Movie《Viva La Vida》Introduction to the prototype of real events

  • Auth:Holy Son
  • Jan 11, 2024

In order to let the audience have a deeper understanding of all aspects of Viva La Vida, including the storyline, character emotions and surrounding content, the editor has specially compiled some content about the prototype of the real events of the movie Viva La Vida., hope you like it.

Movie《Viva La Vida》adapted from Documentary reporting articles《The most utilitarian marriage transaction, the most emotional eternal agreement》.

Movie《Viva La Vida》Introduction to the prototype of real events

The most utilitarian marriage transaction and the most emotional eternal agreement

If the fresh petals are dehydrated, dried and dyed, the “preserved flowers” will never wither.There is a terminally ill young couple in Xi'an. Their love is like an eternal flower. After experiencing nirvana and rebirth, it exudes the strongest fragrance in the world...

This was the most helpless and utilitarian marriage in the world: In order to survive, Wang Xiao, a uremic patient, signed a marriage agreement with Yu Jianping, a patient with relapsed leukemia: he would donate his kidney to her after his death, and she would be responsible for taking care of him.Father.Waiting for a kidney means hoping that “husband” will die soon. This is a tragic and tragic paradox in life.Can Wang Xiao wait for her husband's kidney as she wishes?As fate goes round and round, what turning point will there be?

The most helpless marriage: a life agreement between two terminally ill patients

In 2011, 23-year-old Wang Xiao graduated from Xi'an University of Technology and became a white-collar worker at Xi'an Huarong Company.She plans to fall in love and get married after two years of work. Everything in the future is full of light and hope.

In early 2012, Wang Xiao suddenly felt weak, unable to eat, and even staggered when walking.After going to the Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University for a check-up, I found that I was suffering from uremia, and it was already in the advanced stage!Unable to care about his sadness, Wang Xiao was immediately hospitalized for treatment.The doctor said that without a kidney transplant, she would probably not survive more than a year.Wang Xiao's parents have chronic diseases and are not eligible for organ transplantation; her sister is eligible, but her brother-in-law will not agree until his death.

Wang Xiao spent all day in patients' QQ groups, struggling to find hope.One day in April 2013, someone gave her an idea: You can go to the cancer group to find a male patient to get married.After he passed away, he accepted his kidney transplant as his wife.As long as cancer patients do not suffer from renal failure and have matching blood types, their kidneys are generally eligible for donation.“

On the recommendation of a patient, Wang Xiao joined the ”It's Good to Live“ Xi'an QQ group for cancer patients.Later, she posted a marriage notice in the group.In the notice, she wrote nervously and sincerely: After marriage, I will give the other party the best care!In order to live, please forgive me for being humble and dirty!”

This post quickly aroused reactions in the group.Wandering on the edge of the cliff of death, no one had the heart to blame her, and many people sighed.On the third night, a group member with the online name “likes sunflower” asked Wang Xiao: “Are you a prank?”Wang Xiao immediately sent the other party his medical certificate and ID card photo.After a while, the other party replied: “I am willing to marry you.My name is Yu Jianping, from Xi'an. I am 27 years old. I have been suffering from myeloma for 3 years. I have type B blood. I had a bone marrow transplant in 2012 and it relapsed. I have given up hope.”Kidney transplantation is different from bone marrow transplantation, as long as the blood type is the same, and Wang Xiao also has type B blood.

Wang Xiao was overjoyed and quickly exchanged mobile phone numbers with Yu Jianping.Yu Jianping wanted to continue chatting, but it took Wang Xiao a long time to reply: He's on dialysis!The arms have been fixed, and now it's a one-handed beast!“ Yu Jianping thought she was joking, but a few seconds later, Wang Xiao sent a selfie video.In the video, Wang Xiao is lying next to the dialysis machine, with red blood flowing in the infusion tube.Her face was pale, but her smile was bright: ”See it?After a while, my old appearance changed into a new one. She is changing with each passing day!“Yu Jianping was stunned when he saw it, this girl is so naughty!

In late June 2013, Wang Xiao was temporarily discharged from the hospital.With the help of an acquaintance, Wang Xiao determined Yu Jianping's identity.Later, the two made an appointment to meet at Xingqing Palace Park in Xi'an.When they met, it was a hot day, but both of them were wearing masks.From a distance, they recognized each other at a glance and hugged each other.Wang Xiao laughed loudly: ”Is this a blind date?How does it look like a spy joint?Two weirdos!“Yu Jianping was amused by her and joked: ”Come on!Look at me, there is hope for your life!%

When Yu Jianping took off his mask, Wang Xiao realized that his face looked ugly.It turned out that as early as a year ago, he gave up hospitalization and relied on medication to maintain his blood count.Wang Xiao was very surprised: “How can this be done?If you are so sloppy, big problems will happen at any time!”Yu Jianping's expression was gloomy: “I don't care.I've had enough, you're waiting for my kidney anyway!”This was a heavy burden that neither of them could get around. Wang Xiao fell silent.

Yu Jianping only made one request to Wang Xiao: You don't need to take care of me, but you must take care of my father for me after my death.“This request was heartbreaking, and Wang Xiao nodded without hesitation.Yu Jianping is two years older than Wang Xiao. He graduated from Xi'an Jiaotong University and is the business manager of Xi'an Everbright Financial Management Company.When he and his girlfriend were about to get married, they were suddenly diagnosed with leukemia.Soon, my girlfriend left like a plague.His mother has passed away, and his father sold the house in order to treat his illness.He originally had a bright future, but his life fell into a desperate situation.In the beginning, he also hated the injustice of fate.After the leukemia relapsed, he despaired of himself and became more and more worried about his father: his mother left, the house was sold, and the money was gone. If he left again, how would his father live alone?This thought weighed heavily on Jianping's mind. Just when he felt helpless, he accidentally saw Wang Xiao's marriage notice.He knew very well that this agreement had no legal effect, but for him who was desperate, there was no other way. He could only try.

Wang Xiao actually had similar thoughts.Kidney transplantation is different from bone marrow transplantation. Blood type compatibility is the primary condition for the operation.Even if the match is not ideal for other indicators, surgery can still be considered.It is not easy to find a kidney source of the same blood type, so even if the operation is risky, she is not willing to give up this opportunity!

On July 16, 2013, the two went through registration procedures at the Civil Affairs Bureau of Beilin District, Xi'an City.At noon, this special couple celebrated their marriage in a small restaurant on Youyi East Road and signed a special agreement: in view of the physical conditions of both parties, the two would not live together, keep their property private, and their property would be independent.If Yu Jianping voluntarily donates a kidney to Wang Xiao before his death, Yu Jianping will inform his father in a suicide note.If the donation operation is successful and Wang Xiao survives, she will need to take care of Yu Jianping's father until the old man dies.If Yu Jianping's kidneys cannot be used, Wang Xiao does not need to bear the responsibility of filial piety.

The most fearless regret: we live together

Although the purpose of getting married was impure, after getting married, both of them couldn't help but miss each other. After all, this was probably the only marriage in their lives.They make many phone calls every day and chat for a long time.Wang Xiao suffered from insomnia, so Yu Jianping took the initiative and said: "My storytelling is the most boring thing, and I promise to make you fall asleep."From now on I will tell you a hypnotic story every night.”Wang Xiao said happily: “Okay!”In his gentle and magnetic voice, Wang Xiao quickly fell asleep.

In early September 2013, Wang Xiao's creatinine level suddenly rose sharply, exceeding the normal value by more than 30 times, and she was hospitalized urgently.Seeing that his calf was swollen and shiny, and recalling that a fellow patient was like this before he died, Wang Xiao could no longer laugh.When Yu Jianping sent messages, she had no intention of replying; when he called, she didn't answer either.Yu Jianping was afraid that something might happen to her, so he went to the Nephrology Department of the Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University and searched wards one after another, and finally found Wang Xiao.Wang Xiao was startled when he saw Yu Jianping.Seeing that Wang Xiao's parents were also in the ward, Yu Jianping quickly introduced himself: Uncle, aunt, I am Wang Xiao's patient, come to see her.“The old man politely gave up his seat and poured water.

When Wang Xiao's parents left the ward, Yu Jianping immediately grimaced: Why didn't you say you were sick?”Wang Xiaoqiang put on a happy face:“I'm sorry, I can't wait until the day of kidney transplantation.”Seeing Wang Xiao who was depressed, Yu Jianping felt very sad.At the same time, a thought came to mind: “If I spend more time with her now, she might be able to remember my kindness in the future and treat my dad better... ”Yu Jianping decided to go to the hospital every day to accompany Wang Xiao.

With Yu Jianping's encouragement and companionship, after half a month of systematic treatment, Wang Xiao's various indicators have dropped, the swelling in her legs has also disappeared, and she has returned to her past naughtiness.One time, when Yu Jianping was not in the ward, she used the beauty mode to take a selfie of her calves and sent it to Yu Jianping: Hey, my husband, please share my amazing calves!“Yu Jianping laughed loudly: ”so stunning that it dazzled the eyes!If you weren't sick, I would chase you!“ Wang Xiao felt happy: ” Then just wait until I get better!%After saying this, Yu Jianping fell silent.Wang Xiao's heart sank: she wanted to get well completely, but she had to rely on Jianping's kidney.She quickly changed the subject.

Yu Jianping is actually a humorous person. When he was in college, he wrote many jokes and acted in sketches.Just because of the pain, his mood gradually became depressed.After getting together with the lively Wang Xiao, his humorous talent was stimulated again.Whenever Wang Xiao was tortured by illness and lost her temper, he would send her a few original humorous jokes to make her laugh.

Yu Jianping, who is good at making soup, also learned how to make medicinal meals from his friends.According to the taboos of their respective conditions, he made two cans of soup every day and brought them to the ward to drink together.Every time he drank, he made an exaggerated sound: “Ouch!This should be called Tongbing Soup!Delicious, really delicious!”And Wang Xiao also cared about him very much and asked about his blood condition every day.As time went on, Yu Jianping developed a conditioned reflex. As soon as he saw Wang Xiao, he automatically reported a large list of data, and then said: “The report is completed, please give instructions!”The two people care about each other, warm each other, and their hearts are getting closer.

On the evening of New Year's Day in 2014, after Yu Jianping had dinner, he specially brought a flower basket made by himself to visit Wang Xiao.As soon as they met, Yu Jianping gave her a hug: Happy New Year!“Wang Xiao hugged him tightly and said:”Happy New Year, husband.“Yu Jianping laughed loudly:”You should say, Happy New Year, my kidney!“Wang Xiao's eye circles instantly turned red. Yu Jianping hugged her tightly and said:”I like you!Silly girl!“On that dimly lit street, Wang Xiao closed her eyes happily.

However, after New Year's Day, Wang Xiao could no longer contact Yu Jianping.On the morning of January 9, Wang Xiao took a taxi to Yu Jianping's house according to the address on his ID card. It was Yu Jianping's aunt who opened the door.Aunt Yu told her that Yu Jianping and his father were both in the hospital.Because Yu Jianping had recently stopped taking oral chemotherapy drugs, his blood picture was in a mess.His father urged him to go to the hospital, but he refused to go.A week ago, Yu's father called several relatives and forcibly sent him to Xijing Hospital.In an instant, Wang Xiao burst into tears: Yu Jianping was deliberately hastening his death so that he could fulfill her wish!

”This fool, this lunatic!“ Wang Xiao quickly rushed to Xijing Hospital.On the way, she cried and scolded Yu Jianping.However, it was during this life-or-death decision that Wang Xiao wanted to understand one thing: she wanted to hold Yu Jianping's hand and cross the vast sea together, and they wanted to live together!As soon as he appeared in front of Yu Jianping, Wang Xiao shouted: "Yu Jianping, if you don't take medicine or treat your illness, you are seeking death, right?"”

Yu Jianping was afraid that Wang Xiao would say the wrong thing, so he quickly signaled his father's presence.Wang Xiao pulled the old man out of the ward and told him everything.She solemnly said to her father: "Since Jianping and I are already husband and wife, we will die together and live together!"“ Returned to the ward, she gave Yu Jianping another ultimatum: ”You must take good treatment, otherwise, I will divorce you and I won’t take your kidney!“

Yu Jianping emphasized to Wang Xiao: "I didn't give up treatment just because of you. I didn't want to suffer anymore, and I didn't have any money."Dying now can save you, but when your kidneys are damaged later, it will be too late!”Wang Xiao could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, so he rushed forward and slapped Yu Jianping in tears: “You are not afraid of death, and neither am I!We are not even afraid of death, why should we be afraid of living?”Yu Jianping was stunned by her, and asked over and over again with tears in his eyes: “What are you doing?”Wang Xiao also said with tears in her eyes: “I'm not willing to give in. I haven't been in love yet, so you can just be my sparring partner, can't you?”Yu Jianping murmured and asked: “Can I do it?”“You can do it, because we are on the same starting line, equally matched, and both are laggards!”Wang Xiao said loudly with tears in her eyes.Yu Jianping laughed, but then started crying again.This time, he clearly saw the hope of life.

The Secret of the Everlasting Flower: The Fragrance of Life to Death

That afternoon, when Wang Xiao returned home, she placed her marriage certificate in front of her parents: “I got married without telling you...” The stunned parents shed tears of grief when they figured out the cause and effect.How could they bear to blame their daughter?They had no choice but to accept the “sick son-in-law” who appeared out of nowhere: “ had received his marriage certificate, and he was our child.” later, Wang Xiao chose Xijing Hospital for dialysis again so that he and Yu Jianping could take care of each other.The two families also rented a garage near the hospital and cooked meals together to increase nutrition for their two children.

At the beginning of 2014, their conditions were basically stable.Wang Xiao started busy raising money for Yu Jianping's medicine for a second bone marrow transplant.

Because of a bone marrow transplant, the Yu family was completely devastated.Yu Jianping has not been working for a long time, and his income is only the basic subsidy from his work unit.Wang Xiao planned to borrow money from his parents to treat him first.However, Yu Jianping refused to accept it anyway: “This is contrary to the agreement we made when we got married.What should you do if my transplant fails again?”Wang Xiao’s parents also disagreed: “We only have less than 500,000 yuan in savings, this is your life-saving money!What if I wait for a kidney someday?No one can touch this money!”

This road didn't work, so Wang Xiao began to think of ways to make money again.However, as a terminal uremia patient, she could not find any way to make money.Just when she was at a loss what to do, her friend Li Bin introduced her to a Taiwanese craftsman who could make beautiful immortal flowers“.

”Eternal Flower“ has a touching and sad story: During World War II, the war spread to Andorra City in southern Europe, and a couple was about to part ways.The boy picked a blooming rose from the garden and gave it to his girlfriend, saying: "When the last petal of the rose rots, you will forget me and start a new life."”However, after he left, his girlfriend dehydrated, dried and dyed the petals so that the flowers would never wither.Finally, the boy came back, and the two were never separated again.This kind of flower that never withers is called the eternal flower.

Wang Xiao felt that the story of the eternal flower was simply a portrayal of her and Yu Jianping.She immediately made an eternal flower under the guidance of the artist and brought it to Yu Jianping: “We are just like this eternal flower, although it has been faded and dyed, it is still gorgeous!”Yu Jianping was amazed when he saw that “the eternal flowers” were exactly the same as real flowers.What surprised him even more was Wang Xiao's decision to make a large number of eternal life flowers and sell them on the streets to raise money for Yu Jianping's medicine.She said confidently:“You wait for me!”Yu Jianping was deeply touched:“I will also make flowers with you and accompany you to sell flowers.”

Before the Spring Festival in 2014, Wang Xiao and Yu Jianping’s “Yongshenghua” flower stall opened in Datang West Market Square.Wang Xiao wrote the stories of the two people into cards and hung them in front of the flower stall.She wrote: “This is the eternal flower blooming in the ruins. Flowers live forever and love lasts forever!”In less than two hours, the hundreds of flowers they brought were sold out.In just a few days, they made more than 3,000 yuan.After Wang Rong, the owner of Hua Xiang Rong“, heard their story, he not only purchased a large amount of goods from Wang Xiao, but also called on everyone in the local flower art group to come to Wang Xiao to purchase goods.Soon, Wang Xiao got a fixed order of 10,000 boxes of immortal flowers every month, and the business grew bigger and bigger.There was a kind-hearted person who bought 70,000 yuan of eternal flowers to give away.In less than two months, Wang Xiao raised the 300,000 yuan needed for Yu Jianping's surgery.

In mid-April, Wang Xiao asked her sister to go to Shanghai and contact the hospital where Yu Jianping had his first surgery, Shanghai Ruijin Hospital.After examination, Yu Jianping's physical condition met the conditions for bone marrow transplantation.On April 19, the hospital contacted the original donor, a 25-year-old man from Zhejiang, through the bone marrow bank.The other party was willing to donate bone marrow again. Upon hearing the news, Wang Xiao cried with joy!

Wang Xiao's parents contributed 100,000 yuan, and the Yu family raised another 100,000 yuan themselves, for a total of 500,000 yuan.On April 26, Yu Jianping completed a second bone marrow transplant at Shanghai Ruijin Hospital.Before entering the cabin, Wang Xiao held a bouquet of red immortal flowers and kissed Yu Jianping's forehead with tears: ”Husband, I'm waiting for you to be healthy!“ Yu Jianping gave her a solid hug: ”Wait for me.%

Because it is the second transplant, all risks will increase infinitely.For more than a month in the cabin, Yu Jianping struggled with life and death several times.Wang Xiao keeps making immortal flowers. She believes that these flowers that have passed through nirvana will emit the strongest fragrance in the world, and her husband will definitely be able to smell it!At the same time, Wang Xiao is also trying her best to save herself. She undergoes dialysis, runs and takes traditional Chinese medicine regularly.

At the end of May, Yu Jianping was successfully transferred to the general ward.On June 20, all his indicators were normal and he returned to Xi'an with his father and Wang Xiao.Watching his son gradually recover, Dad Yu felt grateful and ashamed to Wang Xiao, and said to her: My son, without you, Jianping would not be what it is today!If my kidney is suitable for you, I will donate it to you immediately!“Wang Xiao said with tears in her eyes: ”You are so old that you cannot have surgery.Don't worry, I will take good care of my body and wait for the kidney source slowly.“

And love once again gave birth to a miracle of life: Wang Xiao's condition not only did not worsen, but improved.Dialysis was changed from twice a week to once a month.In January 2015, after examination, her creatinine level dropped further.The doctor said that if she continued like this, she could survive even without a kidney transplant.

On February 14, 2015, Wang Xiao and Yu Jianping held their wedding at Xi'an Peace Hotel.Dad Wang wrote a couplet to them: ”An old couple, starting a new life.%And their love and life, like the eternal flower, are reborn and remain new after all kinds of tests.

This article has compiled an introduction to the real-life event prototype of the movie Viva La Vida for those who are following Viva La Vida, and provides some useful information.I hope this article can help everyone better understand -Viva La Vida- and experience richer content and emotions.If you like this article and want to know more relevant information and plot analysis, you can continue to pay attention to our subsequent updates. For more exciting content, please look forward to the line class.

Viva La Vida

Viva La Vida

2024-02-10 China Rom/Fam Actor: Li Gengxi Peng Yuchang

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