely reason was the beating that Wang Dayong received from the family of the previous victim.

But Wang Dayong died in the Public Security Bureau, and his entire back was bruised and bruised, leaving Captain Cheng and others unable to defend themselves.In this way, seven hours after Wang Dayong's death, in addition to Lao Zhang who was on duty, Captain Cheng and the entire Endless Journey police force were collectively taken to the Occupational Crime Investigation Section of the Procuratorate.

“At that time, there were two squadrons under Endless Journey, and together with the internal staff, they occupied a total of 4 offices. Before they were called away by the Procuratorate that day, they told me that they would let me help tidy up the office, and they would have to accept the internal affairs of the bureau when they came back.Big inspection.I worked in the team for a whole day, but none of them came back, but people from the Procuratorate came a few times.”

Looking at the empty office area, Lao Zhang couldn't explain how he felt. Later, even he was called to the procuratorate for questioning.And those colleagues of Endless Journey have never appeared in the office area as police officers since then.

After the incident, the leaders of the Public Security Bureau and the families of the victims of the two burglaries went to the Procuratorate to plead for mercy. The Bureau leaders implored the Procuratorate to consider Wang Dayong’s case and give Cheng Bing and others lenient punishment, but the Procuratorate refused.The parents and relatives of the victim girl in the 8.22 case also knelt at the door of the procuratorate and requested that Cheng Bing and others be exempted from criminal punishment, but they were also rejected by the procuratorate.

“ was later sentenced to intentional injury causing death. A total of 5 sentences were given. Captain Cheng was sentenced to 8 years, Xiao Liu was 5 and a half years, Zhang Haizi was 3 years and 9 months, and Lao Xu was the most serious, 12 years. The others did not constitute criminal offenses.Yes, he also 'took off his clothes' after being disciplined.”Lao Zhang sighed helplessly and lit another cigarette.

Back then, the case in which Cheng Bing and others used torture to extract a confession, resulting in the death of criminal suspect Wang Dayong, caused an uproar in the entire Public Security Bureau and even the entire municipal and legal circles.After the five Cheng Bings were sentenced, Deputy Director Yang, who was in charge of the overall criminal investigation work, also took the blame and resigned. What followed was a large-scale document study and disciplinary education for the overall situation.

The Wang Dayong brothers' cases of burglary, robbery, rape and serious injury were taken over by other brigades. Although the police are still investigating with all their strength, no one dares to mention the fact that they solved the case in 5 days.

After Wang Dayong died, the Public Security Bureau tried every means to contact his relatives, and even sent people to go to the Wang brothers' hometown in Sichuan. However, Wang Dayong's parents had passed away long ago, and only one aunt had married away from the Northeast many years ago, and had lost contact.I went there, but the Public Security Bureau never found anyone.

The whereabouts of Wang Eryong have also become a mystery.

Wang Dayong refused to tell where his brother had gone until his death, but he placed all the blame on Wang Eryong for raping and hitting the girl on the head with a heavy object, causing serious injuries.He may have thought that he could escape legal sanctions, but according to the current law, even if Wang Eryong could not be caught, Wang Dayong could not escape the crime of intentional injury causing serious injury.

It was just that Cheng Bing was reckless for a moment and ended up getting himself involved.

%Then why is he working as a waterman?Was it a coincidence or his plan to catch Wang Eryong?" I asked Lao Zhang.

"What a coincidence? How could it be such a coincidence?" Lao Zhang said with a smile, "Once a person is determined, there is nothing he can't do. Wang Dayong was determined not to let the police arrest Wang Eryong. He didn't say a word until he died. ChengThe captain is determined to arrest Wang Eryong. Even if he is no longer a policeman, he still wants to arrest him!"

After Wang Eryong was brought to justice, Cheng Bing told the police handling the case in detail how he tracked Wang Eryong after he was released from prison. The description of the tracking and arrest process was also attached to the case file., was remembered by the police handling the case.

“Before Cheng Bing was released from prison, the bureau also made plans.The case for which he was imprisoned was quite special, and he had been a police officer for so many years and received professional training. The police pitied his situation and were worried that he would make detours outside, so they introduced him to a job.”Lao Zhang said.

After Cheng Bing was imprisoned, his wife divorced him by agreement, and her baby daughter was raised by her. After he was released from prison, all that Cheng Bing had was a local house and nothing else.The leader introduced Cheng Bing to a job in a security company affiliated with the Public Security Bureau, where he worked as a logistics worker. This not only helped him solve work problems, but also brought him closer to the public security system for easier management.

But Cheng Bing refused the arrangement of the bureau, saying that he wanted to go out to work to make money, but the bureau had no choice. He said that he could go out, but he had to abide by the regulations on key population management work in the first five years after he was released from prison, and return to his household registration regularly.When talking to the local police station, Cheng Bing said that he knew the procedure and there was no problem.

After that, he left the city. Later, the community police called him back regularly to record conversations. He would also come back and ask him where he worked and what kind of job he did, and he would tell the truth.Sometimes, Cheng Bing would also ask about the “8:22 case. The community police thought he was just curious and told him they were still investigating.

In the four years from 2009 to 2013, the places where Cheng Bing explained to the community police where he was registered were all in Hunan, Sichuan, Chongqing and Guizhou. The types of work were also very mixed: working in a night market, working as a porter, and night shift rental.manage

He worked as a machine operator, courier, and even worked as an Internet cafe security guard, community doorman, etc.

A policeman who knew Cheng Bing asked him, "Other people go to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen to work." Why do you always go to underdeveloped areas for work? You used to be a criminal police captain after all, with a college degree. What kind of jobs have you found?

Cheng Bing just said that he was getting older and it was hard to find a job. He had been in the public security system for many years and was tired of the restrictions and controls. He wanted to find a job with more freedom.Hearing what he said, no one could say anything else, let alone that he would go to those places just to find Wang Eryong.

Lao Zhang told me one version of how Cheng Bing found Wang Eryong, but later I heard several other versions from other people. Sometimes when colleagues mentioned Cheng Bing at dinner parties, they would argue about how he tracked him back then.What method did Wang Eryong use?

The "8.22” case file" has long been filed. I was unable to see Captain Cheng's personal account of that day. I could only sort out a general clue after sorting through several versions from my colleagues.

Cheng Bing probably inquired among his fellow inmates about Wang Dayong and Wang Eryong's theft gang while serving his sentence.The thief in custody may have told Cheng Bing intentionally or unintentionally.

After being released from prison, Cheng Bing followed the clues and first went to a city in Guizhou and worked as a courier there. He hoped to use the opportunity of delivering couriers to collect information on surrounding residents. However, he may not have succeeded, or he may have successfully obtained some new information.clues.Anyway, after working as a delivery man for half a year, he went to Chongqing.

In Chongqing, he worked as a night-shift taxi driver for five months. He drove around the city every night, chatted with passengers, and used various methods to ask everything he wanted to know.

Five months later, he might have gotten some new clues, so he quit his job as a night-shift taxi driver and joined the after-sales service department of an air-conditioning brand in Chongqing. He still drove, but he only held that job for two weeks.He resigned and went to Deyang, Sichuan.

Cheng Bing applied for a job as a property security guard in a community in Deyang, and carefully registered people and vehicles entering and exiting every day. He did this job for 7 months, and almost mastered the household information of the entire community, and then resigned.The property manager tried to persuade him to stay, saying that he would be promoted to the position of security captain and his salary would be doubled. However, Cheng Bing declined the property manager's invitation and went to Yiyang, Hunan Province.

He worked as a handyman in an Internet cafe near Hunan City University for 6 months. Sometimes he was responsible for cleaning, sometimes he was responsible for handling customers' computer recharges, and sometimes he also served as a night shift security guard.Half a year later, Cheng Bing arrived in Changsha and worked as a delivery driver in a home furnishing mall, setting up a stall at the night market at night.

At the end of 2011, Cheng Bing quit his job as a delivery driver again, running a night market at night and delivering express delivery during the day. After working like this for nearly a year, he went to Guizhou for the second time.

“ Choosing to be a water deliveryman was probably a decision made by Cheng Bing after careful consideration. Compared with other professions in the past, the biggest advantage of a water deliveryman is that he has to 'get into the household'. Cheng Bing always carries Wang Eryong's photo on his body, and as long as he shows up,Wang Eryong turned into ashes, and Cheng Bing could recognize it.”A colleague told me.

At that time, the notebook that Cheng Bing carried recorded detailed information about the residents of the community that he had inquired about, including names, ages, phone numbers, time spent out, financial status, hobbies and specialties.Once, the owner of the water station discovered his notebook and asked him what he was doing recording these things. He said it was to better sell drinking water from the water station to residents.

“Cheng Bing is also a talented person. He told his boss that the purpose of recording the name and age of customers is to make it easier to address them when answering the phone. The purpose of recording the outing time is to avoid having no one at home when the water is delivered to the door. The boss really believed him. Later, Wang Eryong was arrestedAfter that, we asked the boss to serve as a witness. He said that in the nine months since Cheng Bing was working as a water delivery boy, his bottled water sales increased by 50”.“ said another colleague.

Finally, hard work paid off. After nine months of working as a water delivery worker, Cheng Bing finally identified Wang Eryong and captured him.

” Captain Cheng spent 4 years searching for Wang Eryong. When he discovered Wang Eryong’s whereabouts, why didn’t he directly notify the local police to arrest him? He has been a policeman for 16 years, so he wouldn’t know that notifying the police would save much effort than searching for him himself.?“I don't understand.

”We asked him about this later, and he said that he had issued a "military order" in front of Deputy Director Yang, and that he would personally capture Wang Eryong.“ colleague said.

When Wang Eryong was arrested, he couldn't believe that the person who pushed him to the ground was Lao Cheng, the water deliveryman who had come to deliver water to his door many times, had a kind face, and even offered him cigarettes to talk to.He even didn't expect that this ”Old Cheng“ was the police officer ”Cheng% who was imprisoned for handling the case between himself and his brother Wang Dayong 11 years ago.

He understood the magnitude of what he had committed back then, and also knew that his brother had died under torture to extract a confession. Later, he heard that all the police officers involved in interrogating his brother were in jail.Wang Eryong said that he knew very well that the police would never let him go, so in the past 11 years, he had tried every means to hide.

He changed his name, found someone to spend a lot of money to get a fake ID card, used the fake identity to marry his wife, gave birth to a son, and bought a house in his wife's name.

Wang Eryong did not dare to steal anything again for fear of being caught by the police and finding out his true identity.He didn't dare to drink for fear of spilling the beans when he was drunk. He didn't dare to take the train when going out. He was afraid of showing off his feet when buying tickets. He didn't even dare to argue with others, fearing that things would get serious and attract the police.

He worked everywhere, changing jobs frequently, including courier, night shift taxi driver, doorman, small supermarket tally clerk, network administrator, and probably all the jobs Cheng Bing had done.But I never dare to work for a long time, let alone stand out at work. As long as there is a slightest rumor, I will run away decisively.

The closest Wang Eryong was to Cheng Bing was when he was working as an installation worker in the after-sales service department of an air-conditioning brand in Chongqing.Wang Eryong had done air-conditioning installation before and had excellent skills. He worked hard at the company for another year. The company was going to sign a five-year labor contract with him and asked him to bring his ID card the next day.After much thought, he was still worried that his identity would be exposed, so he finally found an excuse to give up the job.

The day he resigned was the day Cheng Bing got the clue and went to join the company.

After his arrest, Wang Eryong thought that the case had already passed 11 years ago and that he had not been caught by the police on the spot, so he tried to pretend to be deaf and mute and put all the blame on his brother.

The police did not give him any more tricks, but put all kinds of evidence in front of him one by one. When he saw the DNA comparison results of the sperm spots he left in the victim girl's body, Wang Eryong collapsed completely and immediately confessed what happened back then.the entire crime process.

Late at night on August 22, 2002, the two brothers arrived at the crime location they had chosen in advance. The house did not have an anti-theft network, and the host and hostess would leave the house every evening and not return until early in the morning.

Around 11 o'clock in the evening, seeing that all the lights in other residents' homes upstairs were basically out, the two brothers began to climb along the security windows and air conditioner outdoor units from the first floor, and soon reached the fourth-floor window.

On that day, the victim girl happened to turn off the air conditioner and open the windows for ventilation. Not wanting to facilitate the entry of the Wang Dayong brothers, the two easily opened the screen window and jumped into the room.

The victim girl is a boarding student in a middle school in the jurisdiction. She usually lives at the school. She took leave to go home to rest because she felt unwell that day.Brother Wang Dayong did not expect that there would be anyone at home at this time. In order to quickly find the property, he rummaged through the boxes and cabinets and made great moves with his hands.

The noise they made woke up the girl. She sleepily thought her parents had gone home to look for something, and turned on the light without warning. Everyone was startled.

The girl soon started screaming, and Wang Dayong stepped forward and jumped on the girl, covering her mouth with his hand in an attempt to muffle the sound.Wang Eryong also hurriedly stepped forward to help, and the two brothers quickly covered the 17-year-old girl, who was still ill, and fainted.

Seeing that the girl fainted, they hurriedly put away the stolen property and prepared to leave. However, when they went out, they glanced at the disheveled girl lying on the ground, and the two brothers had evil thoughts.

However, just as they were sexually assaulting the girl, the girl suddenly woke up and started shouting for help again. The brothers picked up objects on the ground and smashed them on the girl's head until the girl stopped crying for help.

As for the fatal wound on the head of the victim girl, 11 years ago Wang Dayong said that his younger brother Wang Eryong did it. 11 years later, Wang Eryong said that his older brother Wang Dayong did it.The heavy object that hit the girl's head was a copper ornament. After technical inspection, it was found that it was covered with the fingerprints of Wang Dayong and Wang Eryong. It was impossible to verify who was responsible.

Of course, this does not affect Wang Eryong’s final sentencing.


Later, I heard that Captain Cheng's wife had remarried him and returned to him with her daughter. The couple opened a youth interest class in Beijing.At the beginning of 2018, I went to Beijing on a business trip and wanted to contact Captain Cheng. Firstly, I wanted to express my greetings to him. Secondly, I also wanted to hear his personal account of how he followed Wang Eryong alone.

But after the call got through, he exchanged greetings with me and expressed his gratitude. He did not tell me his specific address, refused to meet me, and was also unwilling to talk to me about the past.

"Let bygones be bygones, you are still young, be a good policeman, handle the case well, and protect yourself!" Captain Cheng said.After hanging up the phone, this sentence kept repeating in my mind.

I also seemed to hear what he said before boarding the train: "Please tell Director Yang that the Endless Journey mission has been completed!"

The above is a detailed analysis and answer brought to you by the editor about the movie-Endless Journey-the prototype of the real event.If you are also interested in other film and television works or surrounding information, please continue to pay attention to the follow-up content of the line course. We will bring you the latest and most comprehensive information in a timely manner.

Endless Journey

Endless Journey

Total 24 Episodes Dec 21, 2023 C-Drama Myst/Crime Actor: Qin Hao Li Naiwen Chen Minghao Lin Jiachuan

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