Movie《Day House》Introduction to the True Story Prototype

  • Auth:Little Butterfly
  • Feb 27, 2024

Recently, a number of good new dramas have been launched, among which the one that has attracted much attention from fans - Day House - has finally met the audience.After the show was released, it can be said to have caused a craze, and everyone's attention to the show has continued to rise, with new topics and popular searches being discussed.The show has also become a hot topic of discussion on major social platforms.Today we will discuss the topic of the movie - House of Day - the introduction of the true story prototype.

The movie《Day House》the prototypes of real events are: In 2016, the director of Cambridge Home was suspected of sexually assaulting residents, six people died mysteriously in Cambridge Home within 8 months, and in 2015, Cambridge Nursing Home abused residents.

Prototype of the 2016 incident in which the director of Kangqiao Home was suspected of sexually assaulting a resident (news report)

In 2014, the former dean of Kangqiao Home, a private nursing home for the disabled in Kwai Chung, was accused of sexually assaulting a mentally retarded female resident in his office. The prosecution eventually dropped the charges because the victim was unable to testify.The victim and his mother filed a lawsuit with the District Court in 2018, claiming about 1.34 million yuan from Zhang Jianhua and the two companies. The case was resumed in the District Court on Tuesday (4th).

Movie《Day House》Introduction to the True Story Prototype

The victim’s mother said that according to her daughter’s retelling, Zhang Jianhua rubbed his genitals in the office at the time of the incident and inserted his private parts. After ejaculating, he asked the victim to eat candy.Under cross-examination, she pointed out that the victim had claimed that Zhang had sexually assaulted her several times, including having her breasts grabbed and being pressed on her body.The mother choked and said - I can't help my daughter as a mother -.

Zhang Jianhua pointed out that before the incident, the victim lost his temper and threw his job on the street. At the time of the incident, he was handling related complaints.The mother questioned whether the complaint should be handled in the lobby, and asked - Is it okay to bring your wife into the room to be fucked by a man?“He also denounced Zhang Wei as a pest, saying that the incident had a huge impact on his family and that the victim was now unrecognizable.The case will be resumed on Wednesday (5th), with the victim’s sister giving evidence.

CCTV footage of the incident was played in the plaintiff's court, indicating that the victim was wearing an orange top and followed the defendant Zhang Jianhua into the office for about three minutes.Another video provided by a resident of Cambridge Home captured Zhang's office, where two people were seen behind the frosted glass door; Zhang confirmed that he was the man in white in the film.

The plaintiff then summoned the mother of the victim, surnamed Cheng, to testify.Judge Huang Ruofeng pointed out that knowing that the incident involved his daughter would be a big blow to her and she might become emotional.The judge pointed out that the court was not a place to vent her emotions, and reminded her that she must answer questions to the best of her knowledge and control her emotions - we are all human beings, so if you feel uncomfortable and want to rest, just talk.”

During the cross-examination on behalf of Kangqiao Nursing Services Co., Ltd., the plaintiff's plan was quoted as saying that Zhang Jianhua entered the victim's room that day, took off his pants, took out his penis, sexually assaulted the victim, and ejaculated semen.Afterwards, Zhang asked the victim to have some candy, and the two left the office together.Cheng confirmed under cross-examination that Zhong rubbed the victim's vulva and private parts with his penis, and also inserted his penis and fingers into his private parts. The victim was informed of the incident.

The defense pointed out that the footage presented in court failed to reflect the above-mentioned facts of the case.Cheng reiterated that his daughter would inform him of the situation, and he stood up excitedly at the witness stand and said: - (Daughter) said Zhang Sheng’s article was so neat, so neat.“

The defense cited Cheng's confession, which mentioned that Zhang Jianhua lowered his pants, and the victim said that it was the time for plastic surgery.When asked by the judge, Cheng Zhi understood it to be the victim's private parts.As for the day after the incident, he took his daughter to the police station to report the incident. The defense pointed out that the police officer asked about the location of the incident and whether there had been penetrative sex, etc., but the victim could not understand it.The defense pointed out that it was possible that Zhang Jianhua did not engage in sexual intercourse.Cheng said the victim was mentally retarded and unable to answer complex questions.

The defense then quoted the forensic report stating that the victim's hymen was intact and it was impossible for the penis to completely penetrate her vaginal opening. Cheng Hui was then asked whether he agreed that sexual assault might not have occurred; Cheng responded that it might have been.

The defense also pointed out that the victim stated in the videotaped interview that Zhang Jianhua had come out of the staff toilet with strips.Cheng said that sexual assault occurred more than once. For example, Zhang Jianhua once took the victim to the dormitory and - grabbed his chest until it hurt - and once pressed on the victim.Cheng choked up and said, "Without evidence, there is nothing we can do to catch you... As a mother, I can't help my daughter."

The defense finally pointed out that what Cheng knew about the situation was informed by the victim and relied on footage shot by fellow residents; Cheng agreed.When asked if the victim's statement was inaccurate, it would affect Cheng's cognition. Cheng reiterated that he believed his daughter's statement was true.

The defendant Zhang Jianhua did not have a lawyer to represent him. He conducted cross-examination on his own in the afternoon and pointed out that the victim belonged to Yi Dang's family before the incident.Cheng said: - If you seduce him with something he likes, he will do whatever he wants.”Zhang Sui asked why he didn’t take the victim home to take care of him.Cheng said that the victim was mentally retarded and had neglected her other two daughters in the past to take care of her. In addition, she had to work to support the family. She was heartbroken and unbearable and sent the victim to the Cambridge Home for care.

The judge was concerned about the relationship between the question and the case. Zhang explained that Cheng alleged that an indecent assault had occurred before the case, so he asked Cheng why he did not take the victim home.Cheng responded that he was looking for a suitable institution at the time, but something happened before he could find one, you profiteers!“

Zhang asked what "something happened" meant, Cheng said: "You violated him, you took off your pants and came out with a pair of clothes!"”Zhang Sui quoted the forensic report saying that the victim was still a virgin, Cheng asked back《did you have anything to do with her?“The judge said that the plaintiff did not accuse Zhang of rape, but that accusation and sexual assault were two different things.

Zhang Jianhua pointed out that two weeks before the incident, the victim lost his temper and threw his job on the street. He also pointed out that taking things out of the street was such a big win, but it was so miserable. Our Kangqiao home may have been closed down..Cheng pointed out that the victim, Nuji, wanted to go home at that time. She explained to her daughter that her father had passed away and her sister had to go to school and no one could take care of her. The two sisters wiped away tears after hearing this in the gallery.

Zhang said that at that time he needed to handle complaints from the victims.Cheng said that as the dean, Zhang would naturally handle it. What are you doing?Violate some residents?Violate this and that!”Zhang Xu said that the victim also went out to the platform to commit suicide. Cheng Wenyan said: “It’s not a good time to play with your life, kid!”

Zhang asked again if he agreed that he could take the victim to the dean's office to handle the complaint.Cheng disagreed and questioned why he didn't handle it in the lobby. He asked - What should I do if I take him to your room?Is it okay to bring your wife into the room so that a man can fuck you?“

Cheng also pointed out that the victim could write down the name and address of his family members before the incident, so that they would not even recognize it.”Cheng agrees that he called Zhang Jianhua on the day of the incident, but disagrees that no assault occurred; nor does he agree that the victim has made unsubstantiated complaints from time to time.

Zhang asked why the incident was not reported to the police on the day of the incident - such a big incident.Cheng pointed out that he didn't know how to deal with it at the time, saying - "I'm stupid, I have a female son in my family, and I have two girls who need to teach and teach. I regret that I was incompetent and couldn't get an idea. I didn't bring a girl to call the police. I regret it so much.".“

Cheng also pointed out that he had never seen the victim so sad. He denounced Zhang Wei as a pest, which had a huge impact on his family. After the incident, the victim bit people and took off his shirt and had to be sent to the hospital for treatment.The judge asked whether the victim's mood on the day of the incident was worse than when he alleged he was sexually assaulted earlier; Cheng agreed.

Zhang Jianhua was charged with one count of illegal sexual intercourse with a mentally incapacitated person in 2014. It was alleged that on August 10 of the same year, he had illegal sexual intercourse with a 21-year-old woman X who was mentally incapacitated.X mentioned in the video interview that Zhang inserted his penis into his lower body.The police also found 6 paper towels in the trash can in the office. The semen in them was stained with Zhang and the victim's DNA.

On May 17, 2016, the victim was unfit to testify in court due to post-traumatic stress disorder and mental retardation, and the prosecution finally withdrew the charge.Zhang Jianhua applied for legal fees. The original judge Chen Guangchi believed that he had brought suspicion on himself, and the accuser had no choice but to withdraw the charges against the defendant. I think this can be said to be the defendant's luck, but the victim's.Or society’s – misfortunes –.Zhang Jianhua was subsequently permanently kicked out of the social worker registration register by the Social Workers Registration Board due to the above incident.

Zhang Jianhua, a visually impaired person who has been accused of indecent assault more than once, was accused of molesting an elementary school girl five times at his alma mater more than 30 years ago. On May 16, 2019, he was found guilty of all five counts of indecent assault and was sentenced on June 6.
Zhang was once a registered social worker and director of a private residential home for persons with disabilities. He had been involved in two assaults on female residents before this case, but was not convicted in either case. However, in 2016, the charges against him were dropped because the female victim was unable to appear in court.The legal fees brought the matter to the attention, and it was later discovered that the Kangqiao Home he managed also had many problems. The media also revealed that six residents of the home died mysteriously within 8 months.After the incident was revealed, Zhang was dismissed from his post as director, and the Social Welfare Department permanently canceled his registered social worker qualifications last year. After Zhang was convicted, he lost his freedom and became a prisoner, making him a middle-aged man.

Movie《Day House》Introduction to the True Story Prototype

Six people died mysteriously in Cambridge House within 8 months

At the end of August 2016, a 14-year-old autistic resident of Cambridge Home with autism dismantled the window grilles with his bare hands and fell to his death from the building.The mother of the deceased said that after her son moved in, his body always had wounds of unknown origin from time to time.She once asked her son why his hands were red and swollen, and his response was that the staff was beating him.She even heard from fellow residents that the driver humiliated his son by smearing feces on his face because he did not know how to take care of himself.

Movie《Day House》Introduction to the True Story Prototype

Later, the media discovered that six residents had died mysteriously in Kangqiao that year in just eight months.

A resident who needed to eat specially chopped meals died due to accidental eating of normal meals; a resident who had no teeth was fed mochi by volunteers who visited the site. There was no one on site to give her first aid that day, and she eventually choked to death.die.Some employees said that the death of some residents was due to the long-term shortage of manpower in the institution, which even required residents to help with work. There were also ghost employees who had never shown up on the staff.

A series of scandals broke out in Cambridge, and public demands for follow-up became stronger.The SWD Licensing Office for Residential Homes for Disabled Persons stepped up inspections of Cambridge and decided to revoke its exemption certificate in November of the same year, becoming the first case since the implementation of the licensing system for residential care homes for persons with disabilities in 2013.The Social Welfare Department emphasized that the nailing had nothing to do with sexual assault, but was caused by the institution's failure to improve the environment of the institution within the deadline in response to the written correction instructions issued in August and September.

Cambridge nursing home abuse of residents in 2015

《 Ming Pao 》 In May 2015, a series of reports broke out, revealing that the Cambridge Nursing Home in Tai Po was abusing the elderly, requiring them to wait naked outside on the platform of the home while they took a shower.Although it was an investigative piece of news that began with a phone call, the reporter went upstairs to ambush him for the first time. After waiting for more than an hour, he had already captured footage of the old man being stripped naked.However, after the reporter obtained the most important evidence, he could have directly confronted the person in charge of the nursing home. The report was completed, but the reporter and the editor discussed a more planned strategy.

Movie《Day House》Introduction to the True Story Prototype

Cai Chuanwei, the reporter who was responsible for the news at the time, wrote an article to record the details of the interview in the book "Exclusive News Decoded 2" published two years later.A bold decision was made: to put away the elder abuse footage and postpone it to be made public, and to allocate a few more weeks to conduct in-depth follow-up investigations from multiple angles. The reporter first let the snake into the nursing home., to understand the internal design of the home, and on the other hand, they visited the family members at the door to find out whether the family members knew the inside story of the elders being arranged to take outdoor showers, and then discussed in depth other management issues of the home, and finally confronted the person in charge of the home head-on.After the editorial department collected the information, they quickly compiled the news into three major pages, with the section on "Elder Abuse" and "Outdoor Shower" as the front page.

《Under the daylight》The part that has not been adapted is that《Ming Pao》the editorial department decided to -detonate》 the news on social media. In the past, exclusive investigative reports would be published in newspapers, but in 2015After careful consideration, the editorial department of Ming Pao decided to edit the exclusive clip and put it on their Facebook page as early as 11 o'clock the night before the newspaper was published. It immediately attracted a large number of netizens to share and discuss it, and then cooperated with the detailed information the next day.The report had the greatest impact. In the next few days, the editorial department published other materials about the home, using toothpaste-squeezing methods to make the home unable to deny elder abuse, successfully causing society and even the government to admit it.focus on.

Ming Pao published a number of exclusive reports in 2015, including the investigation team's report "Elderly was stripped naked and waited to shower in the open air" in May last year, which revealed that the Cambridge Nursing Home on Wan Tau Street, Tai Po, ignored the dignity of the elderly and was involved in operating a supermarket in violation of regulations.The license of residential care homes for the elderly will not be renewed.

The Consumer Council announced the 2015 Consumer Rights News Reporting Awards. The above series of reports won the Gold Award in the Feature Category and the Silver Award in the News Category respectively.In May 2015, the investigation team published a report titled "Elders were stripped naked and waited for showers in the open air", which exclusively revealed that the Cambridge Nursing Home on Wan Tau Street in Tai Po ignored the dignity of the elderly and made them sit naked in the open air and wait in line for showers.Deploy and investigate the suspected illegal operation of the supermarket in the hospital.In addition to the recognition from the Consumer Council, it also includes the Hong Kong Press Association - Best Exclusive News Report - Champion, - Best News Report - Runner-up, and the CUHK News Award - Best News Award (Newspaper/Magazine)”Grand prizes, etc.

The above content is all the information related to the introduction of the real story prototype of the movie - House of Day.If you want to learn more about the plot of the play and the background, development, and relationships of the characters, we highly recommend you pay attention to our line lessons.We will provide you with a more detailed and rich plot introduction, analysis, and in-depth analysis of the main characters, so that you can more fully understand and experience the charm of the play.

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