《Special Operations》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

  • Auth:Overlord
  • Jun 05, 2024

Recently - Special Operations - has attracted astonishing attention and has become a hot topic among many viewers. There is information about it on all major mobile software.《Special Operations》The episode-by-episode introduction to the full episode is currently what everyone is most concerned about. Here are some contents compiled by the editor for you.

《Special Operations》 Episode 1 plot introduction

《Special Operations》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

The May Day slogan was released on April 30, 1948, attracting attention and active response from all walks of life.In order to prevent the founding of New China, the Kuomintang brutally suppressed progressive youth and assassinated patriotic democrats. A bloody storm was spreading in southern China.Senior intellectuals living in Hong Kong, led by the internationally renowned chemist Professor Tong Jiangnan, including experts, scholars and scientists, naturally became a thorn in the side of the Secret Service agents.In order to completely smash the enemy's conspiracy, we sent people to Hong Kong to secretly carry out the mission code-named Operation Beidou to ensure the safety of these people heading north to the liberated areas.On January 9, 1949, Tong Jiangnan's research results achieved a major breakthrough. People from all walks of life came to congratulate him, including many comrades who were preparing to go north.

That night, Ta Kung Pao deputy editor-in-chief Tu Zhe was killed. The secret agent Fatty met the newsboy Xiazai on the stairs. He just looked at him fiercely and hurried downstairs.Xiazai knocked on Tu Zhe's door, but when no one responded, he left without noticing the blood dripping from the crack in the door.The next day, Su Xing got off the ship at the Hong Kong pier and happened to encounter a few gang thugs bullying Xiazai.Su Xing acted righteously and treated the thugs with kindness and power, and rescued Xiazai, but Xiazai disappeared in the blink of an eye.Tu Zhe, who was originally responsible for contacting Tong Jiangnan, was killed. A man named Luo Guanying came to Tong's house and claimed to be entrusted by Tu Zhe to come to the rescue. He also said that when ten o'clock arrived, Tong Jiangnan could call Tu Zhe to confirm his identity.On the other side, police detective Li Wenbo was searching the crime scene and suddenly received a call from Tong Jiangnan, who truthfully informed him of Tu Zhe's death.

Tong Jiangnan was shocked and sad when he heard this. He recalled his last meeting with Tu Zhe. Tu Zhe once revealed that Li Jishen's departure from Hong Kong had angered the Kuomintang and reminded him to be careful about his own safety to avoid being killed.For Tong Jiangnan, the death of his old friend Tu Zhe was like a bolt from the blue. The joy that Luo Guanying brought to Tong Jiangnan was wiped out by this news.However, Tu Zhe was killed when he needed to prove his identity to Luo Guanying. It was so strange that Tong Jiangnan became suspicious of Luo Guanying's identity. At the same time, he realized that he might have been targeted by agents of the Secrecy Bureau, and the crisis quietly came.After Luo Guanying left the Tong family, he went to Changhe Trading Company in person, and was held to the back of the head with a gun in the manager's office, while secret codes were exchanged.It turns out that Luo Guanying was not entrusted by Tu Zhe, let alone a human being. His true identity is the special commissioner of the Lieutenant Colonel of the Secrecy Bureau. In order to stabilize the situation in Hong Kong, Luo Guanying specially conveyed the "Bee Plan" to the leader of the operation, Dang Xunqi, in order toBlock pro-communist elements from traveling north.

On the other hand, Su Xing successfully contacted Zhou Yaming, a party comrade at Qiming Bookstore. Zhou Yaming briefly explained the situation in Hong Kong. After discussion, the two decided to split up: on the one hand, Zhou Yaming reported to his superiors and re-established contact with Professor Tong; on the other hand, SuXing disguised himself as a postman and went to Tong Jiangnan's home to identify himself.Tong Jiangnan called Assistant Director Yinghua to ask about the cause of Tu Zhe's death, but the other party failed to give a clear answer.Since Tong Jiangnan had just been awarded the title of baronet by the King of England, and Tu Zhe was his close friend, the British side attached great importance to the case, and Yinghua even asked Li Wenbo to handle the case well.During the investigation, Li Wenbo discovered that Tu Zhe had received threatening letters before his death, and speculated that he had most likely offended someone important.

Dang Xunqi sent A Biao and others to monitor Tong Jiangnan's residence, but the person in charge was distracted by looking at women and failed to discover Su Xing, who was disguised as a postman.Although Su Xing was Tong Jiangnan's student and stated his purpose of coming, Tong Jiangnan was confused and disturbed by the appearance of two people claiming to be Tong Jiangnan on the same day, and eventually turned Su Xing away.Su Xing felt sad and confused about Tong Jiangnan's decisive attitude, which once again stirred up the scar in his heart, and realized that it would become more difficult to gain the teacher's trust.After returning to the contact station, Su Xing sat alone at the table in silence, carefully recalling the details of his meeting with Tong Jiangnan, suspecting that the teacher might have concealed some important information.

《Special Operations》 Episode 2 plot introduction

《Special Operations》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

Tong Sheng returned home after completing her laboratory work and found that her father was in a bad mood due to a visitor at home.On the other side, Su Xing revealed to Zhou Yaming the reason for the breakdown of his relationship with Tong Jiangnan's master and apprentice.At Shanghai Aurora University, Su Xing met and fell in love with Tong Sheng. However, due to the latent mission of the organization, he had to reluctantly break up and lost Tong Jiangnan's trust.Originally, Su Xing hoped to take this opportunity to eliminate past misunderstandings, but the situation was far more complicated than expected.

Su Xing speculated that Tu Zhe's murder was an attempt by the enemy to cut off their connection with Tong Jiangnan. If he could capture the murderer, he could prove his identity.Now that there was only half a month left before the organization planned to evacuate, Su Xing knew that there could be no further delay, so he immediately took people to Tu Zhe's residence and carefully surveyed the scene to collect clues.Coincidentally, Su Xing met the shrimp boy he rescued before again, and unexpectedly learned that he was Tu Zhe's adopted godson.Xiazai understood the purpose of Su Xing and others' coming and told them everything he saw.On the day of the incident, Tu Zhe planned to buy a new pair of cloth shoes for Xiazai and told him to come home to pick up the shoes in the evening. Unfortunately, before the shoes were handed over to Xiazai, Tu Zhe encountered misfortune.Xiazai revealed that the murderer smelled of roasted goose, which was an extremely important clue for Su Xing.In order to ensure the safety of the contact station, Su Xing did not take Xiazai to see Zhou Yaming. Instead, he waited until the next day, took Xiaojing and Zhou Yaming to the slums, and drew a portrait of Fatty based on Xiazai's description.At the same time, A Biao and others continued to squat across from Tong's house to monitor. Dang Xunqi and Luo Guanying came to inquire about the situation and learned that someone from Haijiang University came to visit.

Although the investigation of the case progressed slowly, Li Wenbo had new speculations. He suspected that Tu Zhe's death was intricately linked to the Kuomintang.At this time, democrats gathered in the Tong family. Tong Jiangnan revealed to everyone that Tu Zhe was most likely the liaison person and that the Kuomintang forces had penetrated into Hong Kong.In addition, Tong Jiangnan also mentioned the affairs of Luo Guanying and others. He believed that until the identities of the two are unknown, they can only wait and see what happens.The democrats present were worried about their own safety, and their internal opinions were divided: one party advocated temporarily shelving the plan to go north, while the other insisted that they should return home immediately.Li Ruchen said that he can contact friends in the mainland and help everyone leave Hong Kong via cargo ships.On the other hand, Xiaojing found Wang Dalong at the dock and took him to see Su Xing.Friends who had not seen each other for many years were very happy to reunite. Zhou Yaming emphasized the importance of this mission to Wang Dalong and reminded him to fully cooperate with Su Xing's actions in Hong Kong to ensure his safety.

Li Wenbo and Zha Liangjie came to Tong's house and vaguely reminded Tong Jiangnan to be careful about the Kuomintang, which made Tong Jiangnan and others face a complicated dilemma. The Kuomintang's assassination of Tu Zhe made the situation even more confusing.At the same time, the British Hong Kong government also began to take notice of their actions.This series of changes made them feel difficult.Su Xing and others divided their troops into several groups, took Fatty's portrait, and searched carefully in the streets and alleys. Even Shrimp Boy mobilized his friends to take active action.After Zha Liangjie followed Li Wenbo back to the police station, he began to analyze the murder case of Tu Zhe in depth. He observed that Tong Jiangnan's behavior in the case was quite abnormal, and speculated that Tong Jiangnan might have something to hide.Li Wenbo agreed with Zha Liangjie's speculation and believed that they might have overlooked some important links during the investigation, and decided to shift the focus of the investigation to the Kuomintang.

The experiments by Tong Sheng and others are still in progress. Due to time constraints, they have not yet mastered everything, which makes Tong Jiangnan feel even more anxious.Tong Jiangnan told Tong Sheng to try his best to complete this project in Hong Kong, otherwise it would be too late to reach the mainland. Moreover, once the experiment is successful, it will greatly improve the thermal energy efficiency of oil, which will be of great significance to the industrialization process of New China.Tong Sheng understood her father's anxiety, but she was also worried that the British Hong Kong government would prevent them from taking away the experimental results.For this reason, Tong Jiangnan reminded her daughter to back up her data just in case.While the two were discussing, Anne, the assistant to the Governor of Hong Kong, suddenly visited the school and provided Tong Jiangnan with 50,000 pounds of funding approved by the British government to support their research, but the premise was that both Tong Jiangnan and the research results must stay in Hong Kong.

《Special Operations》 Episode 3 plot introduction

《Special Operations》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

Shrimp Boy mistakenly enters Wing Kee Roast Goose Shop and accidentally discovers that the murderer is actually the chef in the shop.Similarly, the fat man suddenly remembered that he had met Shrimp Boy, and immediately chased him. He was so frightened that he ran all the way, and finally hid behind the silk cloth, finally saving his life.After the fat man left, Shrimp Boy dared to show up and marked the stone wall opposite Liu Kee Food Stall for easy communication.When the boss saw the shrimp boy drinking the leftover noodle soup from the diner, he brought him a drawer of steamed buns and some rice porridge.The fat man's identity was exposed and was known to Dang Xunqi. Dang Xunqi angrily accused him of not being careless in doing such a thing. Leaving a tail would bring disaster, and warned him that if the enemy did not die, he would die.

Zhou Yaming found Xiazai through the mark, and learned through him that the murderer was in the roast goose shop.Su Xing and others just happened to rush over. Zhou Yaming believed that the murderer had discovered the shrimp boy and would most likely choose to escape. The top priority was to take immediate action to catch the fat man in time.At the same time, Dang Xunqi called the female sniper Wu Yanan and arranged for her to kill everyone who was chasing the fat man.The fat man returned to the store and dismissed the clerk. Just as he was about to leave with the money, Su Xing and Wang Dalong came in from the door, and the three of them immediately got into a fight.Wu Yanan ambushed and took aim on the opposite side. The sound of a gunshot scared away the nearby people, and the fat man took advantage of the chaos to escape.Because Wu Yanan was still in place, especially in a higher position, Su Xing and Wang Dalong could not be too exposed.The two cooperated with each other, one was responsible for attracting Wu Yanan's attention, and the other locked Wu Yanan's location. However, when Wang Dalong came over, Wu Yanan had already disappeared.Li Wenbo and others went to the Shenzhen area to investigate the shooting case. After briefly questioning the witnesses, he traced it all the way to Fatty's roast goose shop.Zha Liangjie found a bullet casing nearby. Li Wenbo took a few glances and immediately ordered Fat Boy to be wanted.

Su Xing wanted to identify himself with Tong Jiangnan, but was opposed by Zhou Yaming. He believed that meeting Tong Jiangnan at this time would definitely attract the attention of the Kuomintang and would be detrimental to subsequent actions.In the end, Su Xing went to Tong's house again as a postman, firstly to inform Tong Jiangnan of the clues he had found about the murderer, and secondly, to prove his identity.However, Tong Jiangnan remained indifferent to each other, and Su Xing expressed that his feelings for Professor Tong and Tong Sheng had never changed.A Biao became suspicious of Su Xing and hurriedly reported the situation to the team leader. He followed him all the way on his bicycle, but was knocked unconscious by Wang Dalong at the corner of the alley.At the liaison station, Su Xing, Wang Dalong, and Zhou Yaming analyzed the reasons why the agents killed Tu Zhe and their next actions.Zha Liangjie couldn't figure out that Li Wenbo didn't order the arrest of the person who killed Fatty. Li Wenbo asked him if he knew the identity of the murderer. If he knew nothing, he would have to find Fatty to follow the clues and make a breakthrough in the case.

Luo Guanying learned of Su Xing's existence through Dang Xunqi, so he personally visited Tong Jiangnan and deliberately revealed clues about the murderer in an attempt to win Tong Jiangnan's trust.Tong Jiangnan still had a hesitant attitude, and Luo Guanying could not even rush forward, saying that he would definitely catch the murderer.That night, Li Wenbo came to the nightclub to praise Charmaine Lin and found Boss Zhuang sitting in the box opposite.Because Lin Charmaine appeared late, Boss Zhuang was a little dissatisfied. His subordinates scolded him in public, and the manager hurriedly came over to say good things.Soon Lin Charmaine came out from the backstage to apologize to Boss Zhuang, but Li Wenbo took advantage of Lin Charmaine doing makeup backstage and took the initiative to come to her and talk to her glibly, which was very pleasing to the girl.Li Wenbo made no secret of his love for Charmaine Lin and wanted to ask her for a drink after the performance, but Charmaine Lin did not reply directly, and the atmosphere between the two was filled with flirting and ambiguity.

《Special Operations》 Episode 4 plot introduction

《Special Operations》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

Tong Jiangnan looked downstairs through the window, and it happened that the student Zhang Shaomu sent Tong Sheng back. Although the two seemed to be a talented man and a beautiful woman, it was a pity that King Xiang was interested in it and the goddess was not. Tong Sheng always regarded Zhang Shaomu as a colleague.Because Su Xing and Luo Guanying visited one after another, Tong Jiangnan told his daughter about the two people coming to see her, and revealed Su Xing's current situation, which shocked Tong Sheng. Recalling the details of their breakup, Tong Jiangnan couldn't calm down for a long time.After Li Wenbo's unremitting efforts, he finally invited the number one nightclub star, Lin Charmaine.Since Lin Charmaine has been dealing with men all year round and has been in various circles, and is especially familiar with Commissioner Sun of the Kuomintang Special Office, Li Wenbo wants to discuss cooperation with her and hopes that she can provide some useful information he needs.Lin Shiman was a little hesitant at first, but when she saw Li Wenbo taking two rolls of banknotes, she accepted the banknotes with a smile, acquiescing to their cooperation.

In fact, Lin Shiman was also an agent of the Kuomintang. She used her status as a courtesan to facilitate the transmission of intelligence. She handed over the new task of her superiors to her old friend Dang Xunqi and emphasized that the people involved in the task must die.Early in the morning, Professor Li Ruchen, his wife and children were getting ready to go to work after dinner. As soon as they walked out of the alley, they were hit by a car and died on the spot.Tong Jiangnan also received the news and couldn't believe it. Li Wenbo led a team to the scene, inspected the body, and asked Li's wife about the situation. Li's wife revealed that her husband had been traveling frequently with Tong Jiangnan recently.Zhou Yaming came to discuss with Su Xing and others as soon as he received the news, believing that the reason why they did this was to intimidate those patriots who wanted to return to the north, so that they would not dare to contact them again.Wang Dalong was angry and anxious, worried that Tong Jiangnan would become the next victim.However, Zhou Yaming appeased Wang Dalong and said that the reason why the Kuomintang agents did not attack Tong Jiangnan was that they wanted the scientific research results in Tong Jiangnan's hands. As long as the scientific research results are still in Tong Jiangnan's hands, at least it means that he is still safe.

Su Xing suspected that Li Ruchen was killed. It was most likely that Tong Jiangnan and others secretly formulated an action plan, which led to the plan being exposed and obtained by Kuomintang agents.Soon, the police found the vehicle suspected of causing the accident in the suburbs. Li Wenbo directly led the team there and confirmed that the car was the one that killed Professor Li Ruchen.Li Wenbo learned that Zha Liangjie wanted to check the source of the vehicle, and said that it was useless to check the car because it was a stolen car and the real murderer had already escaped.In order to prevent more people from being killed, Zhou Yaming asked Su Xing to see Tong Jiangnan immediately and arranged for some comrades to set up sentries near Tong's home to closely monitor everyone entering and leaving Tong's home.That night, Su Xing came to Tong Jiangnan and reminded him that the Kuomintang was likely to make big moves next and hoped that Tong Jiangnan would pay attention to safety.Although Tong Jiangnan remained calm on the surface, there were already disturbances in his heart. Recalling that Li Ruchen had proposed to help them borrow a boat to leave Hong Kong, he had a little more trust in Su Xing's words.Just as Su Xing was about to leave, he met Tong Sheng who had returned from outside. The two looked at each other, and memories of the past came to mind.

Su Xing hoped to have a few words with Tong Sheng alone, but was rejected by Tong Jiangnan.The next day, Su Xing went to school to find Tong Sheng and confessed to her the reason why he left Tong Sheng that year, hoping to get her forgiveness.Tong Sheng rejected Su Xing. Zhang Shaomu found out that Tong Sheng did not go to the laboratory and came to find Tong Sheng at home. He told his aunt about Su Xing and Asheng's past. His aunt asked Zhang Shaomu to protect Tong Sheng.Luo Guanying found Dang Xunqi and asked him whether he sent someone to kill Li Ruchen, and Li Ruchen was the person he planned to take away.Xun Qi reluctantly explained that it was an order from Shangfeng, because Li Ruchen had contacted the merchant ship to take Tong Jiangnan quietly northward. If this behavior was allowed to happen, there would be endless troubles.

Dang Xunqi reminded Luo Guanying that he should go beat Tong Jiangnan now.Because of this, Luo Guanying came to the school to find Tong Jiangnan, revealing that the Kuomintang agents had assassinated Li Ruchen, and pointed out that they secretly planned to go northward. If they still want to ensure safety, they must believe in themselves and never do anything arbitrary again.Zhang Shaomu persuaded Tong Sheng to get over the pain of the year, give up Su Xing completely, and took this opportunity to express his intention to her. Although Tong Sheng stated that she would never forgive Su Xing, she could not accept Zhang Shaomu.

《Special Operations》 Episode 5 plot introduction

《Special Operations》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

Because old friends were killed one after another, Tong Jiangnan felt very sad and was very angry at the Kuomintang's cruelty.Cousin Han Yurong persuaded Tong Jiangnan to stay away from right and wrong, but Tong Jiangnan believed that only a country has a family, not to mention that Tu Zhe and Li Ruchen died for them.At this time, Tong Sheng came back from outside and was obviously in a bad mood. Han Yurong revealed to Tong Jiangnan that Tong Sheng was very likely to get in touch with Su Xing.Later, Han Yurong came to the room to care about Tong Sheng, reminding her that she should consider her marriage as soon as possible, and believed that Zhang Shaomu was a good young man worthy of trust.In Han Yurong's view, married life is just daily necessities, and it is unrealistic to talk about love alone. However, Tong Sheng obviously had no idea about Zhang Shaomu, so he sent Han Yurong away on the pretext that he would have to do an experiment tomorrow.The next day, after Tong Jiangnan and others attended Li Ruchen's memorial service, they came back to discuss countermeasures.

Some people suggested going north directly by land, but Tong Jiangnan thought of Tu Zhe's reminder before his death and told everyone not to take this method, otherwise it would be difficult to ensure safety.Outside the Tong family villa, Wang Dalong came to a stall, contacted comrades from the underground party to learn about the information, and told him to report it immediately if there was any news.Later, Tong Jiangnan came to the laboratory and reprimanded Zhang Shaomu for not telling Han Yurong about Su Xing. Su Xing had to lie and claim that he accidentally let the matter slip.For this reason, Tong Jiangnan found Tong Sheng and believed that Su Xing's current identity was unclear. Regardless of whether his true identity was the Kuomintang or the Kuomintang, the two of them tried to reduce contact as much as possible.After Tong Jiangnan left, Tong Sheng sat alone in the yard in a daze. What Su Xing had said came to mind, and she felt confused.Zhang Shaomu paid attention to Tong Sheng's every move and wanted to comfort her, but was stopped by Chen Xuewei on the grounds of checking the experimental results.In the office, Chen Xuewei discovered that Tong Sheng was backing up experimental data, but Tong Sheng did not admit it.Unable to confirm Su Xing's identity, Tong Jiangnan called the Guanghua Hotel where he was staying and decided to hold a family dinner to invite him for further observation.Since Su Xing's many visits to Tong's house attracted the attention of the spies, Zhou Yaming reminded him to pay attention to safety.

Faced with Zhou Yaming's concerns, Wang Dalong said that according to the old rules, Su Xing would be responsible for meeting Tong Jiangnan, and he would be responsible for responding to and protecting his safety.Dang Xunqi received a secret report that Su Xing went to Tong's house, and Luo Guanying happened to be nearby. He decided to go to Tong's house to meet Su Xing, threatening to make him lose everything in Tong's house.Tong Jiangnan asked Su Xing about the situation in the mainland and the relationship between him and Tu Zhe. Su Xing knew everything and answered truthfully that he and Tu Zhe had never met in person, and they had only maintained contact through special means before.Just as Tong Jiangnan and Su Xing were seated at the table, Luo Guanying suddenly came uninvited.At the dinner table, Luo Guanying first deliberately revealed that he had met Su Xing within the Kuomintang, and then made it clear that he was the one.

During the verbal exchange between the two, Su Xing still did not reveal his identity and had reservations. He even asked him questions, but Luo Guanying refused to answer on the grounds of confidentiality.After three rounds of drinking, Su Xing was about to leave. Before leaving, he reminded Tong Jiangnan that both the Kuomintang and the British government were eyeing him. As long as he didn't make a decision, no one could do anything to him. If he didn't pay attention, it was best to wait., I believe everything will come to light.

Tong Sheng took advantage of sending Su Xing out to ask about his true identity again. Su Xing showed his identity and intentions, which made Tong Sheng trust him more.However, Dang Xunqi learned that Su Xing had left the Tong family and ordered Wu Yanan to lead people to kill him.On the other side, Luo Guanying deliberately fabricated the rumor that Su Xing was a KMT agent in an attempt to convince Tong Jiangnan. Tong Jiangnan was hesitant about this, but Han Yurong was worried, worried that something would happen to Tong Jiangnan.

《Special Operations》 Episode 6 plot introduction

《Special Operations》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

On the way back, Su Xing encountered an ambush by a spy, and Wang Dalong and he resisted with all their strength. Fortunately, Zhou Yaming sent someone to help escape. Su Xing told Zhou Yaming that he had two doubts: First, Zhang Shaomu's appearance seemed accidental, but in fact it was strange.The second is that the Kuomintang agents are following me, which shows that they have targeted me, so I should visit the bookstore less often in the future.Luo Guanying found Dang Xunqi, laughed at Su Xing for not daring to identify himself at the table, and urged Dang Xunqi to arrange the ship as soon as possible.

Just when Ya Nan came to report that the assassination mission of Su Xing failed, Luo Guanying became furious, and the two shifted the responsibility to each other.The next day, Dang Xunqi visited Luo Guanying's residence and brought the punishment given to Luo Guanying by Shangfeng.Luo Guanying mistakenly thought that Dang Xunqi was causing trouble. Dang Xunqi told Luo Guanying that this person was not him, but the queen bee, and the two united front again.Su Xing went to school to find Tong Sheng and told Tong Sheng about Luo Guanying's conspiracy and the assassination last night. Tong Sheng cared about Su Xing, and their relationship warmed up.Zhang Shaomu arrived and asked Su Xing why he abandoned Tong Sheng.Dang Xunqi decided to set up a trap again to have Luo Guanying risk his life to win the trust of Tong Jiangnan and others.Tong Jiangnan told the democrats that his former student Su Xing also came to Hong Kong and claimed to be a liaison officer. One of him and Luo Guanying must be a spy.Everyone was very surprised and hoped that Tong Jiangnan could make a judgment.But Tong Jiangnan needed time, and his move northward was temporarily stalled.

《Special Operations》 Episode 7 plot introduction

《Special Operations》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

Tong Sheng went to the hospital to deliver chicken soup to Luo Guanying. Downstairs, he recognized Dang Xunqi, the murderer of his mother's shooting, but he had already run away.Luo Guanying told Tong Sheng to tell Professor Luo to be careful about Su Xing. The explosion was planned by Su Xing.After Tong Sheng left, Dang Xunqi sent an assistant disguised as a nurse to take Luo Guanying away.

Su Xing and his team rushed to the hospital, and Luo Guanying had already escaped.Luo Guanying asked Dang Xunqi why the bomb exploded early, and Dang Xunqi gained Luo Guanying's trust with his sophistry.The two reached a consensus that they must kill Su Xing first and send the democrats away at the same time.Tong Sheng returned home and took out a pistol from the bottom of a cabinet. He vividly recalled the scene when his mother was shot and vowed to avenge his mother.

《Special Operations》Episode 8 plot introduction

《Special Operations》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

Li Wenbo snatched the case and interrogated Su Xing personally.In the evening, Dang Xunqi and Adjutant Yang of the Kuomintang army conducted an arms transaction.Due to the huge amount this time, Dang Xunqi had to pay a large deposit first. After much hesitation, he took out all the money he had accumulated in Hong Kong.

Li Wenbo found Lin Shiman and asked if there was any news about the matter she had entrusted to her last time. Lin Shiman was exposed by Li Wenbo's lie and pointed out her identity as a spy. Lin Shiman ostensibly agreed to cooperate with Li Wenbo again.Lin Shiman told Dang Xunqi that she had met with Li Wenbo and that she had arranged Boss Zhuang's ship, but Boss Zhuang mostly charged 10% of the shipping fee.Luo Guanying put pressure on Dang Xunqi and asked Dang Xunqi to get rid of Su Xing as soon as possible.Zhou Yaming found Director Yinghua and wanted to plead for Su Xing, but Yinghua was unmoved.While the two were chatting, Zhou Yaming learned that Yinghua was obsessed with a calligraphy and painting.

《Special Operations》 Episode 9 plot introduction

《Special Operations》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

A Biao and Boss Zhuang's thugs were trading in the dock warehouse. Li Wenbo arrived and transported the people and the seized arms back to the police station for various interrogations.Tong Jiangnan told Zhang Shaomu about his plan to return to China. Zhang Shaomu induced Tong Jiangnan and Tong Sheng to think that Su Xing was a Kuomintang agent during the chat, and warned Tong Sheng not to meet Su Xing again.

Zhou Yaming quickly contacted the owner of the calligraphy and painting.However, the owner told him that the calligraphy and painting were not in his possession, but had been extorted by the gangster leader of the dock - Mr. Zhuang.Boss Zhuang and Dang Xunqi's men did not relent, so Li Wenbo could only start with Boss Zhuang and sealed off the dock where the boss was installed.Boss Zhuang asked someone to bribe Yinghua to let him be lenient.Yinghua accepted Boss Zhuang's bribe and asked Li Wenbo to let Boss Zhuang's people go.But Li Wenbo and Zha Liangjie didn't want to let him go, so they found Boss Zhuang a second time.

《Special Operations》 Episode 10 plot introduction

《Special Operations》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

Li Wenbo deployed police forces to raid and seal Changhe Trading Company.Luo Guanying found out that Changhe Trading Company had been sealed, and rushed to Dang Xunqi's apartment to warn him not to delay the party-state's tasks because of personal interests.If there is a next time, don't blame him for being ruthless. He asked Dang Xunqi to arrange the ship within three days and get rid of Su Xing as soon as possible.Dang Xunqi promised Luo Guanying on the surface, but he was secretly dissatisfied in his heart.Li Wenbo went to Lin Charmaine and warned her to ask the Secrecy Bureau to restrain itself, otherwise the British Hong Kong government would intervene, which would make both parties look bad.Li Bowen went to the scene to investigate the murder of Fatty and found that Su Xing was not the real murderer.

《Special Operations》 Episode 11 plot introduction

《Special Operations》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

A Biao assassinated Su Xing in prison, but was rescued by Li Wenbo who arrived in time and escaped.Dang Xunqi approached Boss Zhuang to share the losses equally, but Boss Zhuang disagreed, and the two fell out.Tong Jiangnan met with the democrats and told everyone that Luo Guanying would soon arrange a ship to send them north. Luo Guanying told Dang Xunqi that Tong Jiangnan and others had agreed to leave the port, and asked Dang Xunqi to contact the shipyard to arrange the departure.Wang Dalong and A Bing took advantage of the night and successfully stole the painting.And deliberately left clues to pin the charge of stealing famous paintings on the Kuomintang.Zhou Yaming personally gave the painting to Yinghua, and Yinghua promised to release Su Xing.

《Special Operations》Episode 12 plot introduction

《Special Operations》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

When Tong Sheng returned home, she told Tong Jiangnan that she saw her mother's murderer in the hospital.Tong Jiangnan thought of his dead wife and could not suppress his feelings. Tong Sheng expressed that he wanted to stay in Hong Kong. Tong Jiangnan understood that Tong Sheng wanted to avenge his mother. He did not want Tong Sheng to face danger and tried his best to dissuade her.Wang Dalong met with activist workers.Please continue to monitor every move of the shipping company.Luo Guanying, Tong Jiangnan and other democrats met and said they would be ready to board the ship within three days.Su Xing went to the shipping company to discuss with the workers the plan to delay going to sea, but encountered obstacles.Su Xing and Dalong rescued the family of Lao Shi, the engineer of the shipping company that the Kuomintang wanted to persecute. Lao Shi promised to help Su Xing and others delay the Liaohai's departure to sea.

《Special Operations》 Episode 13 plot introduction

《Special Operations》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

Dang Xunqi came to the shipyard and prepared to leave the port in advance.Unexpectedly, the ship caught fire. Dang Xunqi arrested Master Shi, the maintenance foreman, for questioning, and the workers gathered to cause trouble.Dang Xunqi saw that the situation was not good and left the shipyard.The victory of the shipyard inspired Su Xing, Zhou Yaming and others, hoping to turn passivity into initiative and completely pull out all the Kuomintang spies.Su Xing proposed to form a factory protection team to protect the safety of comrades workers at any time in the future.

Luo Guanying learned that the ship had encountered problems again and was furious. Dang Xunqi promised to arrange a new ship in five days.At night, Su Xing and Dalong went to the shipyard again to meet with the workers to discuss the next step.Shipyard workers went on strike, and Luo Guanying and Dang Xunqi shirk responsibility from each other.But Luo Guanying understood that if he wanted to complete his task, he had to rely on Dang Xunqi to carry out specific actions, so he gave him good words and persuasion.When Dang Xunqi received the news from Lin Shiman, he felt very angry.Lin Shiman told Dang Xunqi that the only way to find the ship now is to ask Boss Zhuang for help.

Zhang Shaomu went to Tong Jiangnan's office to deliver experimental materials and told Tong Jiangnan that Tong Sheng was in poor condition recently. Tong Jiangnan also told Zhang Shaomu that Tong Sheng did not want to leave Hong Kong and wanted to avenge his mother.The Kuomintang officer approached Dang Xunqi and asked for money for arms. Dang Xunqi asked for a few days of grace.Dang Xunqi asked Mr. Zhuang to meet in a hotel. The two were angry and suspicious of each other.

《Special Operations》 Episode 14 plot introduction

《Special Operations》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

At this time, Lin Shiman appeared and used soft and hard tactics to capture Boss Zhuang.Li Wenbo received a police report and learned about the meeting between Lin Shiman, Dang Xunqi and Zhuang Boss. He immediately passed the news to Qiming Bookstore.Luo Guanying got the passes for the democrats and everything was ready, but Tong Jiangnan decided not to go with everyone.After hearing the whole story, the democrats expressed their intention to stay together.Luo Guanying was extremely angry.Luo Guanying visited Tong Jiangnan and expressed that the organization respected Tong Jiangnan's personal wishes, but also asked him to consider the overall situation and go north as soon as possible for the benefit of the motherland. Zhang Shaomu and Tong Sheng also agreed, and finally Tong Jiangnan decided to go north.Tong Jiangnan answered the phone and went out.The secret whistle discovered that Tong Jiangnan and Tong Sheng were going out and reported to Qiming Bookstore.Su Xing got the news and knew that Tong Jiangnan was leaving Hong Kong.

《Special Operations》 Episode 15 plot introduction

《Special Operations》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

At the dock, just as Luo Guanying was organizing democrats to board the ship, Su Xing arrived to dissuade them.Tong Jiangnan and other democrats believed that Su Xing was obstructing their return to the north, and they all rebuked Su Xing.The persuasion was fruitless. During the dispute, Su Xingxing blocked Tong Jiangnan's gun and was injured. Li Wenbo arrived, stopped everyone, and took Luo Guanying back to the police station.After Li Wenbo inquired, he sent people to escort the democrats home. Dang Xunqi believed that Luo Guanying had left the port safely and was happily waiting for Luo Guanying's promise.But the news came that Luo Guanying had been arrested.Tong Sheng received the news that Tong Jiangnan had returned home, and rushed home with Zhang Shaomu. Tong Jiangnan was filled with anger, blaming Su Xing for ruining the plan, trusting Luo Guanying even more, and determined to rescue Luo Guanying at all costs.

《Special Operations》 Episode 16 plot introduction

《Special Operations》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

The Kuomintang got through Yinghua's relationship. Immediately, Yinghua found Li Wenbo and ordered him to let Luo Guanying go.Li Wenbo argued hard, but Yinghua insisted on letting Luo Guanying go. At the critical moment, the Hong Kong Governor sent an assistant to inform Yinghua that Luo Guanying must not be let go.

At night, Li Wenbo went to the cell. Luo Guanying thought he was going to be released, but what he didn't expect was the news that he would continue to stay in prison.Lin Shiman knew that Yinghua had not released Luo Guanying, so she called Yinghua, but Yinghua said there was nothing she could do.Lin Charmaine knew that she had been eaten in vain, so she rushed to the police station to meet Luo Guanying.Li Wenbo met with Boss Zhuang to find out the details of Luo Guanying.Boss Zhuang said that he really didn't know about the illegal immigration.

《Special Operations》 Episode 17 plot introduction

《Special Operations》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

Democrats met secretly at Tong's house to discuss Luo Guanying's death.Tong Jiangnan told everyone that his student Zhang Shaomu could get the boat.At the Hong Kong Cafe, Su Xing analyzed his identity through bombings and kidnappings, and Tong Sheng was shaken in his suspicion of Su Xing.At this time, the spy who had ambushed the coffee shop early fired at the two. Su Xing fought back while protecting Tong Sheng.

The agents, one dead and one wounded, took the opportunity to escape.Su Xing and Tong Sheng ran out of the coffee shop and met Zhang Shaomu.Su Xing asked Zhang Shaomu to send Tong Sheng home.Tong Jiangnan was particularly worried about Tong Sheng's safety when he learned the news, and asked why Tong Sheng wanted to meet with Su Xing.Zhang Shaomu quickly stepped forward and said it was all his fault.Li Wenbo went to Tong's house to investigate the shooting in the coffee shop. Unexpectedly, Tong Sheng denied that he had met Su Xing or that he had been to the coffee shop. Tong Jiangnan was surprised after hearing this.

《Special Operations》 Episode 18 plot introduction

《Special Operations》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

Li Wenbo went to Tong's house to investigate the shooting in the coffee shop. Unexpectedly, Tong Sheng denied that he had met Su Xing or that he had been to the coffee shop. Tong Jiangnan was surprised after hearing this.After Li Wenbo left, the two had a fierce quarrel, and Tong Jiangnan discovered that Tong Sheng had begun to trust Su Xing.

Yinghua learned that Tong Jiangnan's daughter had been attacked and ordered Li Wenbo to protect the safety of the Tong family.Shipyard workers went to Qiming Bookstore to report the news, but were followed by spies. Qiming Bookstore was suspected by the spies.Democrats met secretly at Tong's house to discuss Luo Guanying's death.Tong Jiangnan told everyone that his student Zhang Shaomu could get the boat.

《Special Operations》 Episode 19 plot introduction

《Special Operations》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

Li Wenbo went to Tong's house to investigate and became suspicious of Yu Rong.The Governor learned that the experimental data had been stolen and put pressure on Yinghua to catch the thief and get the experimental data back.Tong Sheng and Su Xing met, and Su Xing clearly felt that Tong Sheng trusted him more and more.Queen Bee sent a task to Dang Xunqi, asking him to find a ship as soon as possible.

In Qiming Bookstore, everyone discussed the theft case of the Tong family and felt that it must have been committed by someone they knew.Tong Jiangnan secretly told Tong Sheng that the experimental data was not lost, but was hidden by him.When the democrats met, everyone was very anxious and wanted to leave Hong Kong as soon as possible.At this time, Tong Jiangnan brought good news: student Zhang Shaomu can arrange to get on the boat next week.Everyone regains hope.Zhang Shaomu worked for Tong Sheng and hoped that Tong Sheng could board the ship and leave the port with them. Tong Sheng was resolute and must stay to avenge his mother.

《Special Operations》 Episode 20 plot introduction

《Special Operations》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

Xiaojing discovered the figure of Dang Xunqi's assistant on her way out. During the tracking process, she met Xiazai and asked him to go back to report the news. Unfortunately, he was caught. Xiazai immediately left clues on the wall.Su Xing and Zhou Yaming quickly went out to see Xiazai.Xiaojing was kidnapped and the agents asked her to tell her where Su Xing was.Xiaojing always insisted that she did not know Su Xing and suffered various tortures from the agents.Zhang Shaomu once again expressed his feelings to Tong Sheng, but Tong Sheng clearly rejected him.He had no choice but to ask Tong Sheng to help make an appointment with Su Xing. He wanted to meet Su Xing.Inside the police station, Cha Liangjie continued to interrogate A Biao, but still found nothing.Decided to let A Biao go first and find clues by following A Biao.

《Special Operations》 Episode 21 plot introduction

《Special Operations》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

Xiaojing went home to recuperate, Zhou Yaming felt sorry for his daughter, and Wang Dalong vowed to avenge Xiaojing.The Kuomintang insider in the police station was arrested, and Dang Xunqi suspected Li Wenbo's identity.Queen Bee sent a message asking Dang Xunqi to arrange a ship as soon as possible. Dang Xunqi sent someone to finalize the time with Boss Zhuang.Boss Zhuang said that if he wanted to use the boat, he had to send Su Xing.Tong Jiangnan asked Zhang Shaomu when the ship would arrive. Zhang Shaomu said that his friend would come to Hong Kong soon and would contact him then and he could leave back to the mainland at any time.A Biao was suspected by Dang Xunqi and was secretly followed by two spies.At A Biao's house, two spies killed A Biao's sister.When A Biao's life was hanging by a thread, Su Xing and Wang Dalong appeared in time to save A Biao.A Biao was disheartened by Dang Xunqi's actions. He decided to cooperate with Su Xing to kill Dang Xunqi and avenge his sister.

In this article, all the content about Special Operations - the full plot and episode introduction has been presented to you. We will continue to work hard to bring you more rich and in-depth content, so that everyone can better experience the excitement brought by film and television dramas.Charming, so please stay tuned for the line lesson.

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May 25, 2024 C-Drama Hist/Plot

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