Thai Drama《Best Buddies》Full plot of episodes 1-12 (including ending)

  • Auth:Holy Son
  • Mar 11, 2024

The recently released movie - Best Buddies - has become a sensation since it was aired and quickly won the favor of many viewers. Many people can't live without this plot even for a period of time.Today, the editor has prepared an article for you to discuss based on the complete plot of the Thai drama - Best Buddies - Episodes 1-12 (including the ending). Let's take a look at it together.

The Thai drama - Best Friends - tells the story of eight friends who go to a holiday house in the forest to see off one of their friends who is about to study abroad.The trip was a chance for them to look back on their high school days.However, a series of disturbing events make the group nervous, and they begin to suspect that a ninth person is hiding somewhere within the vacation home.As the situation becomes increasingly dangerous, they try to solve the mystery, only to find that dark secrets from the past come back to haunt everyone.They realize that in order to survive, they must find out who is behind this series of deadly and bloody events as soon as possible!

Thai Drama《Best Buddies》Full plot of episodes 1-12 (including ending)

Thai drama《Best Buddies》Episode 1 plot

Jin in the group is about to go abroad for a long trip. As a friend, Por leads a group of friends to his family's mansion in the mountains for a party. When they arrive at the destination, Por instructs the housekeeper to have a good time tonight in order to have a good time.Come pick everyone up.

As soon as they entered the mansion, they discovered that because it was located in a mountainous area, they could not access the Internet and contact the outside world. When they were bored, everyone turned on the TV to see what movies and programs were available. Phee in the group randomly found a video to play, but who knew that what was playing was actuallyA scroll of horror videos that Jin and others recorded during their sophomore year of high school.However, Tee, Jin, Top and others who participated in the production of the video were not in a calm mood. Especially when the video showed a piercing test that was unfamiliar to people who joined the group later, the video was paused by Por.

Phee, who dreams of being a director, thinks this film is very interesting. He suggested that everyone should remake the film together. This opinion puzzled Tee in the group. He asked Por why he didn't stop it and instead followed the opinions of Phee and others to restart it.During the filming, Por comforted him and told him not to think too much about it and just treat it as having fun with his boyfriend White.Unexpectedly, when Phee started filming, Tee couldn't help shouting because Phee asked White to simulate the scene of a Thai fall in the film. The extremely emotional shouting destroyed the atmosphere of the filming, and then left the scene in anger, leaving the others behind.They looked at each other wondering what was going on.

Seeing that the joyful atmosphere of the night was ruined, Por entered the lobby at night because he only saw Top, Fluke and others, so he left a message saying that he would go find Tee and others to leave; at the same time, Phee and JinTalking alone on the balcony of the room, Phee asked Jin why he didn't tell him that he had no plans to return to Thailand after going abroad, but Jin confirmed that there was no need to explain so much to him about the relationship between the two, even if there had been a physical relationship between the two..

In the evening, everyone gathered in the lobby. Since Por was never seen, everyone decided to check the surveillance archives after discussion. After checking, they found that Por was strangely walking alone into the dark forest outside.In order to retrieve Por, the friends divided into two groups and searched in the woods. However, when Fluke and others followed Por's constant faint noise, they found that he had been pierced by a thick branch and his abdomen was bleeding...

Fearing that taking out the branch rashly would cause Por to bleed to death, Phee directed Tan and White to go back to the house to call for outside rescue, while Tee and Top went to find a car to see if they could find help from nearby residents.However, the place where everyone was was not working properly. Not only did White fail to broadcast the call for help, but Tee also encountered a problem where the car could not start. He tried to ride a motorcycle but it broke down midway.During this period, Top returned as if he saw a strange figure in the woods and was frightened and frightened.

Phee and Jin cut off the branches and helped Por back into the house. They originally hoped that Tee and Top could find help when they went out, but when the two returned without success and shouted that there were other people here who were chasing them, PheeI felt that everyone was nervous because something had happened, so they said they would investigate the matter clearly.

In order to confirm that what Tee and Top said was true, everyone used their laptops to check the video recorded this afternoon. Unexpectedly, everyone looked scared because of the scene in the video...

Thai drama《Best Buddies》Episode 2 plot

In the film, everyone had a false alarm because Tan accidentally appeared in the scene, but because of Por's incident, the group was divided into two groups: those who believe in evil and those who do not believe in evil. Tee even chose to go upstairs and refused to go down because he believed that Non's curse was reincarnated.Lou is with everyone.

In the morning, Top got up and went to the bathroom to wash up. Suddenly the door was closed and could not be opened. Then a masked figure with an ax appeared in the room and came forward. Top was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground and frantically asked for advice.Afterwards, Tee saw that he had not come out of the toilet, so he forced his way in worriedly and saw Top who was in shock. Then Top confessed to everyone what happened to him, but only Tee was willing to believe in his power of ghosts and gods.Others thought he was hallucinating due to mental breakdown.

Afterwards, Tee, Top, Fluke and Jin, four people who had met Non, held a group meeting. At Tee's request, he decided to search Por's room with Top, hoping to find the USB flash drive about the micro-movies he had shot.It was destroyed to prevent the curse from spreading; on the other side, Phee, White and Tan, who did not believe in the evil sect, all felt that Tee and his party had secrets that they had not revealed, so Tan decided to pretend that he believed what they said and wanted to sneak into the other side.Find out why they are so afraid of Non.

Tan approached Fluke who was coming out of the meeting. He gained Fluke's trust by greeting him and pretending to understand his mood and thoughts, and learned from him that Tee and Top were going to Por's room to find a USB flash drive.So he went upstairs to chase the house and said that he also wanted to help prevent the curse, and asked Tee to allow him to stay and help find Shuxi. However, while looking for the USB flash drive, Top suddenly saw a photo of everyone taking a photo with Non many years ago.He showed the photo to Tee in fear, but Tee, who was afraid that Tan would hear something, forcibly pulled him to the balcony and asked him to be silent to prevent the secret from being revealed.

Seeing that Por's condition was getting worse, Fluke asked everyone to do something to contact the outside world as soon as possible. White chose to come to the storage room to see if there was anything that could contact the outside world. He found a buzzer with electricity, but unfortunately the signal was limited.Rescue was limited, but then he caught a glimpse of a blade obviously stained with blood, which made him feel horrified.When everyone left, Fluke was left alone to take care of Por. Fluke also encountered the masked man. Por, who was suddenly bleeding from all his orifices, rolled him over and pinned him down and pinched his neck, causing him to temporarily coma due to lack of oxygen...

Not long after Fluke regained consciousness, everyone returned to the living room to gather together. White showed everyone what he found in the storage room, and Phee was convinced that these incidents were man-made and not haunted.Tan, who was originally looking for items upstairs, also came down to report what he had found, and told Tee and Top that they were looking for a USB flash drive to destroy. He suspected that the contents of the USB flash drive might help everyone answer the strange behavior of Tee and others, so PheeIn order to prevent Tee from going upstairs, the others also joined the search for the USB flash drive.

Phee rushed to stop Tee before he was about to destroy the USB flash drive. During the process, Top strongly objected and refused when he heard that everyone wanted to see the contents of the USB flash drive. Tee also refused to let Phee and others watch the USB flash drive because he was afraid that it was the source of the curse. The two factionsThe men and horses were even more moved to start a fight. Fortunately, White spoke up to stop her boyfriend and the fight was successfully stopped.Everyone finally agreed to wait until the butler came to deliver food at noon to obtain educational assistance before letting those who wanted to watch the USB flash drive watch the content. During this period, Tee was not allowed to damage the USB flash drive without permission.

Finally, the butler arrived at noon time to deliver food to everyone. Tee and Top hurriedly went out to greet them. However, someone had already laid a trap on the path, so when the butler came by bike, he was decapitated and died because he didn't pay front of two people.Top was horrified when he saw the butler's death. In order not to become the next victim, he encouraged Tee to ride on the butler's car and run away together.Afterwards, Phee and others wondered why the housekeeper hadn't arrived yet to go out to check. As soon as they went out, they saw the body of the housekeeper whose upper body was covered by Top's coat. Everyone was directly hit by a million levels of mental and psychological stress.

Although Tee and Top left on bicycles, they could not leave the forest. In the end, they had no choice but to return to the starting point of the big house.As soon as the two came back, Phee directly asked Tee if he was planning to abandon everyone and run away. Tee was dissatisfied when his pain point was mentioned and wanted to teach him a lesson, so he was quickly persuaded by his friends.After calming down, everyone fell into a tormented stalemate. They were hoping that the butler's appearance would help the injured Por and everyone leave, but now the death of the butler has thrown up more problems for everyone to solve...

Thai drama《Best Buddies》Episode 3 plot

Since the butler died and left a startable motorcycle, everyone chose to send Top out to search for rescue during the dispute. However, because he had a history of escaping, Phee did not trust him, so after Tan volunteered, he and Top went out to help monitor..Before the two set off, White found the call machine in the trunk of the motorcycle. Although he could not contact the outside world in the mountains, it could communicate with the pager in the house, so he gave it to Tan to take with him in case he needed to contact him in case of anything..

Unexpectedly, when Top and Tan wanted to go down the mountain, they found obstacles on the road due to rockfalls and landslides. They finally passed by using a human pushcart, but they encountered the same problem again a while later. Apparently they didn't want everyone to be able to leave the mountainous area.On the other side of the house, Fluke and others had another dispute with Tee. Tee wanted to cremate the butler's body on the spot to avoid the curse, but Fluke thought that doing so would cause everyone to be held accountable under criminal law in the future.Seeing that the discussion was fruitless, abnormal phenomena appeared on the head of the butler's corpse. This frightened everyone and they had to find something to completely cover the butler's body. Out of sight, for peace of mind.

Everyone waited impatiently in the living room for news of Tan. However, shortly after White's call failed, two people howling came from the pager. After a while, Tan was the only one with various wounds.He ran back to the big house in embarrassment and asked for help.Seeing that Tan returned alone without Top, everyone asked Tan what happened. Tan then revealed that the two of them unfortunately overturned while riding. When he regained consciousness, Top and the motorcycle had already disappeared...

In order to find out the whereabouts of Top, Phee, Jin and Tee followed Tan back to the place where the two had the accident. Here Phee found the tire tracks of a motorcycle in the mud and concluded that Top should not have gone too far, so the four followedThe track traces slowly walked into the forest; on the other side, White was left in the big house with Fluke to take care of Por, who was getting weaker and weaker. Por said something in his sleep that he was sorry for Non when he was in a coma. After hearing this, White called Fluke to come, but FlukeClearly feeling upset, he approached Por and found nothing unusual, but complained a little to White. He even scolded him to stop meddling in other people's business and just do what he was supposed to do, which made White a little suspicious of his unchanged attitude.

As they went deeper into the forest, Phee and others saw a large temple. As soon as they entered, they were surprised to find that various living sacrifices were enshrined in the temple. This obviously fulfilled the ghost stories that Por told them about Youkai and were circulating nearby.There are strange things everywhere in the building. Tee is worried about Top's whereabouts and asks everyone to find it separately. However, the other three people reject the proposal, thinking that it would be more dangerous to be left alone at this time. However, before everyone can discuss the rescue plan, a manMasked men in black appeared and attacked everyone.During the fight, Tee picked up the weapon and hit the masked man hard. Unexpectedly, after these blows, the masked man was unharmed. This also scared everyone and chose to go first as a sign of respect, and they fled in two groups.

White thought Fluke was up to something, so when Fluke wasn't paying attention, he picked up the hard drive that his boyfriend was afraid of and went upstairs, hoping to secretly open the file while he was alone to see what happened that year.But just when he was about to open the file and watch it, Fluke suddenly entered the room and caught him. He asked him in an unusually cold tone what he was doing here. White could only give up and casually said what he had in the hard drive.I didn't even notice it, so I quickly ran away from Fluke and went downstairs...

The masked man was originally chasing Phee and Jin, but he changed his target because he heard the sound of Tee and Tan running away. Just when he caught up with the two and was about to hit Tan hard, the beeper Tan carriedWhite's cry for help came, calling for his boyfriend Tee to come back quickly to protect him, because he opened the hard drive and read the contents and felt that something was wrong with Fluke.These words were also heard in the ears of the masked man, which caused the masked man to let Tan go and grab the motorcycle that Top left here and go straight to the big house. This made Tee yell that something was wrong and rush back to save her boyfriend, even ignoring Phee.Youjin directly left the two of them behind.

Por suffered side effects due to excessive blood loss. White summoned Fluke and asked him to help. However, when he saw that Fluke had no basic medical knowledge and wanted to use unsterilized gauze on Por's wound, White's kind reminder only angered Fluke, who thought he wasHe looks down on himself and curses.Fluke ordered White to help him find tools to suture the wound. During the search process, Fluke accidentally asked the police that there was a gun hidden behind White, so he grabbed the gun and pointed it at White and asked him why he had a gun.Then he doubted whether White was the murderer.Little did they know that just when Fluke raised a gun to threaten White, the masked man had already arrived in front of the big house on a motorcycle, and the safety of Fluke and White was also in crisis...

Thai drama《Best Buddies》Episode 4 plot

Because of Por's condition, Fluke did not attack White. The two of them used needles and thread to mend Por's bleeding area. They finally waited until Por's condition stabilized. When Fluke left, White quickly took out the beeper and hoped that her boyfriend would come back to protect him as soon as possible..

After the masked man left, Phee and Jin rolled over and crashed the coffin in order to get out of the coffin. However, the collision caused the weak Jin to dislocate his arm. Upon seeing this, Phee took off her coat and gave it to him as a temporary protective belt.After the bandaging was completed, Phee suggested that the two of them go back the same way they came. However, when they reached the temple hall, they noticed the extra sacrificial objects on the ground in the temple. When they went to check, Jin suddenly saw the ghost of his former mentor Keng, and was frightened.He fell to the ground and screamed in panic...

Tee was asked by Fluke to go upstairs to get some water. As soon as he went there, he caught a glimpse of a headline in a newspaper or magazine. It didn't take long before Fluke noticed that he was too slow and came up to check. After seeing the newspaper page where his eyes lingered, he told White about the incident.The person who died mysteriously was Tee's relative.Not long after Fluke finished speaking, the two heard a knock on the door downstairs. White thought it was her boyfriend coming back and ran downstairs to answer the door.

But the person who came was not Tee but the missing Top. Top looked haggard as soon as he walked in and even vomited on the floor as if he was poisoned. This undoubtedly made the two people who couldn't take care of Por even more worried.The two worked together to move Top to the hall, and then Fluke assigned White to dig the soil. He originally wanted to take advantage of Top's unpreparedness and attack him relentlessly, but in the end he did not take action against White and chose to let him live.

When White and Fluke were outside, Tee sent a warning to the two through the pager. When Tee asked if anyone had entered the big house, White told him that Top had come back. As soon as he said this, TeeFeeling shocked, he pulled Tan and rushed home to rescue him after ending the call.

Top regained consciousness when White and Fluke were not in the house, but his behavior was weird and unusual. He also pulled out the wooden stake from Por's body without permission, causing the two people who entered the house to confront the unconscious Top.Start a fight.White took advantage of the chaos and knocked Top unconscious with a stick, and then hurried to check on Por's condition. However, Por lost too much blood due to Top's behavior, and finally passed away in tears with no way out.

Por's death caused Fluke, who dreamed of being a doctor, to collapse. Soon after, Tee also returned with Tan. After learning what happened in the house, they were shocked and did not want to believe the news of Por's death.Fluke first jumped out and pointed a gun at Tee and others, believing that everything was the fault of Tee and others three years ago. This question immediately made Tan side with Fluke and ask what happened that year.

At this time, Fluke also entered the dark side of his human nature. Selfishly, he did not want his future to go wrong due to Por's death, so he forced Tee to hand over the pager, and then Por's servants sent a message to ask everyone.When I go back, I will use Por's instructions to ask the other party to come back a few days later.His behavior was also shamed by Tee and others, who accused him of putting everyone in danger, but Fluke didn't think he was at all wrong. On the contrary, he blamed Tee, thinking that it was him who caused such a thing.At the same time, Top, who had fallen to the ground and fainted, also woke up, and followed Fluke's words hysterically and told Tee that he was responsible for this incident...

Thai drama《Best Buddies》Episode 5 plot

Non, whom Por and others do not want to mention, met in high school. Por, Fluke and others wanted to have masterpieces on their life resumes, so they suggested that friends participate in a short film competition with prize money.After finally convincing Tee in the group who refused to participate, everyone held a meeting. However, since there was no one in the group who could be a screenwriter, when classmate Non inadvertently expressed his opinion when he passed by, Jin thought it was his idea.It was feasible, so at Por's request, the two of them persuaded Non to join the team afterwards., although Non was nominally recruited into the group, the deadline for the competition was very urgent, which put a lot of pressure on Non, who had to create a perfect script in a short period of time.Por would only open his mouth to urge Non to write the script quickly. Top in the group took pleasure in teasing him. Tee never looked at Non. First looked aloof and acknowledged everyone's malice towards Non. Jin was the only one who followed him.Non builds good friendships and will help Por and others when they are too harsh on Non.

Non is actually a bit transparent in the class. Because of the pressure from his parents to have a successful son, he once broke down and was admitted to the hospital due to excessive pressure. After recovering from health, he took medication regularly to control his condition.He had to endure the verbal bullying from Por and others while working on his script day and night. Por also thought that he spent too much time on the script, so he spent money to let him go to tutoring classes with others., asking him to spend time writing scripts while everyone was in class was mentally tortured.

He finally worked hard to come up with the complete script, but he only got an indifferent response from Por and others, and then a group of people left him alone.Keng from the cram school was impressed by Non when he saw him solving problems even when he was distracted in class. After school, he saw that Non had not left yet and asked him how to get home. As soon as he heard that he wanted to take a taxiHe kindly let him take his ride.

Tee's uncle is a gangster involved in money laundering. Due to the negligence of his subordinates, the rider who helped launder the money was caught. He angrily asked his subordinates to deal with the people who ruined his good deeds. Later, he even threatened Tee, who was living under the influence of others, to find someone who could help him in a short time.The capitation account used.

The script submitted by Por won the first prize in the micro-film competition, but everyone was overwhelmed and forgot about Non, who was originally present and worked the hardest. When they saw Non looking disappointed because of Jin's notification, afterwardsWhen everyone gathered for a barbecue in the evening, they accused Jin of not having any contact with Non in the future.

In order to shoot a short film, Por asked his parents for expensive photographic equipment, but Top accidentally broke it when no one was in the classroom. When he didn't know what to do, Tee asked Top to take pictures of himself.Words and actions.Tee's crooked mind naturally turned to poor Non. He asked Non for help under the pretense that the team was short of a photographer, and asked him to use Por's equipment to teach him how to take photos. Then he tripped him after Non got the equipment.Create the illusion that Non has broken the equipment.

Having shouldered the liability for compensation for no reason, Non panicked and wanted to die that night. Fortunately, when he couldn't think about it, Jin sent a message and came to his home. He comforted Non and told him that he would help him communicate with Por, and invited someone who insisted that he was at fault.Non, who wanted compensation, came to work as his own photography assistant and repay the debt within his own ability.

However, the assistance that Jin could provide was not enough for Non to raise a large amount of money in a short period of time. Tee took advantage of Non's helplessness to give him an opportunity to make extra money and deceived Non into providing his own account. In addition to ensuring that he would notWhen something happened, he even offered to remit tens of thousands of dollars to him as long as he handed it over. In order to pay off the debt, Non finally compromised and agreed to Tee's request, which set him on a path of no return...

Thai drama《Best Buddies》Episode 6 plot

In order to avenge her boyfriend, Phee could stay with Jinxu for three years in order to avenge Non.Maybe White was also the chess piece he sent there to avenge Non and deliberately buried it next to Tee.That’s why I chose to spread everything out and get it over with before Jin went abroad!Taiwan ⋯ is exciting. It turns out that Neptune looks like the purest Non.Or is it that Non went to sea and became friends with Phee to pay back the money?

Non took the risk and opened his own account and handed it over directly to Tee. Tee set up the app directly on his mobile phone, and Non could directly see the account information.Non watched the money in his account come and go every day, and Por kept urging him to pay back the money, which made him feel like he was about to collapse.He thought of his math tutor and wanted to ask him to help open an account, but he felt that he shouldn't bother such a good person.

The uncle warned Tee that he lacked more head accounts and asked him to open more so that the money could be laundered.But he could only force the little armyworm Non to find more accounts.

But Non only received the money on the first day. He was angry and asked Tee to give him his salary.Instead, Tee warned Non that he had not received the money because the money in his account had not increased and he would not give him any more money.In fact, it is because Tee's source of money is controlled by his uncle.The uncle asked Tee that if he wanted to give money to a friend, he might as well pay it out of his own pocket.

Por started a live broadcast with Top and Fluke and saw that people were paying attention to their movies on the Internet.Por was also proud of the popularity of their movie. His friends suspected that Por's parents might have helped buy the news, but Por didn't believe it and scolded them for not having done this at all.As a result, my mother took the initiative to mention it. She told her journalist friend and asked her to help promote it.Por instantly felt that he had been slapped hard, and his friend quickly took the opportunity to leave.Por's father stopped by and asked when he would turn on the camera, but Por whispered that it wouldn't be possible yet because the camera was broken.

Por's father knew that the camera was broken and he was angry and wanted to hit Por, but her mother came out to soothe her cheeks.Por only felt that everything was Mon's fault, and he forced Mon to take out the money, no matter what method he used.Desperate, Mon had no choice but to embezzle money from his account. The moment he transferred the money, he knew he had no way out.But what can he do? Faced with Por's persecution, he can only get through the current difficulties first!

Top asked Por to come and support him quickly. Unexpectedly, Por screamed in surprise. It turned out that Mon had transferred the money.This good news made Por want to turn on his phone immediately, but Jin was the only one who was curious about how Mon would solve it!

Fluke said that he would have a holiday tomorrow, so why not just turn on the phone tomorrow? The group of people got into the back of the truck and headed to the Por family's villa, but the car broke down halfway.But there was an abandoned altar nearby, which looked extremely eerie.At this time, the masked ghost appeared with an axe. He walked from the woods to everyone. Fluke took Top, Mon took Jin, and Por seemed to see from the camera that there was a masked ghost behind the altar, but he didn't see it directly.He thought he might be dazzled.In addition, the masked ghost grabbed the old driver uncle and wanted to chop him off with an axe.It turns out that the ghost in disguise is Tee, and Jin also praised that Tee is the only one who can play such a role.Tee was originally angry that his role was worse than Top's, at least he showed his face, but Jin's compliment made him very proud.

Although the shot was finished, no one wanted to spend time on post-production, so Tee pushed the matter to Non. Jin accompanied Mon to edit the film. When Non was watching the film carefully, Jin looked at Non's face and daydreamed, and it was Non who woke him up again and again.Jin is in a daze.

Tee discovered that these friends had all received warning letters and they were involved in the money mule incident.He couldn't help but wonder, was there something wrong with Non's transfer?When his uncle told him that it was his friend who made the police suspicious, let him decide what to do!

You have to find a way to pay it back, or you have to pay it back with your organs.If you go to the police and turn yourself in, at least the boss won't kill you!

Tee stopped Non at night, sent someone to repair him severely, and asked him to spit out the money.He returned home with injuries all over his body, and his mother told him not to make mistakes outside!In fact, there is no turning back for him. There is a tiger in front of him and an abyss behind him.The police took him away directly, and everyone in his group of friends was invited into the police station.Everyone pointed to Non for helping everyone open accounts, but Non, who was heartbroken, admitted without expression that it was all his doing, and there was no one behind him.But the police didn't believe it. How could a student handle such a large amount of money?

Por's parliamentarian father and mother thanked the detective because Por was the victim.At this time, Non's parents came here and were scolded by Por's mother. Without money, there is no self-esteem. This may be the sadness of having no money!Non's mother wanted to fight back, but was stopped by the police. Although everyone remained silent, thinking that the congressman's wife was overbearing, what could they do? In this social class, everything is determined by fate.

When Non returned home, facing his parents' endless quarrels, he could only curl up and huddle on the sofa. He didn't know how he should face it all.

Por's father announced to everyone that it was none of their business and his family would never be involved in any dishonorable incident.But no matter how Jin called Non, Non's cell phone kept ringing, and he just wanted to die.He struggled to swallow the medicine in his hand. Just as he swallowed sadly, a boy in uniform broke through the door and told him: “Sorry, Non”.

Oh my God, that person turned out to be Phee. Looking at the trailer, Non not only had sex with Phee but also had an affair with his teacher.So is this all a joint revenge between Phee and the teacher?

Thai drama《Best Buddies》Episode 7 plot

In a short period of time, Phee and Non's relationship progressed from being online friends to dating each other. Phee also quickly asked Non about the possibility of becoming a couple because they were so in love that they died tragically. In the end, she got Non's tacit consent to hold hands smoothly.After Non's accident, Non was afraid and sought Phee's help. Seeing Non in trouble, Phee naturally would not sit idly by, so he asked his father, who worked in the police station, to take action, and asked his father to express Non's involvement in the case on the grounds that he was also involved in the case.It's okay to let him get away.

But even if Non was cleared of suspicion, Tee and others still had a bad and arrogant attitude toward him. Por's annoyance and rejection of others in class was also obvious, and even Non was deliberately excluded from the group's filming.Phee, after helping Non, has been trying to persuade Non to stay away from villains like Por. However, No matter how hard he tried, Non didn't listen, just because making a movie is what Non has always dreamed of doing, so in order to do what he likes, even though heHe was willing to tolerate no matter how he was treated in the Por small group.

However, the naive Non still underestimated how bad Por's group was. Por decided to leave the filming date on purpose without telling Non. After Non was forced to seek help from others, Non was about to arrive late.He went to buy meals for everyone.It's not a big deal to just treat Non as a lunch delivery boy. What's even more outrageous is that the script that Non worked so hard to write was modified, and in order to prevent Non from appearing in the movie, the role of the Tee masked man was given to Non.At this time, Non was also unhappy because his creative work was being treated arbitrarily. When he turned to leave, he was persuaded by Jin. Jin told him that if he quit now, all his efforts would be in vain. Because of Jin's wordsOnly then was Non willing to stay and be sent around by Por and others.

This was not the first time that Keng noticed Non's performance in class. After Non's name was not written on a test paper, he called him into the office. He asked Non what difficulties he had encountered recently that affected his study. After he inquired, Non finally confessed.There is financial pressure with friends.As soon as Keng heard this, he said that he had a deposit that he could lend to Non. When Non heard what Keng said, he quickly refused and thought that he could not trouble the teacher. But the next moment, Keng said that it was worth using the money to change Non's life......

Keng helped Non financially. After leaving the cram school, Non was seen by Phee who was looking for him to be intimate with Keng. Phee stepped forward and asked what the relationship between him and Keng was, and she was disappointed and uncomfortable.The man left in tears.When Non saw Phee crying, he immediately comforted her boyfriend. He emphasized that he and Keng did not have any abnormal relationship. Then he hoped that Phee would have confidence in him and successfully coaxed Phee into being loyal to him during the hug.Believe it or not.

Soon Non got repayment from Keng. He repaid his debt to Tee in one lump sum so that he could go back to work for his uncle. After finishing speaking, he did not forget to remind Tee as a good friend when he left that it was best to get away from his uncle as soon as possible.growth environment.However, what he didn't expect was that Tee was very curious about how he could get this amount of money in a short period of time, so he sent the Top gang to track Non, and finally let Top secretly secretly photograph the intimate interaction between Non and Keng..

Keng secretly wanted to start Uncle Tee's fraud group for Non, but on the other hand, he seduced Non into having a relationship with him. However, the place where the two had their affair was not chosen, but in the office. The door was not locked before they were found.Jin and Fluke bump into each other.Jin's heart broke when he saw that Non was not as innocent and beautiful as he imagined. He secretly took a video of the two of them despite Fluke's obstruction, and then uploaded the video to Du Qun angrily...

The next day, Non and Keng's reputations were ruined. Phee couldn't believe that he was deceived by Non after seeing the video. After finding Non, he punched Keng in the face who was comforting Non, and then told Non in despair.I misjudged him. If he felt sorry for him, he should die. After saying that, he turned around and left without looking back.

Thai drama《Best Buddies》Episode 8 plot

After receiving the money, Tee's uncle not only did not stop there, but suspected that Non's background was not simple and believed that he should be eradicated. Therefore, he told his nephew Tee to ask him to help solve Non and other troubles that hindered his business.Following the clues given to him by Non, Keng found the casino location where Uncle Tee used restaurant packaging to confuse the public. However, due to the large number of people guarding the restaurant on the first floor, Keng was unable to enter. Keng did not expect that he had alerted the snake this time.As a result, he was hit by an oncoming car when he was looking for another way to infiltrate...

Non was isolated and helpless after his accident, and his parents were quarreling over him. Seeing that no one could help, Non could only place his last hope on Keng, hoping that he could save him. However, Keng was beaten by Non because of the accident.The calls were fruitless, which made Non feel sad and heartbroken. In the end, he could only turn his grief and anger into writing motivation and devote himself entirely to the revised script.

After solving Keng who was investigating the casino, Tee's uncle once again set his sights on Non. Seeing that Tee was too timid to kill him, he persuaded Tee to find a way to bring Non to him.After that, Por held a group interview because of the financial support for the film. Tee helped to speak on the grounds that to complete the filming as scheduled, Non was indispensable. Por, who was furious, had no choice but to agree. After that, everyone asked Jin, who was friends with Non, toHelp speak.

In this way, Non was once again tricked into working for everyone for free. As soon as he arrived, Tee pretended to be kind and handed him a glass of water, but in fact he had added medicine to the water.After drinking the water, Non completely burst out with his dissatisfaction with everyone during the subsequent filming. He pointed the blade at Tee and told everyone to expose all the evil deeds he had done to him. He also accused Por and others of killing him with all his hard work.Artistic creation is appropriated for one's own use, trampling and enslaving him at will regardless of his mood and feelings...

During Non's outburst, Jin was the only one who sincerely apologized to him. Just when Non calmed down a little because of him, the water Tee drank for him also had medicinal properties and made him collapse unconscious.As soon as he fell to the ground, Por picked up the weapon and planned to attack Non, but his friends and Jin stopped him. Tee also took the opportunity to say that he would deal with Non well, and then worked with Top to help Non and leave.After that, Non was never seen again. The news media and the police also reported that Non and Keng eloped together and disappeared. As for Por and others, they also concealed their meeting with Non during the police interview afterwards.thing...

Before Non left, Tee took him away. Jin couldn't help but ask him questions after finishing the drinking celebration at Por. Tee responded that Non might be having fun with Keng outside, and then told Jin not to ask any more questions.Don't mention this in front of everyone in the future.As for Tee himself, he was actually wondering about Non's life and death. After he brought the person to his uncle and received 20,000 yuan in hush money, he had no way of knowing what happened to Non next. When he asked his uncle and his capable men, he was threatened not to do anything again.Keep asking.

Phee has been working hard to find Prem's whereabouts after he disappeared. However, with the pressure from the police to close the case and for Phee's personal safety, Phee's father, the police chief, could not help his son continue to investigate the case, so he told the newsTell Phee and make him mentally prepared that Non has been killed.

The film Por shot quickly held a press conference and was broadcast in theaters. It received a lot of positive feedback and also got a lot of focus, which made Top in the group a little jealous.At the premiere, Phee was also present to watch the movie. Seeing Por and others' high spirits, he couldn't help but recall the treatment Non received in the group. For this reason, he secretly decided to sneak into Por's group to investigate.Non's whereabouts...

Thai drama《Best Buddies》Episode 9 plot

Jin and Phee were still trapped in the temple and could not get out. During the process, Jin was thirsty, so Phee took a bottle of water near the altar and gave him a drink. Unexpectedly, the water was also drugged, causing Jin to have hallucinations.Phee obviously knew the properties of this medicine. When he saw Jin getting sick, he blamed himself for failing to protect Jin and causing him to drink it by mistake...

After Non disappeared to participate in the filming activities of Por and others, Phee went to Non's house in person because she could not contact him. After seeing that the door of his house was open and no one responded to her calls, Phee went upstairs..In Non's room, Phee found the script script that Non had left behind. At this moment, Non's mother also came to the room. After Phee apologized to her for entering the house without permission, she learned from Non's mother that Non had left home to film a movie..

Non's disappearance after filming also made the news. Non's brother New, who is far away from abroad, also chose to return home after learning about it, and blamed himself for having stayed away for too long and losing his loved ones.Afterwards, he attended the premiere of Por and others' movie, and met with Phee privately at the meeting. He believed that the content of the script his brother finally wrote did not match the content of the final film. His understanding of his brother made him think that Non might be in the script.It's a metaphor for something.

Both of them have the same ambition to find out the cause of Non's disappearance. To this end, New changed his name to Tan, and deceived and concealed that his parents would not return to study abroad. He chose to go to Non's school with Phee as a transfer student, andWaiting for an opportunity to join Por's group to collect information.The two of them met Por and others for the first time through playing basketball and had lunch together. New took this opportunity to start a topic by asking Por who wrote the script of the movie on the grounds that he had seen Por's movie. How did they know that this question was asked by the group?Everyone looked at each other and the atmosphere plummeted, and finally the conversation ended hastily.

After discussing the next strategic countermeasures, Phee decided to target Jin, who was the friendliest with Non in the group. After that, Phee did what he liked and used photography as an excuse to get closer to Jin, and then even played ball with his friends in Jin.When he was injured, he stepped forward to bandage his wound, which greatly improved Jin's favor with him.

As they get along more and more, Jin's affection for Phee has gone beyond friendship. After he and Phee went out for a shoot, Jin took the initiative to ask Phee to stay at his house for the night. Phee followed suit and met Jin that night...

After the incident, New reminded Phee not to be emotional after knowing that he had fallen in love with Jin, because he believed that Jin and Por's gang of villains were always playing together, and their conduct was probably not much better.Jin, on the other hand, was completely devastated after that night of lovemaking. When he and Phee frequently exchanged messages on a daily basis, he even wanted to ask Phee if she wanted to develop a relationship with him.

Because of New's reminder, Phee's attitude towards Jin suddenly changed, which made Jin feel hurt by Phee's ruthless cock-pulling, and the relationship between the two also cracked...

New's failure to go abroad quickly became unsolved. His mother died of depression after Non disappeared. His father also borrowed money from various places to raise the cost of the lawsuit, his wife's medical expenses, and New's study abroad expenses.He even ran away at the expense of his house.When New showed up at the funeral because he had heard the news of his mother's death, his father was very disappointed and heartbroken because of New's deception. In the end, he chose to hang himself in front of his wife's funeral hall in despair.

After experiencing family tragedy and the pain of losing his younger brother, New used his talent in pharmaceutical preparation to create a psychedelic drug. In the process, he even tried the drug on himself because he wanted to see Non. However, Phee arrived and saved New before the situation got out of control.

Jin, who was emotionally hurt, quickly announced in the group that he was going abroad for further study and would not come back. New asked Por on the group if he could borrow his house on the mountain to hold a farewell party for Jin, and his opinion was also changed.After being accepted by Por, he immediately asked everyone else about their willingness to attend.After Phee learned the news, he came to Jin's house. He shouted in front of Jin's house that he had something to say to him, but he was refused to meet Jin who was heartbroken in the house.

When Por made an appointment for the farewell party, New made a cigarette mixed with hallucinogenic drugs to avenge his brother, planning to make everyone tell the truth on that day, and taught Phee how to distinguish the poison and antidote he made.But obviously the situation turned out to be more clear than Phee expected. Looking at the way Tee and others were facing each other in the wooden house at this time, New couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction that a great vengeance would be avenged on his face...

Thai drama《Best Buddies》Episode 10 plot

In the room, Tee pointed a gun at Fluke. Her boyfriend White didn't want Tee to make a big mistake, so he tried his best to calm down and asked Tee to stop shooting. On the other side, Phee, who had not returned to the house to reunite, told Jin what happened., he originally planned to sneak into this event with New and drug him to find out the connection between everyone and Non. New, who had never thought about his family and his family, had no intention of letting go of these villains who bullied his younger brother. After arriving at the Por family resort, he launched his ownrevenge plan.

On the first day of the incident, New teamed up with Phee to drug everyone's wine barrels. At night, while the potency of Por was still there, they lured him out of the forest, and then used Por's hallucinogenic power to make him fall into a wooden trap he made.middle.On the day after the accident, in order to prevent Por's housekeeper from getting in the way, a trap was installed on his way up the mountain to kill him. After the incident, he pretended to return to the house as if nothing had happened.

Seeing Top and Tee trying to escape from this place by bicycle, New pretended to be a masked man and threw an ax at them, frightening Top who was afraid of ghosts. After the two returned to the house, they pretended to go out with Top under the pretext of surveillance, but in fact they were in the middle of the night.On the way, he was knocked unconscious and brought to the temple.New drugged Top before he regained consciousness, and when Top woke up, he fed him the decoction when the drug took effect, asking him to punish those who had caused harm to Non if he wanted to get rid of Non's curse.

After listening to Phee's explanation, although Jin felt angry, he couldn't be angry with Phee. Firstly, it was because he still had lingering feelings for Phee, and secondly, it was because he was also one of the people who had hurt Non.Out of remorse, Jin revealed that he had spread Non's video. Phee also found the spare ax left by New in the reporting room. The two broke the chain of the door and successfully escaped.

Because it was getting late outside and visibility was insufficient, and the terrain in the forest was also complicated, the two of them kept trying to get to where they were.When Jin was upset because he was worried about the safety of his friends in the house, Phee was there to cheer him up and said that he would take Jin safely out of the forest and back to the house no matter what.

Under White's dissuasion, Tee gave the gun to her boyfriend for safekeeping. In order to prevent Top from getting into trouble, Tee tied him up. However, Fluke later complained that all the troubles were caused by Tee. These words directly ignited Tee's temper.Making him so angry that he grabbed Fluke's collar.

Just when Tee was about to attack Fluke, Phee and Jin came back successfully. New originally pretended that they would find a way to leave this place together, but he never thought that Jin already knew what he had done, so he and Phee exposed him in front of everyone.'s true identity.After escaping from Tee, Fluke took White's gun and took him as a hostage. After learning that New was Non's brother, he no longer wanted to trust anyone, so he pointed the gun at Tee and asked him to tell the truth.What did Non do.But he didn't know that the drug on his body had not completely worn off. When Top woke up and broke free from the restraints and stepped forward towards him, Fluke thought Top was Non and shot him.

After Top fell, Fluke pointed the gun at Tee again. Worried about her boyfriend's life, Tee had no choice but to tell the truth. It turned out that Teacher Non and Keng were beaten severely after falling into the hands of Uncle Tee, and even had to be tortured after they fainted.Their organs were sold and their bodies were drained of all their value.Tee's confession made Jin angrily accuse him of causing misfortune to the Non family. His boyfriend White was also very disappointed with Tee after knowing what happened. As for Fluke, after hearing this, he not only refused to stop, but even planned to kill Tee himself.He takes the blame for this alone...

Upon seeing this, Jin immediately stepped forward to stand between the two of them. He advised Fluke, who was determined to become a doctor, not to stain his hands with blood, but his words were not listened to and instead Fluke kicked him away.Seeing that death was imminent, Tee still explained that he really didn't want to kill Non. New, who had been watching the show, couldn't bear it any longer and stepped forward to ask Tee if there was anything he hadn't done yet.

Thai drama《Best Buddies》Episode 11 plot

It turns out that Tee did not disappear immediately, but was taken to his uncle by Tee. Tee thought that his uncle would not be so cruel, but his uncle actually wanted to sell Non's organs. This does not mean that Non should die alive.He tried to convince his uncle that he would help Non pay back the debt, but he only asked his uncle to let him go.And the uncle is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He just used another method to detain a vigorous young man in the casino.Non was not grateful to Tee. He felt that the other party was just a cat crying and a mouse pretending to be compassionate. If he really sympathized with him, why did he let the innocent person pay a price he shouldn't have to pay!

Non's accusation made Tee suffer silently.But he really didn't want Non to die, but he could only take care of him in this way.At least the person is still alive, just like a zombie living in the casino. Once he helps pay off the debt, Non can leave.

People at the casino, seeing Tee taking care of Non like this, thought why did he come?It was clear that he dug a hole for Non to jump from the beginning, and now he deliberately handed the rope to Non.Once you have made a mistake, it is impossible to undo it.But Tee still wanted to do his best. He worked in an Internet cafe and played games during the day, just to make more money and at least let Non out of the sea of ​​misery as soon as possible.

But Non died of overwork. Of course his injured body did not recover properly, and he did not have enough food and sleep.Even a strong body would collapse, so Tee saw Non being wrapped in a quilt, dragged out and thrown away.

Tee thought his life was darkness and there would never be any light.But one day, White appeared in front of him and told Tee that he liked Tee.Tee felt the source of happiness and wanted to change himself.But the past is always lying in wait like a shadow, waiting for an opportunity!

Phee promised New that he would make everyone pay the price, as long as they hurt Non.But now he doubts whether he did something wrong. As Tee tells the truth, he hates this group of people. Everyone ignores them and even pushes Non behind his back.He grabbed the gun from Fluke and pointed it at everyone except Jin. He tried hard to persuade Phee not to be persistent and not to be brainwashed by Tan (New) again.

But Tan pushed Jin away and took out the psychedelic cigarette he had prepared. When the smell of smoke filled the room, everyone's inner demons were aroused again.And what price will these friends pay?

Thai drama《Best Buddies》Episode 12 plot

New put on a mask and let the psychedelic smoke fill the room. To him, everyone here was the murderer who caused the death of his family.They each deserved retribution, so he dropped an item next to each of them.He concentrated the poisonous gas in front of Fluke and blew it at Tan who was lying on the ground.

Fluke has been escaping in the illusion, with Top in front of him. In order to escape, he saw Non and the teacher. Their heads were covered with blood and they asked him to pay the price.Because he didn't stop Jin, but instead allowed it to happen.Non thought he was also the murderer and asked him to pick up the camera and shoot again.Forced, he could only pick up the needle in his hand and stab his eyes directly.He is bleeding profusely, can he escape this boundless hell, or will he perish?

In the fantasy, he saw Non again, chasing him. He finally escaped back to the house, but found that everyone thought he was making a fuss out of a molehill.In the next second, in order to escape Non's pursuit, he mistook Fluke, who had lost his sight, for Non. During the fight, the two fell down the stairs together.

Tee saw the seriously injured Non appearing in front of him. He said that it would be better for him to die than to let Tee give him a happy life.Tee is struggling. In fact, he is not such a bad person. It’s just that when you are forced by life, all you do is keep yourself alive!

White on the side fell into a phantom. Tee thought that he was cheating on him and wanted to break up with him. He cried and begged, begging Tee not to be so cruel. Unexpectedly, Tee also thought that Non was pestering him in the phantom. In order to get rid of Non, he...He stabbed the knife in his hand into the chest of the person he loved most.The sweet memories of the two people in the past seemed like irony, and their current fate was a life of death.

Jin saw him swallowing someone's crotch, while some students saw him unbuttoning his belt and queuing up behind him, waiting for Jin to do the deep throating exercise.He couldn't accept the disdainful looks around him, and the fact that Jin was fucking underneath someone, that was not him.He couldn't accept it, and he smashed everything nearby until he got the scissors in his hand.

In Phee's fantasy, Non died in various ways, jumping from a tall building, wiping his neck, and all kinds of questions that made Phee face collapse.Finally he woke up from his dream.He found that New was still spraying poisonous smoke at him, so he punched New and pointed the poisonous smoke at New, causing him to fall into his own nightmare.He had no family and his studies were interrupted.

After Phee brought Jin back to consciousness, he found that New was strangling Tee's neck. He had to pull him away, but New insisted that it was Non who asked him to kill everyone.Phee had no choice but to shoot New. In his hazy consciousness, he seemed to see Non thanking him for everything he had done for Non, and those who bullied him were dead.

Two years later, New got on a flight back to China and called his boyfriend Phee, who was in long-distance contact. They were very happy and both had overcome this difficult period.Only Tee stayed in bed, regretting why his light had left him.

When the two came to the lake, Phee found that he saw Non slowly walking into the river, and he wanted to pull him.Jin saw that there was nothing behind him, he grabbed Phee anxiously, is everything okay?Phee said that when he saw Non, it reminded him of how they left the mountain villa.And Jin said that he didn't know that they lived peacefully like this for two years.Phee suddenly had a bold guess, maybe they were all still where they were, and this was all just an illusion!

Good film and television works are inseparable from the efforts of everyone, and the screenwriter is an important person who controls the plot of the whole drama. From now on, the editor will continue to pay attention to the highlights and exciting content in the drama.

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