《Qingqing locks your heart》Plot introduction

  • Auth:Big Stuffy Head
  • Sep 30, 2024

Recently, the much-anticipated drama "Qing Qing Locks the King's Heart" was officially broadcast. This work has already gained considerable popularity during the promotion period.After it was broadcast, the performance of this drama made the audience happy and satisfied, and it truly fulfilled everyone's expectations.Today, I will tell you about the plot introduction of "Qing Qing Locks Your Heart", hoping to satisfy everyone's curiosity.

《Qingqing locks your heart》Plot introduction

Princess Lu Qing of the Northern Kingdom was entrusted with an evil person in her previous life, and her family was destroyed by her sweetheart Su Yicheng.

After failing the Duke Yanjiu who had been silently protecting her, and returning to her life, she must make Su Yicheng pay the price to protect the person she wants to protect!

The princess trusted a wrong person in her previous life and was killed by the scumbag sweetheart. She let down the governor who had been silently protecting her and relived her life. She must make the scumbag pay the price...

The above content is the editor's personal interpretation of the plot introduction of "Qing Qing Locks the Heart of the King". Friends who have read this article, if you think it is helpful to you, you are welcome to continue to pay attention to the line class. In the future, we will alsoProvides the latest and most detailed plot interpretation and character analysis.

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