Recently, a highly anticipated film and television work appeared in the attention of the audience, called-BE Fearless 2-it has received a lot of attention and praise during the propaganda stage, making people full of expectations, and it has not been allowed after the broadcast.The audience was disappointed.Especially in the near future, people have been very interested in the introduction of the plot of Episode 3 of the BEFFAEARLESS 2-3, and want to learn more about information.
Luo Yingzi sent Qiu Hua to leave, Qiu Hua told Yingzi Liangcheng to discredit them, and he also encouraged customers to refuse to cooperate with them.Fortunately, Qiu Hua has found Mr. Dong, the old customer, and the two of them were in total to prevent the customer from cutting off the customer and rushing to kill. Qiu Hua immediately went to Mr. Dong's company to interview, and at the same time, Luo Yingzi completed the registered rental.At this time, Qiu Hua encountered Chen Shuo who sent things to Yingzi and took Chen Shuo's ride.
On the way, Qiu Hua saw that Chen Shuo liked Yingzi to give suggestions. Chen Shuo acknowledged his true heart and hoped that Qiu Hua would help to match. He also said that he could also help investigate.Luo Yingzi and Xia Shu looked for houses and registered together, and named the law firm named Yinghua Law Firm.Luo Yingzi and Qiu Hua couldn't afford the law firm, so he had to ask Mr. Dong in the cafe.The two sang, one and“of the flicker”, Mr. Dong gave up Liangcheng Institute and signed a contract with them.With some lips and swords, Chen Shuo successfully intercepted Hu.When the case flew, Qiu Hua was discouraged. Seeing that the law firm was not open, she refused to rely on her mother -in -law to survive.Luo Yingzi proposed to let Qiu Hua be a partner while looking for a job, and finally stay and stay for her to choose.
The above is all about the introduction of-Be FEARLESS 2-Episode 3.However, there may be more exciting plots in the plot, as well as some parties that are not easy to understand.In order to allow the audience to fully understand the storyline, we strongly recommend that you continue to pay attention to the lines.
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