Hong Kong Drama《Law and Love》Full plot of episodes 1-20 (including ending)

  • Auth:Enchanting Snow
  • Jan 04, 2024

《 Law and Love 》 is currently being aired. Many viewers are very concerned about the Hong Kong drama 《 Law and Love 》 the complete plot of episodes 1-20 (including the ending), so let the editor bring you relevant content analysis.Bar.

Hong Kong drama - Law and Love - tells the story of Angel, known as the devil's successor, who is the apprentice of legendary lawyer Shi Qi Da Zhuang.These two are both top lawyers in the upper class, almost invincible!In order to win the lawsuit, the master and the apprentice often use any means at all costs, giving people the impression that they are unscrupulous.Angel, who was busy at work, gradually became estranged from her husband Manson, who was also a lawyer. They decided to divorce and compete for custody of their son Lucas.In order to clear his image, Angel took a legal aid case to fight for custody rights.However, what is shocking is that under the arrangement of Master, this time Angel became the defense lawyer for Lisa, a single mother accused of manslaughter, and her opponent turned out to be the feared Shi Qi Dazhuang himself.The master and apprentice inevitably launched a showdown that attracted the attention of the whole city!

Hong Kong Drama《Law and Love》Full plot of episodes 1-20 (including ending)

Hong Kong Drama《Law and Love》Episode 1 Episode Plot

LISA (played by Chen Jing) took her daughter Yong Xin to a toy store in the mall to buy birthday gifts. During this period, a large enamel doll next to Yong Xin was pushed to the ground and shattered. The store manager asked LISA to compensate, so she had to drag Yong Xin there.While withdrawing money from the teller machine, an uncle cut in line again, and the two quarreled.The uncle accidentally lost his balance and fell. He was pronounced dead after being sent to the hospital. LISA was therefore charged with manslaughter.On the other side, ANGEL (Xie Anqi) and MANSON (Lu Junguang) decided to divorce. However, in order to compete for the custody of their son LUCAS, ANGEL decided to take more legal aid cases to improve her moral image. However, she did not expect that she would receiveIt's LISA's manslaughter case.LISA is unwilling to cooperate with ANGEL at all, but what troubles ANGEL the most is that this time the prosecutor is actually her master Shi Qi (played by Yu An'an).

Hong Kong Drama《Law and Love》episode 2 plot

LISA yelled at the court because she had no money for bail, and later forced ANGEL to send Yongxin and her grandmother, who had mild Alzheimer's disease, home on her behalf. ANGEL had no choice but to do so.After returning to her home, she found that no one was there. She couldn't help but recall her past acquaintance with MANSON. Later, ANGEL turned into a lawyer who specializes in litigating cases for wealthy people, and the differences between them became more and more serious., eventually leading to divorce.On the other side, LISA, who stayed in the detention center for one night, found that the food and accommodation here were good, and she came up with the idea of ​​staying here forever.But this dream was interrupted by ANGEL, because she came to LISA to record a confession, but her confession was full of errors and omissions, giving ANGEL another headache.

Hong Kong Drama《Law and Love》Episode 3 plot

After a lot of hard work, ANGEL finally recorded a confession with LISA. However, because the case lacked key evidence, the witnesses' confessions became particularly important. In addition, the opponent this time was the master. ANGEL knew that she was good at cross-examination, soANGEL and his assistants SUKI (played by Li Xinjun) and BENNI (played by Cen Jiaqi), after confirming the autopsy report and the mall's CCTV videos, immediately began to check the information of several witnesses and planned a strategy for confronting Bo in court with Shi Qi.But every day she would get off work on time and rush to LISA's house to visit.Through communication with LISA's daughter Yongxin, ANGEL gradually realized that LISA was actually a kind-hearted person, and even envied her for having a very good-natured daughter.Before the official trial of the case began, many thank-you messages from the deceased for helping others suddenly appeared on the Internet. ANGEL knew that this was the real challenge given to her by her master.

Hong Kong Drama《Law and Love》Episode 4 plot

The case officially begins.However, when Shi Qi described the incident in her opening statement, LISA felt that she was biased and cursed like crazy in the dock. As a result, ANGEL was forced to apply for an adjournment as soon as the trial began.Since the case has already become a hot topic in the city, LISA's performance in court quickly spread on the Internet. Some people even found out about her and listed her address and Yongxin's school.ANGEL was worried that Yongxin would be disturbed, so he took a leave of absence from school on her behalf.She also told LISA about this and asked her to control her emotions. After LISA knew that she had harmed her family, she remembered her husband's unexpected death and felt frightened, so she agreed to ANGEL's request.After Shi Qi learned of the incident, she immediately applied for an injunction from the court to protect the safety of LISA's family.ANGEL admires this very much.

Hong Kong Drama《Law and Love》Episode 5 Plot

The case was tried again, with Shi Qi and ANGEL taking turns to cross-examine the prosecution witnesses.The testimony of the first two witnesses was overturned by ANGEL using clever techniques, and the situation was unexpectedly good.However, the deceased's colleague Xiangqiang's confession was very sharp. It was not only emotional but also reasonable. It was completely inconsistent with his uneducated background.ANGEL recalled the experience of studying with Shi Qi in the past, and knew that she must have guided witnesses in giving testimony in advance.Knowing something was wrong, she asked SUKI to hand LISA a note during the court recess at noon, asking her to follow the instructions on the paper if she encountered an emergency in court.The fourth witness Zhang SIR's testimony in the afternoon was also flawless, and ANGEL's advantage was no longer there.She prayed silently in her heart, hoping that LISA would not need to use that trick...

Hong Kong Drama《Law and Love》Episode 6 Episode Plot

After the cross-examination of the prosecution witnesses ended, the judge announced that the prima facie evidence was established and asked ANGEL to start his defense statement.ANGEL played the tragedy card from the beginning, describing LISA's life in a very pitiful and detailed way.Later, when Ms. Hu, the only witness for the defense, came to court to give her testimony, she recounted the incident in detail.Shi Qi immediately saw that they were actually stalling for time, so when it was her turn to cross-examine the witness, she immediately went straight to the point and pointed out the contradictions in Ms. Hu's testimony. ANGEL saw that the situation was not right and quickly winked at LISA.ANGEL wanted to buy time so that she could practice her defense skills with Yong Xin and her grandma (played by Chen Xiuzhu) so that next time the two of them could testify in court as personality witnesses, ANGEL went to LISA's house every day during this period and slowly began to interact with them.Feelings arose, but unexpectedly one day her grandma suddenly suffered a stroke and was hospitalized. ANGEL immediately bailed LISA out, fearing that she would not see her grandma for the last time.

Hong Kong Drama《Law and Love》Episode 7 Plot

Fortunately, the grandma's surgery was successful and her condition was stable. However, ANGEL discovered that the anti-degenerative drugs her grandma had been taking were actually related to a case she was in charge of 6 years ago: When ANGEL had just become a barrister, she received a commission from Sister Yan. She claimed thatThe mother suffered serious side effects after taking the drug and hoped that ANGEL could help her claim compensation from the pharmaceutical company.After reading the report, ANGEL also felt that there was something wrong with the drug. In order to get the drug off the shelves, he decided to challenge the pharmaceutical company.However, during the lengthy hearing, Sister Yan's mother died of cerebral hemorrhage. Not only did Sister Yan accept the settlement from the pharmaceutical company, she also blamed ANGEL for indirectly killing her mother.ANGEL was hit hard, so his personality changed drastically, and he became a disciple of Shi Qi, just to make himself stronger.So when ANGEL found out that her grandma had also become a victim of this drug, she couldn't help but get excited.At this time, ANGEL was actually attacked. Fortunately, LISA came to her rescue, and the relationship between the two finally broke through.

《Law and Love》Episode 8 plot

In order to enlighten ANGEL, LISA also shared her own past: It turned out that when LISA was pregnant, her husband died in an industrial accident. She wanted to seek justice for her husband, but she was blocked by the lawyer, who told her to settle the matter after accepting the compensation..In the end, even if she spent all her money, she still could not hold the contractor accountable, so from then on she no longer believed in the law and hated all lawyers.But after getting to know ANGEL slowly, she put aside her prejudices and helped train Yongxin and grandma to defend themselves in court with ANGEL.The case unfolded again. Because grandma switched to new drugs, she became energetic and performed very well in court. Even Shi Qi couldn't find anything to criticize.After that, it was Yongxin’s turn to go to court...

《Law and Love》Episode 9 plot

Naturally, ANGEL's tricks could not escape Shi Qi's detection, so when Yong Xin went to court, she asked her and her grandma whether their answers were taught by ANGEL?LISA couldn't help but yell at Shi Qi, and the judge had to adjourn the court temporarily. After LISA calmed down, it was her turn to appear in court to defend herself.LISA acted very calmly this time and was able to fight with Shi Qi in an inseparable manner.But while the two were arguing, ANGEL couldn't help but interrupt and disrupted the court process. She had no choice but to apply for an adjournment of the hearing on the grounds of physical discomfort.However, ANGEL behaved abnormally this time, making everyone less optimistic about the outcome of the case.But she did not give up. She took SUKI and BENNI to the scene to collect evidence, hoping to find new witnesses.It feels like I have transformed back into the ANGEL who never gave up 6 years ago.

《Law and Love》Episode 10 plot

ANGEL and the others waited until the mall closed every day before leaving, but unfortunately they found nothing new in the end.Until the night before the case was closed, LISA invited ANGEL to her house for dinner, and ANGEL discovered key evidence!After everyone saw this evidence at the court session the next day, they all knew that LISA was innocent, and Shi Qi even took the initiative to withdraw the charge.But ANGEL was not particularly happy, because at this moment she had other ideas in mind: she decided to reopen the drug factory case 6 years ago and seek justice for all the victims who had taken this drug!In addition, after experiencing LISA, she already knew that she was not a qualified wife and mother, so she voluntarily gave up custody rights and divorced MANSON peacefully.

《Law and Love》Episode 11 plot

The lawsuit against the pharmaceutical company has been going on for more than a year, and ANGEL not only has no end in sight, but there are more and more medical documents that she needs to review one by one.Although she contacted different law firms for cooperation, no one was willing to accompany ANGEL in a losing case.In addition, she only focused on this case during this period. The law firm's business plummeted, and her colleagues resigned one after another. In the end, only she, Suki and BENNI were left.At this time, a wealthy woman named DORA (played by Michelle Ye) from public housing came to ANGEL and wanted to ask her to defend her boyfriend because her boyfriend was accused of fraud. But what ANGEL didn’t expect the most was that the man DORA mentioned was actuallyThe famous online investment instructor HUGO (played by Guan Zhibin), and the plaintiff is even the city socialite LILIAN (played by Jia Xiaochen)!But the most unexpected thing was that DORA issued sky-high legal fees.As a result, in order to solve the immediate financial crisis, ANGEL had to reluctantly accept the case.But she never thought that the prosecutor this time happened to be her ex-husband MANSON.

《Law and Love》Episode 12 plot

After retiring, Shi Qi learned about ANGEL's situation and took the initiative to join her team, which moved ANGEL very much.However, she discovered that her master's memory was showing signs of deterioration, and she immediately became worried.At the same time, MANSON and ANGEL also made appointments to meet with their respective clients. HUGO and LILIAN respectively talked about the process of getting to know each other: since LILIAN's husband passed away, she inherited the position of CEO of the company.However, as a supplier of pharmaceutical raw materials, she could not make any mistakes and was under great pressure. Later, she became obsessed with investing to reduce stress. The reason why she chose HUGO as her mentor was naturally because he was handsome and eloquent.However, HUGO blocked her after a failed investment using LILIAN's money. Only then did she realize that she had been cheated and filed a lawsuit against HUGO.However, from HUGO's perspective, it turns out that LILIAN's courtship failed, so he falsely accused him in retaliation.

《Law and Love》Episode 13 plot

Before the trial, ANGEL met with MANSON and explained that he would still go all out and would not hesitate to call MANSON.Soon after, the HUGO case officially opened. From the beginning, ANGEL directly targeted LILIAN and questioned the evidence she provided. MANSON also immediately challenged her and changed the order of witnesses appearing in court so that LILIAN would go to court first to testify. However, this played into ANGEL's plan.Let her successfully force LILIAN to tell her that the relationship between her and HUGO is not just a teacher-student relationship.The reporters present immediately started commotion after hearing this, and the judge had no choice but to end the morning hearing early.

《Law and Love》 Episode 14 plot

After the court session in the afternoon, MANSON called three witnesses. They were all students of HUGO and had authorized him to invest on his behalf, but in the end they were blocked by HUGO.However, ANGEL used chasing stars as an excuse and pointed out that the money given by the three people to HUGO was not used for investment at all, but more like a direct investment in HUGO, the star.Later, when it was DORA's turn to testify in court as a defense witness, MANSON presented the document. It turned out that it was a record of HUGO and LILIAN's booking of rooms and drinks in the hotel. He also pointed out that the witnesses, including DORA, actuallyThey all had sexual relations with HUGO, and HUGO tricked them into signing authorization letters while they were drunk.As soon as this statement came out, the whole audience was shocked.Afterwards, the media widely reported the matter, and even ANGEL was helpless because DORA and HUGO did not confess to her at all.

《Law and Love》Episode 15 plot

Shi Qi found a strange email record among the massive documents in the pharmaceutical factory case, and the person who responded to this email was actually LILIAN!Shi Qi pointed out that these raw material reports have always been handled by the pharmaceutical company’s secretary, but this letter was personally issued by the CEO, so it was very suspicious.On the other side, SUKI also discovered that some people in DORA's nursing home had suffered cerebral hemorrhage due to taking that drug.In order to make DORA agree to let those old people testify in court, ANGEL is willing to continue to help HUGO in the lawsuit, but she must tell her all the truth.DORA had no choice but to admit that the woman's money was all for HUGO.As a result, ANGEL told the truth in court...

《Law and Love》episode plot of episode 16

Although HUGO's social integrity was ruined after the matter was reported by the media, he and DORA were very grateful to ANGEL. Knowing that LILIAN was related to the pharmaceutical factory case, HUGO took the initiative to meet with LILIAN in the hope of finding clues. Unexpectedly, he bumped into LILIAN andROGER (played by Liu Haolong), the CEO of the pharmaceutical company, has a private meeting. He recognized this person when he was under the care of LILIAN.At this time, ANGEL has invited MANSON as a co-lawyer to handle the pharmaceutical factory case. They also found that since Lilian took office, the price of the raw materials she provided has dropped by 20%. This may be their illegal activities, but unfortunately even with HUGO's testimonyIt’s also not strong enough to control.At this time, they received another bad news: one of the elderly people in DORA nursing home who had taken that drug died of illness.In order to prevent the tragedy from happening again, ANGEL had no choice but to ask HUGO to secretly record the conversation with LILIAN, hoping that she could leak some information. Unexpectedly, what he got in the end was LILIAN crying and telling the tragic story of herself and her husband.

《Law and Love》 Episode 17 plot

Due to pressure from pharmaceutical companies, no laboratory in Hong Kong was willing to test ANGEL's drug. She had to entrust an American company to help, but it took a long time to get the results. At the same time, MANSON approached the Chinese Medical Association, but unexpectedly discovered that this drug wasIt increases the load on the kidneys, but it has nothing to do with cerebral hemorrhage, and everyone is puzzled.However, the hearing of the pharmaceutical company case was about to begin. If ANGEL did not make a breakthrough, the trial would be terminated. So ANGEL decided to put his career on the line and upgrade the case to a class action lawsuit, thereby restarting the entire judicial process to buy more time..However, they still lack the last spot to meet the minimum number of people required for a class action lawsuit.

《Law and Love》episode plot of episode 18

Broadcast on January 11, 2024 (Thursday)

《Law and Love》episode plot of episode 19

Broadcast on January 12, 2024 (Friday)

《Law and Love》episode plot of episode 20

Broadcast on January 13, 2024 (Saturday)

These are all the contents about the Hong Kong drama - Law and Love - the complete plot of episodes 1-20 (including the ending). If you think it is good, you are very welcome to follow our line class, we will bring you more excitingThe content of the article provides a more vivid and detailed description of the plot, allowing everyone to experience the wonderful world brought by the film more deeply.Therefore, let us explore and discover more exciting content contained in movies, integrate into these stories, and feel the infinite reverie and thinking that each plot and character brings to us.

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