British drama《Mary & George‎》Mary background introduction

  • Auth:Enchanting Snow
  • Jan 18, 2024

The recent hit《Mary & George‎》has attracted the attention of countless fans and has repeatedly achieved high ratings on major video platforms. It presents the audience with a plot picture of reversals and twists and turns. Just recently aboutBritish drama《Mary & George‎》Mary's background introduction. The audience is also talking about it, so let's talk about it with everyone.

British drama《Mary & George‎》Mary's full name: Mary Beaumont (Villiers).

British drama《Mary & George‎》Mary background introduction

Mary Beaumont was born into a declining squire family in Leicestershire under the reign of the Queen of Glory. She moved around to different wealthy relatives' homes to earn a living since childhood, and her status was somewhere between a maid and a female companion.After her son Buckingham became successful, political opponents often slandered Mary as a kitchen maid, but in fact, judging from Mary's behavior, it was unlikely that she would serve as a servant who cooked and cooked in the master's house.In Daiying in the 16th and 17th centuries, it was common for girls from declining squire families to work as servants in relatives' homes, and they were not ashamed of it.Samuel Pepys once employed his own sister as a maid to his wife.When she was seventeen, her employer and cousin, the wealthy Sir George Villiers, proposed to her after his wife died.Although Mary was young and beautiful, she was penniless. In order to make a living, she could only gratefully accept the old knight's proposal.

After their marriage, Mary Beaumont lived happily for more than ten years and gave birth to three sons and one daughter, namely John, Susan, George and Christopher (Jit).Perhaps due to incest, two of the four children, Kit and John, were in poor health, especially the mentally ill John.However, the Villiers family was prosperous and her husband was still alive, so Mary could rest easy for the time being.

In 1604, Lord Villiers, the local magistrate, contracted the epidemic and died while traveling to London to attend Parliament.Sir Villiers left six children from his first marriage.According to the inheritance laws at the time, Mary's four children received basically nothing.Mary's world came crashing down.In order to support her four children, Mary had to sell her youth and beauty again, and endured the humiliation and married Sir William Rayner, a wealthy country squire who was over seventy years old.But fate played another cruel joke on her. Just over a month after the wedding, the old groom passed away, leaving Mary as a laughing stock.As a seventeenth-century country widow with four children, Mary had no choice but to remarry.In 1606, Mary married Sir Thomas Compton. Although this man was a down-and-out drunkard, he had an older brother who was the Earl of North Hampton.It was at the Compton house that Mary first came into contact with people in the court and had sweet dreams.

Mary loved her children deeply, especially George, the healthiest and most beautiful of her sons.However, in the seventeenth century, the second son of a squire family like her son generally had only two paths to take - one was to become a priest and live a life of poverty and respectability, the other was to be a mercenary and die in battle in a place where he did not understand the language.of the Low Countries and died without even a clean shirt.Mary was naturally unwilling to let her children take the second path.She tried asking George to learn Latin from the vicar of the parish, but it turned out that George had a frivolous personality and was far from being a scholar.After getting in touch with the upper class and learning about James I's peculiar hobbies, Mary suddenly had an idea and found another way. She spent all her savings to send George to study abroad in the fashionable gilded France, where he received quality education such as French, horse riding, and dancing.When George returned from his studies, she tried to send him to the British court.

The slim George lived up to his mother's expectations and received angel investment from a group of pimp nobles. He was introduced to the old king who was old enough to be his father.George was eventually named Duke of Buckingham, Mary was named Countess of Buckingham, John was named Viscount Birkbeck, Susan was named Countess of Derby, Kit was named Earl of Angelis, and the other half-brothers and sisters were also named.There are titles and rewards.The old king (and later Charles I) who lacked love found in this lively family the vision of a loving family in his dream.Mary is a talented madam who guides her son and family to serve the old king. She dances country dances to show off her beautiful body, and enjoys family dinners.For a time, the Villiers family was in bloom and the fire was cooking.In addition to satisfying the old king, Buckingham also overfulfilled his tasks, teaching dancing and accompanying him on a trip to Spain, and also fascinated Prince Charlie.In the later years of James's reign, the father and son disregarded the dignity of the royal family and went so far as to compete for Buckingham's attention.

To be honest, life for Buckingham and his family was not as easy as most people imagined.As a straight man who likes women (he is very close to his wife and flirts with other women for a long time), Buckingham has to bear the humiliation all year round and sign his letters to the old king as his wife and children, slaves and dogs, and sleep with him.Sleeping together.The old king had an eccentric personality and constantly harassed not only Buckingham but also the rest of his family.He once climbed into Buckingham's brother's bed, once touched Buckingham's teenage niece in front of the Venetian ambassador, and then put his hand into Buckingham's pants in front of the little girl.Later, Buckingham, who was on thin ice between James and Charlie, was so worried that he fell ill and almost went crazy due to illness.But, at least when he first entered the court, Buckingham had no choice but to endure.Before being appreciated by James, he didn't even have decent clothes and slept on a bench in front of a gentleman's door. The dowry for his sister Susan's wedding had to be stolen from her stepfather by her mother.What was the value of dignity and innocence to such a destitute man?

Of course, with Buckingham's young body alone, the favor of the old king and Prince Charlie would not last long.The Villiers family has a large number of people and a low status, which is just suitable for being supported as a tool to suppress the old aristocratic families in England.As we all know, religious conflicts and lack of money were the two major dilemmas of the Stuart dynasty.The Villiers family became the white gloves of His Majesty the King and began to show their talents in Irish land enclosures, monopoly operations, and the sale of officials and titles.Mary, along with her son and daughter-in-law, became the core of this corrupt group, taking the corruption of the Stuart dynasty to a whole new level. Everything from the right to sell candles to ministerial positions could be up for bid by this family.According to Dickens, Mary is like a landlady, displaying and selling all the interests of the kingdom like small commodities.But in fact, rather than looking like a boss lady, Mary is more like a saleswoman - these things are sold by the king.In addition to making money, the beautiful men and women in this family who were loyal to the king also served as the king's marriage tool. Under the king's careful arrangement, they entered high-level aristocratic families one after another to ensure their loyalty to the Stuart dynasty.Buckingham's niece Anne Villiers married to the Earl of Morton, Barbara (this Barbara was not Charles's mistress) Villiers married to the Earl of Suffolk, and Susan's eldest daughter MargaretTerfielding married into the Duke of Hamilton's family. After Buckingham's death, his only daughter, the beautiful Miriam, the youngest granddaughter of James I, and the butterfly of Charles's court, the little Mary Villiers.When she was only one year old, she was hastily married by Charlie to the Pembroke family, who had evil intentions and was colluding with the Parliament. She became a pawn to appease Wiltshire. She became a widow at the age of twelve, and was married off by Charlie to the 24-year-old Wang Qinlun without stopping.Duke of Knox (grandson of Zhan Yi's first love, luckily this one has normal orientation).

Despite her power, Mary was notorious at court for her greed, pettyness, and unscrupulousness.When Queen Anne died, the king and the prince sent someone to give one of her jewels to the king's cousin, Frances, Duchess of Richmond.Mary met the messenger on the road and couldn't put it down the jewelry, so she actually took it off.Upon hearing this, the king was furious, and Buckingham was even more ashamed.

It is a small matter to withhold jewels, but it is a big matter to withhold someone else's apple.Buckingham and Catherine, the only daughter of the Earl of Rutland, one of England's leading aristocrats, were in love, but one was a Protestant and the other a Catholic, separated by a huge gap; the king refused to let Buckingham convert to Catholicism, and Rutland refused to give in.The daughter converted to Protestantism, and there was a stalemate for a while, and the marriage was about to fall through.Mary made an excuse to take Miss Catherine out for fun and promised to send her home before dark.That night, Mary did not send the girl home.Although Mary did not do anything bad and spent the night guarding Catherine with several maids, Catherine's reputation was not good after all.In desperation, Rutland had to agree to let Buckingham and Catherine get married.

If Catherine and Buckingham were in love with each other as concubines, Mary was not a heinous person. Then Mary and Buckingham pursued and beat Frances Kirk, the daughter of the chancellor who married the crazy John and gave birth to a child with her lover.Point out.Under the siege of Mary and Buckingham, Francis and his lover were eventually sentenced to wear white clothes and confess in public in the church, which caused an uproar and directly caused Justice Kirk to impeach Buckingham, creating a farce and tragedy in which everyone suffered.

With these bad deeds, Mary naturally became the target of public criticism in the palace and among the people.Although Mary was good at dancing and knew how to please the king, she came from a small family and was not a long-term and thoughtful person after all.As the mother of a favorite, she openly converted to Catholicism with her daughter-in-law, causing an uproar in public opinion; after her husband died, she had a close relationship with the young Bishop Williams and never hid it from anyone.In 1625, when the old king was critically ill, the careless Mary got a pair of private plasters and presented them to the king, which made the well-trained doctors who were bleeding the king quite unhappy.Soon the king died, and Mary was accused of murdering the king in such a confused way.If Charles I hadn't ordered an autopsy on the old king and found that the old king's internal organs had already been ulcerated, Mary might not have been able to clean herself up even if she jumped into the Thames.

In his later years, the old king was sidelined by Buckingham and Charles. The two forced the old king to agree to change his peaceful foreign policy and declare war on Spain. After the old king's death, Buckingham was suddenly promoted from a man's favorite to a life-saving minister. He was young and energetic.and Charles I began their so-called grand cause of rebuilding the glory of Great Britain.At this time, due to the negligence of coastal defenses, pirates were wreaking havoc on the coast of England, kidnapping hundreds of residents within a year.As Lord of the Admiralty, Buckingham was obliged to rebuild the fleet with his own money, and also borrowed money from his mother.Mary is said to have complained about this - perhaps she had anticipated that, with Buckingham's little intelligence, the harm he would do by taking his duties seriously would be far more serious than if he blew pillows on the king.

Over the next three years, Buckingham repeated the cycle of declaring war, raising money, losing the war, and being impeached.Cha was deeply in love with Buckingham and resolutely protected him. He went so far as to sell off the dowry of his wife, the French princess Henrietta Maria, to finance his expedition.Buckingham declared war on France to protect the Protestant La Roselle, which particularly disappointed Mary, who was a Catholic.Mary was heard telling her son during an argument that he would die if he continued like this.As she expected, Buckingham was assassinated in 1628.Charles I and Catherine, who had the most reason to look down on Buckingham, were distraught, but Mary, as a mother, did not shed a single tear.She had given up on her son in her mind, and perhaps she was relieved to be rid of him.Before Buckingham went to war, he only cared about Catherine and his children, and asked people to take care of them. In his will, he only left the control of property to his wife.He hugged Charlie for a long time when Charlie came to visit him the day before the assassination.The night before his death, he and Catherine had a quarrel. The reason was that Catherine, who was a Catholic, could not accept his war behavior.Kate kissed him.There is no record that he left a single word to his mother. Perhaps he was also disappointed with her.

Mary lived four more years after George's death.When George died, the nation rejoiced so much that his funeral could only be carried out in secret late at night.Mary never showed signs of grief, and the Venetian ambassador was shocked by her indifference.

Buckingham left behind a huge fortune but also a huge debt. This was mainly due to the entanglement between his personal finances as a favorite and the finances of the entire country, so much so that as much as 70,000 pounds of naval military expenses were included in the calculation.Although Charles I had a conscience and the courage to take responsibility, just figuring out the ins and outs of this debt was enough to consume most of Catherine's energy.Mary never seems to have tried to lend a helping hand to her daughter-in-law, Catherine, who was overwhelmed by the family's finances.

To make matters worse, when Mary and her daughter-in-law converted to Catholicism, they did not seem to have considered that if Buckingham died, there would be no clear-minded Protestant left in the family to act as the guardian of the children. Not long after Buckingham died, Charles legitimately took the six children into custody.Little Mary was taken away, along with little Buckingham and Francis in their infancy.Two years later, Mary's youngest son Kit also died. Kit's daughter had already died in infancy, and Kit's wife Elizabeth remarried soon after.John had long gone mad, and his wife Francescok fled to France with their illegitimate child.The Buckingham family, which used to be lively and lively in the past, is now scattered.However, Mary didn't care about all this, she only cared about having fun.She lived alone in the porter's house in Whitehall. Bishop Williams' car was often parked in front of the door, and lavish banquets were held from time to time, and kings and queens were also happy to attend.In sharp contrast to her is her in-laws, Catherine's old father, the Earl of Rutland - when Mary was playing every night, he voluntarily stayed away from court entertainment to accompany and help his daughter and care for his grandchildren.

In 1632, Mary died.She was buried as she wished in St. Nicholas' Chapel in Westminster Abbey, with great honor; her tomb was decorated with a recumbent image of her in regalia, and her epitaph extolled her non-existent noble blood and humble virtues.Although neither John nor Kit had any children, and none of Buckingham's children had any descendants, Susan's family was prosperous and prosperous. Mary's blood has been passed down through her children to this day, flowing through countless British aristocratic families.middle.Mary's estate was left to Susan's eldest son, Lord Basil, and her will made no mention of Buckingham's children.Surprisingly, after years of hard work in amassing money, all she had left behind was an annuity of one thousand pounds.

From a worldly perspective, Mary's life was undoubtedly a success; she made little effort, and just by training her beautiful son, she rose from a down-and-out maid to a powerful countess, and lived the rest of her life wantonly.I wish I could enjoy all the wealth and glory.But when reading her life, I can't help but think of this passage in Xiao Dumas - La Traviata -

“I know an old woman who was once a romantic woman. All that was left to her from her past life was a daughter.Her daughter was almost as beautiful as her mother in her youth.Her mother never said to this poor child, "You are my daughter”", she just wanted her to be taken care of in her old age, just like she had taken care of her from childhood to adulthood.She obeyed her mother's wishes against her will, committing herself to others without lust or pleasure, just as she would pursue a profession if someone wanted her to.

But the blow was so severe that Louise died after all.Then mother is still alive, how is her life?God knows!"

Instead of combining Mary and her son with grand words like "ambitious" and "power game", in fact, the historical Mary Beaumont is more like a mother who is common in East Asian cultural circles because she hopes that her son will succeed by any means.The difference is that the tiger mothers and fathers of the 21st century require their children to have their butts hung from the beam, while Mary's children are engaged in a dirtier business.But we can hardly blame them for this, because their living environment determines that the college entrance examination (in the case of Mary and her son, selling sex) is the only way out for their class.When they guide their children on this path out of love and helplessness, they never think that after walking for too long and investing too much, what they fall in love with becomes the path itself.

By the way, I would like to add the endings of Buckingham’s other family members:

Buckingham's wife Kate devoted herself to her Catholic career after her husband's death and remarried a like-minded Irish clan leader, the Marquess of Antrim. The two had no children.Kate used her connections and resources to deeply participate in a messy Catholic rebellion uprising (to put it simply, it was anti-king and anti-parliament, doomed to fail), but all the uprisings she participated in and initiated ended in failure, and finally CromwellWhen she was attacking Ireland, she contracted the plague and died during the siege. There was not even a tombstone after her death. Before her death, she originally wanted to go to France to reunite with her children.However, according to Kate's original words to the papal envoy, she has struggled for her faith all her life and she has no regrets.In Kate's life dedicated to her faith, the only exceptions were her love for Buckingham and her daughter.And to clarify, although she is not a beauty, she is definitely not ugly, and her intelligence is at least several levels higher than the great Buckingham who blindly declared war and made trouble everywhere. Even the Earl of Clarendon, who had a feud with the Buckingham family, recalled many years later.Everyone praises her accomplishments. She is an outstanding independent woman who strongly supports women's writing, protects women who are victims of domestic violence, uses legal weapons to protect her property inheritance rights, and moves forward courageously for her career and goals. There are one or two big names who belittle her appearance.The author of Buckingham-related works is actually quite misogynistic (I would like to criticize Aunt Fei here)...

Buckingham's baby daughter Mall married three times. The first time she married to the Pembroke family, the second time to the King's cousin Lennox and James, Duke of Richmond, and the third time to love and marriage.The Earl of Chelsea's youngest son, Colonel Howard, married, and her second marriage gave her a son and a daughter.Mall is an anonymous poet and a feminist. She likes to wear men's clothing, can duel, ride horses, and shoot. She has a lot of lovers, but she is impeccable in important matters. She worked as an intelligence agent during the civil war. When she was in exile, she lived frugally and had to be investigated.Ergongqian was a good wife to her second husband and a good mother to her children. During Cromwell's time, she worked hard to support the family business and support a large family.Her tragedy is that she is almost a bit stubborn in the Chinese context. In addition to her parents who died young, Charles I and Bishop Laud, who treated her as a daughter, both died on the guillotine. Her upright and kind-hearted second husband died in Cromwell.He died of illness due to persecution. His younger brother and three brothers-in-law all died in the civil war. Two children died of illness as teenagers. Her husband's nephew, whom she had raised, drowned. Even her third husband, who was 18 years younger than herself, died before her. She watched helplessly.The two Duke families of Buckingham and Lennox Stewart died out.But she is the most well-deserved court favorite of the Buckingham family. Even in the face of misfortune, she still inherited the tenacity and loyalty of her father's character.She has an upright character, doesn't get involved in bad things, and keeps a low profile, so she has few melons compared to other people in the family (but it's really interesting).Although she was a girl, the Buckingham couple and Zhan Yicha loved her very much and tried their best to fight for her inheritance rights in the context of the times. Therefore, she and her children enjoyed the inheritance rights of the Dukedom of Buckingham when her brother died.If her son esme can survive, he will be the first triple duke in Daiying.

Buckingham's second son, Francis, died in the Civil War at the age of nineteen. The Roundheads knew whose son he was and slashed him seven times, including cutting off his nose.General Fairfax, being a decent man and a father, took pity on the boy and returned his body to his sister for burial.Andrew Marvell wrote an elegy to him.

Little Buckingham is a good friend of Zha Er and a member of the Five Ministers' Cabinet. He has the best objective conditions (friends of the king, a Duke, a wealthy family, good looks, and a flexible mind), but his personality is even more unstable and frivolous than his father's.He was willful, even crazy, and his mental state was similar to that of a college student in a closed school. He could be called a top comedian, but in the end he accomplished nothing politically.Some people commented that he seemed to have taken one look at his father's life and decided not to work in vain like him.He is best known for killing his mistress's earl husband in a duel and then having a threesome with the countess and his wife (the only daughter of the aforementioned General Fairfax), which contributed to his downfall.He had only one illegitimate son, and Zhaer gave the child the official heir title of Duke of Buckingham. However, the child died shortly after birth, and the Buckingham family was completely extinct from then on.

Buckingham's sister Susan stole his intestines after her brother died and wanted to bury them with her a hundred years later, but she did not expect that the Civil War would break out.After the civil war broke out, her son Basil joined the parliamentary army and was on the opposite side of his father, Earl Denbigh. Denbigh eventually died in the hands of the parliamentary army.Susan fell into the favor of Henrietta Maria, who took her to France and converted to Catholicism.She died of illness in Paris during the Republic and was buried there, never to see her hometown again.Interestingly, since all of Buckingham's children died, and the Denbigh family has been passed down to this day, the Earl of Denbigh's family has probably preserved a lot of cultural relics from the Sri Lankan dynasty through inheritance, from the dagger that stabbed Buckingham to death to the dagger that was used to bury his father.from the IOU to Cha Yi’s clothes...

P.S. In fact, the real Buckingham is not as powerful as the trailer shows. If you are interested in the Buckingham in this setting, you can go to zlibrary and read《The dangerous kingdom of love》, where the Buckingham is better than the king.Much more sexy and sober in Assassin.And Aunt Fei's《earthly joys》are also worth reading. George in it is a stupid beauty with a worrying IQ.The Big Buckingham in the original book is too OOC to be honest. Not to mention the wild history of the murder of Zhan Yi by the Big Buckingham mother and son, what the hell is it that everyone is dumped by the Big Buckingham? The Big Buckingham in history is affected byHe was welcomed not because of his charm but because he was a favorite of the king.

P.P.S. Compared with Mary, Great Buckingham’s father Sir Villiers, who died young, is even better from a branching point of view. During the eugenics period, some people specifically singled him out and called him the great victor.In addition to the famous Great Buckingham, Barbara Elizabeth Villiers, the three great lovers and mistresses of the Royal family, John Churchill is also his grandson, and there are countless other successful people in his descendants, including George Washington.They are also descendants of his daughter. In addition to the current royal family, there are twenty-seven dukes and 16 prime ministers.But compared to eugenics, the main reason why his descendants are so successful is actually that after Buckingham became prosperous, the whole family of chickens and dogs soared into the core aristocratic circle of the British. With a large population, almost every family brought some old Villiers into the marriage.bloodline, and then the aristocracy is chosen from those groups of people...

P.P.P.S. My golden rule for judging sexual orientation is: look at the gender of the partner he chooses when he is in power. Therefore, given that the great Buckingham had a female first love before entering the palace, Zhan Yichao and many people including his future wife Kate and Cecil’s nieceThe lady had an affair, went to Spain to have an affair, caused the Amiens Garden incident in France, and Cha Yichao had an affair with Lucy Carlyle. I personally think that these can fully prove that he is straight...I borrowed it and forgot which Cha Yi biographyAccording to the saying, friendship in the world may not be shallower than love. Cha Yi and Buckingham's deep feelings for each other may not necessarily be love.

The above is all about the background introduction of Mary in the British drama--Mary & George‎.From now on, we will continue to bring you more detailed and exciting film and television content, as well as the latest film and television news and star information.Thank you for your attention and support!

Mary & George‎

Mary & George‎

Total 7 Episodes Mar 06, 2024 Us Rom/Fam/Hist Actor: Nicholas Galizina Julianne Moore

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