Real historical figures and historical prototypes in the world of Jin Yong's martial arts novels

  • Auth:Charm
  • Jun 25, 2024

Recently, there have been ongoing discussions about real historical figures and historical prototypes in the world of Jin Yong's martial arts novels.Regarding this topic, the public is also concerned about aspects such as plot setting, actor performance, special effects production, etc.Based on these, the editor specially came to have an in-depth discussion with you and show the essence of this drama.

The first part,《The Legend of the Condor Heroes》:

This is the most well-known of Jin Yong's martial arts novels. Of course, the reason why it is so famous is that Hong Kong TVB's 83 version of the TV series - The Legend of the Condor Heroes - is indispensable. In this novel, the number of real historical figures appearing should beis the most.The recurring characters in 《Shooting the Condor》 and 《The Divine Condor》 will not be described again.

1. Quanzhen Religion Group: - The Legend of the Condor Heroes - almost all the Quanzhen Religion characters who appear in history exist in history

1. Wang Chongyang:

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Wang Chongyang does not appear directly in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" because Wang Chongyang has died of illness during this historical period. His image mostly appears through the descriptions of his disciples of the Quanzhen Sect. Wang Chongyang is a member of the Quanzhen Sect.The founder, in the novel, is a martial arts prodigy and peerless master. His martial arts are unfathomable and he is the first among the five greatest powers in the world.Gong, Huang Yaoshi, Ouyang Feng, and Duan Zhixing) won the title of %number one in the world of martial arts.

At the same time, Wang Chongyang was also a righteous man who fought against the Jin Dynasty and protected the Song Dynasty. All the Taoist priests of the Quanzhen Sect in the novel later followed Wang Chongyang to fight against the Jin Dynasty and protect the Song Dynasty.

Of course, Jin Yong did not forget to give this number one martial arts master some emotional scenes, and paired him with a confidante, Lin Chaoying. It is a pity that the lover did not get married.

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Wang Chongyang's original name was Zhongfu and his courtesy name was Yunqing. In December 1112 AD, Wang Chongyang was born in Dawei Village, Xianyang, Shaanxi Province. At that time, the Wang family was a well-known wealthy family in Xianyang area, and his family was quite wealthy, but Wang Chongyang showedHe has a unique personality, advocates justice, and is not rigid about trivial matters." He has a fairy-like style.

As an adult, Wang Chongyang became a citizen of the Kingdom of Jin. He once participated in the imperial examinations of the Kingdom of Jin and became a low-level official.

However, the endless wars between the Jin Kingdom and the Southern Song Dynasty made Wang Chongyang lose confidence in his official career, and he began to think about his future life!

At the age of forty-eight, Wang Chongyang suddenly met two Taoist priests. After the conversation, Wang Chongyang felt enlightened, repented, began to realize Taoism, and changed his name to Wang Chongyang.

After realizing the Tao, Wang Chongyang decided to go to Shandong to find like-minded people. Finally, he accepted seven disciples in Shandong, namely Ma Yu, Qiu Chuji, Tan Chuduan, Wang Chuyi, Liu Chuxuan, Hao Datong and Sun Buer, and foundedQuanzhen religion.

In the tenth year of Dading (AD 1170), Wang Chongyang died of illness on his way back to his hometown of Shaanxi. He was fifty-nine years old.

The real Wang Chongyang does not know the peerless magical skills of the Nine Yin Manual, is not a genius saint who is unique in the martial arts world, does not have a love entanglement story with Lin Chaoying, does not have a Huashan sword debate with East Evil and West Poison, Southern Emperor and Northern Beggar, Wang ChongyangIn fact, he is just an ordinary Taoist priest.

Of course, Wang Chongyang was by no means an ordinary Taoist priest. After countless years of painful cultivation life, countless failures in preaching, and countless hardships, Wang Chongyang finally founded an important branch of Chinese Taoism.True religion.

2. Qiu Chuji

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Qiu Chuji is one of the Taoist priests of the Quanzhen Religion, named Changchunzi. He has strong martial arts and is one of the leaders of the Quanzhen Religion who resisted the Jin Dynasty in the name of religion. He came to Niujia Village, Lin'an to hunt down the spy Wang Daoqian of the Southern Song Dynasty. He met Guo Xiaotian and YangTiexin became a good friend, and it was he who got the names of Guo Jing and Yang Kang. Later, Qiu Chuji became Yang Kang's master and taught Yang Kang how to practice martial arts, but he did not let Yang Kang get on the right track. His ending is unknown later.

Historical image:

The real Qiu Chuji in history actually had a more colorful life experience.

Qiu Chuji, also known as Tongmi and Changchunzi, was born in Qixia, Shandong during the Jin Dynasty. His parents died and he made a living by wandering around. He experienced the bitterness and suffering of life, so he determined to practice Taoism since he was a child.

When Wang Chongyang, the founder of Quanzhen Religion, went to Shandong to preach, young Qiu Chuji became Wang Chongyang's disciple and changed his name to Qiu Chuji.

However, Qiu Chuji did not seem to have any strong martial arts skills, and he was not an anti-Jin warrior in the Southern Song Dynasty. On the contrary, he did not have much hostility towards the Jin Kingdom. In March of the twenty-eighth year of Dading (1188 AD), Qiu Chuji even receivedAt the invitation of Jin Shizong Wan Yanyong, he went to Beijing to meet the saint and had a friendly conversation with Wan Yanyong.

After Wang Chongyang's death, the Quanzhen Sect was led by Ma Yu, Tan Chuduan, Liu Chuxuan, and finally Qiu Chuji. During Qiu Chuji's tenure as the leader, the Quanzhen Sect reached its peak, with hundreds of thousands of disciples and followers.

At this time, the Jin Kingdom had entered its late stage and was being invaded by Mongolia. Emperor Wanyan Xun of the Jin Kingdom repeatedly sent envoys to win over Qiu Chuji. The Southern Song Dynasty also repeatedly went to Shandong to invite Qiu Chuji to go south to preach, but Qiu Chuji refused.

But when the envoy sent by Genghis Khan came to Shandong and asked Qiu Chuji to go west, Qiu Chuji readily accepted it because he was considering the future and destiny of the entire Quanzhen Religion. Both the Jin Kingdom and the Southern Song Dynasty had declined, and only Mongolia was the real king.

Qiu Chuji took his apprentices and followed the Mongolian envoys. They went through thousands of mountains and rivers and countless hardships, with a total journey of more than ten thousand miles. They started from Shandong, passed through Mongolia and the Western Regions, and finally arrived at the Snowy Mountains where Daghis Khan's military camp was located (today's Hindukul, Afghanistan).Shishan).

The movie "Stop the Killing Order" tells this true history. After Qiu Chuji met Genghis Khan, he often dissuaded Genghis Khan to respect God and love the people and not to be murderous, which won Genghis Khan's trust.

In 1127 AD, Qiu Chuji died of illness at the age of 79.

The real Qiu Chuji was actually an out-and-out Jin national. He seemed to have a good relationship with the Jin government. Of course, he could not be an anti-Jin righteous man. It is estimated that he had never been to the Southern Song Dynasty in his life. In the chaotic and chaotic times at the end of the Jin Dynasty,Qiu Chuji once again stood up correctly and chose Genghis Khan, allowing the Quanzhen Sect to continue to flourish.

3. Zhou Botong

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Zhou Botong in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is Wang Chongyang's younger brother. He has strong martial arts skills, but he is innocent in nature, loves to play, and has a lively sense of humor. He is nicknamed the Old Naughty Boy. He and Guo Jing are sworn brothers.

When Wang Chongyang went to Dali for the first time to meet the Southern Emperor Duan Zhixing, Zhou Botong followed him. As a result, he fell in love with Duan Zhixing's noble concubine Yinggu, and there was an emotional entanglement!

◉Historical image: Maybe not Wang Chongyang’s junior brother

The real Zhou Botong in history actually has a very simple resume. He was a native of Ninghai Prefecture, Shandong Province. When Wang Chongyang founded the Three Religions and Qibao Society in Wendeng County, Shandong Peninsula, Zhou Botong founded a community organization called Jinliantang in his hometown of Ninghai Prefecture. Likewise,Engage in missionary evangelism.

After Wang Chongyang learned the news, he immediately led his disciples back to Ninghai Prefecture, preparing to see who Zhou Botong was and how he dared to compete for business with the Quanzhen Sect.

After Zhou Botong learned about Wang Chongyang's return to Ninghai Prefecture, after some thinking, he believed that his power could not compete with the Quanzhen Sect, so he made his own choice and directly surrendered.In order to avoid Wang Chongyang's misunderstanding, Zhou Botong took the initiative and enthusiastically and sincerely requested Wang Chongyang to take up the position of head of Jinliantang, and he was willing to retreat to the second line.

Wang Chongyang then renamed the Golden Lotus Hall the Three Religions Golden Lotus Society!

As for the relationship between Zhou Botong and Wang Chongyang, there is no record in the history books. Did Zhou Botong eventually join the Quanzhen Sect?It’s also unknown!

The historical record about Zhou Botong ends here!

4. The Seven Quanzhen Sons (Ma Yu, Qiu Chuji, Tan Chuduan, Wang Chuyi, Liu Chuxuan, Hao Datong, Sun Buer)

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The Quanzhen Seven Sons in The Legend of the Condor Heroes refer to Wang Chongyang's seven apprentices, including Ma Yu, Qiu Chuji, Tan Chuduan, Wang Chuyi, Liu Chuxuan, Hao Datong, and Sun Buer.

The Quanzhen Seven Sons are a martial arts combination, just like the combination of Transformers and Steel, their martial arts will be enhanced. Their unique skill is the “Tiangang Beidou Formation”.It is said that the Tiangang Beidou Formation can be equal to the five most powerful martial arts in the world.

Historical image:

The seven Quanzhen disciples, headed by Ma Yu, were all disciples of Wang Chongyang after he arrived in Shandong. Ma Yu and Sun Buer were husband and wife. Ma Yu, Tan Chuduan, Liu Chuxuan, and Qiu Chuji all served as disciples of the Quanzhen sect.The leader.

Of course, these Quanzhen Seven Sons did not possess the peerless martial arts of the Tiangang Beidou Formation, nor did they engage in anti-Jin movements. Among them, Wang Chuyi and Qiu Chuji were even received by Wan Yanyong, the emperor of the Jin Kingdom.

5. Yin Zhiping

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Yin Zhiping is Qiu Chuji's second apprentice, slightly later than Yang Kang. He is Qiu Chuji's beloved disciple. He has appeared in novels as Qiu Chuji's messenger many times. When Qiu Chuji was invited by Genghis Khan to the Western Regions, Yin Zhiping served as a guest of the Eighteen Sects.Let’s move forward together.

Yin Zhiping later fell in love with Xiao Longnu secretly, and when Xiao Longnu was tapped on Ouyang Feng's acupuncture points, he defiled her, which became the biggest stain in his life.

However, Yin Zhiping later led the Quanzhen Sect to actively resist the Mongols and persisted unyieldingly. He was seriously injured while trying to save Xiao Longnu and committed suicide by hitting his sword.

Historical image:

Yin Zhiping, a native of Laizhou, Shandong, was a famous Taoist priest in the late Jin Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty. When Ma Yu, the head of the Quanzhen Sect, preached in Laizhou, Yin Zhiping, who was only fourteen years old, took the initiative to join Ma Yu's disciples and asked to join the Quanzhen Sect.Ma Yu, Liu Chuxuan, Qiu Chuji, Wang Chuyi, Hao Datong and others are the disciples of the seven Quanzhen disciples.

When Qiu Chuji went to the Western Regions to meet Genghis Khan, Yin Zhiping, as one of the eighteen disciples, followed Qiu Chuji westward.

After Qiu Chuji's death, Yin Zhiping became the sixth head of the Quanzhen Sect and continued to promote the Quanzhen Sect. He was once received by the Mongolian Emperor Ogedei.

In 1251 AD, Yin Zhiping died at the age of eighty-two.

Real historical figures and historical prototypes in the world of Jin Yong's martial arts novels

2. Mongolian characters

1. Genghis Khan

Novel Image: Historical Image:

The image of Genghis Khan in the novel is basically the same as the historical image. Except for the extra storyline of Guo Jing, the other storylines are basically consistent with history. On this issue, the hero Jin Yong would not dare to make it up.

2. Tuolei, Wokuotai, Shuchi, Chahatai, Muhuali, Wanghan, Zhamuhe, Zhebie, Borhu, Borshu, Sangkun, Chilaowen, etc.

Novel Image: Historical Image:

They are all real figures in history. Jin Yong respects history and does not randomly change their fate in the novel. Except for the extra Guo Jing, there are not many changes.

3. Hua Zheng:

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Hua Zheng in the novel is the daughter of Genghis Khan, and she and Guo Jing were childhood sweethearts. She was once betrothed by Genghis Khan to Dushi, the grandson of Kelebuwang Khan (this is a fictional character). However, after Genghis Khan unified the Mobei grassland, he also brought Hua Zheng into the family.Zheng was betrothed to Guo Jing.

But Guo Jing only had a brother-sister relationship with Hua Zheng. Later, when he came to the Central Plains, he met his beloved Huang Rong and almost completely forgot about Hua Zheng!

Guo Jing later wanted to leave Mongolia and return to the Southern Song Dynasty. Hua Zheng told Genghis Khan, but Genghis Khan intervened and killed Guo Jing's mother Li Ping. From then on, Guo Jing turned against Genghis Khan and naturally had nothing to do with Hua Zheng anymore.

Hua Zheng's ending is not recorded in the novel.

Historical image (archetypal character)

There is no such person in Huazheng in history, but there is a historical prototype figure. Genghis Khan had a daughter named Princess Huochen Farewell My Concubine. When she was young, she was betrothed to Tusa, the grandson of Wang Han, the leader of the Kelie tribe, and they became his wife, but KelieAfter the tribe was wiped out by Genghis Khan, of course this marriage was not established.

Genghis Khan once married his sister Timulun to Boltu, a native of Yiqilesi. However, after Timurun died of illness, Genghis Khan married his daughter, Princess Huochen, Farewell My Concubine, to Boltu. Boltu was later named Shangzhu Kingdom and Chang.king.Farewell My Concubine is actually a victim of political marriage.

The experience of Farewell My Concubine is most similar to that of Hua Zheng, so it is identified as the prototype character of Hua Zheng.

3. Characters from the Kingdom of Jin:

1. Wanyan Honglie:

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Wanyan Honglie was the sixth prince of the Jin Kingdom and was officially named King of Zhao. He was handsome, strong and shrewd, but extremely politically ambitious. He wanted to annex the Song Dynasty, split Mongolia, and make the Jin Kingdom the co-owner of the world.

When Wanyan Honglie, a boy, came to pay tribute to the Southern Song Dynasty, he prepared to spy on the military situation of the Southern Song Dynasty. He was discovered by Qiu Chuji and was seriously injured. He was later rescued by Yang Kang's mother Bao Xiruo. Wanyan Honglie fell in love with Bao Xiruo at first sight.He dispatched officers to hunt down Guo and Yang, but he saved the beauty heroically and took Bao Xiruo back to the Kingdom of Jin.And became Yang Kang's nominal father.

After Bao Xiruo's death, Wanyan Honglie wanted to restore the prosperity of the Jin Kingdom. In the end, the Jin Kingdom fell. Wanyan Honglie was captured and executed by Genghis Khan in Khwarezm.

Historical image (archetypal character)

The real Wanyan Honglie did not exist in history, and his stories are all fictitious. It would be very difficult to find a prototype figure for him in the history of the Jin Kingdom.

There is a saying that the prototype character of Wanyan Honglie is Wanyan Telin, the sixth son of Wanyan Jing of Jin Zhangzong. However, Wanyan Telin died a year after his birth, which is not comparable to Wanyan Honglie's experience. It is difficult to call him a perfect person.The prototype of Yan Honglie.

I think Wanyan Shouxu of Jin Aizong is more suitable as the prototype of Wanyan Honglie. Facing the critical situation of the Mongol invasion, Wanyan Shouxu worked hard to restore the prosperity of the Jin Kingdom and would never give up until the last moment.

4. Characters of the Southern Song Dynasty

1. Lu Wenhuan

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Lu Wenhuan in the novel was the guard general of Xiangyang City in the Southern Song Dynasty. He was mediocre, incompetent, greedy for life and afraid of death. He only relied on the assistance of Guo Jing and Huang Rong to guard Xiangyang City for a few years.

Historical Image

The real Lu Wenhuan is completely different from the one in the novel.

Lu Wenhuan, a native of Huoqiu, Anhui Province, was a younger brother of Lu Wende, a famous anti-Mongolian general in the Southern Song Dynasty. He was familiar with the art of war and had considerable military talent.

After Lu Wende's death, Lu Wenhuan served as the garrison of Xiangyang and fought against the Mongolian army for six years. Starting in 1267, the Mongolian army firmly besieged Xiangyang. During this period, the Southern Song Dynasty organized a rescue of Xiangyang City, but all failed.

In 1273 AD, Fancheng, which was leaning against Xiangyang City, fell. Xiangyang City was depleted of troops and food. Lu Wenhuan was forced to surrender. Three years after the fall of Xiangyang City, the Southern Song Dynasty was destroyed.

Although Lu Wenhuan finally surrendered to the Yuan Dynasty, he independently held on to Xiangyang City for six years and was by no means the cowardly and cowardly image in Jin Yong's novels.

3. Dali Kingdom:

1. Master Yideng, Nan Di, Duan Zhixing:

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The master Yideng in the novel is named Duan Zhixing. He is the emperor of the Dali Kingdom and is known as one of the Five Wonders of the South. He is said to be the grandson of Duan Yu, the protagonist of Tian Long Ba Bu.He lost to Wang Chongyang in the Huashan Sword Competition, but he also won the title of Southern Emperor.

When Wang Chongyang brought his junior brother Zhou Botong to visit Duan Zhixing, Zhou Botong actually had an affair with Duan Zhixing's concubine Yinggu and gave birth to an illegitimate son. Duan Zhixing was furious about this. Later, because of the death of Yinggu's son, he felt guilty and abdicated.Man, become a monk.

Historical Image

The real Duan Zhixing was the grandson of Duan Zhengyan, Emperor Xuanren of Dali, and the son of Duan Zhengxing, Emperor Zhengkang of Dali. In 1172 AD, Duan Zhengxing became a monk. According to legend, he was located in Duan Zhixing, and his reign name was Lizhen.

During the period when Duan Zhixing succeeded to the throne, the military and political power of Dali was already controlled by the Gao family. Duan Zhixing could only indulge in Buddhism and concentrate on studying Buddhism.

In 1201 AD, Duan Zhixing died of illness!Finished his ordinary life!

As for Guo Jing, the number one male protagonist in The Condor Shooting, there is no such person in the history books. He must be a character in the novel. However, there is a very interesting phenomenon. At the time when Guo Jing lived, there was actually a Guo Jing with the same name and surname in Sichuan.

During the Taihe period of the Southern Song Dynasty, when the Southern Song Dynasty and the Jin Kingdom were at war, Wu Xi, the general of Sichuan's army, rebelled and surrendered to the Jin Kingdom, claiming the title of King of Shu.

There was an inspection official named Guo Jing (a mid-level official in the Southern Song Dynasty) who was unwilling to follow Wu Xi and serve the Jin Kingdom. He was preparing to lead the people to flee Sichuan, but Wu Xi sent people to stop him.

This guy was so tough that he threw himself into the Jialing River and died on the spot.

Of course, except that this Guo Jing has the same name as Guo Jing in The Condor Shooting, his other stories and life experiences have no similarities at all.

The above is a detailed introduction to the real historical figures and historical prototypes in the world of Jin Yong's martial arts novels. There will be more exciting plot content in the future. The line class will continue to update relevant film and television information. Friends who like this TV seriesDon’t miss it.

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