Korean drama《Miss Night and Day》full episodes 1-16 (including ending)

  • Auth:Holy Son
  • Aug 06, 2024

Miss Night and Day, which has recently become popular across the country, has become the favorite of countless viewers, attracting a large number of viewers. Not only is it addictive, the plot is ups and downs, fascinating, and the characters are vivid, it is deeply loved and praised by the audience.Today, the editor has compiled some content for you about the Korean drama《Miss Night and Day》episodes 1-16 (including the ending).

The Korean drama 《 Miss Night and Day 》 tells the story of a woman who gets an internship at a prosecutor's office and has her life disrupted because she can magically switch back and forth between her 20s and 50s.Caught between two generations and a tough boss.

Korean drama《Miss Night and Day》full episodes 1-16 (including ending)

Korean drama《Miss Night and Day》episode 1 plot

The story narrates the legendary experience of Meizhen, a diligent and intelligent young woman.Meizhen has been preparing tirelessly for the civil service exam for many years. However, after one exam, a strange man handed her his business card and claimed to be a fortune teller.Although Meizhen didn't believe in such things, she politely accepted the business card.

Soon after, Meizhen attended a job interview, where she unexpectedly met another girl with the same name as her.Due to her lack of experience, Meizhen was humiliated as “too old” during the interview.Despite her excellent abilities, she felt she was being passed over for the job because of her age and lack of freshness.However, when she returned home from get off work, she was surprised to learn that she had gotten the job because of a mix-up with a girl with the same name.Meizhen couldn't help but wonder if all this was related to the fortune teller, so she decided to call the number on the business card.What is ironic is that when Meizhen met the fortune teller, she found that she was wearing the clothes of North Korean women, as if the two had swapped roles.At the same time, a prosecutor named Jiang Zhiyu (a name full of mystery and power) was secretly investigating the man's fraud.

Eventually, while talking to Meizhen, he succeeded in catching the con man.However, unfortunately, Meizhen had already given the money to the scammer at this time.Then, a thrilling chase began.During this chase, Meizhen couldn't help but burst into tears, which seemed to indicate that she would experience such pain many times in the future.Jiang Zhiyu witnessed all this, and his heart was filled with helplessness and sympathy.He drove Meizhen to the police station to record a statement, but the police told her that she would probably not be able to recover the money.On the way home, Meizhen meets an adorable kitten (this computer-generated cat image is surprisingly endearing).

She fed the kitten with her gentle hands, and the kitten followed her back home.On the other hand, Jiang Zhiyu discovered a surprising clue during the investigation. 20 years ago, a case of multiple adults missing at the same time occurred in the Seohan area where Meizhen lived. The case has not yet been solved.He took Meizhen's information and tried to contact her, but was misunderstood and reprimanded by her, and was even blocked.When Meizhen returns home, she is surprised to find that her parents see her as a blooming flower rather than a withering autumn leaf because they are so proud of her for landing her first job.

However, Meizhen's heart was filled with pain and self-blame because she knew that she had lost all their savings.In despair, she burned her books and gave up years of hard work.She fell into a crying spiral again (this time, her tears seemed never-ending) and tried to numb her mind with alcohol.Under the influence of alcohol, Meizhen saw the cute kitten again, and she tried to reach out and pet it.However, the kitten ran away in fear and jumped into a well.Meizhen also jumped down impulsively.

As she fell, she made a wish, hoping that she could disappear without a trace or wake up as someone else.This kitten seems to be an unusual creature. It seems to have the mysterious power to open the door to all Meizhen's dreams.When Meizhen woke up from a coma, she was surprised to find that she was no longer the same person.No, her body seemed to have undergone incredible changes. During the day, she turned into a woman in her 50s, nicknamed “Aju's Mama” by the locals.

And every time night falls, she miraculously returns to her younger self.This sudden change made Meizhen feel at a loss. She could not control when she would become an old man and when she would regain her youth.What shocked her even more was that her parents didn't recognize her.A strange woman suddenly appears at home, scratching Meizhen's father's back. This scene not only plunges the whole family into chaos, but also makes us readers laugh in shock.

Soon, the police arrived after hearing the news and took away the strange woman who was behaving strangely.She called out to “mother” and “father” in panic, trying to explain her identity, but no one could understand her confusion and fear.Meizhen took the opportunity to escape from the police station before the police were about to take her fingerprints to confirm her identity.She hid under a coffee table until nightfall, when she finally regained her youthful appearance.After experiencing this series of bizarre events, Meizhen began to search for the source of the incident.She recalled the magical kitten and her wonderful encounter with it at the well.

She realized that her changes must be inextricably linked to that kitten.So she decided to go back to the veterinary hospital where the incident occurred to look for the missing kitten.However, when she arrived at the hospital, she learned that the kitten had escaped.The veterinarian told her that the kitten's injuries were so severe that it was almost a miracle that it escaped.

Meizhen has mixed feelings in her heart. She is worried about the safety of the kitten, but also longs to find the key to unlock the mystery of her own transformation.At the same time, the kitten seemed to be looking for something.It stared at a poster of a missing person named Lin Shan.Meizhen had an inexplicable premonition in her heart, and she guessed that the kitten might have some unfathomable connection with Lin Shan.Could it be that the kitten is the incarnation of Lin Shan?Or did it turn someone into an old man once too?These mysteries make Meizhen feel both excited and frightened.On the other hand, prosecutor Jiang Zhiyu is investigating a case involving young celebrity Go Won.

He is not afraid of Gao Yuan's power and influence and is determined to uncover the truth.At home, Meizhen is trying to adapt to her strange life of growing older during the day and younger at night.She tried hard to hide from her parents' eyes, trying to find a way to maintain her youthful appearance during the day.However, all this seems to be in vain.

Korean drama《Miss Night and Day》episode 2 plot

In Meizhen's growth experience, there was a wonderful encounter with a magical cat.And her aunt, the missing woman, has become an eternal mystery in her heart.At that time, Meizhen's parents tried their best to find her aunt, but their efforts were ultimately in vain because they could not file a case for the missing adult.

Now, Meizhen has ushered in her career.In order not to be discovered by her parents, she always left home quietly before dawn.Lin Shun, the older Meizhen, was assigned to be responsible for the cleaning of the office.She faced this mundane job calmly and even found fun in it.However, a sudden dance party was interrupted by Chi Yu's unexpected appearance.It turned out that she was dancing selflessly in his office, and this seemingly ordinary colleague turned out to be a prosecutor.Because she is younger than other seniors, she seems a little slow in making new friends.

At the same time, Chi Yu was also busy looking for a suitable place to live.While Seohan was looking for a house, he met an agent who behaved strangely.Chi Yu, who was eager to move in, didn't care too much. However, he didn't know that the apartment he was about to move into - Room 303%, was actually a well-known haunted house.Although the strange events that happened in the room at night frightened him, he still chose to stay here.

On the other hand, Meizhen’s internet celebrity friends have become a beautiful scenery in her life.In the evening, she visited her friend at her place and asked her friend to post a poster of the cat on social media.She hopes to use the power of the Internet to find the magical cat and uncover the mystery about herself.

At work, Lin Shun works with a group of old people.The relationship between them is full of joy and warmth, but there are also small frictions.Once, there was a dispute between the two old people due to self-esteem issues, but with Lin Shun's skillful mediation, the conflict was resolved and their work was able to continue.To celebrate this small victory, they decided to have dinner together the next day, with one of the old men paying the bill.

At the same time, idol Gao Yuan, who was sued by Chi Yu, also ushered in a new chapter in his career.He moved into a new office, and Chi Yu happened to appear at this time.The news that Gao Yuan is about to enlist in the army spread like wildfire, and some people speculate that this may be related to Chi Yu's prosecution.When Gao Yuan walked into the building, Lin Shun, who was cleaning, noticed a suspicious man wearing a hat.She was keenly aware that this person might be harmful to Gao Yuan, so she decisively picked up the mop and tried to stop him.However, the acid bottle in the man's hand suddenly fell off and was about to splash onto Lin Shun's face.At this critical moment, Chi Yu stepped forward and used an umbrella to protect Lin Shun from the splashing acid.

Afterwards, Lin Shun heard the women in the office talking excitedly about Chi Yu's heroic behavior.They praised Lin Shun's bravery, but some reminded them to be wary of men.Because this seemingly perfect man may reveal his obsessive tendencies when overexerted.

As for the documents Chi Yu is looking for, it is still unknown.But what is certain is that this document must be inextricably linked to the serial killer case he investigated.

Chi Yu is looking for Meizhen's home with the purpose of returning her resume.Earlier, their documents had been inadvertently exchanged in his car.When Meizhen's mother saw a man coming to visit, she immediately became alert and quickly called her daughter to come home.Meizhen felt uneasy and sped up her pace home from get off work, full of doubts as to why this man was looking for her.She even secretly speculated that maybe this man had already understood her secret?

Meizhen hurried home on her bicycle. Her speed made pedestrians on the street look at her.Night has fallen, which adds a bit of mystery and tension to her return journey.Finally, Meizhen and Chi Yu met at the door of their home.It turned out that she had mistakenly thought that Chi Yu's documents were garbage and almost burned them, but then she changed her mind and sent the documents to a second-hand bookstore.In order to retrieve these documents, the two went to the bookstore together. This move made Meizhen's mother extremely happy, and she even began to look forward to her future grandchildren.

In the bookstore, Meizhen carefully rummaged through the mountains of books. Her focus and seriousness made Chi Yu feel good about her.However, at the moment she was about to find the file, Chi Yu's cell phone suddenly rang, and a detective called with shocking news.

It turned out that Chi Yu's mother passed away when he was young, and at that time he witnessed a bloody corpse being carried away.This profound memory has always lingered in his mind.And now, he is involved in a crime again.At the crime scene, a woman was brutally chased and eventually died.Chi Yu is keenly aware that the murderer is still lurking nearby.Fortunately, the police arrived quickly after receiving a call from an old man.Seeing that the situation was not going well, the murderer hurriedly hid in a nearby drainage ditch.However, Chi Yu did not give up the pursuit. He stared closely at the exit of the drainage ditch.Sure enough, the murderer escaped from the drainage ditch and tried to drive away from the scene.Chi Yu chased after him without hesitation and called the police while running.

Just then, he received a message from Meizhen, telling her that she had found the file and was about to leave the bookstore.Chi Yu's heart tightened, and he realized that the murderer was driving on Meizhen's way home.He changed direction without hesitation and ran towards Meizhen.

Korean drama《Miss Night and Day》Episode 3 plot

Meizhen was enveloped in sudden danger.A car sped up and approached her.However, at this critical moment, the car braked suddenly, and the huge wind blew the documents in Meizhen's hand around.Meizhen bravely picked up the documents that fell on the car windshield and prepared to ask the driver to leave.However, the driver tried to get out of the car with unknown intentions.At this critical moment, Zhiyu rushed to Meizhen like a magic weapon from the sky, shouted her name loudly, and successfully scared away the potential murderer.Although Meizhen could not remember any characteristics of the car, she smelled a strange smell.Although she has not yet realized the seriousness of the incident, Zhiyu decides to personally escort her home.On the other hand, the murderer remembered Meizhen's name and even drew a curse on her name with his own blood without her knowledge.

Those documents blown away by the wind are inextricably linked to Zhiyu's mother's files.If I remember correctly, Zhiyu and Meizhen both lived in the same small town when they were young.This makes me wonder whether they had left laughter in the streets on a sunny afternoon.Zhiyu's mother also suffered an accident, which made people worried about Meizhen's safety.At work, Zhiyu received a call from a detective who handed him the file and revealed that the torn parts contained a striking similarity to the original document.They decided to get in touch with the retired detective in order to uncover the truth about this series of events.

At the same time, the idol Go Won gave a lot of gifts to Mi Jin's friend Jiaying's family, including a luxury car.Lin Shun learned Jiaying's address at work and arranged everything cleverly.Jiaying was shocked by this sudden surprise, especially in the days when she was without her mother.Meanwhile, Lin Shun was rewarded for his outstanding performance and hired a new intern.However, the intern named Go Na-eun has not appeared for many days, which makes people suspicious.The newly hired Baek Cheol-kyu gives people an indescribable feeling.

One night, Baek Cheol-gyu came to Jiaying's house to discuss these gifts with her.After experiencing similar surprises and doubts as her parents, Meizhen somehow convinced Jiaying that she was Meizhen in the old woman's body.As the sun sets, Meizhen tells Jiaying to calm down and even suggests recording the moment.However, what is shocking is that when the sun sets, Lin Shun turns into Meizhen.Meizhen confessed her predicament to her friend and asked her to help her find the missing cat.Jiaying agreed to her request without hesitation, and the two decided to immediately go to the shelter to search (this once again proves the deep friendship between best friends in Korean dramas).

Not only did Im Soon save Go Won's life (Go Won now works in the same prosecutor's office as her), but I guess maybe it was his community service?Regardless, on the surface, he looks very happy and well cared for.However, he still struggled internally due to a previous acid attack and a seeming dependence on drugs.Lin Shun talked to Gao Yuan privately and asked him to take back those expensive gifts and cars.Gao Yuan finally agreed to her request, but only if he bought her coffee every morning.On the other hand, Ji Dongquan, the man who threw acid at Go Won, was questioned by Ji Woo about the matter.However, he did not directly answer Zhiyu's question, but instead asked Zhiyu's assistant for drugs before becoming violent.

Gao Yuan's terrifying encounter in the office reveals his deepest fears.He unexpectedly saw a man wearing a mask and hat. This scene brought back the unpleasant memories of being attacked before.There is obviously a little-known past event hidden behind this, and this past event was finally revealed through Lin Shun's narration.When Lin Shun discovered that Gao Yuan was taking those drugs, she did not directly reveal their true purpose, but used a tactful way to prevent him from overdosing.Her move not only showed her wit, but also reflected her concern for Gao Yuan.

In Zhiyu's office, a conflict broke out about work attitude.The woman who lacked enthusiasm for her job had a heated argument with Zhiyu and ultimately chose to resign.Although this incident is rare in the South Korean workplace, it undoubtedly adds tension to the plot.Zhiyu seemed to be supportive of the woman's departure, which was in sharp contrast to his boss's dissatisfaction.

The identity of Zhiyu's new assistant was not directly revealed in the play.But this suspense undoubtedly laid the foundation for the next plot.The latest discovery about the previous case is even more shocking - the severed limbs found were from a woman who may still be alive.This discovery not only reminded Zhiyu of his mother's case, but also made him more determined to find out the truth.

During the communication with Meizhen, Zhiyu mentioned the gray SUV.This car was not only related to the murderer he was chasing before, but also became a key clue for them to track down the real murderer.Meizhen's parents' misunderstanding of their relationship also adds a touch of comedy to the plot.And their joy that Meizhen“ caught” the prosecutor reflects their expectations and blessings for their daughter's future.

The new colleague looked at Lin Shun with deep meaning.They seem to recognize her, which indicates that Lin Shun's true identity is about to be revealed.When Lin Shun was proposed to become Zhiyu's new assistant, her surprise and excitement were beyond words.This not only means that she has finally realized her dream of becoming a civil servant, but also indicates that she will play a more important role in the subsequent plot.

Korean drama《Miss Night and Day》episode 4 plot

Zhixiong showed disdain for working with older people, whom he felt were far from responsive enough to keep up.However, Lin Shun (Wei Jin) challenges his ideas with his youthful energy and dedication to his work.Wei Jin is trying to adapt to Zhixiong's work style and gradually develops feelings for him.However, Zhixiong's assistant Bingde has all his plans and hopes that Wei Jin will resign, but he cannot see Wei Jin's persistence in his work.

Even when faced with difficult tasks, Wei Jin's many years of experience enable her to handle them with ease. She can even operate Excel and type efficiently.After work, Lin Shun always leaves quickly, hiding his secrets.However, Gao Yuan discovered something unexplainable during the tracking process.His dashcam captured her transformation, but he couldn't understand what was happening.In addition, Jiaying could not find the cats that Wei Jin had seen at the shelter in the city.

Zhixiong is investigating the Fentani case and recalls his mother's past.He discovered that the murderer might return to the scene, putting witnesses in danger.He called Wei Jin temporarily and arranged to meet in the evening.Wei Jin rushes to the cafe to meet Zhixiong during his work break.

Zhixiong speculated that Ji Dongquan, who carried out an acid attack on the plateau, might also have fentanyl in his medicine.However, leaving evidence publicly made Zhixiong feel suspicious, and he asked his assistant to check Tanney's transaction records.At the café, Zhixiong installs a tracker on Wei Jin’s security, provides her with self-defense tools, and lets her know that she is a potential witness.But for her safety, he did not call the police immediately.He asked Wei Jin to trust him, and Wei Jin called him in excitement to express his trust.

The news that Wei Jin got the job made her elated.The next day, Zhixiong and his assistant discussed Club Hovan, suspecting that it might be a hiding place for the distribution of banned drugs. They decided to get to the bottom of the matter.Unexpectedly, the elder Lin Shun offered to play the role of an undercover agent, which aroused doubts.

Zhixiong did not believe that Lin Shun could enter here. However, just when she was kicked out as an old lady who had gone to the wrong place, she suddenly changed back to her young appearance and successfully entered the VIP room of the club.In the last part of the fourth episode, Wei Jin tried to use hidden cameras to collect intelligence, but lost contact with Zhixiong, causing Zhixiong to be filled with worry.When Zhixiong rushed into the VIP room, he saw Wei Jin facing danger.

The next episode will reveal the real reason why Wei Jin showed up at the club instead of Lin Shun.

Korean drama《Miss Night and Day》Episode 5 plot

Wei Jin sneaked into the VIP room of the nightclub to collect clues. During the escape, Wei Jin managed to take some evidence, but was eventually caught by a man. In the dangerous situation, he received Zhixiong's timely rescue and successfully escaped. Lin Shun's tracesIt is no longer visible.When Zhixiong called Lin Shun, Weijin sent a message to Zhixiong using Lin Shun's number, saying that he was not feeling well and leaving.After Zhixiong was convinced that Lin Shun was safe, he decided to send Wei Jin home.On the way back, Zhixiong got stuck in a mud while avoiding the dog, and Zhixiong's clothes were stained by Wei Jin.Eventually, Wei Jin's parents came to pick them up. Because they had lied about Wei Jin being at the playground, their parents mistakenly thought they were dating.Wei Jin's parents asked him to change his dirty clothes, but Zhixiong mistakenly put on Wei Jin's mother's clothes and left.After returning home, Zhixiong put the lunch box Wei Jin had prepared for him in the refrigerator, looking particularly lonely.

Lin Shun returned to work, and her colleagues immediately became concerned about her hidden problems. Lin Shun showed everyone the evidence of drug trafficking taken at Club Hovan. Unfortunately, the photos were not clear, so basically the whole thing was in vain.They noticed a new intern in the stairwell, who seemed to be an accomplice of the Internet abuser who harmed Gao Yuan.He paid special attention to Lin Shun.On the other hand, Zhixiong discovered from CCTV that the target of the drug-addicted murderer Chi Dongquan was not Gao Yuan, but Lin Shun.So he tried to interrogate the instigator behind the scenes, the boss who supplied his drugs, but Ji Dongquan just yelled at him.After interrogation, a prison police officer was given a mobile phone, which he called someone to solve the dilemma.However, we saw one person reply to that number and tell him to %solve the problem himself.By the end of the day, Ji Dongquan had been killed and Jixiong was left in the dark.His boss had him killed and one of the prison police officers switched his medication with the one that killed him.

At work, Lin Shun was very kind to Gao Yuan, and he thanked her for not being overly sympathetic to him.She tells him that she understands that he always works hard and just like her, people always forget that idols have this side and think they live a perfect life.Lin Shun accidentally spilled the coffee, and Gao Yuan saw the heart-shaped scar on her leg.He received a call from his agent about transferring, but Lin Shun influenced him, so he decided to stay.They learned about the death of someone, and Zhixiong wanted to hide it from Gao Yuan, but Gao Yuan accidentally learned about it from Lin Shun.He reacted greatly to the news and Zhixiong was angry because Gao Yuan knew the confidential information.Lin Shun (Wei Jin) didn't expect that knowing the truth would affect Gao Yuan.She just wants to be honest with him, but Zhixiong blames Linshun.Lin Shun was so sad that she rode away, crying alone, asking the universe why it didn't let her become an old woman who couldn't do anything, because that was her current predicament.

In the finale of episode five, a drunken Wei Jin mistakenly breaks into Zhixiong's house and even breaks his door lock.Ji-hyung finds her sleeping in his bed, and after some awkward drunken moments, she tells him that she looks angry and fierce.In the morning, Zhixiong woke Wei Jin up, and she was surprised to find that she was not at her friend's house, but on the third floor.Unable to leave the house because the door lock was broken, she tried to escape from the balcony.Zhixiong is watching her, will he discover Lin Shun's identity?Or can she handle this again?We'll get the answer in episode six.

Korean drama《Miss Night and Day》episode 6 plot

Wei Jin cleverly avoids Zhixiong's attention, climbs from his balcony to the floor above, and accidentally hits him, taking this opportunity to find her best friend Jiaying.Wei Jin changes back to Lin Shun's identity in time and enters her best friend's house.She begins to panic, not knowing what happened the night before or whether Zhixiong will come up to check on her.She also noticed that she had been on the phone with Zhixiong for 30 minutes the night before but knew nothing about it.As expected, Zhixiong came up to see Wei Jin and was confused when he saw Lin Shun.Jiaying claims that she is her aunt while Weijin is using the bathroom.Zhixiong brings them the medicine he bought for Weijin and leaves.Jiaying suspects her best friend likes the prosecutor, but Wei Jin's situation, she denies it.

Zhixiong's kindness to Lin Shun/Wei Jin piques his interest.Lin Shun fled Zhixiong, but Zhixiong offered him a ride home.Wei Jin encounters the thug, Zhixiong rescues her and arrests the thug.They found similar patches on the thugs.At the police station the next day, Zhixiong asked the thug about the patch.They discovered that these individuals were not minors or high school students, but adults pretending to be students.They learned that the thugs obtained the drug patches through a courier who was trying to profit from the thugs.Wei Jin, on the other hand, used his salary to buy summer clothes for his parents.Wei Jin's father told the landlord about Zhixiong's occupation, causing the landlord to panic and reveal that someone had died in his apartment and was possessed by a ghost.Zhixiong didn't care and returned home, recalling Wei Jin's kind parents.Then he sent her a text message about meeting.

Jiaying and Linshun spent a wonderful day at the beach.After Wei Jin regained his original form, he found that Jiaying was missing and met Zhixiong at the water park.She learned via text message that Jiaying had read Zhixiong's text message and arranged for them to meet as her identity.Wei Jin walks with Zhi Xiong and he asks her about the phone call the night before.The next day, Zhixiong invited Lin Shun to play games together, planning to meet the female player and catch her boyfriend.Lin Shun plays Wei Jin and successfully convinces the female player to agree to meet.The female player kept touching Zhixiong, making him feel uncomfortable.Jixiong's companions took photos of them as part of the plan.When Zhixiong went to the bathroom, Weijin discovered that the female player had drugged his drink.Wei Jin changes back to his identity and tries to save Zhixiong.However, Zhixiong is unable to understand Wei Jin's gesture regarding the drug, and Wei Jin throws a chicken to him, then rushes forward to stop him from drinking the drugged beer.

Korean drama《Miss Night and Day》episode 7 plot

Zhiyu spends time with a lively gamer girl at a fried chicken restaurant, but Meizhen unexpectedly shows up and diverts Zhiyu's attention by cleverly throwing him a chicken leg.Then, she quickly took the beer from Zhiyu's hand, poured it into an ice bucket, and deliberately spit into it to ensure that Zhiyu would not drink it again.She cleverly made up a story claiming to be Zhiyu's girlfriend, although the game girl didn't care.The two argued over Zhiyu's ownership until the game girl's boyfriend “deliveryman” unexpectedly appeared.Facing prosecutor Zhiyu, he tried to escape in panic, but Zhiyu did not let him escape easily this time.At the same time, Meizhen also successfully subdued the game girl, and both of them were eventually taken away by the police.

Zhiyu and Bingde were surprised by Meizhen's reappearance, especially at a critical moment in the investigation of the case.Meizhen tried to change the subject by saying she was worried about Zhiyu, but it didn't work well.Later, Zhiyu followed Meizhen home, but unexpectedly heard her talking to herself.She explained that she concealed the truth not because she didn't trust Zhiyu, but because she had her own difficulties.Considering Zhiyu's empathy disorder, he finally reached out to help in time when Meizhen accidentally kicked the drunk man in the head.Zhiyu promised Meizhen that he would wait until the day when she was ready to share everything.When Meizhen asked him when he would open his heart to her, he said that although he was not good at expressing emotions, his trust in her was deep in his bones.

“Deliveryman” did not provide Zhiyu with direct clues about the case. They only revealed that when someone needs drugs, they will bring unsuspecting girls into the VIP room and use alcohol and drugs to control them.Based on this information, Zhiyu arrested the suspect.However, before Zhiyu communicated with his colleagues, the club's security guards had moved the relevant items and planned to bury them in the mountains.Fortunately, Bingde's men captured the video of their departure in time, providing new clues for the investigation of the case.

At work, Lin Shun was stopped by a woman, although they did not know each other.The woman claimed to have worked with Lin Shun at the bank years ago, but Lin Shun, also known as Meizhen, insisted that she had the wrong person.In fact, Lin Shun is Aunt Meizhen's name, and the image of an old woman she presents during the day is quite similar to that of her aunt when she was young.

Korean drama《Miss Night and Day》episode 8 plot

After Wei Jin wakes up, Zhixiong confronts Gao Yuan about his behavior.Later, Wei Jin also asked Gao Yuan how he knew her secret.Gao Yuan responded that he had been following her.He also stated that the car did not belong to the serial killer but was his.At the same time, Lin Shun received an exquisite gift from his boss for his outstanding performance the night before.In episode eight, Gao Yuan also insisted that she sell the gift.This is because he hopes to become the boss's assistant so that his office can be in front of Lin Shun for easy surveillance.

At the same time, the mystery about Zhixiong's mother gradually unravels as he discovers a man named Xu Motai.He worked with a detective who had contacted Jixiong's mother.But the detective is now elderly and suffering from dementia, so meeting him leads to no progress.Finally, Jixiong's mother spoke up and told her what she had seen.Due to some emergencies that day, Xu Motai had to go instead of the police chief, but she had disappeared by then.Files from the case have now been handed over to prosecutors by detectives.Lin Shun, who was present, saw her aunt's name among them, and she had to hide this from Zhixiong because he might be upset about it.

We also see the assistant discover that Mr. Bai murdered his spouse and the police discovered her body in a motel.Zhixiong's house was built on the original site of that motel.Wei Jin deliberately broke a plate.This was so that she could steal one of the documents.At the same time, we see Ji-hyung practically yelling at her for always being so close to getting into trouble.The micro-advance was successful and the file was viewed.To her and everyone's surprise, it said Lin Xi instead of Lin Shun.This means someone has changed or switched documents in order to hide something.The glass slightly scratches Wei Jin, and Zhixiong takes care of her.Wei Jin kissed him at that moment, which meant that their love heated up further.

Korean drama《Miss Night and Day》episode 9 plot

Zhixiong is disturbed by Wei Jin's reaction to the kiss and tries to distract himself by focusing on serial disappearances and murder cases.His suspicion of Bai Tiegui has made new progress.The next day, Lin Shun treated Zhixiong coldly in the office, which surprised the prosecutor.During lunch, Lin Shun and Gao Yuan ate together, and Gao Yuan teased her.Although Wei Jin and Gao Yuan are similar in age, in the eyes of everyone, she is 50-year-old Lin Shun.Zhixiong's subordinate Bingde found the interaction between the two strange.Meanwhile, his boss is angry with Shixiong for ordering the police to reopen the investigation into the disappearance and homicide.

In the evening, Wei Jin and Zhixiong meet again.Coincidentally, Wei Jin, Jiaying, Zhixiong and Bingde had dinner together.Bingde asks Wei Jin what would happen if the star Gao Yuan confesses to her, making Zhixiong jealous and angry at Bingde.Jiaying notices Zhixiong's jealousy and pushes the topic further, making him realize his feelings for Weijin.That night, Wei Jin expressed his feelings to Zhixiong on the way home.

The next day, Bingde was shocked again because he witnessed the close relationship between Gao Yuan and Lin Shun.He suspected that there was a romantic relationship between the 50-year-old Lin Shun and the young star Gao Yuan.Meanwhile, Zhixiong discovers a floating body in a reservoir that he suspects is problematic.After the news spread, Bai Tiegui called someone to make him appear even more suspicious.In the office, Lin Shun learned that the body was that of one of the elderly interns.After sharing the news with her colleagues, she followed Bai Tiekui to the parking lot.She noticed the license plate number and recalled that it was the one she saw on the night of the murder.She tried to tell Bingde about it, but it was actually Weijin who witnessed the whole thing.Therefore, as Lin Shun, she cannot make a convincing statement.

Zhixiong is furious after his boss cancels the arrest warrant for Baek Tiekui.He asked Bingde and Linshun for help to continue investigating the case.The three planned to secretly investigate some medical documents from Baitiegui Hospital.On the other hand, Bai Tiegui hurried back to the hospital with a nervous expression on his face after learning that Lin Shun was at his workplace.Upon arrival, the suspect ordered a manhunt for the middle-aged woman.Meanwhile, Lin Shun finds his way into Bai Tiegui's office and begins looking for evidence.Bai Tiekui entered the office, thinking he would find her.Just then, a nurse handed him Lin Shun's blood test results, which surprised him.The test results showed that Lin Shun's blood type was type O positive, while the blood type of Lin Shun he was searching for was type A positive.Will Bai Tiegui discover Wei Jin/Lin Shun's secret?

Korean drama《Miss Night and Day》episode 10 plot

Lin Shun/Wei Jin suspects that Bai Tiegui is related to her aunt's disappearance.The hospital director checked the surveillance video and discovered that Lin Shun secretly entered his office floor, hinting that he would solve the matter.Ming Xing Gao Yuan assisted Lin Shun in searching for the lost cat, but to no avail.Wei Jin's good friend Jiaying called her at night and tried to help her establish a relationship with Zhixiong.When Jiaying puts the call on speakerphone for Zhixiong to hear, he hears Weijin talking to another man.Zhixiong suffers from insomnia because Wei Jin and Gao Yuan are together, and Gao Yuan also seems to have a crush on Wei Jin, forming a love triangle.

Zhixiong and Bingde found drugs on the mountain, so they turned to Lin Shun, a 50-year-old mountaineering veteran.They investigate the matter together.Meanwhile, Gao Yuan was asked in an interview whether he likes older women.Bingde, who has always suspected the relationship between Gao Yuan and Lin Shun, feels uneasy.Later, Gao Yuan met Lin Shun and was happy when she ignored Zhi Xiong.Bingde forced Gao Yuan to drink with him and was angry about his pursuit of a 50-year-old lady.After Bingde became drunk, Gao Yuan felt troubled.Zhixiong came to the restaurant and helped Gao Yuan leave.Although he is not a fan of the plateau, he helps him escape from the crowd.Gao Yuan questioned the prosecutor's relationship with Wei Jin and said he did not want to get involved in other people's feelings.

At night, Zhixiong hesitates to call Weijin, while she struggles to understand her feelings.The next day, Lin Shun informed Zhixiong that the drugs found on the mountain and in the hospital came from the same batch.On the other hand, someone keeps sending threatening text messages to Gao Yuan related to Wei Jin's secrets.In the evening, Zhixiong visited Weijin and asked her why she didn't answer the phone.Wei Jin says that is her private matter, which makes Zhixiong frustrated.She asks if she did something wrong when they first met, implying that the first kiss failed.After Zhixiong denies it, Weijin asks her if there will be any problem with meeting Gao Yuan publicly or privately.After the argument, Zhixiong left her home but later returned.When Wei Jin hurriedly walked out, it started to rain and she saw the plateau.Gao Yuan asked her to quit her job and join him, confessing that he liked her and cared about her safety.At this time, Zhixiong witnessed them standing very close under an umbrella.

Korean drama《Miss Night and Day》episode 11 plot

Lin Shun/Wei Jin is worried about Zhixiong.She packed food and left home secretly at night.Byung-deok helps her enter the prosecutor's apartment.Wei Jin takes care of Zhixiong and reminds him of the good times with his mother.He reveals to her the story of his mother's disappearance.The next day, Zhixiong asked about Bai Tiekui's situation.Detectives claimed the director's car had been parked at the hospital since morning.One person showed Bai Tiegui some photos of Wei Jin and Lin Shun.The director wondered why the two women often saw each other but were never spotted together.The photographer told him: “Lin Shun disappeared after getting off work, while Li Weijin only appeared after Lin Shun got off work.” He further asked Bai Tiegui whether Lin Shun was the same woman 24 years ago.The director replied that they needed to confirm this.

Wei Jin returns home and sees Zhixiong's car parked outside her house.When she entered the home, she was shocked to see him sitting with his parents.She wants to ask him why he’s here, but Ji-hyung tries to avoid her gaze.After dinner, he lied to her and said he came to her house by chance.Wei Jin then shared the story of her missing aunt and mentioned that her mother felt the same way as Zhixiong.Bingde and Lin Shun received a search warrant and rushed to the hospital where Bai Tiegui was located.During the search, a nurse asked Lin Shun to follow her to see the rental house she had visited a few days earlier.At the same time, Zhixiong became more and more suspicious of Bai Tiegui and asked his superiors to issue an arrest warrant.

On the way to the hospital, Gao Yuan stopped Zhixiong and asked whether his case was related to Wei Jin.The prosecutor sternly told him to call her if he was worried.Gao Yuan replies that she doesn't answer his calls, making Shi Xiong worried.Zhixiong arrives at the hospital and frantically searches for her.At the same time, Bai Tiekui disguised as a doctor wearing a mask walked past Zhixiong.Zhixiong didn't notice him. He was pushing a rolling bed with the unconscious Lin Shun lying on it.The last scene shows Lin Shun's hands bound and mouthed with tape, and she looks at Bai Tiejui in horror.

Korean drama《Miss Night and Day》episode 12 plot

The story of Bai Tiegui begins with his wife's mysterious disappearance, and he hires a photographer to investigate.Investigation revealed that the wife frequented the motel.Bai Tiegui went to the bank to protect his wife's property, asked Lin Shun for assistance, and asked Lin Shun to ensure that no money was withdrawn from his wife's account.However, his wife's body was discovered and Bai Tiegui was arrested.Bai Tiegui tried to contact Lin Shun, but she had resigned.He believed that Lin Shun was involved in the case and had been searching for her for many years to no avail.Now, Bai Tiegui accuses Lin Shun (Wei Jin) of killing his wife.Wei Jin insisted on his innocence and asked to wait until sunset to reveal his true identity.Yet, even after sunset, she made little progress.Bai Tiekui planned to inject her with a mysterious substance, but was saved by Zhixiong in time.After Wei Jin recovered and became Lin Shun, Bingde called the police and Bai Tiegui was arrested.

Despite everything she's been through, Wei Jin asks Zhixiong not to tell her parents about the kidnapping.After a brief hospital stay, she returned home.Bai Tiegui is confused and insists that he kidnapped Lin Shun, not Wei Jin.The next day, Lin Shun tries to convince Zhixiong that Bai Tiegui may not be the real murderer, although he is still cautiously waiting for evidence.During an interrogation, Lin Shun showed Bai Tiegui a video of her transformation, but he dismissed it as fake.She then convinces him of her sincerity by revealing a childhood wound he had dealt with.She explains that the same killer may be targeting her now.

Zhixiong noticed the change in Bai Tiegui's attitude and chose not to ask Lin Shun about the content of their conversation.Meanwhile, Jiaying visits Weijin and the two share an affectionate moment.Bingde confides his first love experience to Zhixiong, which prompts Zhixiong to realize his feelings for Weijin.Wei Jin realizes that her transformation time is increasing and worries that if the murderer is not found, she may become Lin Shun forever.The next night, Wei Jin decided to make a statement and talk to Bai Tiegui.Zhixiong, worried for her safety, rushes to the police station, pulls her outside and urges her to stay calm until they catch the murderer.Wei Jin feels great pressure and breaks down emotionally. Zhixiong comforts her and promises to protect her.Their emotions deepened during their passionate kiss.

Korean drama《Miss Night and Day》episode 13 plot

Zhixiong sends Wei Jin home.Wei Jin asked to keep their relationship secret, but her father heard it and promised not to tell her mother.The next day, the two of them giggled while exchanging text messages in the office. Bingde noticed but didn't know that Lin Shun was making slight advances.Lin Shun avoided the plateau where she had confessed a few days ago, but he found her and asked not to avoid her, confessing that she liked someone else, but he would not give up his feelings.At night, Wei Jin goes back to the office to get his cell phone and successfully avoids Zhixiong.When he sees her leaving, Wei Jin says she came to spend time with him, successfully keeping the secret.

Zhixiong and Bingde asked Bai Tiegui about the case. He did not disclose the information but asked to see Lin Shun.When she is alone with him in the interrogation room, Bai Tiekui questions her about catching the real criminal.She promises him that she won't let him down.In return, he gave a valuable piece of evidence that surprised Zhixiong and Bingde.Prosecutors were curious about the relationship between Lin Shun and the suspect.Recalling her childhood, she replied that Bai Tiekui was someone she had long admired.However, Zhixiong didn't know that Lin Shun was referring to Wei Jin's memories.Meanwhile, Bai Tiekui does not defend himself when accused of being the real criminal.He accepts the accusation to buy Wei Jin/Lin Shun time so she can find the real culprit.However, Zhixiong discovers a piece of evidence that shows that Bai Tiejui cannot be the murderer.

The episode further showcases Lin Shun/Wei Jin’s jealousy over Ji Xiong working with colleague Qian Xi.Wei Jin feels happy when Zhixiong visits her in the evening and expresses romantic feelings to her.However, Zhixiong felt something strange when Weijin refused to have lunch with him and insisted on dining together after 7pm.Zhixiong became more suspicious after discovering a video of Lin Shun walking out of Wei Jin's house early in the morning.The investigation of the real murderer is still ongoing, and a name has emerged - Gong Enxin, one of the suspects who disappeared 20 years ago. Now she has reappeared, but no one recognizes her.

Finally, Lin Shun learned that someone had been sending threatening text messages in an attempt to expose her.When she discovers a threat is coming from a house, she goes there and discovers the threat is not directed at her.The owner of the house revealed that he wanted to reveal the true identity of Lin Shun's former colleague Luo Yuxi, which shocked Lin Shun.

Korean drama《Miss Night and Day》episode 14 plot

Wei Jin and Zhixiong go home after a date.Wei Jin couldn't sleep, so he fell asleep on the desk after reading a book.When she woke up in the morning, she became Lin Shun.Panic grips her as she must flee her home after her parents see the transformation.To make matters worse, Zhixiong decided to visit his girlfriend's house at the same time.Her parents witness Lin Shun's escape, mistake her for a thief/impostor and give chase.Zhixiong was confused and followed his girlfriend's parents to report the incident to the police.Lin Shun tried to escape but was caught.At the police station, her parents thought she was a "psychotic woman" and covered her face.Unrecognized after revealing true identity.Zhixiong was surprised to see her and asked about her relationship with Wei Jin. Lin Shun was silent.Wei Jin's mother wonders if this "psychotic woman" looks like her missing sister.

The next morning, Lin Shun went to the workplace with his resignation letter.Zhixiong is unwilling to accept her resignation and forces her to explain.Lin Shun could only say: “Sorry” and tried to submit a resignation letter.Zhixiong refused to accept it and continued to ask about her relationship with Li Weijin and how Weijin's mother regarded her as a missing sister.He feels she is playing with emotions and demands an explanation.Lin Shun couldn't bear it, left in a hurry and submitted his resignation letter.Episode 14 shows her packing her bags and leaving the office.On the way, she met Bingde and learned the truth.Next, a woman impersonating Luo Yuxi is shown, and flashbacks reveal her crimes, including robbery and murder.

In the bank, the staff member who received the murderer was Wei Jin's aunt Lin Shun.Lin Shun recalls a meeting with hospital director Bai Tiegui, who asked her to track down his missing wife's account.She tried to contact Bai Tiegui but was unsuccessful.On the way home at night, he was attacked by a murderer, and the memory fragment came to an abrupt end.At the same time, Wei Jin's father contacted the teahouse owner, Miss Guo, who turned out to be the murderer.Wei Jin's father asks her to find his wife's sister, mentioning that she has helped the woman in the past.Another flashback shows the murderer trying to take over the identity of the real Miss Guo.

Near the end of the episode, Lim Soon tells Chi Hung that the person responsible for the recent disappearances and murders is the same woman.Later, she called her father, but no one responded.Then a video appeared on her phone showing her father being abducted.For context, Wei Jin is a witness (Episode 1).The final scene shows Wei Jin rushing to save her father on the orders of the murderer.Before she could see her father, someone hit her in the head, rendering her unconscious.

Korean drama《Miss Night and Day》episode 15 plot

Wei Jin went to a remote place to save his father, but was knocked unconscious.After receiving the distress message, Jiaying asked Bingde for help. Zhixiong learned that Weijin was in danger and assisted the police to find her.When Zhixiong arrived, he found no one there except for mobile phones and blood stains.Kong Enxin kidnapped Wei Jin's father and was discovered.Wei Jin woke up and found that she had been kidnapped. She asked Kong Enxin whether she had killed her missing aunt. The criminal accused her family of not trying their best to find the missing person.Kong En wanted to inject medicine into Wei Jin, but Wei Jin managed to untie himself and escape.Kong Enxin chases after him with an axe, and Zhixiong arrives and follows him.Wei Jin tried to inject drugs into Kong Enxin, but was knocked down.Kong Enxin stops and sees the aunt in the hallucination. Wei Jin takes the opportunity to inject the drug and escape.

Zhixiong found the unconscious Kong Enxin and informed the police, and then continued to look for his girlfriend Weijin.The prosecutor follows a cat to find Wei Jin.In the last few seconds before sunrise, he saw a familiar woman walking towards him, he recognized her and rushed towards Wei Jin.When he arrived at Wei Jin's side, the sun was rising.However, he was shocked when he saw Lin Shun.Police arrested Kong Enxin and found the remains of her victims.When Zhixiong recognized one of the bodies as his mother, he collapsed.Later, Wei Jin's mother learned about her missing sister 20 years later and became one of the victims.Later, Zhixiong visited Kong Enxin in the interrogation room, and when Kong Enxin told the story of killing his mother, he was angered.Zhixiong's mother was killed when she witnessed Kong Enxin attacking Wei Jin's aunt.

Wei Jin is heartbroken about her situation with Zhixiong and is afraid to face Zhixiong and ask him if he knows her secret.On the other side, the prosecutor was distressed and tried to contact her.Finally, the two met outside Wei Jin's home.She tries to reveal her secret, but Ji-hyung seems to know beforehand.Surprised, Wei Jin asked him how he found out.He said he witnessed the transformation when he came to rescue her.Their discussion turns sad when she proposes ending their relationship.Heartbroken, the two parted ways.Finally, Wei Jin also reveals her secret to her parents.

Korean drama《Miss Night and Day》episode 16 plot

Wei Jin's parents discovered that Lin Shun had become their daughter, and they were overwhelmed to see their daughter living the life of her late beloved sister during the day.Then came to the court, Bai Tiegui got a reduced sentence, Zhixiong heard that Wei Jin came to the court to attend Kong Qizhe's trial.It makes him wonder how she arrived in the daytime when she was supposed to be Lin Soon.When Wei Jin was Lin Shun during the day, he wrote down a wish list to prepare for the fact that he would never regain his youth during the day, and wrote down a wish list.From hitting the gym to buying life insurance, make the most of your daytime hours.Wei Jin's mother felt sad after seeing the list and wanted to find the goddess.Wei Jin says she has tried everything.Keying took Lin Shun out to relax.Wei Jin decided to prepare for the civil service exam at night so that she could re-enter the police station regardless of Lin Shun or Wei Jin.

Wei Jin tries to stay away from Zhi Xiong, not wanting him to waste his time on her because during the day she turns into an old woman.Jixiong also decided to return to Seoul to work so that he could relax and make progress.One night, Wei Jin met Lin Shun in her dream, and Lin Shun told her it was time to leave.Wei Jin woke up from his dream and prepared to face a new day.

The plot shifts to the courtroom, where Zhixiong is curious about how Wei Jin came to testify against Kong Qizhe.Lin Shun's soul has left Wei Jin, allowing Wei Jin to bear witness in Wei Jin's appearance.Kong Qizhe was sentenced to death, and the story ended.Wei Jin continued to pursue her civil service exam and got high marks in the exam.Keying and Bingde are engaged, and Bingde moves into Zhixiong's residence because Zhixiong has left for Seoul.Gao Yuan returned to his music career and recalled the days spent with Lin Shun, knowing that it was actually a small improvement and cherishing the time spent with her.

A few months later, Ji-hyung was working hard at the Seoul Police Station.At lunch, colleagues suggested he take it easy, but he kept working.A new colleague enters the police station. Zhixiong and she are surprised by each other but pretend not to know each other.When a colleague approached Wei Jin, she cleverly avoided it, making Zhi Xiong happy.Zhixiong invites Wei Jin out, but is stabbed by the cactus given to her.In the park, they confess their feelings and share a kiss.While walking, Zhixiong hears Lin Shun's voice and sees her, but Wei Jin doesn't.He thought he was hallucinating, and the two continued walking.Lin Shun smiled and winked at Zhixiong and Weijin.

That’s it for the Korean drama - Miss Night and Day - Episodes 1-16 (including the ending). If you want to know more about the film and television, please join the group for discussion (QQ group: 532443302影视导航(影视交流)).

Miss Night and Day

Miss Night and Day

Total 16 Episodes Jun 15, 2024 Korean Plot

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