《The moon and the stars meet again》Plot introduction

  • Auth:Core Water
  • Sep 30, 2024

The new drama - Meet the Moon - is finally online. It is a love drama starring Chen Gang and Liu Yaqian. The two have been together since they were teenagers, but their best friends broke up and they broke up. They went through a series ofAfter many setbacks, the two finally came together.

《The moon and the stars meet again》Plot introduction

Starring: Chen Gang & Liu Yaqian

The heroine Yun Xing fell in love with Sheng Yuechen when she was young, but because of the jealousy of her best friend Jiang Wenwen, they misunderstood and separated.After experiencing ups and downs and difficulties, misunderstandings and reconciliation, the lovers finally got married.

The above is the detailed introduction to the plot of "The Star and the Moon Meet". There will be more exciting plot content in the future. The line class will continue to update relevant film and television information. Friends who like this TV series canDon't miss it.

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