《I am the original wife》Plot introduction

  • Auth:Big Stuffy Head
  • Dec 19, 2024

The topic "I Am the Original Wife", which has caused a lot of discussion recently, has quickly attracted attention from all walks of life since it was aired.This drama not only attracted a large number of viewers' attention, but also became many people's favorite.Among them, the topic that everyone is most concerned about is undoubtedly - I am the original wife - the plot introduction.Today, we’ll discuss this topic in depth.

《I am the original wife》Plot introduction

Publisher: Fanyu, Bihai, Lixu

Release time: December 19, 16:00

Category: Urban

Introduction: Zhang Xinyi and Huang Siyuan have been married for thirty years. The strong woman Zhang Xinyi controls the economy and the company, thinking that the marriage is happy.On the eve of the anniversary, Huang Siyuan was preparing for the wedding. When Zhang Xinyi was trying on a wedding dress, she was beaten by Liu Shihan. Only then did she learn that Huang Siyuan had started a new family.Zhang Xinyi woke up from a dream and was determined to make the scumbag who deceived her pay the price.

The above is all about the topic of "I am the Original Wife" - plot introduction.In the subsequent plots, you may be able to see many unforgettable storylines, as well as some parts that the audience could not understand at the time.But don’t worry, continue to pay attention to the line lesson, because we will continue to update the latest information, including more analysis of the plot.

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