Recently, there is a film and television drama worth mentioning called - I'm a plastic beauty. The drama has successfully attracted the attention of many viewers with its exciting plot and superb acting skills.It has also aroused a lot of discussion and attention on major social media. Next, the editor will talk to you about the plot introduction of the Episode 8 episode 8.
Meiling, who was worried about Suiba’s affairs, received a contact from You and asked her if she could meet now.When Meiling went to the agreed location, she was facing Hui Simu.The atmosphere between the two was awkward, and at this moment, Yu also appeared and the scene became the worst.
Meiling couldn't help but escape from the scene, Hui also planned to leave, but at this time You told Hui that Meiling was planning to confess to him...
The above is the entire content of the plot introduction of the Episode 8 episode.If you have a deeper understanding of the more detailed plot of this film and television series, the story behind the production, the role actors, etc., we will provide you with more information and information.Please remember to follow us.
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