《Three years after the breakup》Plot introduction

  • Auth:Overlord
  • Jan 03, 2025

Recently, a much-anticipated film and television work appeared in the audience's sight, called - Three Years After the Breakup - it received a lot of attention and praise during the promotion stage, making people full of expectations, but it has not been released since its launch.Disappoint the audience.Especially recently, people have been very interested in the plot summary - three years after the breakup - and want to know more about it.

《Three years after the breakup》Plot introduction

Publisher: Fanyu, Bihai, Lixu

Release time: 11:00 on January 3

Category: Urban

Starring: Hu Dongqing & Wu Hao

Summary: Lin Feng sells his company to save his bankrupt girlfriend Su Tong. At the same time, he discovers that he is suffering from cancer. In order to prevent Su Tong from being sad, he chooses to hide it and break up.Su Tong got through the crisis with Lin Feng's help, but she was still worried about Lin Feng's breakup, so she deliberately made things difficult. After discovering all the things Lin Feng had done for her, she began to pursue their relationship together.

The above is all the information about the plot - three years after the breakup.If you want to learn more about this film and television work, we sincerely invite you to continue paying attention to the line class.Next, we will provide you with more detailed and rich content, including plot analysis, character introduction, filming locations and other aspects.

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