《Bad Mom》 Episode 4 plot introduction

  • Auth:Core Water
  • May 09, 2023

Recently, "Bad Moms" starring several outstanding actors was aired. After the airing, the ratings and popularity were also very good. The plot and character creation in the play were also very good. It is a very worth watching.Excellent episode.《Bad Mom》Episode 4 plot introduction has been discussed a lot recently, so I will tell you about it next.

Qiang Hao's upper body can move freely, but the problem is that his feet are still unable to move. The twins wanted to help Qiang Hao exercise, but Qiang Hao dived from a high place and crashed into the grass and even broke his wheelchair. Chen Yingshun and Meizhu's motherThey both scolded the twins~ Chen Yingshun explained to Qianghao once that Qianghao temporarily turned seven years old because of illness, but in fact Qianghao was thirty-five years old, but Qianghao said that he had become stupid, and Chen Yingshun comforted Qianghao.He said that now he just went back to his childhood. Going back to his childhood is a wish that everyone has. Even Chen Yingshun also wants to go back to the past. This can change many things. Chen Yingshun only hopes that Qianghao can live happily.Just life.

Meizhu found Shanying's mother, but her mother had already guessed that Shanying had defrauded other people's money, because Shanying had defrauded the entire family of their money and then disappeared without a trace. Meizhu knew that her money would never be seen again.She would cry if she didn't come back, and the landlord could no longer pay the money. Finally, Mi-joo looked at the money she had saved for the twins and struggled with whether to use it or not.Mi-joo remembered that she had met Qiang-ho in Seoul who had disappeared and was working in a seafood shop. The encounter between the two made Mi-joo feel sorry for Qiang-ho for ruining Qiang-ho's exam. At that time, Qiang-ho was finishing the first round of the judicial special examination.Examination, so it means that he has not given up on this task, because facing a fate that was forced to be determined at birth, although it is heavy, this is the way Qianghao chose to avenge it.Meizhu was very moved after hearing this, so she wanted to be a helping hand in the revenge plan, that is, she would work hard to make money and help Qianghao buy more time to study.

《Bad Mom》 Episode 4 plot introduction

During that time, Meizhu took good care of Qianghao and fully supported him to just focus on studying. In the end, Qianghao did not disappoint Meizhu and overcame many difficulties and passed the exam.Back to the present time, Chen Yingshun took Qianghao for rehabilitation, but she began to feel uncomfortable again and had stomach problems again, so she went upstairs to the hospital to get some medicine. Qianghao became uneasy and anxious when she couldn't find her mother.On the other side, Wu Taixiu (played by Zheng Xiongren) has begun to pave the way for his presidential candidacy. Song Youbi (played by Choi Mucheng)'s men brought a video, in which Yang Qiuwan's wife said that she knew that the tasks were clearly written in the contract, including the car accident.As well as suicide, this film is obviously a threat to Wu Taixiu, because Yang Qiuwan's wife said that if she dared to harm her child, she would take Yang Qiuwan's suicide note to the police.Now Song Youbi spent a lot of effort to get the evidence that Wu Taixiu abetted the murder (Wu Haying took a lot of sleeping pills the day before the car accident).

Wu Taixiu began to tell Song Youbi that Cui Haizhi thirty years ago was Qianghao's father. He had discovered that Qianghao deliberately approached Haying before he could contact Wu Taixiu, but he did not expect that Song Youbi was not surprised at all, because he had known Qianghao's true identity.identity, so when accepting him as his son, he had already thoroughly investigated it and was prepared to deal with it.At that time, Song Youbi's grandson was in trouble because of the murder case (Ding Zonggu was arrested). Song Youbi found Qiang Hao, the prosecutor who was in charge at the time, and investigated his identity (Qiang Hao's identity and background were known at that time). Song Youbi thenHe had known Qiang Hao since that time and had been inquiring about Qiang Hao's background and attitude. He also deliberately turned Qiang Hao into his reliable subordinate. This was exactly what Qiang Hao wanted in his heart. Song Youbi didn't care whether Qiang Hao was motivated by ambition or not.He came to contact him because of revenge. Anyway, his idea was to use Qianghao.

Chen Yingshun went to Seoul to pick up Qianghao's luggage and promised Qianghao that he would go home at five o'clock this afternoon.In Seoul, Chen Yingshun packed things with sadness, but found a small secret room in the house. In the prosecutor's office, he also found that Qianghao seemed to have done something to harm the innocence of others (Ding Zonggu's unjust case, Jian Jian's case)All the victims of the unjust case appeared), and they were all said to have received bribes from others. Chen Yingshun felt that Ding Zonggu's old mother was falsely accusing Qianghao and had a big quarrel with her, but Chen Yingshun also accidentally discovered that CongqiangThere are gold nuggets in Hao's things, which means Qiang Hao seems to have really taken bribes.Chen Yingshun went home at night and was so angry at Qiang Hao. How could he live like this? But she was more blaming herself for making Qiang Hao so twisted. Chen Yingshun comforted Qiang Hao later. Pigs had to fall into a dead end if they wanted to see the new world.Chaotian, and now Qianghao seems to have fallen, so Chen Yingshun believes that Qianghao and her will see a precious new world.

Shanmei really hurt Meizhu miserably. Not only did Meizhu lose everything, she was also asked to repay debts by many creditors for no reason, and then Meizhu lost her job.In fact, Zangshi didn't go to any offshore fishing industry, but worked as a waiter serving drinks.The next day, Qiang Hao did not forget to find the bouncing ball, so he searched in every corner of the village. Chen Yingshun followed the traces of the wheelchair to look for Qiang Hao, but still couldn't find it. Finally, Qiang Hao went into a woods by himself and even fell.Yes, but after this fall, he did see the new world (finally found the bouncing ball stuck in the tree!) Qianghao happily went to the twins' house, but it was Mi-joo who answered the door!

"Has he become stupid?"

When Chen Yingshun first knew that Qiang Hao only had the IQ of a seven-year-old, he asked the doctor, "Has he become stupid?" Now the screenwriter specially used this scene to depict this sentence. It has an unexpected delicacy. It should beIt was said that at that time in the hospital, Chen Yingshun still thought of her son as a capable prosecutor whom she was proud of. This is why in the last episode, Chen Yingshun told others in the hospital ward that her son was a prosecutor.official.Therefore, compared to now, Qianghao specifically mentioned his mother and said, "Has he become stupid?" This sentence actually shows Chen Yingshun's "sense of loss" that his son can no longer be a prosecutor, but at the same time, as a mother, he is "satisfied" with his child.Full of reluctance."

Chen Yingshun "Has he become stupid?" This sentence is full of emotions, including regret, guilt, distress, heartbreak, loss, and self-blame, so I really like Chen Yingshun's explanation of the problem as a mother."Becoming stupid", Chen Yingshun explains to Qiang Hao that he is not becoming stupid but going back to his childhood. The lines are full of words that Chen Yingshun has never said to Qiang Hao in his childhood: "Going back to childhood is something that everyoneEveryone has a wish, even mothers, because this can change a lot of things, but no one in this world can go back to the past, but you have returned to your childhood. This is an opportunity given by God, an opportunity that allows people to re-Opportunities have come before, so you must be happy, don’t be sad or dejected, you must be happy.”

In the scene between Chen Yingshun and Qiang Hao, Chen Yingshun has a tenderness that he has never shown to Qiang Hao. In the past, Chen Yingshun forced Qiang Hao to study. Qiang Hao once said that this was just Chen Yingshun's own expectation, not for Qiang Hao's sake; but nowChen Yingshun changed his perspective, everything was based on Qiang Hao's inner desire to feel, and it was completely centered on Qiang Hao's thoughts. The scene of the mother and son embracing, after thirty-five years, finally looked like a close mother and son.This scene is very sentimental, because Chen Yingshun has not done this to his children in the past thirty years, but I also feel very warm and relieved in this scene, because Chen Yingshun finally has a chance to atone for his sins, and Qianghao can be happy, allowing his heart to open up and run wild.free.

What is truly worthy of gratitude is not the person who saved your life, but the person who made you want to live.

Watching the love story line between Mi-joo and Qianghao is really touching. Now I should be more sure that Qianghao is the biological father of the twins XD! However, what I want to discuss in this scene is Qianghao’s preparation for the special judicial examination.During this period, Qiang Hao had a very hard time in the first half, because Qiang Hao would suddenly go to Seoul. When Qiang Hao did not take the first exam, he had a quarrel with Chen Yingshun. At that time, Chen Yingshun told Qiang Hao: "If it is true,If you want to get rid of this unpleasant smell of pig shit, then become a judge or prosecutor, and you can also get rid of her bad mother."So Qianghao suddenly left home at that time, but he was very hard during the period of leaving home. He had to support himself and prepare for his revenge on the special judicial examination. This is why Miju hit Qianghao as soon as she saw him.A slap in the face, because Qianghao suddenly disappeared from the world.

During the second appearance of Mi-joo, I think it was a period when Kang-ho was very happy. If the audience still remembers that in the first episode, Kang-ho and Mi-joo were born at the same time, grandma said at that time: "The so-called fate,"It is used to describe those people we meet for the first time; the so-called destiny is used to describe the people who accompany us to the end." It is now certain that Miju and Qianghao are "destinies" because Miju and Qianghao areThe two of them share the strength to survive, and Mi-joo is also the one who accompanies Qianghao until the end.(Including the fact that Mi-joo's current efforts are for the twins, and if the twins are Qianghao's biological flesh and blood, then the twins will become Mi-joo's motivation to live, just like Qianghao's companionship for Mi-joo).

Of course, after watching this episode, I will be curious. Qianghao had already passed the special judicial examination, so why did Mi-joo and Qianghao separate at that time? What happened between the two? I was thinkingIt is very likely that Qiang Hao's goal after becoming a prosecutor is "revenge" (?) Originally, in the second episode, I seriously thought Qiang Hao would not know that his father was killed by Song Youbi and Wu Taixiu, and in the previous episodes, I originally thought that Qiang Hao would not know that his father was killed by Song Youbi and Wu Taixiu.I guess Qianghao only wanted to have a relationship with Wu Taixiu and Song You because he wanted to get rid of the demon in the pig house, but this episode seems to have an extra complicated motive.

In the first and second episodes, we can know that Qiang Hao believed that his father's powerless and moneyless status made him die. Only when Qiang Hao faced his father's death would he keep it in mind. Let's put aside Qiang Hao's knowledge first.Regardless of the argument that his father was killed, it is certain that Qianghao does not want to follow in his father's footsteps.So Qianghao deliberately approached Ha Ying, so that he could get close to Wu Taixiu and Song Youbi to get the power and money to turn himself around. Therefore, after Qianghao became a prosecutor, everything he did was purposeful ~ I will summarize it for everyone below:

Qiang Hao first met Wu Taixiu when he was studying and also knew that Wu Taixiu had a daughter.

After becoming a prosecutor, he used Wu Taixiu's daughter to get close to Wu Taixiu, but he was unsuccessful because Wu Taixiu disliked Qianghao for coming from a poor background and smelled of poverty.

Because the plan to get close to Wu Taixiu failed, Qianghao went to join the current Song Youbi, so he found the handle between Wu Taixiu and Song Youbi's secretary (Huang Xiuxuan), handed it over to Song Youbi, and used the power Song Youbi had to help him get a deal with Ha.Marriage in England is the "power and status" that powerful men want to master to get rid of the sour taste of poverty.And it seems that Qiang Ho really doesn’t love Ha Young. On the way to the small village, Qiang Ho no longer cares about Ha Young’s headache and crooked lipstick ~ From this small detail, we can know that Qiang Ho really doesn’t love Ha Young, he just wants to climb up to power, this way the powerful man can not only have power, but even if he really wants revenge, that's okay.

As for whether Qiang Hao had a motive for revenge, I think there may or may not be, or the two are mixed together. It should be said that Qiang Hao's biggest intention is to get rid of the smell of poverty, and this kind of want to get rid ofThe reason for the sour feeling of poverty comes from the fact that his father was killed by the powerful and he was forced to become Chen Yingshun's expected victim. Therefore, Qianghao's own motives for ambition and revenge are overlapping.

I actually raised a bloodless and tearless monster

Regarding Ding Zongju and Jian's unjust case, these secrets were all presented to Chen Yingshun. As a mother, Chen Yingshun was very resistant and found it difficult to accept that her child had become like this, until she saw the existence of those gold bars.How heartbreaking for a mom.Chen Yingshun angrily beat and screamed at Qiang Hao, "How could you live like that? Look at the retribution your sins have brought you now. How could I bring you up like this? Lock you in a pig pen."It makes you breathless, and all I do is ask you to study hard all day long! I wanted to train you to be a rich and powerful person, but instead I turned you into a bloodless and tearless monster!"

"Mom, am I a bad person? So am I being punished? This is not an opportunity given by God, but a punishment?"

The scene where Chen Yingshun learned that Qiang Hao lived an evil life in the past was really heartbreaking! Although Chen Yingshun was angry at Qiang Hao, he blamed himself more. Chen Yingshun once said that he locked Qiang Hao in a pig pen and raised him, which made himQiang Hao can't breathe. This echoes what we analyzed in the second episode. If we want to talk about Chen Yingshun's upbringing of Qiang Hao, I think it can also be echoed in raising pigs. When raising pigs, you usually feed him food (Chen Yingshun isFeed Qiang Hao some ideas), and then let the pigs become what he wants and sell them for a good price. Qiang Hao himself has completely accepted Chen Yingshun’s ideals and beliefs in his life, and was raised just to let Qiang Hao sellGet a good price (having a high net worth reflects her hope that the powerful can be rich and powerful).

"There are animals in this world where every part of the body can be used for their own purposes. Do you know what they are? They are humans and pigs. Although when people think of pigs, they think of them as dirty and smelly animals, but they are not.In this way, they defecate in fixed places and only choose clean places to sleep. In order to cool down and repel insects, they often take mud baths. However, humans insist on keeping them in small pig pens, and in the end they fail.I can't help but take a mud bath again, and I can only wallow in my own urine and feces, and gradually become more and more dirty and savage. Don't you think it is very distressing? But what is really distressing is that the pig cannot raise its head for the rest of its life.They can only look at the ground. There is only one way for them to see the sky, and that is to fall on all fours. Only by wrestling can they see another new world that they have never seen before. This is true for pigs and so is humans."

The fact that pigs become dirty and smelly is not due to the pig's own nature, but caused by humans. Because of "captivity", the animals have no freedom, which will naturally distort the animals' nature."Pig" also echoes a symbol that Qiang Hao has been imprisoned by Chen Yingshun since he was a child. Because pigs can only be forced to wallow in their own feces and urine and cannot have the freedom to see the sky outside, Qin Yingshun (played by Luo Meilan) gives Qiang Hao aFate may not take him away to see the vast world, but push Qianghao into excrement.And now that Qiang Hao has become like this, it can be regarded as "wrestling" in his life, but it is also because of wrestling that he can see a new world (a precious world and beauty of life that neither Qiang Hao nor Chen Yingshun has seen in the past).

The above mentioned is all about the plot introduction of Bad Moms Episode 4.However, there may be more exciting plot points in the plot, as well as some parts that are not easy for the audience to understand.In order for the audience to fully understand the storyline, we strongly recommend that you continue to pay attention to the line lessons.

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