《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

  • Auth:Enchanting Snow
  • Apr 30, 2024

《A Little Thing Called First Love》 has received a lot of love from the audience and netizens as soon as it was broadcast. You can often see various discussion topics about it, and the popularity remains high. Today, the editor will bring you about--A Little Thing Called First Love - A detailed introduction to the plot of the entire episode. Audiences who like this drama should not miss it.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 1 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

In her sophomore year of high school, Miaomiao's life changed dramatically.As her father's job was transferred, she had to leave her familiar environment and move her family to Haicheng, a brand new city.Miaomiao's father is a sailor, and his long hours at sea make him spend less time with his family and more time apart.Despite this, Miao's mother still insists on setting up her home in a small alley near the port, where she can see the lighthouse in the distance, as if she is silently watching for her father's safe return.

Miaomiao had just moved to Haicheng, and before she had time to adapt to the new environment, her mother sent her to distribute flyers.She walked on unfamiliar streets and felt the pulse of the city.Unknowingly, she walked near Haida High School Affiliated.This school is not unfamiliar to Miaomiao, because her parents have told her in advance that she will transfer here in a week.

Just as Miaomiao was immersed in the anticipation of her new school, a burst of lively cheers caught her attention.She looked up and saw an inter-school basketball game being held on the Hai Zhong playground.The strong figures of the players and the enthusiasm of the audience made Miaomiao unable to help but stop and watch.

During the game, a player who was tall and agile was particularly eye-catching.He is Liang Younian, the basketball captain of the High School Affiliated to Hainan University.Miaomiao was deeply attracted by his skills and charm and couldn't help but cheer for him.Just as she was watching with gusto, the phone rang suddenly, breaking the tranquility.

It was Yaoyao calling, asking for ice cream.Miaomiao had no choice but to leave the stadium in a hurry and go to the agreed place.Before leaving, she did not forget to take another look at Liang Younian, and silently remembered the name on his jersey - Lin Kaifeng.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 2 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

After the hustle and bustle of the senior high school entrance examination ended, the bus became a temporary haven. Students were looking for seats, hoping to recharge during this short break.He Xin, a girl with a cheerful personality, took the initiative to invite Miaomiao to sit next to her. This move surprised Miaomiao and made her feel a little nervous.

Miaomiao is an introverted child who loves to learn. She is used to filling every free moment with homework.When she wanted to take out her exercise book and start doing her homework, she accidentally took the sketch book instead.The moment she opened the sketchbook, He Xin's eyes were attracted.She saw an exquisite sketch of a handsome young man - Liang Younian.

Miaomiao's face turned pale instantly. She wanted to put away the sketchbook quickly, but He Xin quickly grabbed her hand.Miaomiao's voice was trembling as she explained that she didn't want to grab He Xin's things, but she accidentally took the wrong thing.He Xin looked at Miaomiao's nervous look and became even more curious.She pointed at the boy in the sketch and asked Miaomiao if this was the person she liked.Facing He Xin's directness, Miaomiao didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Seeing Miaomiao's embarrassment, He Xin laughed and told Miaomiao that in fact they had misunderstood each other.Liang Younian is not Miaomiao's lover, but her cousin.This explanation made Miaomiao relieved, and also made her feel more fond of He Xin.

Later, the two came to a nearby milk tea shop, and He Xin decided to share her secret.She told Miaomiao that she had actually been alienated from others due to misunderstandings, but later discovered that true friendship is based on understanding and trust.This incident allowed them to understand each other better and made their friendship deeper.

From that day on, He Xin became Miaomiao's first good friend in Haicheng.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 3 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

In countless family nights, the worries of parents and the confusion of children are intertwined, forming vivid family pictures.Miaomiao's family is no exception. Miaomiao's report card always makes the parents who love her feel anxious and helpless.Miaomiao is not a child who doesn't work hard, but her efforts and gains always seem to be in direct proportion, which makes her farther and farther away from the university of her dreams.

Miaomiao's father is well aware of the pressure and difficulty for his children, and he doesn't want Miaomiao to lose her true self just to pursue high scores.So, in a late-night conversation with Miaomiao, he made a suggestion: let Miaomiao think about her interests and expertise, maybe this way she can find a path that is more suitable for her.

Miaomiao thought deeply all night, and she thought about how she usually likes to make clothes. Every time she sees the clothes she designs and makes praised by her friends, she always feels extremely satisfied and happy.So she decided to try clothing design.She expressed her thoughts to her parents and proposed that she want to go to Liang Gang's studio to learn painting because she felt that fashion design was inseparable from the foundation of painting.

However, Teacher Liang Gang did not immediately agree to Miaomiao's request.He believes that although making clothes and painting are both artistic fields, they are two different majors that require different skills and knowledge.He suggested that Miaomiao first come to the studio to experience it and see if she really likes painting and whether she is really suitable for this path.

After school, Miaomiao and other students in the art class stayed in the studio to paint.She saw Liang Younian walking out, and he called Liang Gang “father”.It turns out that Liang Gang is not only Miaomiao's art teacher, but also Liang Younian's father.This unexpected discovery made Miaomiao more determined in her choice. She felt that this was a wonderful fate, as if fate was guiding her to the path of fashion design.

In the studio, Miaomiao felt the charm of painting and discovered her talent in painting.She gradually understood that grades are not the only criterion for measuring a person's value. Everyone has their own unique talents and charm.She began to face her future with more confidence and cherished this opportunity to pursue her dreams.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》 Episode 4 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on the corridor of the school. Miaomiao is carrying her schoolbag and staying in class to draw with her classmates in the art class.Her heart is filled with love and longing for painting, but at the same time it is also mixed with a little confusion.Miaomiao has always had a strong interest in making clothes, but in the eyes of teacher Liang Gang, this and painting are two completely different majors.

Teacher Liang Gang knows that interest is the best teacher, but he is also worried that Miaomiao is just a temporary enthusiasm.Therefore, he suggested that Miaomiao should not rush to sign up, but first experience the charm of painting to see if she really likes it.Miaomiao nodded in agreement, and decided to give it a try first before making a decision.

Just when Miaomiao was immersed in the world of painting, a familiar figure walked out of the room.He called Liang Gang dad.It turned out that this amiable art teacher turned out to be Liang Younian's father.Miaomiao couldn't help but feel ripples in her heart, and she admired this teacher even more.

Miaomiao has always dreamed of becoming a disciple of “Liangmen”, and now the opportunity is right in front of her.Teacher Liang Gang saw Miaomiao's determination, so he told her to call him master like her brothers.At the same time, he told Miaomiao that all students should call Liang Younian their senior brother.Miaomiao nodded in agreement, her heart full of expectation.

At this moment, Teacher Liang Gang pointed to a beautiful lady and said to Miaomiao: “That beauty, you can just call her Master.” Miaomiao followed her master's gesture and saw Yang Xue, who had just helped her out.It turns out that she is not only the teacher’s wife here, but also a warm-hearted and good person.

Miaomiao's heart was filled with gratitude and respect.She knew that it was her honor to join “Liangmen” and become a member of this warm family.She also secretly made up her mind to study painting hard and live up to the expectations of her master and his wife.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 5 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

In a seemingly peaceful family, an ordinary dinner caused quite a disturbance.Liang's father accused Liang Younian of being a picky eater at the dinner table and was dissatisfied with him for not eating fatty meat. Recently, Liang's mother frequently made braised pork, which became the focus of the controversy.

While listening to her husband's accusations, Liang's mother murmured in her heart.Only then did she realize that she had indeed been negligent before and did not fully consider Liang Younian's taste.So, she quickly apologized to her son, hoping to ease the atmosphere.However, this scene was seen by another member of the family, Lin Kaifeng, but he felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Lin Kaifeng was the son brought by Liang Younian's stepmother, who was also Liang Younian's stepbrother.He knew that it was not easy for his mother to live in the Liang family, and she was often criticized and ignored by Liang's father.This time seeing his mother being blamed for Liang Younian's trivial matter, Lin Kaifeng couldn't bear it anymore.He slammed his chopsticks and angrily returned to his room, leaving behind a table of embarrassed family members.

The scene became very awkward for a while, and no one knew what to say.Father Liang and Mother Liang looked at each other, while Liang Younian lowered his head and said nothing.Lin Kaifeng's door was closed tightly, and what came from inside was his suppressed crying.

In fact, Liang Younian's mother was a woman with an eccentric personality.She graduated from the Department of Architecture of Hainan University and has her own unique way of thinking and creativity.When Liang Younian was a child, she often took him to design various interesting gadgets, making Liang Younian's childhood full of joy and surprises.At that time, Liang Younian was lively and cute, always smiling.

However, as time went by, Liang Younian grew up, and family relationships became complicated.Because of his busy work schedule, Father Liang rarely has time to spend with his family, while Mother Liang often feels like an outsider in the family because of her stepson.This delicate family relationship made Liang Younian gradually become taciturn and lost his former liveliness.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 6 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

On the beach near the lighthouse, Xia Miaomiao was wandering alone, frowning.The sea breeze blew gently, but it couldn't blow away the worries in her heart.She was considering a difficult decision - should she call Liang Younian?If beaten, what should I say?

Just as she was deep in thought, a familiar figure appeared in her sight.It was Liang Younian, and he also came to this beach.Liang Younian couldn't help but feel curious when he saw Xia Miaomiao's expression. He stepped forward and asked: Miaomiao, what's wrong with you?It seems like something is on his mind.“

Xia Miaomiao sighed and confessed: ” was actually forced by my sister.Her summer vacation handiwork was to make a shell necklace, and she insisted that I come to the beach to pick up shells.As you know, I don't have a clue about any of this manual work.“

When Liang Younian heard this, he couldn't help laughing and said: ”So that's why.Now that we're here, let's pick up shells together, maybe we can find some beautiful ones.“

So the two of them picked up shells on the beach side by side.As Xia Miaomiao picked it up, she kept nagging her sister about all the difficulties.As Liang Younian listened, an idea suddenly occurred to him. He asked curiously: Miaomiao, your sister is so naughty, how did your family educate her?”

Xia Miaomiao thought for a while and said: “In fact, there is no special method.If she didn't obey, my mother would beat her.Of course, sometimes I would accommodate her or use provocation.Did you know?Elementary school students are the worst offenders.The more you don't let her do something, the more she will do it.So, sometimes we do the opposite, and the results are surprisingly good.”

After hearing this, Liang Younian couldn't help but fell into deep thought.He didn't expect that Xia Miaomiao's family had such a unique education method.He thought for a while and said: “In fact, every child has a different personality and growth environment, and the education method should also vary from person to person.Perhaps, we can try more methods to communicate with children and make them more willing to listen to instructions.”

The two of them chatted and picked up, and before they knew it, they had collected a lot of beautiful shells.Xia Miaomiao's mood improved a lot. She looked at Liang Younian gratefully and said, "Thank you, Liang Younian.I really enjoyed chatting with you and I feel like my mood has improved."

Liang Younian responded with a smile: You're welcome, Miaomiao.In fact, I also enjoy spending time with you.“

In this way, the encounter between the two at the beach not only allowed Xia Miaomiao to solve her troubles, but also brought her and Liang Younian closer together.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 7 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

On the road of life, everyone will face many important turning points.The college entrance examination is undoubtedly one of the important milestones.For Miaomiao, the college entrance examination is not only a test of knowledge, but also a test of perseverance and determination.

As the college entrance examination was approaching, Miaomiao felt a little flustered.She knows that this is not only her own battle, but also the expectations of everyone who cares about her.However, it was at this time that she saw Liang Younian returning to school to give a speech.His persistence and perseverance, his success and glory all moved Miaomiao deeply.Liang Younian's speech was like a stream of clear water, bringing strength and courage to Miaomiao. She began to prepare for the exam more carefully, determined to use her own efforts to meet future challenges.

The announcement of the college entrance examination results surprised everyone for Miaomiao.She played beyond her level and scored 20 points above her own line. This is exciting news.Miaomiao's mother even doubted whether Miaomiao got the wrong result or cheated.But Miaomiao firmly stated that she did not make a mistake or cheat. This was the result of her own efforts.Miaomiao's mother was overjoyed when she saw her daughter's results. She decided to enroll Miaomiao in the best architecture department at Hainan University.

Although Miaomiao particularly misses the clothing department, she knows that this score is enough for her to enter the architecture department of Hainan University.Under the guidance of Miaomiao's mother, Miaomiao was finally admitted to the Department of Architecture of Hainan University.This is a new beginning and Miaomiao’s first step towards the future.

On the campus of Hainan University, Liang Younian still maintained his hard work and excellence.His talent and charm attracted the attention of the equally outstanding female classmate Fang Xiaoyue.Fang Xiaoyue showed unusual concern for Liang Younian, but Liang Younian remained unmoved.He knows what his goal is and he will not be swayed by anything.At the same time, their teacher, Mr. Li, also expressed great appreciation for Liang Younian. Everyone was impressed by his persistence and hard work.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 8 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

On the first day of military training, the sun was blazing and it was extremely hot.On this scorching day, most students were wearing cool training clothes. Only Miaomiao wrapped herself tightly, as if silently fighting against the hot weather.This move made her look out of place among her classmates, and for a while, the label of ”weird% was attached to her.

In fact, the reason why Miaomiao did this was because she had a little unknown secret hidden in her heart.She had been looking forward to meeting Liang Younian again, the young man who had occupied a place in her heart.But unexpectedly, the anticipation of reunion turned into the embarrassment of hiding around.She was afraid that Liang Younian would see her current appearance, and she was even more afraid of facing his possible doubts and ridicule.

During the training, the instructor's strict order forced Miaomiao to take off her sunglasses and mask.For a moment, her face was exposed to everyone's gaze.When the boys saw her appearance, they couldn't help but whisper, and some even openly made fun of her.Miaomiao felt ashamed. Just when she was about to be unable to bear the pressure, He Xin and Pang Xia stood up to speak for her. They firmly maintained Miaomiao's dignity.

At this moment, Lin Kaifeng's eyes were also attracted.He looked in the direction of the noise and recognized the familiar figure - Miaomiao.He stood up without hesitation, stood up for Miaomiao, and had a conflict with the boys who laughed at her.Upon seeing this, the instructor decisively punished Lin Kaifeng and ordered him to run a penalty lap.

Seeing Lin Kaifeng being punished for herself, Miaomiao felt a warm current in her heart.She decided to stand up and speak for Lin Kaifeng.She bravely admitted her mistakes and was willing to accept the corresponding punishment.The instructor saw this and decided to make her do push-ups as punishment.

At this time, Liang Younian also discovered them.He walked out of the queue, walked in front of Miaomiao, and said firmly: "This is all my fault, and I am willing to accept the punishment on Miaomiao's behalf."“

At that moment, Miaomiao's heart was filled with emotion.She looked at Liang Younian, with complicated emotions flashing in her eyes.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 9 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

In the school's model classroom, Xia Miaomiao was intently observing the model carefully built by Liang Younian.This model is not only complex in structure, but every detail reveals Liang Younian's ingenuity.Just as Xia Miaomiao was immersed in the charm of the model, Wang Yichao suddenly called her from behind.

Xia Miaomiao was startled by the sudden sound and accidentally knocked over the model. The delicate structure collapsed in an instant and the fragments scattered on the ground.Wang Yichao couldn't help but feel nervous when he saw this scene.He clearly remembered Liang Younian's angry eyes and stern reproach when he accidentally broke Liang Younian's model.He thought that Xia Miaomiao must be dead this time. After all, in his opinion, Liang Younian treated the model as if he were his own child.

However, to everyone's surprise, Liang Younian was not as angry as Wang Yichao expected.He walked up to Xia Miaomiao, calmly looked at the model fragments scattered on the ground, and then gently said to Xia Miaomiao: It doesn't matter, it's just a model.What matters is that you are not injured.”Hearing these words, Wang Yichao was stunned.He did not expect that Liang Younian's attitude towards Xia Miaomiao would be so different, which made him begin to wonder whether Liang Younian had special feelings for Xia Miaomiao.

Facing Wang Yichao's doubts, Liang Younian responded calmly: “In my eyes, Xia Miaomiao and He Xin are the same.I consider them all my sisters.”This sentence made Wang Yichao's doubts dissipate a little, but he still felt that Liang Younian's attitude towards Xia Miaomiao was different.

After Xia Miaomiao returned to the dormitory, she told Axia about the incident.After hearing this, Axia smiled and guessed: Does Liang Younian like you?“After hearing this, Xia Miaomiao immediately retorted: ”Don't talk nonsense, we are just ordinary friends.%She didn't dare to fantasize about that, because she knew that Liang Younian was very serious about relationships, and she was not sure whether she was ready to accept such a relationship.

Although Xia Miaomiao said this, she couldn't help but feel some fluctuations in her heart.She began to recall every moment of her relationship with Liang Younian, trying to find out what made him unique to her.However, no matter how hard she tried to recall, she could not be sure whether Liang Younian really had special feelings for her.

In this way, Xia Miaomiao spent the night in conflicts and entanglements.She didn't know how to face Liang Younian's kindness, nor how to deal with this sudden emotion.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 10 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

In her busy study life, Xia Miaomiao encountered problems due to copying architectural drawings for her midterm assignment.The news reached Liang Younian from He Xin.As a careful and helpful classmate, Liang Younian decided to help Xia Miaomiao solve this problem.He made an appointment with Xia Miaomiao to meet in the model classroom the next morning, hoping to personally guide her in completing this assignment.

Xia Miaomiao came to the model classroom early the next morning, her heart full of anticipation and nervousness.Liang Younian was already waiting there. He noticed that Xia Miaomiao had not eaten breakfast, so he took the initiative to give her a bun. This attentiveness and care made Xia Miaomiao feel warm.

When looking at Xia Miaomiao's drawings, Liang Younian discovered that there were serious problems with the proportions of the drawings of the Sixiu Building she designed.In order to allow Xia Miaomiao to understand the problem more intuitively, he decided to take Xia Miaomiao to Sixiu Building for on-site investigation.During the measurement process, Liang Younian reminded Xia Miaomiao to pay attention to the rebound of the tape measure, but unfortunately, there was indeed a problem with Xia Miaomiao's tape measure.At the critical moment, Liang Younian stood in front of Xia Miaomiao without hesitation and held the tape measure that was about to hit her.

At this moment, Liang Younian's hand was cut by the tape measure, but he did not blame Xia Miaomiao, but comforted her not to blame herself too much.He carefully taught Xia Miaomiao how to draw correctly, while Xia Miaomiao concentrated on drawing while thinking about what happened today.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 11 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

In a youthful campus, touching stories may be unfolding at every turn.Xia Miaomiao, an ordinary but passionate girl, her story unfolds quietly in a corner of the library.

It was an afternoon, and the sun shone through the window on the desk, creating a quiet and warm atmosphere.Xia Miaomiao and Liang Younian stayed in the library together to do homework. The world around them seemed to have stopped, leaving only the two of them and the sound of turning pages.However, Xia Miaomiao's mind was not on her homework. Her mind kept echoing with the name of Liang Younian, the boy she had admired for a long time.

She mustered up the courage and wanted to call out his name, but she swallowed the words when they reached her lips.She was afraid, afraid that this intention would be misunderstood by Liang Younian, afraid that this innocent friendship would deteriorate as a result.While she was hesitating, Axia and He Xin left the library in disappointment, leaving her and Liang Younian behind.

Finally, at that moment, Xia Miaomiao decided not to hesitate anymore.She took a deep breath and prepared to shout the name.However, at this moment, Liang Younian suddenly looked up at her, his eyes full of surprise and confusion.Xia Miaomiao's heart skipped a beat, and she could only use a tongue twister to cover up her embarrassment in a hurry.

“Red carp and green carp and donkey...” Her voice became smaller and smaller, and finally she could hardly even hear herself.Liang Younian looked at her, a smile flashed in his eyes. He didn't reveal her panic, he just lowered his head gently and continued to do his homework.

Soon after, Haida launched a social gathering.Axia helped He Xin put on a delicate make-up, and He Xin sat next to Lin Kaifeng with a girl's little thoughts.She wanted Lin Kaifu to see how beautiful she was today, but unexpectedly, Lin Kaifu thought that the tear mole at the corner of her eye was unwiped eye feces, which made He Xin dumbfounded.

The sorority party is divided into two parts. The first part is fun games.In this game, everyone was happy and satisfied, and Xia Miaomiao won lipstick as a prize for her outstanding performance.However, in the second group team competition, Xia Miaomiao and Lin Kaifeng were assigned to a group.Although they worked hard to work together, they ultimately lost the game and were locked in the closet.

In the closet, Xia Miaomiao and Lin Kaifeng sat face to face, blaming each other and looking unwilling to talk to each other.But in this awkward atmosphere, they gradually felt each other's sincerity and helplessness.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 12 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

In the spring breeze, Xia Miaomiao's eyes sparkled with envy for He Xin's plan for a couple's car.She fantasized about driving that car with Liang Younian, going home along a familiar route and enjoying each other's company.Seeing Xia Miaomiao's desire, Axia came up with a plan. She suggested that Xia Miaomiao pretend to meet Liang Younian by chance, and then use this opportunity to ask Liang Younian to take care of her on her way home.

Although Xia Miaomiao felt a little uneasy, she still acted according to Axia's plan.She was going to pretend to be asleep in front of Liang Younian, and then lean on him.However, Liang Younian did not act according to Xia Miaomiao's expectations. He listened to the music in his headphones and leaned drowsily on Xia Miaomiao's shoulder.This scene surprised and delighted Xia Miaomiao. She smiled softly, her heart full of expectation.

At the same time, Lin Kaifeng achieved first place in the architecture department examination, which made Xia Miaomiao feel envious and proud.She learned from He Xin that the Liang family was going to Harbin for the New Year, and she couldn't help but have some expectations in her heart.She imagined herself walking with Liang Younian in the ice and snow of Harbin, enjoying the romance of winter.

At the stall in front of Wang Dachao's store, Liang Younian accidentally saw a bowl made of coconut.He was attracted by this unique idea and took the initiative to process it for the old man who set up the stall.While painting the lighthouse, he frequently looked towards the roadside, expecting Xia Miaomiao to appear.When Xia Miaomiao's figure finally appeared in his sight, he stopped writing and gave the coconut bowl with the lighthouse painted on it to Xia Miaomiao.This small gesture revealed his deep love and concern for Xia Miaomiao.

When Xia Miaomiao received Liang Younian's gift, her heart was filled with emotion and surprise.She looked at the coconut bowl in her hand. The lighthouse pattern on it was lifelike, as if Liang Younian's heart was concentrated in this gift.She knew that Liang Younian was silently expressing his love and concern for her. Although he never said it explicitly, his feelings were obvious enough.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 13 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

Xia Miaomiao, a girl with countless stories hidden behind her name.In the name of Yan Xiaozhen from the Fashion Department, she accompanied Axia into the classroom full of creativity and passion.Their teacher, Jia Yin, is a well-known designer in the fashion industry. Her sharp eye can always capture the uniqueness in the students' works.

During a course presentation, Jia Yin was deeply attracted by a set of design works by Xia Miaomiao.Those designs not only show Xia Miaomiao's keen insight into fashion, but also contain her innermost emotions and pursuits.Jia Yin knew that Xia Miaomiao was not the real Yan Xiaozhen, but she did not blame her, but admired her talent and courage in design.

However, in this creative class, Xia Miaomiao's thoughts go far beyond design.She has a secret crush on Liang Younian, a classmate in her class. Her feelings are like the colors in her design, both bright and deep.So, she mustered up the courage, took the chocolates she carefully selected, and prepared to confess her love to Liang Younian.

But at this critical moment, Fang Xiaoyue's appearance broke Xia Miaomiao's plan.Fang Xiaoyue was Xia Miaomiao's good friend. Her arrival made Xia Miaomiao suddenly lose the courage to confess her love.She hid the chocolate behind her in a panic and left the classroom in a hurry.

At the end of the corridor, Xia Miaomiao met Lin Kaifeng who was about to pick up the express delivery.Lin Kaifeng looked at Xia Miaomiao hiding the chocolate and mistakenly thought she was going to confess to him.He smiled and walked towards Xia Miaomiao, wanting to take away the chocolate.However, during the pushing and shoving, the two accidentally bumped into a senior.

The senior looked at their panic and blamed Lin Kaifeng and Xia Miaomiao.The two argued hard and tried to explain the truth of the matter.However, their dispute attracted the attention of Liang Younian and Fang Xiaoyue who happened to be passing by.Fang Xiaoyue looked at Xia Miaomiao, mistakenly thinking that she really wanted to confess to Lin Kaifeng, while Liang Younian looked at Xia Miaomiao with a faint look of disappointment in his eyes.

At this moment, Xia Miaomiao's mood was just like the colors in her design works, chaotic and complicated.She wanted to explain, but she didn't know how to speak.And her thoughts are just like those colors, both bright and deep, making people unpredictable.

This misunderstanding also made Xia Miaomiao more clear about her feelings.She knew that the person she really loved was Liang Younian, not anyone else.However, this feeling is like the chocolate she hides behind her, which she has never been able to express.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 14 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

In the studio, the lights flickered and the camera focused on every corner.Xia Miaomiao, an ordinary college student, became the model for this shoot by chance.However, just as she was about to take the shot, photographer Huang Ningqun suddenly asked her to take off her glasses.Xia Miaomiao was a little at a loss, but she still did as she was told.

At this moment, by accident, Xia Miaomiao mistakenly cut the cake carefully prepared by Huang Ningqun.The expected praise turned into scolding, and Xia Miaomiao's heart withered like a leaf beaten by frost.Just when she felt extremely wronged, Liang Younian, a calm boy, walked to her side calmly and helped Xia Miaomiao with a gentle tone.

A warm current surged in Xia Miaomiao's heart, and she decided to make an appointment for myopia surgery for this shooting and for herself.She didn't want to be scolded again for this little flaw.

After the filming, Huang Ningqun apologized to Xia Miaomiao with some guilt. He admitted that he was easily angry at work and told her that the girl he liked was Lu Jingjing.He planned to confess his love to Lu Jingjing, hoping that Xia Miaomiao would cheer him up.However, Xia Miaomiao told him a piece of regrettable news: Lu Jingjing already had a boyfriend.

Huang Ningqun felt a little depressed, but he still thanked Xia Miaomiao for telling him this fact.Xia Miaomiao decided to help Liang Younian clean up the scene in return for his help to her.

At first, Liang Younian was a little cold towards Xia Miaomiao, but when he overheard the phone call between Xia Miaomiao and He Xin, he instantly understood that the chocolates Xia Miaomiao gave him before were actually for He Xin.He felt a little unhappy, but more importantly, he felt understanding and tolerance for Xia Miaomiao.

As a result, Liang Younian began to smile at Xia Miaomiao, and Xia Miaomiao also took the opportunity to give the chocolate to Liang Younian.Liang Younian took the chocolate and they opened it together.Xia Miaomiao sharply saw the words "Be my boyfriend" written on the chocolate. Her heart moved and she quickly ate the chocolate with the word "Male" written on it.

Liang Younian did not receive Xia Miaomiao's confession.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 15 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

In a corner of the campus, the sound of an argument between Jia Yin and Li Sichen broke the afternoon tranquility.Their conflict stemmed from an accidental scratch. Jia Yin left a faint mark on her arm, but she had no time to take care of her injury. All her thoughts were on the student's model work.This deep concern for students' works surprised Li Sichen on the side.

As a teacher, Jia Yin’s responsibilities go far beyond imparting knowledge.She understands that every piece of work is the product of students' hard work and a symbol of their creativity and hard work.Therefore, even in moments of personal strife, she insisted on putting her students first.This persistence not only demonstrates her professionalism, but also reflects her concern and expectations for the growth of her students.

Li Sichen witnessed this side of Jia Yin, and his views in his heart changed a bit.He began to realize that this teacher, who usually seemed serious, actually had deep care and expectations for his students.This understanding gave him more understanding and respect for Jia Yin.

At the same time, preparations for the drama are also in full swing.Liang Younian originally planned to discuss matters related to the drama with Jia Yin, but unexpectedly, Jia Yin had announced in advance that he would be the leading actor in the drama.Faced with such an arrangement, although Liang Younian was a little caught off guard, he still chose to accept it.

On the other hand, the selection of the heroine of the drama is also being carried out nervously and orderly.Axia handed the registration form to Xia Miaomiao, hoping that she could seize this opportunity and show her strength.Xia Miaomiao bravely participated in the audition with Axia's encouragement.

During the audition process, Jia Yin asked every student who auditioned to feel like crying first.This requirement may seem simple, but in fact it tests each student's performance skills and emotional expression.Tang Mengfei successfully became the first candidate for the heroine with her outstanding performance.With the help of Axia, Xia Miaomiao also showed her rich emotions and successfully qualified as the second candidate.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 16 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

When sophomore Xia Miaomiao took a surveying and mapping class with her freshman classmates, her heart was filled with complex emotions.In order to avoid having too many interactions with a specific person - Liang Younian, she deliberately chose to be in the same group as Lin Kaifeng.This subtle psychological change not only shows her determination to keep a distance, but also reveals a subtle sense of loss.

In the surveying and mapping class, Lin Kaifeng quickly noticed something unusual about Xia Miaomiao.Faced with her half-dead look, he did not blame her, but chose to understand and help her.This scene happened to be seen by Liang Younian, who was not far away.There was a sense of irritability and uneasiness in his heart, as if something was quietly changing.

At this moment, Fang Xiaoyue entered this subtle triangle relationship.She stood in front of Liang Younian. When she saw that the surveying tripod was about to fall, she threw herself in front of Liang Younian without hesitation, using her body to block him from the coming danger.This move not only shocked Liang Younian, but also moved everyone present.

Fang Xiaoyue's foot was injured and unable to walk.In panic, Liang Younian asked Xia Miaomiao to help him pack up the surveying and mapping tools, and then carried Fang Xiaoyue to the hospital.This scene was undoubtedly a heavy blow to Xia Miaomiao.After she returned to the dormitory, she couldn't help crying.The constant stimulation from her roommate Tang Mengfei made her feel like a knife. Fortunately, with Axia's company, she came to the playground to relax and try to calm down the turmoil in her heart.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 17 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

In the busy city, Liang Younian is a unique existence.He is young and promising, and his persistence and obsession with data is almost to the point of obsession.However, deep in his heart, there is a little-known secret - he is afraid of thunder.Whenever night fell and thunder rumbled, his heart felt like it was tightly bound by invisible chains, unable to break free.

Xia Miaomiao, a gentle and kind girl, accidentally discovered Liang Younian's secret.She didn't laugh at him or stay away, but chose to stay by Liang Younian's side silently when he needed him most.Whenever thunder sounded, she would gently hold his hand and use her warmth and courage to dispel the fear in his heart.

That night, thunder sounded again.Liang Younian closed his eyes tightly and his body trembled slightly.Xia Miaomiao sat beside him and handed him the headphones.There was soft music playing in the headphones, like a clear spring slowly flowing into Liang Younian's heart.His emotions gradually calmed down, and the fear in his eyes slowly dissipated.

Accompanied by Xia Miaomiao, Liang Younian finally opened his heart and told her the truth about his mother's death.His mother was a hard-working construction worker who unfortunately passed away due to an error in measurement data, which led to the collapse of the construction site.This incident had a huge psychological shadow on Liang Younian, and also made him unusually persistent and sensitive to data.He vowed to account for every data to prevent similar tragedies from happening again.

When Xia Miaomiao listened to Liang Younian's story, she felt inexplicably moved in her heart.She gently held Liang Younian's hand and looked at him with firm eyes, as if to say: No matter what happens, I will be by your side.%

At this time, the rain scene outside the window and the music in the headphones complement each other, creating a peaceful and warm atmosphere.Liang Younian and Xia Miaomiao just sat quietly, listening to the same headphones and watching the same rain scene, and their hearts were closely connected to each other at this moment.

In another corner of the library, He Xin appeared like a drowned rat, attracting everyone's attention.She was eager to see Lin Kaifu, and a woman's intuition told her that Lin Kaifu's feelings for Xia Miaomiao were not simple.She directly asked Lin Kaifu how he felt about Xia Miaomiao. Although Lin Kaifu didn't think highly of Xia Miaomiao, He Xin still noticed subtle emotions from his answer.She knew in her heart that it was time to leave.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 18 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

On the eve of the Dragon Boat Festival, He Xin spent the night at Xia Miaomiao's house because she was in a bad mood, which was like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples.After Liang's mother learned about this, she felt uneasy. She was worried that her son Lin Kaifu might have bullied He Xin, so she hurriedly came to question Lin Kaifu.

Lin Kaifeng had a violent personality. He immediately became angry at Mother Liang's accusation and pushed Mother Liang away violently.Although Liang's mother knew that she owed Lin Kaifu and had always condoned his character, this time, she still stood firmly on Lin Kaifu's side and defended him.Family disputes and misunderstandings are particularly prominent at this moment.

At the beach, after taking the photos, Xia Miaomiao played with fairy sticks with her family, and her laughter was full of festive warmth.In the lighthouse, Liang Younian was watching the fireworks outside alone, and his mood seemed a little depressed.He waved the sandbag as if to dispel the gloom in his heart.

Xia Miaomiao walked to the lighthouse inadvertently. When she saw Liang Younian's loneliness, she couldn't help but feel sympathy in her heart.After Liang Younian finished playing sandbags, she invited him to play with the fairy stick.Under the light of the fireworks, both of them had bright smiles on their faces.They spent this Dragon Boat Festival together and got out of the haze in their hearts together.

Family disputes and misunderstandings are reconciled in the joy and warmth of the festival.The encounter between Liang Younian and Xia Miaomiao comforted each other's souls.The relationship between Lin Kaifeng and Liang's mother also temporarily calmed down at this moment.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 19 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

As night fell and the stars were shining, Xia Miaomiao walked briskly to Liang Younian with a box of fragrant barbecue in her hand.The two of them sat in the silent night, enjoying this rare peaceful time.

Liang Younian looked at Xia Miaomiao in front of him, and couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth in his heart.He knew that Xia Miaomiao was a kind and persistent girl.The topic naturally turned to the issue of changing departments that Xia Miaomiao was about to face.Liang Younian said seriously: “ Miaomiao, I think you should switch departments.”

When Xia Miaomiao heard this, a trace of hesitation flashed in her eyes.She has many wonderful memories in the Department of Architecture, especially the time spent with certain people that she cannot let go of.But at the same time, her love for the clothing department is undeniable.This confusion kept her from making a decision.

Liang Younian looked at Xia Miaomiao's silence and couldn't help feeling a little sad.He mistakenly thought that the person Xia Miaomiao couldn't let go of was Lin Kaifeng, the boy with whom she had a deep friendship in the architecture department.He understands that it is always difficult to let go of emotional matters, but he also knows that Xia Miaomiao's passion for fashion design and pursuit of the future are equally important.

He gently patted Xia Miaomiao on the shoulder and said softly: “ Miaomiao, I know there are people you can't let go of in the architecture department, but your dreams and love are equally important.No matter what choice you make, I will support you.”

Xia Miaomiao raised her head, tears of gratitude flashing in her eyes.She knew that Liang Younian was not only her friend, but also an important mentor in her life.His understanding and support strengthened her determination.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 20 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

On a warm afternoon, two young people, Lin Kaifeng and Liang Younian, accompanied their elderly grandmother slowly towards a B&B in the suburbs.They carefully supported grandma, fearing that she would fall if she walked too fast. Every step they took was so steady and gentle.This scene is like a warm family picture, full of love and care.

At the same time, Xia Miaomiao on the other side was also busy.She showed the electronic version of her model to Teacher Li.Teacher Li could tell at a glance that this was an unusual work. When he learned that these turfs were actually made of embroidery, he couldn't help showing a surprised expression.He sincerely praised Xia Miaomiao's creativity and talent, believing that she has unique talent and unlimited potential in design.

Xia Miaomiao was naturally happy when she heard Teacher Li's praise.However, all this did not escape Jia Yin's eyes.Jia Yin has always been Xia Miaomiao's friend, but she always felt a little unbalanced in her heart because she felt that Xia Miaomiao was always so easily noticed and appreciated by everyone.So, Jia Yin didn't want to listen to Teacher Li praising Xia Miaomiao anymore, so she took Xia Miaomiao elsewhere.

Teacher Li looked at the two people leaving and smiled slightly. He knew that Jia Yin was actually a smart and sensitive girl.So, he whispered to Jia Yin: “I have what you want most in my phone. I hope you can stay and talk to me.” Teacher Li's words made Jia Yin a little excited, but she quickly calmed down.She knows that she cannot be easily tempted by these things, and she must stick to her principles and stance.

So Jia Yin politely rejected Teacher Li. She told Teacher Li that although she was indeed interested in what was on her phone, she cared more about her dignity and principles.She didn't want to lose herself because of a little temptation.Jia Yin's determination surprised Teacher Li, and at the same time made him appreciate this young girl even more.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 21 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

On a quiet summer night, Xia Miaomiao was dining in the school cafeteria as usual.Her eyes inadvertently fell on Liang Younian, who was sitting alone in the corner.Liang Younian always gives people a calm and reserved feeling, which is different from the noisy and publicity of other boys.This unique temperament made Xia Miaomiao move toward him involuntarily.

Just when Xia Miaomiao wanted to say something to Liang Younian, her cell phone suddenly rang. It was a distress call from her friend Xinxin.On the phone, Xinxin's voice sounded a bit anxious and uneasy.Liang Younian noticed Xia Miaomiao's nervous look. He was worried that Xia Miaomiao would be in danger if she acted alone, so he offered to accompany her to pick up Xinxin.

The three of them got into a taxi, and a relaxing radio program was playing in the car.Xinxin leaned on Liang Younian's shoulder and told her worries and uneasiness.Xia Miaomiao was sitting in the passenger seat. Perhaps because of fatigue, she gradually closed her eyes.

As time passed, Xia Miaomiao slowly rested her head on Liang Younian's shoulder.At this moment, Liang Younian's heartbeat seemed to accelerate, and he felt an unprecedented tension and excitement.He gently adjusted his sitting position to make Xia Miaomiao more comfortable, while silently feeling the sudden closeness in his heart.

The time chime sounded on the radio: “It is now 9:30 pm Beijing time.”At this moment, Liang Younian suddenly felt a strong emotion in his heart.He realized that he had actually fallen in love with Xia Miaomiao.This gentle but strong girl has entered his heart unknowingly.

The vehicle continued to move forward, but Liang Younian's heart was filled with sweetness and expectation.​

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 22 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

On a quiet summer night, Xia Miaomiao was dining in the school cafeteria as usual.Her eyes inadvertently fell on Liang Younian, who was sitting alone in the corner.Liang Younian always gives people a calm and reserved feeling, which is different from the noisy and publicity of other boys.This unique temperament made Xia Miaomiao move toward him involuntarily.

Just when Xia Miaomiao wanted to say something to Liang Younian, her cell phone suddenly rang. It was a distress call from her friend Xinxin.On the phone, Xinxin's voice sounded a bit anxious and uneasy.Liang Younian noticed Xia Miaomiao's nervous look. He was worried that Xia Miaomiao would be in danger if she acted alone, so he offered to accompany her to pick up Xinxin.

The three of them got into a taxi, and a relaxing radio program was playing in the car.Xinxin leaned on Liang Younian's shoulder and told her worries and uneasiness.Xia Miaomiao was sitting in the passenger seat. Perhaps because of fatigue, she gradually closed her eyes.

As time passed, Xia Miaomiao slowly rested her head on Liang Younian's shoulder.At this moment, Liang Younian's heartbeat seemed to accelerate, and he felt an unprecedented tension and excitement.He gently adjusted his sitting position to make Xia Miaomiao more comfortable, while silently feeling the sudden closeness in his heart.

The time chime sounded on the radio: “It is now 9:30 pm Beijing time.”At this moment, Liang Younian suddenly felt a strong emotion in his heart.He realized that he had actually fallen in love with Xia Miaomiao.This gentle but strong girl has entered his heart unknowingly.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 23 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

The moment Miaomiao stepped into the house, the atmosphere seemed a little different.Mom was sitting on the sofa, her brows furrowed, looking serious.Miaomiao's heart tightened, knowing that something was wrong.Sure enough, my mother spoke, with unquestionable blame in her voice: “ Miaomiao, why did you switch departments without telling me?”

It turned out that Miaomiao's mother only found out that her daughter had made such a decision after hearing the news.From the mother's perspective, her daughter's original major had stable employment prospects, but her new major was full of uncertainty.This sudden change made my mother worried and confused.

However, although my mother was angry at first, she quickly adjusted her mentality.She understood that Miaomiao must have carefully considered this decision.As a mother, she hopes that her daughter can follow her heart and pursue her true dreams.So, her mother softened her tone and said to Miaomiao: "Since you have chosen this path, then go on and realize your dream."%

Miaomiao felt warm in her heart when she heard her mother's understanding and support.She knew this meant she could pursue her interests more firmly and no longer have to worry about her mother's rebuke.She hugged her mother gratefully and said she would work harder to live up to her mother's expectations.

In another corner of the city, Lin Kaifeng is also experiencing his own story.He found that his father, who had been away from him for a long time, seemed to have returned to Haicheng.Lin Kaifeng had mixed feelings in his heart, including expectations and uneasiness.He found his father and saw him busy delivering express delivery on the street.

Seeing his father's old figure, Lin Kaifeng felt a surge of complicated emotions in his heart.He knew that his father left him for a living, and now that he came back, he might want to give himself a chance to start over.Lin Kaifeng didn't say much, but silently helped his father share some of the work.

The father and son found a long-lost tacit understanding in their busy life.Lin Kaifeng knows that no matter what kind of job his father is engaged in, he is his father and an indispensable part of his life.He decided that no matter what the future holds, he will cherish this reunited family relationship and go through every journey of life with his father.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 24 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

The streets and alleys of Haicheng are always filled with a faint salty and humid atmosphere, as if every gust of wind is telling the story of this small seaside town.In this seemingly peaceful place, Lin Kaifeng's life made waves due to an unexpected reunion.

That day, the sun shone through the sparse clouds on the sea, making the waves sparkle.Lin Kaifeng walked on the familiar streets, but an inexplicable feeling surged in his heart.He always felt as if something important was approaching quietly.Suddenly, a familiar figure came into his sight - it was his father, the man who had been away from him for a long time.

Lin Kaifeng's heartbeat accelerated instantly, and he couldn't believe his eyes.I saw my father wearing a simple courier uniform and busy sorting packages.His movements were skillful and agile, as if he had been working at this position for a long time.Lin Kaifeng couldn't help but walked over. He wanted to ask clearly why his father was here and why he had to leave for so long.

However, just as he was about to speak, an accident happened.By accident, he and his father both fell into the water and fell into the rough sea.The cold water surrounded them, and Lin Kaifeng's heart was filled with fear and despair.At this moment, a powerful figure rushed into the water and rescued them ashore.

It was Liang Younian, a friend who played an important role in Lin Kaifeng's life.He arrived just in time to snatch the two back from death.However, just after they were safe, Lin Kaifeng's father secretly left the scene, leaving a trail of mystery and confusion.

At the same time, Wang Yichao was waiting for Lin Kaifeng at the school gate.He overheard some news about someone coming to Lin Kaifeng to collect debts, and was shocked.He knew that this news would undoubtedly be a huge blow to Lin Kaifeng.So, he hurried back to find Liang Younian to discuss countermeasures.

After some discussion, the two decided not to tell Lin Kaifeng the news for the time being.They knew that Lin Kaifeng was currently in a complex and sensitive mood, and this news would only make him more painful and confused.They hoped to find a suitable time to tell him this fact in a gentler way.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 25 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

On this starry night, He Xin carefully prepared a special birthday apology party for Lin Kaifeng.The lights were soft, the music was melodious, and everything seemed so perfect.However, this night that was supposed to be full of warmth became ups and downs due to a series of misunderstandings and confessions.

When Lin Kaifeng stepped into this picturesque venue, he mistakenly thought that all this was a surprise prepared for him by his friend Miaomiao.A rare bright smile appeared on his face, and his eyes shone with anticipation and joy.However, when he discovered that all of this was actually He Xin's masterpiece, although he felt a little disappointed, he still chose to accept it calmly and thanked He Xin for his hard work.

At the birthday party, the atmosphere gradually became warm.Under the influence of alcohol, Lin Kaifeng's inner emotions surged like a tide.Taking advantage of the courage he had gained after drinking a few bottles of beer, he finally confessed his feelings to Xia Miaomiao, whom he had always had a crush on.However, Xia Miaomiao's reaction was beyond everyone's expectation-she rejected Lin Kaifeng mercilessly.At this moment, the air seemed to freeze, leaving Lin Kaifeng standing awkwardly, his heart full of loss and confusion.

At this time, He Xin could no longer control her emotions and ran out crying.Her departure made the originally warm atmosphere suddenly become heavy.Lin Kaifeng's confession not only frustrated himself, but also caused subtle changes in the already relaxed brotherly relationship.The friendship between Miaomiao and He Xin was also damaged by this sudden confession.

In the following days, He Xin began to alienate everyone and stopped communicating with Xia Miaomiao.Her heart was full of loss and pain, and she had a deep estrangement between Lin Kaifeng and Xia Miaomiao.On the other hand, Liang Younian confessed his feelings to Lin Kaifu - he also liked Xia Miaomiao and would not give up his pursuit because of Lin Kaifu's failure.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 26 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

He Xin carefully prepared a birthday apology party for Lin Kaifeng. Her original intention was to make up for past misunderstandings and discord.However, when Lin Kaifeng walked into the venue, mistakenly thinking that this was a surprise planned for him by his friend Miaomiao, his face showed rare joy.This joy comes from the heart, because Lin Kaifeng has always cherished his friendship with Miaomiao.

However, when the truth was revealed and Lin Kaifeng discovered that He Xin had arranged all this, he experienced some fluctuations in his heart.Although he was a little disappointed, he also understood He Xin's intentions, so he chose to accept the apology.He Xin's sincerity and courage made Lin Kaifeng feel warm. Although he still had regrets in his heart, he also understood that emotional matters could not be forced.

At the birthday party, Lin Kaifeng drank several bottles of beer, and the effect of alcohol caused emotions in his heart to surge like a tide.Taking this opportunity, he confessed his love to Xia Miaomiao.However, Xia Miaomiao's feelings for him were not what he expected, and she rejected him mercilessly.At this moment, Lin Kaifeng's heart seemed to be poured with cold water, and all his enthusiasm and expectations were extinguished in an instant.

He Xin witnessed all this, and her heart was greatly shocked.She felt that the distance between herself and Lin Kaifeng was getting farther and farther, and she could no longer be as close as before.So, she ran out of the venue crying, leaving Lin Kaifeng alone to face this sudden change.

This confession not only hit Lin Kaifeng deeply, but also changed the brotherly relationship that had already eased.They were originally close and were separated by this incident, and their mutual trust was also tested.Miaomiao and her best friends also had conflicts because of this incident, and cracks appeared in the originally indestructible friendship.

He Xin began to alienate everyone because she could not accept Xia Miaomiao's rejection and Lin Kaifeng's loss.She chose to be alone, trying to use time to heal her inner pain.Liang Younian confessed his feelings to Lin Kaifu. He told Lin Kaifu that he also liked Xia Miaomiao and would not give up because of Lin Kaifu's experience.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 27 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

In this campus full of youthful vitality, every heart is beating to a different melody.Wang Yichao's confession was like a pebble thrown into a lake, causing ripples.

That day, Wang Yichao mustered up the courage to confess his love to Axia, whom he had been in love with for a long time.His way of expressing his feelings was unique and grand, as if he wanted everyone in the school to know his feelings.Such a move surprised Axia. She did not expect Wang Yichao to express his feelings in such a high-profile way.

Axia did not feel disgusted with Wang Yichao because of this. On the contrary, she felt that if you like someone, you should express your love boldly like Wang Yichao and not be afraid of other people's eyes.So, she found her friend Xia Miaomiao and shared her thoughts with her.

After hearing this, Xia Miaomiao felt a surge of courage in her heart.She has always had a crush on Liang Younian, but she has never found the right time to confess her love.Axia's encouragement made her decide that like Wang Yichao, she would boldly express her feelings to Liang Younian.

However, Xia Miaomiao has not had the chance to meet Liang Younian recently.Just when she felt a little disappointed, Fang Xiaoyue returned to the dormitory and told her good news: there would be an event in the art club in the afternoon, and all members would attend, and new club members would also introduce themselves.As a member of the art club, Xia Miaomiao must also be present.

This news rekindled Xia Miaomiao's hope.She thought this might be a good opportunity to express her love.So, she decided to find a suitable time at the meeting to express her feelings to Liang Younian.

The activities of the art club went on as scheduled.Wang Yichao also shamelessly stayed in the art club. He wanted to witness Xia Miaomiao's confession.The new club members are Tian Yutian and Wang Ze. Their arrival has injected new vitality into the art club.

However, when Xia Miaomiao stood in front of everyone, she suddenly became nervous.She was afraid that her confession would be rejected, and that Liang Younian would look at her differently.So, she decided to avoid Liang Younian during today's meeting, for fear of meeting his eyes.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 28 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

At the edge of the rooftop, the breeze blows gently, and the city's neon lights flash in the night.Xia Miaomiao stood there, her heart beating as fast as thunder.She took a deep breath and looked firmly at Liang Younian, who was standing opposite her.

“I've liked you for a long time.”Although her voice is small, it is full of determination and sincerity.Xia Miaomiao has been a timid and timid person since she was a child. However, because of her love for Liang Younian, she began to change.She studied hard and gradually became confident.She successfully entered the university of her choice, joined the art club, and even successfully transferred departments. Every step she took was to get closer to Liang Younian and become a better version of herself.

"You may not think of all the stupid things I have done for you."A bitter smile appeared on the corner of Xia Miaomiao's mouth.Her eyes flickered with anticipation and uneasiness, waiting for Liang Younian's response.

However, Liang Younian remained silent.He didn't answer immediately, which made Xia Miaomiao's heart sink to the bottom.She thought she had been rejected, and felt an unspeakable sense of loss and sadness in her heart.After saying goodbye on the rooftop, Liang Younian began to avoid Xia Miaomiao intentionally or unintentionally, which made her feel even more painful and helpless.

However, just when Xia Miaomiao was about to give up, Liang Younian suddenly asked her to go to the lighthouse.At the top of the lighthouse, he looked at Xia Miaomiao, with the same emotion flashing in his eyes.“I like you too.” His voice was gentle but firm, like a warm wind that blew away all the haze in Xia Miaomiao's heart.

It turned out that the silence that day was not a rejection, but that Liang Younian's love was revealed in advance, which made him a little annoyed and embarrassed.He has been waiting for the right time to express his feelings to Xia Miaomiao.And at this moment, he finally did it.

A bright smile broke out on Xia Miaomiao's face, and her eyes were filled with tears, but they were tears of happiness.She knew that all the efforts and waiting were worth it, because she finally waited for Liang Younian's response.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 29 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

On an early autumn afternoon, the sunlight shines through the classroom windows on the floor of the model classroom. Members of the Art Club and News Club are busy preparing for a children's charity project.The cooperation between the two societies aims to bring more fun and knowledge to children through the power of art.

As active members of their respective societies, Xia Miaomiao and Liang Younian were entrusted with important responsibilities.They came to the model classroom together to prepare some educational models for upcoming charity activities.Xia Miaomiao was rummaging through her toolbox while discussing the details of the model with Liang Younian.

Suddenly, Xia Miaomiao realized that she had forgotten to bring her pen. She looked at Liang Younian with a trace of embarrassment in her eyes.At this time, Tian Yutian came over and handed her a pen, which solved her urgent need.Xia Miaomiao gratefully took the pen and began to concentrate on her work.

Liang Younian on the side looked at this scene and couldn't help but feel a little emotional.He was not really angry with Xia Miaomiao, just a little jealous.Xia Miaomiao noticed Liang Younian's emotional changes, and she didn't want to affect the atmosphere between the two.So, she secretly wrote a small note and coaxed Liang Younian in a cute way.

Liang Younian couldn't help laughing when he saw the words on the note.He was not really angry, he just wanted to tease Xia Miaomiao.He motioned to Xia Miaomiao to come and get something from his pocket. Xia Miaomiao walked over curiously, but didn't get anything. Instead, she unexpectedly held Liang Younian's hand.

This sudden contact made their hearts beat faster.They glanced around furtively to make sure no one noticed their little movement.Then, they smiled at each other and gently let go of their hands.

Xia Miaomiao was so shy that she felt her cheeks getting a little warm.Liang Younian handed the lollipop in his other pocket to Xia Miaomiao as a small gift for their sweet interaction.

Xia Miaomiao took the lollipop and held it in her mouth. The sweet taste instantly filled her heart.​

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 30 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

In the busy university life, Xia Miaomiao not only faces academic challenges, but also harbors an eager yearning for exchange student programs at foreign universities.Although her calculus score was not ideal and she still had four major works to complete, she never felt discouraged.This tenacity and perseverance not only reflects her pursuit of academics, but also demonstrates her firm belief in the future.

Liang Younian, as Xia Miaomiao's friend and boyfriend, gave her valuable help at the critical moment.He carefully analyzed Xia Miaomiao's transcript and found that only by improving her sports performance could she effectively increase her points.For Xia Miaomiao, this suggestion does not seem optimistic, because she only won basketball in her physical education class this semester, and she knows almost nothing about basketball and feels hopeless.

However, Liang Younian did not give up. He firmly believed in his own abilities and Xia Miaomiao's potential.He hoped that Xia Miaomiao could always remember the existence of his boyfriend, because he was confident that he could help her overcome difficulties and achieve good results.Liang Younian's support and encouragement undoubtedly gave Xia Miaomiao tremendous motivation and confidence.

Under Liang Younian's company and guidance, Xia Miaomiao began a new basketball learning journey.Although it was difficult at first, she didn't give up.She insists on practicing every day and constantly challenges her limits.And Liang Younian was always by her side, giving her the most timely help and encouragement.

As time went by, Xia Miaomiao's basketball skills gradually improved, and her sports performance also improved significantly.More importantly, she learned how to face challenges and persevere in the process.These valuable experiences not only made her academic path smoother, but also made her life path broader.

In the end, Xia Miaomiao successfully submitted an application for exchange student at a foreign university.Although her calculus scores still need to be improved, she has made significant progress in her sports scores through her own efforts and the help of Liang Younian.​

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 31 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

On a warm summer evening, Xia Miaomiao and Liang Younian decided to go watch a movie together.Xia Miaomiao was secretly looking forward to it. She thought Liang Younian would choose an action movie full of speed and passion, such as Fast and Furious 8.In her mind, boys usually like exciting and passionate scenes.

However, when Liang Younian picked up his mobile phone to book tickets, he chose a romantic love movie.Xia Miaomiao was a little surprised, because in her impression, few boys liked watching romantic movies.She couldn't help but wonder why Liang Younian made such a choice.

Before the movie started, Xia Miaomiao couldn't help but ask her doubts.Liang Youyoun smiled softly, looked at her with soft eyes and said: “Actually, I was dizzy from 3D movies. When I watched Fast and Furious with you before, I just wanted to accompany you and didn't want you to be alone..And this love movie is what I have always wanted to watch with you.”

Xia Miaomiao was stunned. She didn't expect that Liang Younian would watch so many 3D movies with her because he liked her, even though he didn't like it.This silent dedication and gentle consideration made her feel warm.

The movie started, and other people's love stories were being interpreted on the screen, but in reality, Xia Miaomiao and Liang Younian also quietly changed.Liang Younian held Xia Miaomiao's hand tightly, as if telling her that he was willing to accompany her to experience every moment in life.

As the plot of the movie progresses, a sweet and romantic atmosphere permeates the theater.Xia Miaomiao felt the warmth of Liang Younian's palms and the emotions he conveyed.At this moment, she understood that Liang Younian was not only a boy who knew how to give, but also a partner who was willing to share every detail of his life with her.

After the movie ended, the lights came on, but Xia Miaomiao and Liang Younian seemed to still be immersed in the romantic atmosphere of the movie.They looked at each other and smiled, not saying much, but their feelings for each other were self-evident.From this moment on, their relationship seems to have become closer, and the sweet feeling has quietly grown between them.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 32 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

After learning that she had won a valuable exchange student spot, Xia Miaomiao's heart surged with excitement and anticipation.And the first person in her heart who wanted to share this joy was her good friend Liang Younian.So, she informed Liang Younian without hesitation, hoping that he could share this joy with her.

After receiving the news from Xia Miaomiao, Liang Younian immediately came to the library.He found Xia Miaomiao who was sorting out books. The two looked at each other and smiled, their eyes full of expectations for the future.They began to pack their things and prepare to leave this place full of memories.

Just as they were preparing to leave, Wang Yutian happened to pass by and heard the news that Xia Miaomiao was also preparing to apply for a passport.There was something in his heart, and he originally wanted to apply with Xia Miaomiao, but when he saw Liang Younian standing aside, he hesitated.Liang Younian's possessiveness towards Xia Miaomiao made him jealous. His face darkened and he interrupted Wang Yutian's words.

On the way home, Liang Younian's jealousy became more obvious.He was silent all the way, with unhappiness written all over his face.Xia Miaomiao noticed his emotional change. She gently held Liang Younian's hand and asked him gently what was wrong.Liang Younian looked at Xia Miaomiao's concerned eyes, and most of the dissatisfaction and jealousy in his heart disappeared instantly.

In order to lighten the atmosphere, Xia Miaomiao suggested taking visa photos.The two of them came to the photo studio together. Looking at their photos hanging in the window, Liang Younian showed an embarrassed look on his face.He originally wanted the photo studio owner to take it down, but when he heard that Xia Miaomiao wanted their photos to be hung together, he immediately changed his mind and agreed to the proposal.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 33 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

On a sunny morning, Xia Miaomiao arrived at the airport early with full expectations, waiting for Liang Younian's arrival.She was excited and nervous because she knew that today, Liang Younian would make an important decision, and this decision would change the future of both of them.

However, as time passed, Xia Miaomiao began to feel uneasy.She kept looking at her watch, looking forward to Liang Younian's appearance.However, as time passed by, Liang Younian never appeared.Xia Miaomiao's heart was full of doubts and anxiety. She didn't understand why Liang Younian broke the appointment.

So, she decided to call Liang Younian.On the other end of the phone, Liang Younian's voice sounded a little heavy.He told Xia Miaomiao that he could not come to the airport because he had made an important decision.His words filled Xia Miaomiao's heart with uneasiness. She urgently wanted to know what decision Liang Younian had made.

However, Liang Younian did not tell her directly, he just asked her to check in first.Xia Miaomiao's heart was full of doubts. She didn't understand why Liang Younian wanted her to get on the plane first.However, she still chose to listen to Liang Younian and came to the boarding gate.

Just as she was about to board the plane, she suddenly realized that she couldn't just leave.She couldn't let Liang Younian face this decision alone, she needed to know the truth.So, she resolutely pulled her suitcase, left the boarding gate, and came to the Haida Swimming Pool.

When she arrived at the swimming pool, she saw Liang Younian.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 34 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

On a sunny afternoon, He Xin went to ask Liang Younian angrily.She came here because of Xia Miaomiao's affairs. She was concerned about Xia Miaomiao's current situation and wanted to know Liang Younian's attitude towards Xia Miaomiao.

There is a reason for He Xin's anger.Recently, He XinShe received a series of mysterious express packages. Each package contained items she liked, but there was no information about the sender.This surprised and confused Xia Miaomiao, while He Xin suspected that there might be an unknown story hidden behind it all.

However, when He Xin learned from Liang Younian that these express deliveries were actually sent by Lin Kaifeng, her expression instantly changed from anger to joy.Lin Kaifeng, this name is not unfamiliar to He Xin. She knows that he is a kind and a bit naughty person. Although this kind of behavior is confusing, it also reveals his understanding of He Xinof care and affection.

After learning the truth, He Xin's curiosity was completely ignited.She wanted to know what Liang Younian thought of Xia Miaomiao.In He Xin's view, the relationship between Liang Younian and Xia Miaomiao seemed a bit subtle, and she wanted to know the true emotions between them.

Facing He Xin's inquiry, Liang Younian did not evade.He frankly told He Xin that he had deep feelings for Xia Miaomiao, but he hoped that Xia Miaomiao could have her own space and time to explore her own excellence.Liang Younian believed that Xia Miaomiao was a girl with unlimited potential. Even without his company, she could still shine uniquely among the crowd.

Such an answer surprised He Xin and gave her a deeper understanding of Liang Younian.She realized that Liang Younian's love for Xia Miaomiao was not possession and control, but encouragement and support.He was willing to let Xia Miaomiao be free to pursue her dreams and become a better person.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 35 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

The summer sea breeze gently blows through the campus of Hainan University, bringing with it a bit of salty sea water and a youthful atmosphere.In this familiar and vibrant place, Xia Miaomiao returned to her alma mater.Time flies, and the once young girl is now a talented woman who has returned from overseas studies.

In the dormitory, several girls sat together, laughing and laughing.Xia Miaomiao's return made this small group full of vitality again.They shared each other's current situation and recalled every bit of their student days. The innocent friendship seemed to have never been diluted by time.

Not long after, Xia Miaomiao stood in the clothing department class.She unreservedly shared the advanced design concepts and methods she learned in the UK with her junior fellow students.Her narration is profound and simple, both theoretical and practical.Every time she shared, she won warm applause and admiring looks from her classmates.

But in this warm and hopeful scene, the story on the other side has some twists and turns and persistence.Li Sichen stood in front of Jia Yin, his eyes full of expectation and uneasiness.He wanted to know what position he occupied in this girl's heart.

Jia Yin looked at Li Sichen in front of her, with mixed feelings in her heart.She knew how kind Li Sichen was to her and felt his sincerity.However, emotional matters cannot be forced after all.She shook her head gently and told Li Sichen what she was thinking now.

Li Sichen's mood was like a roller coaster, falling from high altitude to the bottom.But he didn't give up. He heard the turning point in Jia Yin's words.Although she doesn't like him, at least she doesn't hate him.This gave him a glimmer of hope, and he told himself that there was still a chance.

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Episode 36 plot introduction

《A Little Thing Called First Love》Introduction to the complete plot and episodes

In an ordinary and warm family, Xia Miaomiao and her parents lived a simple but love-filled life.Xia's father is a sailor who has been wandering at sea for a long time, accompanying himself with wind and waves.Although Xia's mother often worried about Xia's father's voyage, more often than not, she chose to support her husband's decision with strength and trust.

On this day, the atmosphere at home was a little different.Due to changes in sea routes, Xia's father's time to return home was greatly reduced again.After Xia's mother learned the news, she couldn't help but lost her temper.Although she understood the nature of Xia's father's work, her inner reluctance and worry made her unable to hide her emotions.Xia's father silently endured his wife's reproach, knowing that it was out of love for his family and concern for him.

Xia Miaomiao stood aside and looked at her father's somewhat lonely back. She knew in her heart that her mother was just being soft-spoken and soft-hearted.No matter what decision his father makes, the family will continue to support him.She walked gently to her father, comforted him with a childish voice, and told him that her family would always wait for him and support him.

At this moment, the phone rang, and it was Liang Younian's call.He asked Xia Miaomiao to meet at the lighthouse and said he had something important to tell her.Xia Miaomiao was a little hesitant, she didn't want to go out.But Liang Younian thought of Lin Kaifeng's love tricks and deliberately pretended to be injured, which made Xia Miaomiao worried.She was worried that something had really happened to Liang Younian, so she hurried to the lighthouse.

When Xia Miaomiao rushed to the lighthouse, she saw Liang Younian standing there safe and sound, with a naughty smile on his face.He told her that all this was just to allow her to come out for some air and not to suppress herself too much because of things at home.Although Xia Miaomiao was a little angry, she was also moved by his intentions.She knew that Liang Younian was caring about her in his own way and hoped that she would be happy.

The above is the summary of the plot of A Little Thing Called First Love that the editor has compiled for you. I believe that in the subsequent plots and character relationships, the audience will also encounter some strange things.understanding, so pay attention to the line class, we will continue to bring you more exciting content.

A Little Thing Called First Love

A Little Thing Called First Love

Total 36 Episodes Oct 23, 2019 C-Drama Urban/Rom Actor: Wang Bowen Wang Runze Chai Wei Zhao Jinmai Lai Guanlin

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