Japanese Drama《College Love Ban》Introduction to Highlights

  • Auth:Hungry Wolf
  • Aug 30, 2024

Recently, as long as you open a social app, you can see discussions about the ban on love in colleges and universities. Among them, the introduction of Japanese dramas on the ban on love in colleges and universities is definitely what everyone is most concerned about. Today, the editor will be with youLet’s discuss our views and thoughts on the highlights of the Japanese drama - College Love Ban.

The drama - College Love Ban - is a YA drama released on Netflix. The plot depicts the implementation of a strict love ban in a top elite school. Violators will be expelled from school, while a certain student secretly helps students in order to make money.Other students escaped.Looking at this plot synopsis, you might think that it will satirize the human nature of various class power games in schools like a Korean drama (indeed, this drama also has it in the middle plot, and it is quite lengthy), but the storyline of this drama is going to beIt is gentle, not bloody inside, but with courage and resilience in its seriousness.There are a total of eight episodes in the drama, each episode is about 50 minutes long, starring Ai Mikami, Riya Miyayo, and Rintaro Mizusawa.

This drama mainly talks about the fermentation of the opinions of teenagers and adults on the matter of love in different generations, and explores the harm of the love ban set by the principal to students. In fact, the love ban in colleges and universities is inspired by the real story.In a court case, a former female student who was persuaded to drop out of school for violating school rules prohibiting sexual intercourse between men and women sued the school.This is an original story based on real events, an extensive investigation into Generation Z’s views on love, and reflecting their voices. When combined with Japan, which we may have the impression of being conservative, we will feel that this is an issue worth discussing, soThe producers created this drama as a survival drama that reveals the nature of love through a sensational survival game.

Let’s talk about it first – the love ban in colleges and universities – are the reviews good?I want to start by saying that the visual images of this drama are so beautiful, especially the purple uniforms. The images are clean and have the beauty of a Japanese idol drama filter, allowing some desires and serious topics to be seen through simplicity and clarity.I was also deeply impressed by the director's camerawork and composition. I particularly found that the director's story-telling technique would use scenes and characters in opposite directions or find the protagonist among the crowd.Story tension and character contrast.(There is the following scene in the title of each episode. I think the artistic conception of this scene is quite good. It symbolizes that students are imprisoned in a frame, and the perspective of the overhead shot is like God’s perspective, symbolizing that the school is monitoring your every move.The concept of movement, and only those who are caught will want to look up and find out who is watching them)

Japanese Drama《College Love Ban》Introduction to Highlights

And I personally like that the actors recruited under the college love ban have the childlike appearance of some high school students. Although some people on the Internet say that these students are simply played by amateurs, I think these are not amateurs (actuallyI’m not sure), but I personally like the sense of simplicity and realism. I feel that they really look like real high school students, instead of letting actors in their thirties put on school uniforms and thenDetermination to become a high school student.

《High School Love Ban》The trailer has actually picked out all the key points, but it has not yet talked about the heroine's means of resistance in the second half of the plot, so this is what the audience can look forward to~《College Love Ban》The biggest advantage for me is to explore the thoughts of Generation Z. I don’t know which age group you are watching, but I personally belong to Generation Y, the group sandwiched between Generation Z and traditional parental values. II have always been interested in the ideas of Generation Z, but I also feel suffocated by the various restrictions of traditional values, so this drama actually gave me a great impact on my ideas~

Although it still falls into the common problem of Japanese dramas often preaching, I think this topic is not bad. Maybe the techniques of Japanese dramas will not be liked by all viewers, because I think Japanese dramas focus more on presenting the structure and outline of the story, rather than onDescribes the emotions in the story in depth, so some story lines may seem like they don’t have much depth. Even the overall plot content will make the audience feel that they only scratch the surface. This is a pity for Japanese dramas. I don’t think so.I'm too sure if it wasn't for the recommendation - the Love Ban in Colleges - because the topic is “speculative” that I like, and the pity is also the ending. I really didn't like the ending very much. It felt like it was a detour.The big circle didn't go the way I wanted, so I was a little disappointed... I felt like the story wasn't told thoroughly.

Tomorrowland College school rules, violation of school rules will result in expulsion from school:

The English name of this drama is “Chastity High”. “Chastity” means purity and innocence. It was originally a girls' school (a girls' school that has existed since the time of the principal). It was merged due to the pressure of management with a declining birthrate., but from the plot, we can actually know that the main purpose of this girls' school is to cultivate “ladies” who are in line with the upper class, that is, the kind of obedient, educated, dignified and polite girls. Through the words of the principal, we can know that the school pays special attention to the purity of girls.and moral integrity, in other words emphasizing that the act of having a relationship between a man and a woman is sinful and unclean.The prohibition on love in colleges and universities was created to protect female students from being tempted by the forbidden fruit and from having their first love affairs affect their studies.

Wei Qianhua: “In order to fulfill my own future, I do not hesitate to use other people's love to make money. I am not a child born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I have realized this since I was a child. Life is not created equal. But, do you want toAccept the fate, the decision is in my hands.This is not a youthful high school story, this is a world where love is forbidden, full of memories of pain and desire. We are hurt, we struggle, we resist, this is our story.”From the first episode - The Love Ban in Colleges - we can see that Wei Qianhua was born in a poor family. Although she is not poor, her life is relatively hard and full of restrictions compared with other classmates. For example, she is studying “How toSave money to make burgers”, the mobile phone cannot access the Internet due to the data limit, my mother’s lipstick is mined again and again, trying to save the money for each lipstick, and Wei Qianhua’s mother works as a maid in a rich family, Wei Qianhua onlyWearing 100-yuan underwear, Wei Qianhua hardly goes out to have fun with other classmates at school, because the cost of one day alone is her ten-day living expenses and so on.“Poverty” makes Wei Qianhua an important role in this drama, because she plays a power game in this class game and uses her wisdom to deal with the crimes committed by these rich second generations.By following the love taboo and avoiding being kicked out of school, Wei Qianhua can also make money to help her mother, which is a win-win result.However, with Maki joining the business, the situation became complicated, and the two gradually fell in love with each other, which eventually forced Wei Qianhua to face the fate of being forced to drop out of school.Of course, this combination was specially designed by the screenwriter and director. After all, one is the son of the county governor, and the other is Wei Qianhua, who only has a scumbag father. The fate of Wei Qianhua highlights Wei Qianhua’s resistance and struggle in the lower class. Although she does notShe was obviously bullied, but she felt particularly hard about the relationship between her poverty and her family background. She had to bow her head for money. Even if she had to sell her soul, she still needed to continue studying in the school. - College love ban --The whole drama is about watching the love ban through her perspective. The process of her position changing from making money to being the “Guardian of Love” shows her resistance to others deciding her fate for her.

Japanese Drama《College Love Ban》Introduction to HighlightsAfter all, my friends also said that this school is our passport to the future. We enter this school to change our lives. We don’t want to succumb to the fate decided by others. This echoes in the end when Chika and Maki are found to be in love.There is a great irony in the relationship, because she is saving other people's love secrets, but she was asked to drop out of school because of this secret. I actually quite like this drama. It is not like Korean dramas that emphasize the rich people's love for each other.Bullying from poor families. Although the children from rich families in this drama still use money to hide their secrets, at least they are all kind. Even the idea of ​​standing up to support Yu Qianhua's lawsuit against the school at the end is very touching.Gratified.

In fact, in the courtroom scene in the ending episode of the High School Love Ban, I originally thought that those students who asked Yui Qianhua to keep her secrets could stand up and speak for Yui Qianhua, but these students still chose to remain silent, soI personally am not very satisfied with the setting of the ending. Of course, I can understand that this is Wei Qianhua's respect for protecting the secrets of her classmates. Therefore, the audience will find that when Wei Qianhua is forced by the opponent's lawyer in court and asks who can admit that this is just a transaction,Wei Qianhua always kept her mouth shut and was very tight-lipped about telling these secrets. There was also the trauma of Wei Qianhua learning about the regretful incident that happened to the principal’s past friend. Wei Qianhua did not disclose this past in court to hurt the principal, so the character of Yu Qianhua is indeedTrue to her character of “Love Guardian”, she respects every precious emotion, so she chooses not to hurt anyone, so I am personally dissatisfied with the screenwriter who allowed the students to just watch this courtroom scene in the courtroom, exceptWith the turning point of the rabbit hunter Sahe coming out to testify, if other people's precious love can be told by other parties involved, it will prove Yui Qianhua's intention to protect love, and it can also prove to the court how love makes them grow, right?This also reinforces what these children learn about relationships, the courage they gain after heartbreak, and more.

I think the character design of Maki is also good, because it is obvious from the plot that Maki hates his father. Even as a child of a second-generation official, he still has many issues related to generational barriers in his family.The director cleverly confirmed that no matter what kind of family they are born into, the life issues and issues that children encounter are the same. The source of children's pain is always the self-righteousness and overbearing of adults (such as the prefectural governor's demands on Maki).In fact, it’s just for himself (for example, Yui Qianhua’s difficult high school life was caused by her useless father), Maki will finally support Yui Qianhua to sue the school. I think it is also a brave resistance to his father, telling the adults that they have noPowers impose their values ​​on children.I think the biggest issue in this drama - the love ban in colleges and universities - is that preventing love is really the best way to allow children to concentrate on their studies?Today's Generation Z is no longer like their elders in the past who believed that studying hard is the only way to success.“This school is our passport to the future. We enter this school to change our lives. We don’t want to succumb to the fate decided by others. In order to graduate successfully, Wei Qianhua’s friend is willing to break up with her secret boyfriend and live in poverty.The reason why people enter this school is because they want to turn their lives around. Just like Wei Qianhua's mother insists on Wei Qianhua entering this aristocratic school, she wants Wei Qianhua not to go astray in her thoughts, but also to be able to behave and think well for herself.Pave a bright future.However, what this show is really satirizing is, do adults think that such an environment for children can replicate a more wealthy class?What I saw in the school in this drama is that education fundamentally comes from the family. Don’t push all education to the school. Parents play a more important role at home.

Among them, Maki actually hates his own home. It should be said that he hates his father's violence and control at home. In contrast, even though Wei Qianhua comes from an ordinary family, Wei Qianhua's relationship with her mother is quite good. Wei Qianhua is veryI can understand my mother’s hard work ~ This also proves that the school’s regulations are not to mold students’ distorted desires, but those regulations are the real cause of distorting students’ thoughts. In the past, the Korean drama - Pyramid Game - mentioned that ”school is aIn a small society, these norms locked by the principal are symbolic of society's norms. However, the principal thinks that everyone will abide by such game rules, but in fact, everyone's concealment, secrets, desires, and injuries are fermented because of these school rules., are all young minds who are imprisoned and want to escape.Principal Ikishima: “ Falling in love with someone else is a very beautiful thing, but you must never reveal your love to the other person. ” Principal Ikishima will set this rule and has her own opinion. Because of the co-ed school, she doesn’t want toThe relationship and love between men and women are just beginning, so please think of teaching by example. The principal said that her girls' school specializes in cultivating “ladies”. I think they should be children who meet the tastes of the upper class, and then improve the school's ranking. Although the principal's reasonsActually, it was from a selfish point of view, but Wei Qianhua’s mother also said, “I hope Wei Qianhua is surrounded by well-educated girls”. People say that the educational environment and growing environment are the biggest factors in developing a person’s personality.In this drama, I classify Principal Ikushima as a character who is unable to adapt to the ideas of Generation Z. He thinks that as long as there are rules and restrictions, students can be obedient.

The principal herself has a story about her persistence in enforcing the love ban. I can understand the principal's concern in protecting female students. She said at the very beginning of the plot that she had to sell her soul to enact the love ban. The story behind herI can understand the difficulty. I would imagine her as a mother protecting her children. She would rather be hated by the children, but also restrict and dare not let them go ~ Regarding the exploration of the principal's own heart, I feel that this drama has noIt's a pity to bring this out in particular to delve deeper into, because I think the prohibition on love in colleges and universities focuses on the contradiction and friction between traditional values ​​and Generation Z, but the screenwriter and director still created a gap between the two generations in the end., without further understanding each other, understanding each other's difficulties and desires.

From the words of the principal, we can know that the school pays special attention to the purity and moral integrity of girls. In other words, it emphasizes that having a relationship between a man and a woman is a sin and uncleanness. Perhaps such values ​​​​are felt by the conservative people of the previous generation.Necessary, but you can know that the screenwriter and director of this drama are also satirizing that values ​​​​should change with the generations, instead of imposing the values ​​​​of the previous generation on children by being elders and teachers.Adults all think they are doing something wrong, but in fact the practice is already out of date. On the contrary, the ban on love has caused serious psychological damage to some students. For example, those students who were forced to drop out of school will have questions about whether they will already have a relationship in the future.Traumatized?On the contrary, they believe that falling in love is a sin.I think what’s good about this drama is that the screenwriter and director used the children of Generation Z to face the various “hiding” behaviors from adults when faced with the school’s love ban, and the director portrayed it through several story lines.It shows the different bravery and pursuit of love between Generation Z and the past, such as the gay love story line of Sawa liking a female classmate, the teacher-student relationship issue between Yuuto and his student, the kiss of Maki's open relationship at the beginning, etc. The director was inspired byDuring the interview, I said that this drama will explore and incorporate modern youth culture and their changing thoughts on love and relationships. These story lines in the plot were probably almost taboo in our parents' era, butIn modern times, this kind of thing is a kind of common self-exploration, and is considered by adults as an evil act to ruin students' taste of forbidden fruit.

So when watching this drama, the director showed a lot of exploration into the behavioral patterns of Generation Z. When teenagers' emotions are suppressed, the environment created by the strict college love ban shows the complexity of teenage love, and at the same time--The love ban in colleges and universities - the plot also closely follows the tension and dilemma faced by teenagers in the throes of youth. Therefore, although these children are rebellious, there are sufficient motives, reasons and desires behind these rebellions. In the plot, we can see that teenagersHow do students seek to reconcile their personal desires with the expectations of a society that tries to control them (for example, Qianhua is determined to graduate from this school to turn her life around, but is unable to resist the natural instinctive desire reaction when faced with the advent of love), although students are immersed inIn a world full of lies and secrets, the screenwriter depicts them all struggling to maintain their freedom and future.This drama explores the contradictions and challenges of teenage love in an environment where all emotions are suppressed. You will see that Sawa pursues this school rule too blindly and becomes a hunter who monitors other classmates, but in the end her story line isChoosing to help Yui Qianka prove the harm caused by this school rule in court proves that the “friendship” brought by these friends around Yui Qianka under the director's technique emphasizes how powerful the friendship of Generation Z is, and the emergence of loveThere are not only bad things in teenagers, but a spiritual pillar of support (this is why Wei Qianhua said to Maki “Maki, you gave me strength”). I think “love” can make people brave, even if they break up in loveBeing betrayed or betrayed may cause harm to students, but these emotional injuries are also self-healing abilities that students should practice. Just like if you heard someone say you choked on an apple, you think apples are bad and never dare to eat them., which makes people mistakenly think that it is a wrong existence.

These are all the introductions to the highlights of the Japanese drama - High School Love Ban. On our website, we will provide more detailed and rich content to allow the audience to more fully understand and experience the charm of the drama.So please follow us.

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