《Special policewoman》Episode 23 plot introduction

  • Auth:Core Water
  • Oct 10, 2024

Recently, some of my short video software has been dominated by Special Policewoman. Whether it is appearance, acting skills, or plot, it can quickly and accurately attract the attention of the audience.Everyone has also had a lot of discussion about the plot introduction of the 23rd episode of the drama - Special Policewoman. The editor has compiled the following relevant content for your reference.

《Special policewoman》Episode 23 plot introduction

《Special policewoman》 Episode 23 plot introduction

Xu Yuhui expressed deep concern for the informant's health and asked softly about his condition.The informant smiled lightly and said it was just a slight cold and nothing serious.At this time, Battelle calmly opened a heavy box. Inside the box were neatly stacked documents, which seemed ordinary.After confirming that the documents were correct, they quickly evacuated. Battelle also instructed the sniper team to assemble at the foot of the mountain and stand by.However, the informant's eyes flashed with complicated emotions and he kept apologizing, as if he was burdened with a heavy secret.

While Battle and his team were traveling, a sudden ambush broke the tranquility, and many team members were caught off guard and injured.At the same time, the sniper team also encountered an ambush on the way down the mountain, and the situation was critical.Battle urgently called for support, with unconcealable despair in his voice. The team's life hung on a thread.Despite efforts to organize a counterattack, sacrifices are still unavoidable and the situation becomes increasingly serious.

Peng Yingxiang and his party hurriedly arrived, only to see the scene in chaos, and there was no trace of Battelle and others.He Yuyang followed closely behind, his eyes blurred by tears and filled with grief.Peng Yingxiang tried to offer comfort, but his heart was also in turmoil, and he vowed to ask his superiors for the truth about this unnecessary sacrifice.Cheng Hanyue asked about Peng Yingxiang's whereabouts, and he responded indifferently, saying that he would go to his superiors to discuss the matter and uncover the mystery behind the battle.

After returning, Peng Yingxiang felt heavy and had a deep talk with his father in private.Dad firmly stated that as long as the retreat order was not received, he would be the commander of the operation and shoulder all the responsibilities.Peng Yingxiang had mixed feelings in his heart and silently exited the room.They then track down the real killer by finding an informant who eagerly denies his guilt.

At Battelle's memorial service, family members and He Yuyang hugged each other and cried, feeling uncontrollable grief.Cheng Hanyue told He Yuyang that her superiors granted her a leave of absence to accompany Battelle's family through the difficult times.On the other side, Bai Lang looked at the photos, appreciating the strength of Commando 026, but also regretting their demise.He set up a new game and tried to use bait to win, but unexpectedly he became the prey.

White Wolf reorganized the layout, vowed to succeed, and ordered the extraction of the vx4 virus.When his men asked about the bomb preparations, he was confident that everything was under control.Alicia cleverly made two bombs, one real and one fake. She speculated that the White Wolf might have her and Qi Hengyi each carry a human bomb, which shocked Qi Hengyi.Peng Yingxiang believes that this is a touchstone of trust, and speculates that Bailang used Qi Hengyi and another female chess piece to win trust at the expense of Battle and others.

When Alicia and Qi Hengyi showed up with bombs, Bai Lang's men quickly combined vx4 with the bomb.Wu Yiman found clues to the bomb, and his father weighed the pros and cons and decided to continue tracking, while mobilizing the SWAT team on standby.White Wolf's goal is directly at the water plant, intending to pollute the water source through bombs.Dad has already set a trap and is waiting for the opportunity.As the night deepened, Alicia and Qi Hengyi sneaked into the water plant and successfully planted bombs.Bai Lang went into battle himself and added another bomb.Dad decisively ordered the two to retreat, and the SWAT team was immediately dispatched.Peng Yingxiang and others arrived in time, and Qi Hengyi quickly resolved the third bomb crisis.In this battle of wits and courage, everyone's fate hangs on a thread, and the final victory or defeat will be determined by wisdom, courage and luck.

The editor has carefully compiled for everyone all the important content about the plot introduction of the 23rd episode of Special Policewoman. I believe that in the subsequent development of the plot, the audience will encounter more doubts and explorations, but don’t worry, we will continue to update the latest content in the line class, and present the wonderful details of the plot to you in a more detailed and vivid way.

Special policewoman

Special policewoman

Sep 20, 2024 C-Drama Plot

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