《Seven weapons》How many are there?Who is the screenwriter?

  • Auth:Enchanting Snow
  • Oct 12, 2024

《Seven Weapons》 is a TV series adapted from Gu Long's novel《Seven Weapons》series. It is divided into three parts, each with a different screenwriter. The editor has compiled each part hereIntroduction, if you are interested, you can take a look!

《Seven weapons》How many are there?Who is the screenwriter?

Produced by: Straw Bear

Original work: Gu Long

1. The Passionate Ring of Seven Weapons

Screenwriter: Li Feifei《Once upon a time there was a Lingjian Mountain》

2. Parting Hook of Seven Weapons

Screenwriters: Su Xianghui (Qingmei), Wu Cong《The Wind Rises in Luoyang》, Wang Xiaodan

3. Overlord Gun of Seven Weapons

Screenwriters: Zhang Xiao《Let's try the world》, Shang Menglu《Let's try the world》The Story of the Crown Princess's Promotion--

The above is about - seven weapons - how many are there?Who is the screenwriter?All the content is here. If you want to know more about the plot introduction, plot analysis and character analysis, you are very welcome to pay attention to the line class.

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